Obama's message, "it's too damn hard"

Dianne Feinstein just made a very valid point about this particular "war". ISIS is using Apple iPhones and/or other newer technologies developed by Silicon Valley which means they can't be hacked or tracked. They enjoy total privacy and untraceable communications thanks to the geniuses at Google, Samsung, and Apple, et al.

Too bad that dictator Obama didn't sign an executive order banning them from this kind of technology in the newer phones. Oh, that's right...Obama is part of the Muslim Brotherhood and would never dream of interfering with ISIS.
While the French are doing everything they can to defeat ISIS "no drama Obama" says it's too damn hard to fight terrorists who have sophisticated weapons and are willing to die for the jihad so we have no strategy. We are a caring Country however so we will welcome potential Syrian terrorists regardless of race religion or creed.

Further proof the Right hears only what they want to hear and NEVER what is actually said.

They hear opinions from the talking heads on Fox and confuse it with news and fact.
Interesting. Two observations on my part.....

1) You completely ignored the point being made..and, instead, went on your "Bash Bush" rampage

2) you completely ignored that it was the intel of nearly a dozen countries that claimed there were wmd's

Both observations tell me I am correct. You are a child not worthy of my tie. Cya punk!

No WMD was found, now was there? All of my observations tell me you have the intellect of a 6 month old, and surely the recall/memory of one.
While the French are doing everything they can to defeat ISIS "no drama Obama" says it's too damn hard to fight terrorists who have sophisticated weapons and are willing to die for the jihad so we have no strategy. We are a caring Country however so we will welcome potential Syrian terrorists regardless of race religion or creed.

Further proof the Right hears only what they want to hear and NEVER what is actually said.

They hear opinions from the talking heads on Fox and confuse it with news and fact.
Exactly, more than once Obama said that terrorists can kill innocent people even though they DON'T have sophisticated weapons, and one time he gave the example of the Boston Marathon bombing with a PRESSURE COOKER.
While the French are doing everything they can to defeat ISIS "no drama Obama" says it's too damn hard to fight terrorists who have sophisticated weapons and are willing to die for the jihad so we have no strategy. We are a caring Country however so we will welcome potential Syrian terrorists regardless of race religion or creed.
First, no one is fighting harder than we are against ISIS. No one. France dropped, what, 22 bombs?

Second, why have the Republicans REFUSED to give Obama an AUMF against ISIS for over a year now?
Ground wars don't work? What are you....like 3?
Civil War
American Revolutionary War

How's Obamas strategy working? A plane downed 3 weeks ago. 3 men had to stop an attack on a train. 120 dead in France.

So tell me...curious.....Mr. Ground Wars Don't Work......Apparently we are taking credit for giving the intel as to where the training camp and munitions depot was for France to destroy last night.

If we had that information....why had we not hit it already? Is that part of the strategy? Don't hit training camps and munitions depots?

It does not take rocket science to know that if you destroy a training camp, you are killing mostly new recruits who got to die before even entering the fight.....maybe that would kill morale and slow down their recruiting process? Maybe?

But no....that's not part of the strategy. Instead, the strategy is to kill "popular" targets like Jihadi John....you know...the targets that do very little to slow the enemy.....but look great on a list of accomplishments!

Excuse me, I should have qualified ground wars don't work on enemies that don't wear uniforms and don't fight from behind front lines, or any lines for that matter, unless you haven't noticed.

You left Viet Nam off your list. You know the Viet Nam war that we lost, too.
that ground war worked for the North. Ground wars work. When the enemy is difficult to find such as ISIS, it does not mean we should say "well, a ground war against this enemy will not work so we wont engage them"....you find a way to make them work.

But you did not explain why our strategy does not include the elimination of training camps and munitions depots....why did we know where they were but not take them out?


So 10 years in Iraq means what to you? Victory? 1,000,000 wounded is called winning?
The military mocked Bush for making them cut the tail off the snake instead of the head.
And they were right, because the head survived and became ISIS. Thanks, Bush.
if you had any understanding of military operations.....it is not about "winning"...it is about accomplishing a mission. There are no winners in war. Everyone loses.

Grow up and I suggest you get off the Bush thing. He has been out for 7 years...and history will judge him the correct way........and you will likely cry everytime you read about his legacy.

Spin it any way you want, our mission was not accomplished either, was it? If so, please state what Bush and Cheney accomplished in Iraq and Afghanistan.
ISIS was formed by al-Baghdadi in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005 when he was detained there with other terrorist captives. They didn't pop out of the ground in 2009 like you idiots would like to believe.

Yes, Bush's absolute failure is his legacy and left an interminable mess for the next POTUS to try to fix.

2 reatards in a prision don't constitue a theat nim rod...

Just research USMB yourself when was ISIS first mentioned?

Around April of 2014... Obama JV comment in January 2014 was directed at Al Quada..

Get trying to blow smoke up people's ass when you can just research news articles and forum posts.
Dianne Feinstein just made a very valid point about this particular "war". ISIS is using Apple iPhones and/or other newer technologies developed by Silicon Valley which means they can't be hacked or tracked. They enjoy total privacy and untraceable communications thanks to the geniuses at Google, Samsung, and Apple, et al.

Too bad that dictator Obama didn't sign an executive order banning them from this kind of technology in the newer phones.

Sieg Heil!
Yep. Here it comes. Can you feel it?

I have been saying for a while now that in the Capitol basement there is a shrink wrapped Patriot Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business.

You can feel the rubes channeling their inner nazis all over the place today. All it will take is an attack here in the US, and out will come the flag pins and armbands, and it's down the totalitarian tubes we go.

You can smell it.
Ground wars don't work? What are you....like 3?
Civil War
American Revolutionary War

How's Obamas strategy working? A plane downed 3 weeks ago. 3 men had to stop an attack on a train. 120 dead in France.

So tell me...curious.....Mr. Ground Wars Don't Work......Apparently we are taking credit for giving the intel as to where the training camp and munitions depot was for France to destroy last night.

If we had that information....why had we not hit it already? Is that part of the strategy? Don't hit training camps and munitions depots?

It does not take rocket science to know that if you destroy a training camp, you are killing mostly new recruits who got to die before even entering the fight.....maybe that would kill morale and slow down their recruiting process? Maybe?

But no....that's not part of the strategy. Instead, the strategy is to kill "popular" targets like Jihadi John....you know...the targets that do very little to slow the enemy.....but look great on a list of accomplishments!

Excuse me, I should have qualified ground wars don't work on enemies that don't wear uniforms and don't fight from behind front lines, or any lines for that matter, unless you haven't noticed.

You left Viet Nam off your list. You know the Viet Nam war... we lost that too.

Politicians lost Vietnam, not the military.
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Ground wars don't work? What are you....like 3?
Civil War
American Revolutionary War

How's Obamas strategy working? A plane downed 3 weeks ago. 3 men had to stop an attack on a train. 120 dead in France.

So tell me...curious.....Mr. Ground Wars Don't Work......Apparently we are taking credit for giving the intel as to where the training camp and munitions depot was for France to destroy last night.

If we had that information....why had we not hit it already? Is that part of the strategy? Don't hit training camps and munitions depots?

It does not take rocket science to know that if you destroy a training camp, you are killing mostly new recruits who got to die before even entering the fight.....maybe that would kill morale and slow down their recruiting process? Maybe?

But no....that's not part of the strategy. Instead, the strategy is to kill "popular" targets like Jihadi John....you know...the targets that do very little to slow the enemy.....but look great on a list of accomplishments!

Excuse me, I should have qualified ground wars don't work on enemies that don't wear uniforms and don't fight from behind front lines, or any lines for that matter, unless you haven't noticed.

You left Viet Nam off your list. You know the Viet Nam war that we lost, too.
that ground war worked for the North. Ground wars work. When the enemy is difficult to find such as ISIS, it does not mean we should say "well, a ground war against this enemy will not work so we wont engage them"....you find a way to make them work.

But you did not explain why our strategy does not include the elimination of training camps and munitions depots....why did we know where they were but not take them out?


So 10 years in Iraq means what to you? Victory? 1,000,000 wounded is called winning?
The military mocked Bush for making them cut the tail off the snake instead of the head.
And they were right, because the head survived and became ISIS. Thanks, Bush.
if you had any understanding of military operations.....it is not about "winning"...it is about accomplishing a mission. There are no winners in war. Everyone loses.

Grow up and I suggest you get off the Bush thing. He has been out for 7 years...and history will judge him the correct way........and you will likely cry everytime you read about his legacy.

Spin it any way you want, our mission was not accomplished either, was it? If so, please state what Bush and Cheney accomplished in Iraq and Afghanistan.
ISIS was formed by al-Baghdadi in Camp Bucca in Iraq in 2005 when he was detained there with other terrorist captives. They didn't pop out of the ground in 2009 like you idiots would like to believe.

Yes, Bush's absolute failure is his legacy and left an interminable mess for the next POTUS to try to fix.

The terrorist sent out the word not to send any more foreign fighters to Iraq, they had lost. Then your dear leader was elected. You know what happened then.
The time has come for Obama..either lead or resign. It's just that simple
He is not going to do either.

Sadly you are correct. He will continue to try and protect his legacy....not realizing his legacy will be off an epic fail

Uh-huh. Sure. He just doesn't want to continue Bush's legacy of 10 years, $4,000,000,000,000, 4500 dead, and almost a million wounded. Ground wars don't work, unless pinheads hadn't noticed.

Report: A Million Veterans Injured In Iraq, Afghanistan Wars
The International Business Times reported Friday that the Department of Veterans Affairs had stopped releasing the number of non-fatal casualties of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, thus concealing what the paper called a “grim milestone” of 1 million injuries.

All that can be said with any certainty is that as of last December more than 900,000 service men and women had been treated at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics since returning from war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that the monthly rate of new patients to these facilities as of the end of 2012 was around 10,000. Beyond that, the picture gets murky. In March, VA abruptly stopped releasing statistics on non-fatal war casualties to the public. However, experts say that there is no reason to suspect the monthly rate of new patients has changed…

VA stopped preparing and releasing these reports on health care use and disability claims involving the 2.6 million U.S. service members who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan without warning, claiming unspecified “security” reasons.

Report: A Million Veterans Injured In Iraq, Afghanistan Wars
Translation: Boooooosh (no contribution to the OP)
Ground wars don't work? What are you....like 3?
Civil War
American Revolutionary War

How's Obamas strategy working? A plane downed 3 weeks ago. 3 men had to stop an attack on a train. 120 dead in France.

So tell me...curious.....Mr. Ground Wars Don't Work......Apparently we are taking credit for giving the intel as to where the training camp and munitions depot was for France to destroy last night.

If we had that information....why had we not hit it already? Is that part of the strategy? Don't hit training camps and munitions depots?

It does not take rocket science to know that if you destroy a training camp, you are killing mostly new recruits who got to die before even entering the fight.....maybe that would kill morale and slow down their recruiting process? Maybe?

But no....that's not part of the strategy. Instead, the strategy is to kill "popular" targets like Jihadi John....you know...the targets that do very little to slow the enemy.....but look great on a list of accomplishments!

I noticed desert shield/storm wasn't on your list.
LOL @ ground wars don't work. Moron

LOL...Show us the data that we won in Iraq and Afghanistan....Or STFU.
Obama stated he successfully ended the Iraq war.

He did . Iraq fell apart because of poor (democratically elected. ) leadership . We left Iraq with all the tools to succeed. And they wanted us to leave .

"They" being ISIS, Timmy?

"They" meaning the Iraqis . They got tired of an occupying army . It has been like 10 years or so.
The Iraqi leadership actually asked us to keep US troops in Iraq, Timmy. They, as well as the US Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff, realized that the Iraqi forces were not yet ready to stand on their own.

Barry simply declared that they were ready and pulled out the US troops.

The "occupying army" that Iraqis are tired of these days is ISIS.

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