Obama's Liberal Land Grab - 3 Times The Size of Texas


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'The Lord Giveth, and the Liberals Taketh Away' :p

Obama Seized Enough Land, Water in 8 Years to Cover Texas THREE TIMES

"In a move ignored by the liberal media last week, Obama unilaterally seized more than 1.3 million acres from Utah to establish the Bears Ears Monument, preserving it at the behest of conservationist groups and Native American tribes who claimed the land was sacred. Utah’s state legislature, however, opposed the unilateral land grab across party lines, with many speculating that Obama’s move is the latest in an attempt to limit efforts from incoming President Donald Trump to expand domestic energy production.

Obama also claimed 300,000 acres in Clark County, Nevada, as the Gold Butte National Monument, effectively closing the area off to future development for uranium mining, oil drilling or natural gas production.

While it's certainly nothing new, Obama's habit of unilaterally confiscating land has ramped up heading into the final stretch of his presidency. In the eight years he’s been in office, President Obama has seized more than 553 million acres of land and water (roughly 865,000 square miles) and placed it under federal ownership and control – enough square mileage to cover the entire state of Texas more than three times over. In fact, the self-aggrandizing conservationist-in-chief has placed more land and coastal areas under federal control than any other president in history, shutting off millions of miles of land to energy production or human settlement, along with shifting it outside the scope of local and state jurisdictions."

In the end, everything about Liberals / Liberalism is 'CONTROL'...as in 'EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE'.
According to the constitution the fed is very limited in what land it can have. Such as land for military bases, naval stations, buildings in Washington, etc. Looks like they been doing a lot of land grabs for along time, and illegally at that.
'The Lord Giveth, and the Liberals Taketh Away' :p

Obama Seized Enough Land, Water in 8 Years to Cover Texas THREE TIMES

"In a move ignored by the liberal media last week, Obama unilaterally seized more than 1.3 million acres from Utah to establish the Bears Ears Monument, preserving it at the behest of conservationist groups and Native American tribes who claimed the land was sacred. Utah’s state legislature, however, opposed the unilateral land grab across party lines, with many speculating that Obama’s move is the latest in an attempt to limit efforts from incoming President Donald Trump to expand domestic energy production.

Obama also claimed 300,000 acres in Clark County, Nevada, as the Gold Butte National Monument, effectively closing the area off to future development for uranium mining, oil drilling or natural gas production.

While it's certainly nothing new, Obama's habit of unilaterally confiscating land has ramped up heading into the final stretch of his presidency. In the eight years he’s been in office, President Obama has seized more than 553 million acres of land and water (roughly 865,000 square miles) and placed it under federal ownership and control – enough square mileage to cover the entire state of Texas more than three times over. In fact, the self-aggrandizing conservationist-in-chief has placed more land and coastal areas under federal control than any other president in history, shutting off millions of miles of land to energy production or human settlement, along with shifting it outside the scope of local and state jurisdictions."

In the end, everything about Liberals / Liberalism is 'CONTROL'...as in 'EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE'.

Still sucking up all the natives' ancestral lands. And lefties still cheering them on like they always do.

The only way to fix this is to eliminate the blm, the national parks service, the epa, and the forest service..and for people to start picking off the "agents" that patrol that land illegally.
Yet another bullshit misleading thread. All the land in question and claimed to be getting grabbed has always been the domain of the USA. Nobody has had land "grabbed" or confiscated in any way. The owners of the land, that being the people of the USA, gave powers to their Presidents to protect those lands by declaring them off limits to development or perceived abuses by declaring them to be National Monuments worthy of preservation.
Taxpayers have been maintaining those lands for a century or more. The declaration that they become a National Monument is simply a protection of that investment.

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