Obama's Legacy

Stop it!

Don't you guys know that ANY criticism of Obama is considered racist by the Left?
Gipper, stuff a sock in that tired old bumper-sticker cliche. Both sides use it so much it doesn't mean anything anymore except to strengthen resolve against working together. Or is that your goal?
Hey...watch your mouth.

Explain how both sides yell racism when someone criticizes Dear Leader.
Mea culpa, gipper. I was posting generically when I said both sides use the term too casually. Democrats use it indiscriminately to the point of diluting any meaning, and Republicans use it pretty much the same to counter Democratic-inspired intentions of giving (Ex, Affirmative Action) people considered excluded a break, including the undeserving.
Yeah and did you hear that the biggest racist in history is Trump. He and Hitler are so alike....right?
Now that you mention it....I do recall that Hitler promised to make Germany great again. That had great appeal to a depressed country that had suffered the indignity of losing a war, and jobs. And I remember that he scapegoated a segment of German citizenry that was as German as he was, along with the ubermench complex and a promise to clear the land of those 'dirty people'. And it all sounded so logical, so cleansing and Utopian. Although I do not know if he explained his intended process or whether he convinced his nation by slogans without details. All I know is how it turned out.
Stop it!

Don't you guys know that ANY criticism of Obama is considered racist by the Left?
Gipper, stuff a sock in that tired old bumper-sticker cliche. Both sides use it so much it doesn't mean anything anymore except to strengthen resolve against working together. Or is that your goal?
Hey...watch your mouth.

Explain how both sides yell racism when someone criticizes Dear Leader.
Mea culpa, gipper. I was posting generically when I said both sides use the term too casually. Democrats use it indiscriminately to the point of diluting any meaning, and Republicans use it pretty much the same to counter Democratic-inspired intentions of giving (Ex, Affirmative Action) people considered excluded a break, including the undeserving.
Yeah and did you hear that the biggest racist in history is Trump. He and Hitler are so alike....right?
Now that you mention it....I do recall that Hitler promised to make Germany great again. That had great appeal to a depressed country that had suffered the indignity of losing a war, and jobs. And I remember that he scapegoated a segment of German citizenry that was as German as he was, along with the ubermench complex and a promise to clear the land of those 'dirty people'. And it all sounded so logical, so cleansing and Utopian. Although I do not know if he explained his intended process or whether he convinced his nation by slogans without details. All I know is how it turned out.

Yeah....I heard the other day that Trump's book Art of the Deal, was actually supposed to be entitled Mein Kampf....and I was watching the History Channel and they said Trump is actually a grandson of Hitler. It's so fucking crazy....no?

Gipper, stuff a sock in that tired old bumper-sticker cliche. Both sides use it so much it doesn't mean anything anymore except to strengthen resolve against working together. Or is that your goal?
Hey...watch your mouth.

Explain how both sides yell racism when someone criticizes Dear Leader.
Mea culpa, gipper. I was posting generically when I said both sides use the term too casually. Democrats use it indiscriminately to the point of diluting any meaning, and Republicans use it pretty much the same to counter Democratic-inspired intentions of giving (Ex, Affirmative Action) people considered excluded a break, including the undeserving.
Yeah and did you hear that the biggest racist in history is Trump. He and Hitler are so alike....right?
Now that you mention it....I do recall that Hitler promised to make Germany great again. That had great appeal to a depressed country that had suffered the indignity of losing a war, and jobs. And I remember that he scapegoated a segment of German citizenry that was as German as he was, along with the ubermench complex and a promise to clear the land of those 'dirty people'. And it all sounded so logical, so cleansing and Utopian. Although I do not know if he explained his intended process or whether he convinced his nation by slogans without details. All I know is how it turned out.

Yeah....I heard the other day that Trump's book Art of the Deal, was actually supposed to be entitled Mein Kampf....and I was watching the History Channel and they said Trump is actually a grandson of Hitler. It's so fucking crazy....no?

Yes, it IS crazy, gipper. I have no doubt America is peppered with folks who would emulate Hitler for sundry reasons. But our system, for now, is detrimental to that kind of authoritarian leadership.

But I have always wondered how a people like Germany, which once valued high intellect, with great universities and a penchant for cleanliness and 'gemutlichite' (sp?), I always wondered how they fell so low. It wasn't overnight, but little by little they gave up a little something for ... ? Dignity? Regained Pride? Resurging industry? There were probably many factors, and Hitler found them and played them.

I haven't spoken much of this concern because the accusation of comparing to Hitler has been so overused, beginning with GWB, that it no longer has meaning. But I have had this in the back of my mind since the Patriot Act as it destroyed 4A. Think of it, gipper.... Remember all the people who railed about needing guns to protect the Constitution from governmental meddling in the BOR? And yet, they were all so deafeningly silent when the Patriot Act struck down 4A, and warrantless wiretaps were promoted, for security reasons. Evidence that a people CAN be convinced to shift or drop values if a charismatic speaker convinces them. Where were all these Constitution defenders then? Were the voices of protest not shouted down as traitors, enemy coddlers? No, the majority population genuinely believed we should give up this 'little bit' for 'good reasons' and still do. That's how it happens, gipper. It gets chipped away, so softly it is nearly un-noticable.

I am not without conflict. I want background checks and loopholes closed and combat-type weapons reserved for law enforcement and military. They are the only ones IMHO that should 'get a bigger gun'. That's an example of my thoughts that there are always limits.

OK so I unloaded on you. sorry
Hey...watch your mouth.

Explain how both sides yell racism when someone criticizes Dear Leader.
Mea culpa, gipper. I was posting generically when I said both sides use the term too casually. Democrats use it indiscriminately to the point of diluting any meaning, and Republicans use it pretty much the same to counter Democratic-inspired intentions of giving (Ex, Affirmative Action) people considered excluded a break, including the undeserving.
Yeah and did you hear that the biggest racist in history is Trump. He and Hitler are so alike....right?
Now that you mention it....I do recall that Hitler promised to make Germany great again. That had great appeal to a depressed country that had suffered the indignity of losing a war, and jobs. And I remember that he scapegoated a segment of German citizenry that was as German as he was, along with the ubermench complex and a promise to clear the land of those 'dirty people'. And it all sounded so logical, so cleansing and Utopian. Although I do not know if he explained his intended process or whether he convinced his nation by slogans without details. All I know is how it turned out.

Yeah....I heard the other day that Trump's book Art of the Deal, was actually supposed to be entitled Mein Kampf....and I was watching the History Channel and they said Trump is actually a grandson of Hitler. It's so fucking crazy....no?

Yes, it IS crazy, gipper. I have no doubt America is peppered with folks who would emulate Hitler for sundry reasons. But our system, for now, is detrimental to that kind of authoritarian leadership.

But I have always wondered how a people like Germany, which once valued high intellect, with great universities and a penchant for cleanliness and 'gemutlichite' (sp?), I always wondered how they fell so low. It wasn't overnight, but little by little they gave up a little something for ... ? Dignity? Regained Pride? Resurging industry? There were probably many factors, and Hitler found them and played them.

I haven't spoken much of this concern because the accusation of comparing to Hitler has been so overused, beginning with GWB, that it no longer has meaning. But I have had this in the back of my mind since the Patriot Act as it destroyed 4A. Think of it, gipper.... Remember all the people who railed about needing guns to protect the Constitution from governmental meddling in the BOR? And yet, they were all so deafeningly silent when the Patriot Act struck down 4A, and warrantless wiretaps were promoted, for security reasons. Evidence that a people CAN be convinced to shift or drop values if a charismatic speaker convinces them. Where were all these Constitution defenders then? Were the voices of protest not shouted down as traitors, enemy coddlers? No, the majority population genuinely believed we should give up this 'little bit' for 'good reasons' and still do. That's how it happens, gipper. It gets chipped away, so softly it is nearly un-noticable.

I am not without conflict. I want background checks and loopholes closed and combat-type weapons reserved for law enforcement and military. They are the only ones IMHO that should 'get a bigger gun'. That's an example of my thoughts that there are always limits.

OK so I unloaded on you. sorry
No need to be sorry.

I agree with you regarding the Patriot Act. I was against it from the get go, but then I am against just about anything the central government enacts.

IMO Hillary is far more dangerous to our liberties. She has a proven track record. Trump could very well turn out worse than Hillary, but at least there is a chance with Trump. There is no chance with her.

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