Obama's new attack ad--Romney guilty of investing in companies that outsource.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
I doubt too many Obama supporters know that Obama's JOBS czar is Jeffrey Inmelt--(CEO of General Electric) who is also known as the mother of all outsourcer's. Inmelt who recently partnered up with China giving them advanced American technology. Of course, another story that the main stream media in this country will NOT tell you.

Liberal Democrat Dennis Kucinich stated that Inmelt should be removed from the Presidents job council because of a conflict of interest. Jeffrey Inmelt is still Obama's jobs Czar.

NEW YORK -- General Electric (GE) chief Jeffrey Immelt should resign from his position as head of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness because many of his company's goals conflict with the council's goal of boosting U.S. employment and economic output, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) argued Wednesday in a little-noticed press release.

"If he does not resign, the White House should remove him," Kucinich said in the statement.

Kucinich's statements came in response to a story in the Washington Post describing General Electric's transfer of sophisticated aviation technologies it has developed to a Chinese joint venture.

"American taxpayers subsidized the development of this advanced technology, but U.S. taxpayers' investment will end up creating jobs in China. In the short term, GE is selling products to the Chinese, which will help GE's bottom line. In the long term, the Chinese will end up manufacturing and selling products using the same technologies that were made in America," read the statement from Kucinich, a seven-term congressman who has run for President in the past, and who is known for taking positions that are well outside the political mainstream.
Kucinich to Immelt: Resign - TheStreet

Furthermore Obama used taxpayer economic stimulus dollars to create Jobs in CHINA. You remember that 878 economic stimulus bill that Obama promised would create millions of jobs in this country.

A war is emerging between Congress and the White House over high-profile stimulus programs that lawmakers claim aren't serving the American people.

Senate Democrats lashed out at the Obama administration on Wednesday, saying its stimulus wind energy program creates jobs overseas instead of in the U.S., and they're calling for the administration to put a stop to it.

"Today, we are demanding the Obama administration suspend this program immediately," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

The program has already spent $2 billion, funding enough projects to power 2.4 million homes.

An investigation by ABC News and the Investigative Reporting Workshop found that 79 percent of the program's money has gone to foreign companies, money that Schumer said was "federal tax dollars, the stimulus, which was sold as jobs in America."
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News

So Obama puts out an attack ad against Romney for "investing" in American companies that have outsourced jobs as millions of Americans have done--while his own JOBS CZAR (the one that Obama appointed)--Jeffry Inmelt--(CEO of General electric) last year partnered up with China to pass on advanced American technology to them--and Obama used tax payer economic stimulus dollars that went to China so they can build wind turbines for us--and Obama gets away with this garbage because the main stream media in this country is in his back pocket.


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood
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The employee spent a nine-to-five workday surfing the internet...
US employee 'outsourced job to China'
16 January 2013 - A security check on a US company has reportedly revealed one of its staff was outsourcing his work to China.
The software developer, in his 40s, is thought to have spent his workdays surfing the web, watching cat videos on YouTube and browsing Reddit and eBay. He reportedly paid just a fifth of his six-figure salary to a company based in Shenyang to do his job. Operator Verizon says the scam came to light after the US firm asked it for an audit, suspecting a security breach. According to Andrew Valentine, of Verizon, the infrastructure company requested the operator's risk team last year to investigate some anomalous activity on its virtual private network (VPN) logs. "This organisation had been slowly moving toward a more telecommuting oriented workforce, and they had therefore started to allow their developers to work from home on certain days. In order to accomplish this, they'd set up a fairly standard VPN concentrator approximately two years prior to our receiving their call," he was quoted as saying on an internet security website.

The company had discovered the existence of an open and active VPN connection from Shenyang to the employee's workstation that went back months, Mr Valentine said. And it had then called on Verizon to look into what it had suspected had been malware used to route confidential information from the company to China. "Central to the investigation was the employee himself, the person whose credentials had been used to initiate and maintain a VPN connection from China," said Mr Valentine. Further investigation of the employee's computer had revealed hundreds of PDF documents of invoices from the Shenyang contractor, he added.

The employee, an "inoffensive and quiet" but talented man versed in several programming languages, "spent less than one fifth of his six-figure salary for a Chinese firm to do his job for him", Mr Valentine said. "Authentication was no problem. He physically FedExed his RSA [security] token to China so that the third-party contractor could log-in under his credentials during the workday. It would appear that he was working an average nine-to-five work day," he added. "Evidence even suggested he had the same scam going across multiple companies in the area. All told, it looked like he earned several hundred thousand dollars a year, and only had to pay the Chinese consulting firm about $50,000 (£31,270) annually." The employee no longer worked at the firm, Mr Valentine said.

BBC News - US employee 'outsourced job to China'

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