Obama's Lies About Chemical Weapons In Syria

he did the ole 2 step HG, first when reports surfaced that France and Britain said they were certain, he said he was not convinced, then after the shit storm over IRS, NSA etc. etc. hit, all of sudden he announced he was convinced and he would do something about it...we're still waiting to see what that "Timeline" means....probably just what it meant the first time, squat. ....:eusa_whistle: Wag the dog bro....

The Obama administration has concluded that Syrian President Bashar Assad's government used chemical weapons against the rebels seeking to overthrow him and, in a major policy shift, President Obama has decided to supply military support to the rebels, the White House announced Thursday.

"The president has made a decision about providing more support to the opposition that will involve providing direct support to the [Supreme Military Council]. That includes military support," Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Ben Rhodes told reporters.

President Obama has repeatedly said that the use of chemical weapons is a "red line" that, if crossed, would be a "game changer" for more U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war.

"The President has been clear that the use of chemical weapons - or the transfer of chemical weapons to terrorist groups - is a red line for the United States," said Rhodes in a separate written statement.

"The President has said that the use of chemical weapons would change his calculus, and it has," he continued.

In terms of further response, Rhodes said, "we will make decisions on our own timeline" and that Congress and the international community would be consulted. Mr. Obama is heading to Northern Ireland Sunday for a meeting of the G8 group of nations; Rhodes indicated the president will consult with leaders of those countries.

U.S.: Syria used chemical weapons, crossing "red line" - CBS News

President Obama has repeatedly said that the use of chemical weapons is a "red line" that, if crossed, would be a "game changer" for more U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war.

So Assad, to his own detriment, uses chemical weapons.

The official story does pass the smell test.

Tyrants tend to do that from time to time. Like Saddam.

It's funny, but nearly every Intelligence Service in the world and CIA, DIA, NSA ALL stated that Iraq had WMDs. The US invaded and nothing was found. However, there WERE several locations found where hundreds of CBR suits and masks were found.

I long theorized that before the invasion, Saddam had transported his WMDs ( The majority of which were chemical ) to Syria for "safe-keeping". ust a theory, but it does seem to be a little "convenient", does it not?
The problem is Obama did not say what would happen if the "red line" was crossed.

Go back and check for yourself.

He doesn't say what our response would be if it was crossed.

But as for the idea he folded, um...then what is all the fuss about which the GOP has been making about Obama deciding to arm the rebels in the past couple weeks?

Sound to me like it is the GOP which is running away.

I don't think he folded. I just think he never should have drawn a red line so to speak. We have no business in Syria. Both sides are hostile to US interests. Let them fight amongst themselves.

I absolutely agree. There is nothing to be gained by the US in intervening in a situation that will inevitably come back and bite us on the collective butt. The current regime hates us. The rebels hate us. Arming them would turn out exactly the same as it did with the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan.

Problem? Barry is incapable of keeping his mouth shut.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ3niMs8tZY]SYRIAN GIRL 8 Reasons Why The NWO Hates Syria_ GLOBAL DOMIN - YouTube[/ame]

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