Obama's Phony Event: America's Economic Recovery


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Almost begrudgingly and only recently has the media begun to report on the Obama administration's scandals, including Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, Pigford, and others, in combination with his rapidly declining job approval numbers. Perhaps as a consequence, President Obama has been trying especially hard lately to sell his economic prowess of the past 4.5 years.

Unfortunately for Obama, the facts demonstrate very little economic progress to date during his tenure. Slow GDP growth, lagging job creation, constricted free markets, ballooning deficits and debt, growing and counterproductive regulation, crippling taxation, and the penalization of small business all make for compelling evidence that Obama's economic strategy is failing.

Read more: Articles: Obama's Phony Event: America's Economic Recovery
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Some examples of Obama's fine economic handiwork...:rolleyes:

--glacial job creation...

--11.5 million unemployed (7.4%)...

--89.9 million able-bodied adults sitting on the sidelines not working....

--GDP growth in a downward trend....predictions of 1%.....

--median income continues to decline....

--less than 50% workers hold a full-time job...

--home ownership at its lowest level in 18 years...
It's the Pub obstruction/ debt ceiling "CRISIS!!"/ sequester recovery, dingbat. Get the FEQ out of the way! Hater dupes!

cutting spending helps to spur the economy...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1_9_1zxcYE]Sequester cuts actually helping, not hurting our economy ? 17.08.2013 - YouTube[/ame]

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