Obama's message, "it's too damn hard"

My question is this...and I believe I know the answer....

Apparently France unloaded on a known ISIS training ground and a known ISIS munitions depot. So I must ask....if they were known locations, why did we not hit them already? What were we waiting for? For them to close those locations down and move them somewhere else?

Yet....we take PRIDE in the killing of the most famous Jihadist of the month....one man....who was quickly replaced by another.

Seems Obama only wants to hit targets that add to his legacy. Bombing a munitions dump....people hear it and move on. No lasting affect.

But killing Jihadi John has reputation....people say ..."wow, Obama got another one"

Bush was right.....Bin laden was just one man and not worthy of spending time and money and troops finding him. It is the overall mission, Mr. Obama....THE OVERALL MISSION.

It gives the illusion of really fighting the war on radical islam without taking any of the risk. Pushing it on down th road to the next president. After ISIS have taken a stronger foothold inside the US. The next president will be blamed for whatever they do.
He's making excuses because he's utterly clueless as how to proceed.
He looks like he does not know what to do. Its scary. The de facto leader of the free world is clueless.
Until of course there is a solution that will result in a net political gain for Obama and the democrat party
He is clueless. His "strategy" has been to kick hard decisions to someone else. Like the UN or NATO. And hten appease his base here while appearing to do something.
We see now that is a failed strategy. Much like the rest of his foreign policy.
The time has come for Obama..either lead or resign. It's just that simple
He is not going to do either.

Sadly you are correct. He will continue to try and protect his legacy....not realizing his legacy will be off an epic fail
His failure to recognize the danger of radical Islam, his demand that the US accept Muslim refuges, his refusal to do anything about ISIS, and his arming of ISIS; should be enough to impeach and remove him from office...in a sane nation.
While the French are doing everything they can to defeat ISIS "no drama Obama" says it's too damn hard to fight terrorists who have sophisticated weapons and are willing to die for the jihad so we have no strategy. We are a caring Country however so we will welcome potential Syrian terrorists regardless of race religion or creed.
We can't afford anymore wars...

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