Obama's newest poll results- Public Says his Presidency is Over

Is that supposed to make any sense? Because it doesn't.
I'm curious, what do all of those presidents have in common that would cause a person to hate them all equally?


And upon answering that question, is that a good enough reason to no longer call yourself an American and go somewhere else that shares your disdain for the Office of POTUS? Let's say..... IRAQ or another hotbed of Islamic terrorism.
No, that is not any reason to run off to Iraq or even France. It is a reason to stay in the US and change the hearts and minds of uninformed Americans.

The United States of America would have lost World War II without that license, and every single US President, both Democrats and Republicans, along with Congress and the Supreme Court, at the behest of monolithic corporate lobbying, every single year for our entire lives, have arrested thousands of free Americans and put them in cages for the exact same thing that helped stop the Holocaust, all as part of the failed "war on drugs" which, like the "war on terror", was started by lies.

Oh.....Well why didn't you just say you were a maryjane fan..... that explains it all.

I'll leave you alone now. It's 4:20 somewhere dude. Fire it up.

You're right about one thing...you don't want to go to the Middle East...too harsh of a climate for herb.
Well who could have guessed this was coming?


NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama's newest poll results reveal a public saying his 'presidency is over.'

Stick a fork in it, it's all done.

Early this morning, the Wall Street Journal released the results of a new NBC/WSJ poll and, in the words of NBC's Chuck Todd; it's a “disaster for the president.” Basically, the President's job approval has returned to its all-time low, his foreign policy numbers have collapsed, and a majority no longer believes that he's capable of running the country.

From the WSJ:

As clouds gather abroad, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds Mr. Obama’s job approval rating at 41%, matching a previous low. Approval of his handling of foreign policy hit a new low of 37%. Both numbers are driven in part by conflicts largely outside the president’s control, including a new wave of sectarian violence in Iraq.

The rest is here: Politics: NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama's newest poll results reveal a public saying his 'presidency is over.' | Best of Cain

Parts to that poll you didn't notice I'll bet:

The two worst performers were the Republican Party, polling well below the Democratic Party,

and the Tea Party.

Polling very well? Hillary Clinton. lol
Obama's Presidency Is on the Ropes -- Again

Just when our NBC/WSJ poll from April showed President Barack Obama bouncing back a bit after the surge of enrollment in the health-care exchanges, then came the crisis in Ukraine. Then the VA hospital controversy. The controversial Bowe Bergdahl release. And now the current instability in Iraq. And they’ve knocked Obama back down to where he was during the HealthCare.Gov woes -- or even worse.

Obama's Presidency Is on the Ropes -- Again - NBC News
Obama's newest poll results- Public Says his Presidency is Over
Come 2016 the American voters will get rid of him I'm telling you. I said this back in 2008 about Bush and I was spot on - American people have spoken
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