Obama's Latest Argument for Gun Control Doesn't Hold Water


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama and the Dems have been out there trying to gin up support for gun control by claiming some outrageous and incorrect things. The claim that it could stop evil people in beyond incredible. But, it gets worse. Enter another straw man.

Obama's most recent scare tactic was when he said that people on the no-fly list are able to buy guns. He puts this forth as an argument that terrorists aren't banned from buying guns. His supporters fell for it instantly and now are repeating it all over the airwaves. OMG, bad people on the no-fly list getting guns. Cue the outrage. Oh, the humanity.

Not a one of them stopped to think about what it means to be on the no-fly list, specifically what we do about people who make that list. Well, generally we do nothing. If they are dangerous, keeping them off planes will only keep airline passengers safe, certainly not society. Why do people make the list, yet no other action is taken in most cases? For reasons that are never fully explained, people find themselves on the list. Some might not be aware of it until they try to purchase a ticket. Government doesn't officially notify them or accuse them of a specific crime. Just like when people have their money and property seized by officers after being tagged as a drug dealer. Just having the money was all they needed to declare you a criminal, so they take the money as instant punishment and call it good. That whole Bill of Rights thingy never comes into play.

Being on the no-fly list doesn't mean you are a terrorist or that you've done anything wrong. Like the civil forteiture laws, government takes action against people after accusing them of something without ever charging them. So, people on the no-fly list might have posted something that the government didn't like or said something in a phone conversation that NSA tagged them for. There have even been cases of mistaken identity or identity theft. Not hard to be tagged since the list of words that send up red flags would be spoken by anyone discussing current events. The way it's set up, enemies of the state are more likely to be targeted than actual terrorists, especially those radical Muslim kind.

If they suspect someone is a terrorist, they need to investigate and arrest the person if necessary. There needs to be a fair trial. We do have rights, but yet government is casually trampling them on a daily basis.

Instead of following the due process to which we are all entitled, they deny the person the ability to fly without having to prove the person is a threat.

So every person on the list has been denied their 6th Amendment right to a fair trial, to face their accuser and a jury of their peers. It's the same deal when people have their money and property confiscated by civil forfeiture. No proof, no charges and no recourse for people. Just suspecting someone, often on shaky grounds, does not give government the right to take anything away from a person.

If they believe that every person on the no-fly list is a potential terrorist, then they need to charge people and hold a trial. If the person is convicted, then send them to jail and deport any non-citizens or immigrants.

Instead, they deny them the privilege of flying without ever having to back it up. And the left has no problem with goverrnment ruining people's lives by launching accusations without respecting due process or people's rights.

Sorry, but it's not a valid argument for taking people's guns anymore than accusing someone of being a drug dealer is a valid reason to confiscate everything they own. Prove it or shut the fuck up and stop denying people's rights.

Obama claims to be a Constitutional Scholar. If he is then he should know that denying citizens things or confiscating assests without due process is a violation of their rights.

Obama and the Dems know that their supporters have emotional rather than intellectual responses to everything. He knew it would have a big effect on liberals when he stated that people on the no-fly list could buy guns and he was right about them immediately being shocked, then outraged, about it. Obama knows better since he is familiar with the constitution and those who bought into the bullshit are so gullible. You've been had again by your messiah.
The number of screw ups over the no fly list are outrageous. I've been reminding people of Sen. T. Kennedy being on the no fly.
Apart from Kennedy, Cat Stevens was on the no fly for a while.

This one killed me. A no fly toddler.

No-fly toddler? Girl removed from flight 01:50
No-fly headaches aren't just for international pop stars and federal lawmakers. In 2012, Jet Blue removed an 18-month-old child from a flight before takeoff.

The girl's mother, speaking to a CNN affiliate, said she was informed by an airline employee, "Your daughter was flagged as no fly."

The TSA, which usually remains mum on these matters, categorically denied that young Riyanna had been flagged. JetBlue later apologized, blaming the incident on a computer "glitch." There are multiple reports of children, at least two under the age of 10, being delayed because of similar errors

No-fly list nightmares: The program's most embarrassing mistakes - CNNPolitics.com
Obama and the Dems have been out there trying to gin up support for gun control by claiming some outrageous and incorrect things. The claim that it could stop evil people in beyond incredible. But, it gets worse. Enter another straw man.

Obama's most recent scare tactic was when he said that people on the no-fly list are able to buy guns. He puts this forth as an argument that terrorists aren't banned from buying guns. His supporters fell for it instantly and now are repeating it all over the airwaves. OMG, bad people on the no-fly list getting guns. Cue the outrage. Oh, the humanity.

Not a one of them stopped to think about what it means to be on the no-fly list, specifically what we do about people who make that list. Well, generally we do nothing. If they are dangerous, keeping them off planes will only keep airline passengers safe, certainly not society. Why do people make the list, yet no other action is taken in most cases? For reasons that are never fully explained, people find themselves on the list. Some might not be aware of it until they try to purchase a ticket. Government doesn't officially notify them or accuse them of a specific crime. Just like when people have their money and property seized by officers after being tagged as a drug dealer. Just having the money was all they needed to declare you a criminal, so they take the money as instant punishment and call it good. That whole Bill of Rights thingy never comes into play.

Being on the no-fly list doesn't mean you are a terrorist or that you've done anything wrong. Like the civil forteiture laws, government takes action against people after accusing them of something without ever charging them. So, people on the no-fly list might have posted something that the government didn't like or said something in a phone conversation that NSA tagged them for. There have even been cases of mistaken identity or identity theft. Not hard to be tagged since the list of words that send up red flags would be spoken by anyone discussing current events. The way it's set up, enemies of the state are more likely to be targeted than actual terrorists, especially those radical Muslim kind.

If they suspect someone is a terrorist, they need to investigate and arrest the person if necessary. There needs to be a fair trial. We do have rights, but yet government is casually trampling them on a daily basis.

Instead of following the due process to which we are all entitled, they deny the person the ability to fly without having to prove the person is a threat.

So every person on the list has been denied their 6th Amendment right to a fair trial, to face their accuser and a jury of their peers. It's the same deal when people have their money and property confiscated by civil forfeiture. No proof, no charges and no recourse for people. Just suspecting someone, often on shaky grounds, does not give government the right to take anything away from a person.

If they believe that every person on the no-fly list is a potential terrorist, then they need to charge people and hold a trial. If the person is convicted, then send them to jail and deport any non-citizens or immigrants.

Instead, they deny them the privilege of flying without ever having to back it up. And the left has no problem with goverrnment ruining people's lives by launching accusations without respecting due process or people's rights.

Sorry, but it's not a valid argument for taking people's guns anymore than accusing someone of being a drug dealer is a valid reason to confiscate everything they own. Prove it or shut the fuck up and stop denying people's rights.

Obama claims to be a Constitutional Scholar. If he is then he should know that denying citizens things or confiscating assests without due process is a violation of their rights.

Obama and the Dems know that their supporters have emotional rather than intellectual responses to everything. He knew it would have a big effect on liberals when he stated that people on the no-fly list could buy guns and he was right about them immediately being shocked, then outraged, about it. Obama knows better since he is familiar with the constitution and those who bought into the bullshit are so gullible. You've been had again by your messiah.
Obama's gun control ideas are a joke. It's like telling me my neighbors are having too many kids so I have to be neutered.
If they're so dangerous they cant be on airplanes and cant have guns what are they doing walking around free?
We should just take everyone off of the no fly list, since it doesn't mean anything.

If there is cause to take action against someone, then take it. This shit about denying things based on suspicion without proof is bullshit.

We all have rights and there is due process that we are all entitled to. You can't just deny anyone rights or privileges for no reason. If there is reason, there better be an investigation and charges pending.

We are so reactionary instead of being proactive. People on the no-fly because of what those radical Muslims did on 9/11. So suspected terrorists can still take buses and trains. They can probably take cruise ships. Yea, no danger there. And when one of them drives a bus full of bombs into a building, they'll have a no-transportation list. The terrorists are past using planes and are planning the next attack. Only after that will we have security checks on other modes of transportation.

Never mind that TSA has cost money and haven't been any more effective than no-fly lists and other lame precautions.
If they're so dangerous they cant be on airplanes and cant have guns what are they doing walking around free?
Exactly. Big government is infringing on their rights. Leave them alone.

Big government is leaving most terrorists alone. It's little old ladies, little children and probably military vets that get the most scrutiny.

Look at the list of words that will get you flagged with NSA. I'm surprised everyone at this forum isn't on the no-fly list.
So if the Police suspect a guy is a terrorist the GOP want him to be able to buy as many guns as possible...
Obama and the Dems have been out there trying to gin up support for gun control by claiming some outrageous and incorrect things. The claim that it could stop evil people in beyond incredible. But, it gets worse. Enter another straw man.

Obama's most recent scare tactic was when he said that people on the no-fly list are able to buy guns. He puts this forth as an argument that terrorists aren't banned from buying guns. His supporters fell for it instantly and now are repeating it all over the airwaves. OMG, bad people on the no-fly list getting guns. Cue the outrage. Oh, the humanity.

Not a one of them stopped to think about what it means to be on the no-fly list, specifically what we do about people who make that list. Well, generally we do nothing. If they are dangerous, keeping them off planes will only keep airline passengers safe, certainly not society. Why do people make the list, yet no other action is taken in most cases? For reasons that are never fully explained, people find themselves on the list. Some might not be aware of it until they try to purchase a ticket. Government doesn't officially notify them or accuse them of a specific crime. Just like when people have their money and property seized by officers after being tagged as a drug dealer. Just having the money was all they needed to declare you a criminal, so they take the money as instant punishment and call it good. That whole Bill of Rights thingy never comes into play.

Being on the no-fly list doesn't mean you are a terrorist or that you've done anything wrong. Like the civil forteiture laws, government takes action against people after accusing them of something without ever charging them. So, people on the no-fly list might have posted something that the government didn't like or said something in a phone conversation that NSA tagged them for. There have even been cases of mistaken identity or identity theft. Not hard to be tagged since the list of words that send up red flags would be spoken by anyone discussing current events. The way it's set up, enemies of the state are more likely to be targeted than actual terrorists, especially those radical Muslim kind.

If they suspect someone is a terrorist, they need to investigate and arrest the person if necessary. There needs to be a fair trial. We do have rights, but yet government is casually trampling them on a daily basis.

Instead of following the due process to which we are all entitled, they deny the person the ability to fly without having to prove the person is a threat.

So every person on the list has been denied their 6th Amendment right to a fair trial, to face their accuser and a jury of their peers. It's the same deal when people have their money and property confiscated by civil forfeiture. No proof, no charges and no recourse for people. Just suspecting someone, often on shaky grounds, does not give government the right to take anything away from a person.

If they believe that every person on the no-fly list is a potential terrorist, then they need to charge people and hold a trial. If the person is convicted, then send them to jail and deport any non-citizens or immigrants.

Instead, they deny them the privilege of flying without ever having to back it up. And the left has no problem with goverrnment ruining people's lives by launching accusations without respecting due process or people's rights.

Sorry, but it's not a valid argument for taking people's guns anymore than accusing someone of being a drug dealer is a valid reason to confiscate everything they own. Prove it or shut the fuck up and stop denying people's rights.

Obama claims to be a Constitutional Scholar. If he is then he should know that denying citizens things or confiscating assests without due process is a violation of their rights.

Obama and the Dems know that their supporters have emotional rather than intellectual responses to everything. He knew it would have a big effect on liberals when he stated that people on the no-fly list could buy guns and he was right about them immediately being shocked, then outraged, about it. Obama knows better since he is familiar with the constitution and those who bought into the bullshit are so gullible. You've been had again by your messiah.









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So if the Police suspect a guy is a terrorist the GOP want him to be able to buy as many guns as possible...

You have heard of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, haven't you?

We are innocent until proven guilty. You have heard that, right?

Yes, it means some criminals and terrorists will walk the streets until they get caught. That's how it works. Unless you support authorities declaring guilt without due process. Maybe you want to do away with our whole justice system and just have a king that judges everyone and puts them in a prison on a whim.

If we allow government to continue taking away people's rights just because they say they suspect them of something, we could all lose our rights because anyone could be accused of something. We shouldn't be going down that road to the extent that we are.

It's insane that they think putting some people on a no-fly list will make a difference or prevent a terrorist attack. There are enough genuine terrorists not on the no-fly list. Do you care about that? Apparently not, because while little children and totally innocent people have managed to get on the no-fly list, we are flying in thousands of refugees and we have no way of knowing who they really are. Why don't you concern yourself with the big picture instead of expressing whatever outrage the Daily KO or Obama told you to?

Seriously, it's priceless that Obama is pretending to worry about an inaccurate no-fly list when he's importing people we know nothing about.
Can't deny people their Constitutional Rights without due process and evidence proving guilt of a felony.

Left dream of doing it like their heroes Stalin and Hitler, but this is America.

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