Obama's Personality Disorder

How old did you say you were?

Old enough to BUST YOU!!!!!

That doctor never (even) WROTE that column, and....YOU KNEW IT.....


Hey stupid, in case you didn't notice, I posted the Snopes link in the first post of the thread.

.....Which is AS far as the typical Teabagger GETS!!!!!


He fits the criteria list you posted.

Ladies and Gentleman, may I introduce to you, Dr. S.J., noted psychologist and renowned psychiatric clinician.

Please continue with your evaluation of the patient, Dr.

This is like diagnosing Terry Schiavo from afar, isn't it?

Oh, it's bringing back a LOT of memories. Like when when Dr. Hammesfahr testified that he had been nominated for a Nobel prize in Medicine simply because a conservative FL Representative wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee recommending him...despite the fact that he was not eligible to make such a nomination in the first place AND the fact that there is no such thing as a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. Naturally, many famous people on the right continued to refer to the nomination and even referred to Hammesfahr and as a Nobel Prize winner.

Nobel Prize controversy

During the Schiavo hearings, Hammesfahr was criticized for saying he had been nominated for a Nobel Prize in medicine. He testified in 2002 that U.S. Representative Michael Bilirakis (R-FL) had nominated him. In 1999, Bilirakis had in fact written a letter to the Nobel Committee recommending Hammesfahr for the prize, but he was not eligible to make such a nomination. Furthermore, the letter erroneously referred to the nonexistent "Nobel Peace Prize In Medicine." [3] Despite this, on March 21, 2005, during interviews about Schiavo on Fox News and MSNBC, Hammesfahr was billed as "nominated for the Nobel Prize" several times by hosts Sean Hannity[4] and Joe Scarborough.[5] Pat Robertson also mistakenly introduced Hammesfahr on The 700 Club as a "Nobel Prize winner".[6][7]

I don't know who is worse, Obama or the sycophants on this board who are struggling to dismiss what we all know is true about our president. It's idiots like these who can't come to terms with the truth about their object of affection that are enabling him to destroy our nation.

You're the one who started a thread based on the rantings of an insane criminal.

But why would any of us be surprised that you would find a nut a good source of wisdom?
I don't know who is worse, Obama or the sycophants on this board who are struggling to dismiss what we all know is true about our president. It's idiots like these who can't come to terms with the truth about their object of affection that are enabling him to destroy our nation.

"...enabling him (Obama) to destroy our nation."

Do you hear how completely irrational you are?

Under which political party's leadership was America led into a senseless war for nonexistent WMDs which has cost this nation over 4,000 American lives and over 2 Trillion dollars (and counting since tens of thousands of wounded soldiers will require a lifetime of care at taxpayer expense)? And under which political party did the American economy virtually tank almost 5 years ago? And isn't the American economy NOW coming back under Obama's leadership?
Ladies and Gentleman, may I introduce to you, Dr. S.J., noted psychologist and renowned psychiatric clinician.

Please continue with your evaluation of the patient, Dr.

This is like diagnosing Terry Schiavo from afar, isn't it?

Oh, it's bringing back a LOT of memories. Like when when Dr. Hammesfahr testified that he had been nominated for a Nobel prize in Medicine simply because a conservative FL Representative wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee recommending him...despite the fact that he was not eligible to make such a nomination in the first place AND the fact that there is no such thing as a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. Naturally, many famous people on the right continued to refer to the nomination and even referred to Hammesfahr and as a Nobel Prize winner.
Your blind allegiance to Obama sounds familiar too. Reminds me of the German people who ignored Hitler's narcissistic personality disorder because he was telling them what they wanted to hear.
I don't know who is worse, Obama or the sycophants on this board who are struggling to dismiss what we all know is true about our president. It's idiots like these who can't come to terms with the truth about their object of affection that are enabling him to destroy our nation.

You're the one who started a thread based on the rantings of an insane criminal.

But why would any of us be surprised that you would find a nut a good source of wisdom?
It doesn't take a psychiatrist to recognize Obama is a narcissist, but it takes an idiot not to.
This is like diagnosing Terry Schiavo from afar, isn't it?

Oh, it's bringing back a LOT of memories. Like when when Dr. Hammesfahr testified that he had been nominated for a Nobel prize in Medicine simply because a conservative FL Representative wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee recommending him...despite the fact that he was not eligible to make such a nomination in the first place AND the fact that there is no such thing as a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. Naturally, many famous people on the right continued to refer to the nomination and even referred to Hammesfahr and as a Nobel Prize winner.
Your blind allegiance to Obama sounds familiar too. Reminds me of the German people who ignored Hitler's narcissistic personality disorder because he was telling them what they wanted to hear.

I don't have any blind allegiance to the president. I didn't even donate money. I merely voted for him.
Oh, it's bringing back a LOT of memories. Like when when Dr. Hammesfahr testified that he had been nominated for a Nobel prize in Medicine simply because a conservative FL Representative wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee recommending him...despite the fact that he was not eligible to make such a nomination in the first place AND the fact that there is no such thing as a Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. Naturally, many famous people on the right continued to refer to the nomination and even referred to Hammesfahr and as a Nobel Prize winner.
Your blind allegiance to Obama sounds familiar too. Reminds me of the German people who ignored Hitler's narcissistic personality disorder because he was telling them what they wanted to hear.

I don't have any blind allegiance to the president. I didn't even donate money. I merely voted for him.
Your allegiance is obvious by your posts on this board.
Never a politician in this land had such quasi "religious" impact on so many people.

really? Not around 1862?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwkCtuIauIE]Battle Hymn Of The Republic with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Your blind allegiance to Obama sounds familiar too. Reminds me of the German people who ignored Hitler's narcissistic personality disorder because he was telling them what they wanted to hear.

I don't have any blind allegiance to the president. I didn't even donate money. I merely voted for him.
Your allegiance is obvious by your posts on this board.

I'm not even a Democrat.
any mental health professional that claims to be able to diagnose someone from afar is a terrible mental health worker

Because you know the clinical criteria for diagnosis?

You are talking about things you know NOTHING about...

unless you want to made to look like a bigger fool than you already do --- don't pursue this further...

Of course, I'd be happy to oblige you if you lack the sense, er, have the balls...
There is no such thing as a presidential candidate without narcissistic personality disorder.

Pretending that it's unique to Obama is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Professional politicians. The ultimate narcissists.


Yes, in the general use of the word...

In the clinical use of the word --- Hitler, Obama, Gaddafi, Castro, Stalin, Lenin --- those guys are clinical narcissists.
Yeah, the OP is completely false. This guy can have an opinion if he wants but he has no qualifications to diagnose someone with any sort of mental disorder. A qualified mental health professional would never diagnose anyone without spending time talking to them face to face.

Epic fail.

That is so totally not true. Mental health professionals can make diagnoses on a review of a file.

Come on, you lefties create new labels for people ALL the time. The first thing a liberal does is figure out what box to put a person in. How else would your divide and conquer strategy work?!!
Psychologist Dr. Paul Fick Says Obama Psychologically Damaged ‘Beyond Narcissism,’ Offers Details to Press -- Psychologist announces availability to media to explain how he came to the conclusion that Obama has severe psychological damage.

lol --- there are dozens of them....
Narcissist-in-Chief Obama Mentions Himself 63 Times In Eulogy For Sen.

lol --- the man is a sicko!!!
Dr. Charles Krauthammer ---

"It’s fine to recognize the achievements of others and be non-chauvinistic about one’s country. But Obama’s modesty is curiously selective. When it comes to himself, modesty is in short supply.

It began with the almost comical self-inflation of his presidential campaign, from the still inexplicable mass rally in Berlin in front of a Prussian victory column to the Greek columns framing him at the Democratic convention. And it carried into his presidency, from his posture of philosopher-king adjudicating between America’s sins and the world’s to his speeches marked by a spectacularly promiscuous use of the word “I.”

Notice, too, how Obama habitually refers to Cabinet members and other high government officials as “my” — “my secretary of homeland security,” “my national security team,” “my ambassador.” The more normal — and respectful — usage is to say “the,” as in “the secretary of state.” These are, after all, public officials sworn to serve the nation and the Constitution — not just the man who appointed them. …

Obama is not the first president with a large streak of narcissism. But the others had equally expansive feelings about their country. Obama’s modesty about America would be more understandable if he treated himself with the same reserve. What is odd is to have a president so convinced of his own magnificence — yet not of his own country’s."
Dr. Charles Krauthammer ---

"It’s fine to recognize the achievements of others and be non-chauvinistic about one’s country. But Obama’s modesty is curiously selective. When it comes to himself, modesty is in short supply.

It began with the almost comical self-inflation of his presidential campaign, from the still inexplicable mass rally in Berlin in front of a Prussian victory column to the Greek columns framing him at the Democratic convention. And it carried into his presidency, from his posture of philosopher-king adjudicating between America’s sins and the world’s to his speeches marked by a spectacularly promiscuous use of the word “I.”

Notice, too, how Obamta habitually refers to Cabinet members and other high government officials as “my” — “my secretary of homeland security,” “my national security team,” “my ambassador.” The more normal — and respectful — usage is to say “the,” as in “the secretary of state.” These are, after all, public officials sworn to serve the nation and the Constitution — not just the man who appointed them. …

Obama is not the first president with a large streak of narcissism. But the others had equally expansive feelings about their country. Obama’s modesty about America would be more understandable if he treated himself with the same reserve. What is odd is to have a president so convinced of his own magnificence — yet not of his own country’s."
Charles crossed my mind too.
Of course a difinitive diagnosis would need a personal session or two, but just like an agent in the FBI collecting information on an alleged criminal and the criminals motivations (The Following comes to mind), a professional in their field can make a fairly educated assessment of people without meeting them.
Yeah, the OP is completely false. This guy can have an opinion if he wants but he has no qualifications to diagnose someone with any sort of mental disorder. A qualified mental health professional would never diagnose anyone without spending time talking to them face to face.

Epic fail.

That is so totally not true. Mental health professionals can make diagnoses on a review of a file.

Come on, you lefties create new labels for people ALL the time. The first thing a liberal does is figure out what box to put a person in. How else would your divide and conquer strategy work?!!

It actually is very true. You would never diagnose anyone with any physical or mental condition without meeting them in person. That's the way it works in the medical field. You have to interview the person, know the history, do an exam, do testing, etc.

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