Obama's Plan To Use The Military Against American Citizens

Dude, I've already seen Hillary's carelessness before, first hand.

It's a Clinton trait. While in Somalia the Clintons felt it would look bad if they allowed us to drive around a hostile city in armored vehicles. They felt that Muslims would be offended. They were more concerned about offending Muslims than protecting their own troops they put in harms way.

They chose to start gluing Kevlar plates in the wheel wells of our Hummers so that they wouldn't be noticed. Inside of the vehicles they velcroed Kevlar blankets which pretty much came loose under fire and smacked into us when a bullet hit the doors. The bullet-proof glass they put in our windows were easily pierced when an AK round hit it. Every one of those Rangers and Delta Operators that died on Oct 3rd 1993 died because they had no armored vehicles when thousands of Somalis started shooting at them.

The reason all of this was so fucked up is we were the only troops that didn't have armor.

Everyone else had it. Canada, Pakistan, the French, everyone in the UN command had armor.....except the Americans.

Like I said, I've seen this act before....first hand.

AGAIN, you parrot right wing accusations you can't prove. Hillary and Bill don't install armor in vehicles. In 1993 Bill was the President and Hillary was the First Lady.

You continue to prove you are an idiot.

We requested armored vehicles and it was refused.

Yet a few months later Bubba gave the Pakistanis the very armor we requested. My team even trained them on the M113 APCs and the 50 Cal guns mounted on them.

You're right, Hillary and Bill didn't uparmor our vehicles. They authorized the Pentagon to do whatever they could to protect us without giving us what we really needed. No armor was authorized.

As is their habit, what they authorized fell short of the mission requirements.

This is what we requested:


This is all they would allow us to have:


Everyone else was driving around in something similar to this:


When Benghazi blew up, it just brought back bad memories. I said to myself "Hillary let those guys die on purpose because she wanted to put on a passive face!!".

You need to STFU bud. You don't know what I know. I talked to my commander and he told me what was going on.

Hey Einstein, your commander was a idiot, just like you. CONGRESS appropriates defense funds.

You are just a right wing HACK.
AGAIN, you parrot right wing accusations you can't prove. Hillary and Bill don't install armor in vehicles. In 1993 Bill was the President and Hillary was the First Lady.

You continue to prove you are an idiot.

We requested armored vehicles and it was refused.

Yet a few months later Bubba gave the Pakistanis the very armor we requested. My team even trained them on the M113 APCs and the 50 Cal guns mounted on them.

You're right, Hillary and Bill didn't uparmor our vehicles. They authorized the Pentagon to do whatever they could to protect us without giving us what we really needed. No armor was authorized.

As is their habit, what they authorized fell short of the mission requirements.

This is what we requested:


This is all they would allow us to have:


Everyone else was driving around in something similar to this:


When Benghazi blew up, it just brought back bad memories. I said to myself "Hillary let those guys die on purpose because she wanted to put on a passive face!!".

You need to STFU bud. You don't know what I know. I talked to my commander and he told me what was going on.

Hey Einstein, your commander was a idiot, just like you. CONGRESS appropriates defense funds.

You are just a right wing HACK.

Funny how when a Dem is in charge all of the rules change. When Bush was prez he was hammered for sending everyone in without armor in Iraq.

The request has to go through the Pentagon and who runs them?

Clinton sent in Delta operators in Task Force Ranger, and they have unlimited funding. Even they couldn't get any armor. They requested air support from Spector Gunships and it was denied during the October 3rd snatch mission. It was the same story in Benghazi, so


Criticism and final days in office

In September, General Powell asked Aspin to approve the request of the U.S. commander in Somalia for tanks, armored vehicles and AC-130 Spectre gunships for his forces. Aspin turned down the request. Shortly thereafter Aidid's forces in Mogadishu killed 18 U.S. soldiers and wounded more than 75 in attacks that also resulted in the shooting down of two U.S. helicopters and the capture of one pilot (see the Battle of Mogadishu). In the face of severe congressional criticism, Aspin admitted that in view of what had happened he had made a mistake, but stated that the request for armored equipment had been made within the context of delivering humanitarian aid to Somalia rather than protecting troops. In an appearance before a congressional committee to answer questions about the Somalia disaster, Aspin made an unfavorable impression and appeared weak in response to the detailed probing and criticism of his performance. The president publicly defended Aspin but made clear that the White House was not involved in the decision not to send armor reinforcements to Somalia. Several members of Congress called on Clinton to ask for Aspin's resignation.

On 15 December 1993 President Clinton announced Aspin's resignation, for personal reasons. Given the problems that Aspin encountered during his short term, most obviously the losses in Mogadishu, observers assumed that the president had asked him to step down. Speculation in the media centered on the Somalia embarrassment and on Aspin's differences with the Office of Management and Budget over how much the Defense budget should be cut. The secretary's health problems may well have also been a factor. One news magazine stated that Aspin's major handicap was "neither his famously unmilitary bearing nor his inability to discipline himself or the enormous Pentagon bureaucracy; it is his politician's instinct for the middle ground on defense issues." Aspin continued to serve as secretary of defense until February 3, 1994, when William J. Perry took office.


You have to answer not only for the decisions you make, but for the people you put in charge.

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I can't believe you are with a straight face claiming Hillary Clinton, as the first lady, was involved in decisions about whether armor vehicles in Somalia in 1993.

You expect to be taken seriously with that shit?
I can't believe you are with a straight face claiming Hillary Clinton, as the first lady, was involved in decisions about whether armor vehicles in Somalia in 1993.

You expect to be taken seriously with that shit?

When she was in the White House she openly stated in so many words that she shared power with her husband.

Same thing happens while she's Sec of State, same type of nonsense, requests for more security refused because it was decided it would put out a bad impression.

Seems to me that the Clintons still haven't learned their lesson.

Most people do.

Not these folks.

They think they know it all, and they also feel that if something goes wrong nobody will be able to hold them accountable for their mistakes.

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So says you.

Benghazi itself is an example of the careless attitude of this administration. It could happen to anyone who believes that appearances are more important than security.

The lie they created to provide cover for their screw ups is the real scandal. The fact that they went on TV and repeated what they knew to be a lie several times, and even Obama gave a speech in front of the United Nations repeating this lie is the scandal, along with the stonewalling and the coverups ever since. This is the scandal.

They would have been better served to have admitted their mistakes and learned from them, but this administration never admits to anything, thus they never learn. They are a disaster waiting to happen at every turn and every level of government.

If you don't want to be 'insulted', stop parroting the false right wing narrative.

You are making insinuations that you can't back up. You 'claim' a careless attitude, yet what 'attitude' do you label Republicans with for cutting funding for embassy security?

There was no lie 'created'. The President called it a “act of terror” the following day.

And we now know from a NY Times months long investigation the attack “was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam”.

How many feet on the ground in Benghazi, Libya did Fox News place to investigate the attack?

Dude, I've already seen Hillary's carelessness before, first hand.

It's a Clinton trait. While in Somalia the Clintons felt it would look bad if they allowed us to drive around a hostile city in armored vehicles. They felt that Muslims would be offended. They were more concerned about offending Muslims than protecting their own troops they put in harms way.

They chose to start gluing Kevlar plates in the wheel wells of our Hummers so that they wouldn't be noticed. Inside of the vehicles they velcroed Kevlar blankets which pretty much came loose under fire and smacked into us when a bullet hit the doors. The bullet-proof glass they put in our windows were easily pierced when an AK round hit it. Every one of those Rangers and Delta Operators that died on Oct 3rd 1993 died because they had no armored vehicles when thousands of Somalis started shooting at them.

The reason all of this was so fucked up is we were the only troops that didn't have armor.

Everyone else had it. Canada, Pakistan, the French, everyone in the UN command had armor.....except the Americans.

Like I said, I've seen this act before....first hand.

Geirge HW Bush began "Operation Restore Hope". It began as a relief effort; when were armored vehicles requested? Magor Gen. Garrison asked Preident Clinton for anything that was refused? His statements do not support that claim. Garrison did not enter the Army when Clinton took office in 1/93. He had been in charge in Somalia for a long time. He did not retire until after Aidid died, the DAY after in fact. Why not didcuss the Magor Gen. in charge at the time?

Garrison took full responsibility for the tactical setbacks experienced in Operation Gothic Serpent. This effectively ended his career. Mark Bowden, the author of Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War, described Garrison as a military ascetic. According to Bowden's description Garrison tirelessly worked to serve his country and would do anything for his soldiers. Some of Garrison's subordinates have also spoken publicly about their former commander. Staff Sergeant Dan Schilling, an Air Force Combat Controller who took part in Operation Gothic Serpent shared his feelings about Garrison in the book The Battle of Mogadishu: Firsthand Accounts From The Men of Task Force Ranger. On page 187 of the text Schilling stated "I should pause here for a moment to say a few words about General Garrison. Many know his record and command history. I'm not the person to expound on his exploits; in fact I don't know the man very well. But I will say he is the finest general officer I have ever worked for and probably ever will. He understood his men and how we thought, what we wanted and needed, and understood the situation anywhere he was, immediately and completely. He is the finest leader an operator could ask for. It wasn't a shame that his career was derailed after our deployment; it was a criminal act committed by political cowards."
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Gee, only for six years have we heard about how Oblama is building camps and is going to force Americans into them....
Gee, only for six years have we heard about how Oblama is building camps and is going to force Americans into them....

Five years, 4.5 months actually. I am still waiting to learn when Garrison requested any thing Clinton could have "given" him; the Defense budget was set before Clinton took office, the entire OPERATION RESTORE HOPE mission initiated in 1992. I am not an apologizer for Clinton, but rewriting history nevers cuts it.
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If you don't want to be 'insulted', stop parroting the false right wing narrative.

You are making insinuations that you can't back up. You 'claim' a careless attitude, yet what 'attitude' do you label Republicans with for cutting funding for embassy security?

There was no lie 'created'. The President called it a “act of terror” the following day.

And we now know from a NY Times months long investigation the attack “was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam”.

How many feet on the ground in Benghazi, Libya did Fox News place to investigate the attack?

Dude, I've already seen Hillary's carelessness before, first hand.

It's a Clinton trait. While in Somalia the Clintons felt it would look bad if they allowed us to drive around a hostile city in armored vehicles. They felt that Muslims would be offended. They were more concerned about offending Muslims than protecting their own troops they put in harms way.

They chose to start gluing Kevlar plates in the wheel wells of our Hummers so that they wouldn't be noticed. Inside of the vehicles they velcroed Kevlar blankets which pretty much came loose under fire and smacked into us when a bullet hit the doors. The bullet-proof glass they put in our windows were easily pierced when an AK round hit it. Every one of those Rangers and Delta Operators that died on Oct 3rd 1993 died because they had no armored vehicles when thousands of Somalis started shooting at them.

The reason all of this was so fucked up is we were the only troops that didn't have armor.

Everyone else had it. Canada, Pakistan, the French, everyone in the UN command had armor.....except the Americans.

Like I said, I've seen this act before....first hand.

Geirge HW Bush began "Operation Restore Hope". It began as a relief effort; when were armored vehicles requested? Magor Gen. Garrison asked Preident Clinton for anything that was refused? His statements do not support that claim. Garrison did not enter the Army when Clinton took office in 1/93. He had been in charge in Somalia for a long time. He did not retire until after Aidid died, the DAY after in fact. Why not didcuss the Magor Gen. in charge at the time?

Garrison took full responsibility for the tactical setbacks experienced in Operation Gothic Serpent. This effectively ended his career. Mark Bowden, the author of Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War, described Garrison as a military ascetic. According to Bowden's description Garrison tirelessly worked to serve his country and would do anything for his soldiers. Some of Garrison's subordinates have also spoken publicly about their former commander. Staff Sergeant Dan Schilling, an Air Force Combat Controller who took part in Operation Gothic Serpent shared his feelings about Garrison in the book The Battle of Mogadishu: Firsthand Accounts From The Men of Task Force Ranger. On page 187 of the text Schilling stated "I should pause here for a moment to say a few words about General Garrison. Many know his record and command history. I'm not the person to expound on his exploits; in fact I don't know the man very well. But I will say he is the finest general officer I have ever worked for and probably ever will. He understood his men and how we thought, what we wanted and needed, and understood the situation anywhere he was, immediately and completely. He is the finest leader an operator could ask for. It wasn't a shame that his career was derailed after our deployment; it was a criminal act committed by political cowards."

Guess you don't want to take the word of somebody who was there.

Not my problem. That's the problems with you libs. You can't believe it unless it's on CNN.

And this horseshit about Clinton being handed a bad deal,......it turned bad when Clinton took it from Bush. All of the shit didn't start going bad until Clinton was POTUS. He pulled out the Marines and left a sparse contingent of 10th Mountain and my JSOTF.

Taskforce Ranger was brought in to hunt for Aideed after he murdered a bunch of UN peacekeepers.
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After what obama has done to the military, if he wants to use the military against the citizens, he will have to find a new military.
I can't believe you are with a straight face claiming Hillary Clinton, as the first lady, was involved in decisions about whether armor vehicles in Somalia in 1993.

You expect to be taken seriously with that shit?

Not only that, when someone makes a totally moronic statement like this, it is clearly from a low intelligence type hack.

mudwhistle said:
When Benghazi blew up, it just brought back bad memories. I said to myself "Hillary let those guys die on purpose because she wanted to put on a passive face!!".
I can't believe you are with a straight face claiming Hillary Clinton, as the first lady, was involved in decisions about whether armor vehicles in Somalia in 1993.

You expect to be taken seriously with that shit?

When she was in the White House she openly stated in so many words that she shared power with her husband.

Same thing happens while she's Sec of State, same type of nonsense, requests for more security refused because it was decided it would put out a bad impression.

Seems to me that the Clintons still haven't learned their lesson.

Most people do.

Not these folks.

They think they know it all, and they also feel that if something goes wrong nobody will be able to hold them accountable for their mistakes.


You just gave proof you are nothing but a hack. You right wing turds continue to use that quote out of context.

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.
I can't believe you are with a straight face claiming Hillary Clinton, as the first lady, was involved in decisions about whether armor vehicles in Somalia in 1993.

You expect to be taken seriously with that shit?

When she was in the White House she openly stated in so many words that she shared power with her husband.

Same thing happens while she's Sec of State, same type of nonsense, requests for more security refused because it was decided it would put out a bad impression.

Seems to me that the Clintons still haven't learned their lesson.

Most people do.

Not these folks.

They think they know it all, and they also feel that if something goes wrong nobody will be able to hold them accountable for their mistakes.


You just gave proof you are nothing but a hack. You right wing turds continue to use that quote out of context.

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.

That quote pretty much sums up what Hillary is. She thinks she shouldn't have to answer to anyone.

They delayed her testimony so that she could say that and not sound like a heartless bitch. If she had said it a week or two after it happened she would have paid a price for it. Instead, enough time had passed for her to get away with acting like she doesn't give a damn.

The whole point of the hearing was discovery. I guess you can't grasp that concept. The administration stonewalls and refuses to answer questions. Then they claim that hearings have been held and questions have already been asked.

It's a playbook they use to perfection. First they're mad as hell, then they say heads will roll, then they say the investigation is still ongoing, then they say what difference does it make. It's all just a political witchhunt anyway. It's all fake scandals dreamed up for scoring political points.

FYI, All of this wouldn't have been necessary if they had been honest in the first place.......unless they can't be honest, because the truth is so fucked up that revealing it at the wrong time would be dangerous to their chances of hanging on to the White House, and they can't have that. They need the White House to change the court so that the US is turned on it's head. Everything will be upside down in a few years. Then it will be too late to stop them.
When she was in the White House she openly stated in so many words that she shared power with her husband.

Same thing happens while she's Sec of State, same type of nonsense, requests for more security refused because it was decided it would put out a bad impression.

Seems to me that the Clintons still haven't learned their lesson.

Most people do.

Not these folks.

They think they know it all, and they also feel that if something goes wrong nobody will be able to hold them accountable for their mistakes.


You just gave proof you are nothing but a hack. You right wing turds continue to use that quote out of context.

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.

That quote pretty much sums up what Hillary is. She thinks she shouldn't have to answer to anyone.

They delayed her testimony so that she could say that and not sound like a heartless bitch. If she had said it a week or two after it happened she would have paid a price for it. Instead, enough time had passed for her to get away with acting like she doesn't give a damn.

The whole point of the hearing was discovery. I guess you can't grasp that concept. The administration stonewalls and refuses to answer questions. Then they claim that hearings have been held and questions have already been asked.

It's a playbook they use to perfection. First they're mad as hell, then they say heads will roll, then they say the investigation is still ongoing, then they say what difference does it make. It's all just a political witchhunt anyway. It's all fake scandals dreamed up for scoring political points.

FYI, All of this wouldn't have been necessary if they had been honest in the first place.......unless they can't be honest, because the truth is so fucked up that revealing it at the wrong time would be dangerous to their chances of hanging on to the White House, and they can't have that. They need the White House to change the court so that the US is turned on it's head. Everything will be upside down in a few years. Then it will be too late to stop them.

No, the quote pretty much sums up Republican's waste of taxpayer's money on these retarded totally POLITICAL witch hunts whenever a Democrat is in the White House.

The quote was not a comment on the deaths of 4 Americans. It was a comment on whether or not the cause was a film or a random act. NONE of you right wing turds can give us the names of the people who did it, what their motivations were or say the film wasn't a factor.
You just gave proof you are nothing but a hack. You right wing turds continue to use that quote out of context.

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they'd they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.

That quote pretty much sums up what Hillary is. She thinks she shouldn't have to answer to anyone.

They delayed her testimony so that she could say that and not sound like a heartless bitch. If she had said it a week or two after it happened she would have paid a price for it. Instead, enough time had passed for her to get away with acting like she doesn't give a damn.

The whole point of the hearing was discovery. I guess you can't grasp that concept. The administration stonewalls and refuses to answer questions. Then they claim that hearings have been held and questions have already been asked.

It's a playbook they use to perfection. First they're mad as hell, then they say heads will roll, then they say the investigation is still ongoing, then they say what difference does it make. It's all just a political witchhunt anyway. It's all fake scandals dreamed up for scoring political points.

FYI, All of this wouldn't have been necessary if they had been honest in the first place.......unless they can't be honest, because the truth is so fucked up that revealing it at the wrong time would be dangerous to their chances of hanging on to the White House, and they can't have that. They need the White House to change the court so that the US is turned on it's head. Everything will be upside down in a few years. Then it will be too late to stop them.

No, the quote pretty much sums up Republican's waste of taxpayer's money on these retarded totally POLITICAL witch hunts whenever a Democrat is in the White House.

The quote was not a comment on the deaths of 4 Americans. It was a comment on whether or not the cause was a film or a random act. NONE of you right wing turds can give us the names of the people who did it, what their motivations were or say the film wasn't a factor.

The quote shows that Hillary didn't even want to recognize the purpose of her testimony.

Nobody ever said it was a random act. It's clear you've already forgotten the story that the administration is trying to sell to us.

They floated the video as an excuse for the violence. They claim that the violence was a protest over the video.

What has been revealed is that they knew early on that there were no protests in Benghazi. They also know that security was lapse at the compound and that armed al Qaeda affiliates attacked with military grade weapons, not college students, or normal citizens with a grievance.

The hearing was supposed to discover what Hillary knew, and when. When she said "What difference does it make", it's like asking a witness in a murder trial a question of motive and method of death of the deceased, and the witness instead says "What difference does it make?"

You can't see how ridiculous this is?

I used to think you were intelligent. You're just a gullible government stooge.
That quote pretty much sums up what Hillary is. She thinks she shouldn't have to answer to anyone.

They delayed her testimony so that she could say that and not sound like a heartless bitch. If she had said it a week or two after it happened she would have paid a price for it. Instead, enough time had passed for her to get away with acting like she doesn't give a damn.

The whole point of the hearing was discovery. I guess you can't grasp that concept. The administration stonewalls and refuses to answer questions. Then they claim that hearings have been held and questions have already been asked.

It's a playbook they use to perfection. First they're mad as hell, then they say heads will roll, then they say the investigation is still ongoing, then they say what difference does it make. It's all just a political witchhunt anyway. It's all fake scandals dreamed up for scoring political points.

FYI, All of this wouldn't have been necessary if they had been honest in the first place.......unless they can't be honest, because the truth is so fucked up that revealing it at the wrong time would be dangerous to their chances of hanging on to the White House, and they can't have that. They need the White House to change the court so that the US is turned on it's head. Everything will be upside down in a few years. Then it will be too late to stop them.

No, the quote pretty much sums up Republican's waste of taxpayer's money on these retarded totally POLITICAL witch hunts whenever a Democrat is in the White House.

The quote was not a comment on the deaths of 4 Americans. It was a comment on whether or not the cause was a film or a random act. NONE of you right wing turds can give us the names of the people who did it, what their motivations were or say the film wasn't a factor.

The quote shows that Hillary didn't even want to recognize the purpose of her testimony.

Nobody ever said it was a random act. It's clear you've already forgotten the story that the administration is trying to sell to us.

They floated the video as an excuse for the violence. They claim that the violence was a protest over the video.

What has been revealed is that they knew early on that there were no protests in Benghazi. They also know that security was lapse at the compound and that armed al Qaeda affiliates attacked with military grade weapons, not college students, or normal citizens with a grievance.

The hearing was supposed to discover what Hillary knew, and when. When she said "What difference does it make", it's like asking a witness in a murder trial a question of motive and method of death of the deceased, and the witness instead says "What difference does it make?"

You can't see how ridiculous this is?

I used to think you were intelligent. You're just a gullible government stooge.

The hearing was pure political theater.

The video WAS a factor in the attack. A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

When she said "What difference does it make" notice she said "at this point." In other words, we can do analysis later about whether it was a video sparking outrage or a planned attack by terrorists. And let's not forget she did say "we have no doubt they were terrorists." The priority was to understand what happened and to make sure this kind of tragedy could be prevented in the future.

You are a right wing brain dead hack and the fucking stooge.
If you don't want to be 'insulted', stop parroting the false right wing narrative.

You are making insinuations that you can't back up. You 'claim' a careless attitude, yet what 'attitude' do you label Republicans with for cutting funding for embassy security?

There was no lie 'created'. The President called it a “act of terror” the following day.

And we now know from a NY Times months long investigation the attack “was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam”.

How many feet on the ground in Benghazi, Libya did Fox News place to investigate the attack?

Dude, I've already seen Hillary's carelessness before, first hand.

It's a Clinton trait. While in Somalia the Clintons felt it would look bad if they allowed us to drive around a hostile city in armored vehicles. They felt that Muslims would be offended. They were more concerned about offending Muslims than protecting their own troops they put in harms way.

They chose to start gluing Kevlar plates in the wheel wells of our Hummers so that they wouldn't be noticed. Inside of the vehicles they velcroed Kevlar blankets which pretty much came loose under fire and smacked into us when a bullet hit the doors. The bullet-proof glass they put in our windows were easily pierced when an AK round hit it. Every one of those Rangers and Delta Operators that died on Oct 3rd 1993 died because they had no armored vehicles when thousands of Somalis started shooting at them.

The reason all of this was so fucked up is we were the only troops that didn't have armor.

Everyone else had it. Canada, Pakistan, the French, everyone in the UN command had armor.....except the Americans.

Like I said, I've seen this act before....first hand.

AGAIN, you parrot right wing accusations you can't prove. Hillary and Bill don't install armor in vehicles. In 1993 Bill was the President and Hillary was the First Lady.

You continue to prove you are an idiot.

Lol, he said he saw it first hand, dude. That means he isn't parroting jack shit.

You are fucking stupid.
No, the quote pretty much sums up Republican's waste of taxpayer's money on these retarded totally POLITICAL witch hunts whenever a Democrat is in the White House.

The quote was not a comment on the deaths of 4 Americans. It was a comment on whether or not the cause was a film or a random act. NONE of you right wing turds can give us the names of the people who did it, what their motivations were or say the film wasn't a factor.

The quote shows that Hillary didn't even want to recognize the purpose of her testimony.

Nobody ever said it was a random act. It's clear you've already forgotten the story that the administration is trying to sell to us.

They floated the video as an excuse for the violence. They claim that the violence was a protest over the video.

What has been revealed is that they knew early on that there were no protests in Benghazi. They also know that security was lapse at the compound and that armed al Qaeda affiliates attacked with military grade weapons, not college students, or normal citizens with a grievance.

The hearing was supposed to discover what Hillary knew, and when. When she said "What difference does it make", it's like asking a witness in a murder trial a question of motive and method of death of the deceased, and the witness instead says "What difference does it make?"

You can't see how ridiculous this is?

I used to think you were intelligent. You're just a gullible government stooge.

The hearing was pure political theater.

The video WAS a factor in the attack. A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

When she said "What difference does it make" notice she said "at this point." In other words, we can do analysis later about whether it was a video sparking outrage or a planned attack by terrorists. And let's not forget she did say "we have no doubt they were terrorists." The priority was to understand what happened and to make sure this kind of tragedy could be prevented in the future.

You are a right wing brain dead hack and the fucking stooge.

The video wasn't a factor. You repeating it over and over can't make it so.

And put that woman in office will assure that it happens again.

Her mindset makes it a certainty.
Obama will say what he's always said, "Fuck you! You're stupid enough not only to vote for me in 08 but to reelect me in 2012, you deserve everything you get"
His use never exceeded the limits of Posse Comitatus which for all intents and purposes is dead under Herr Obama and his goose steppers. The irony is that during the Bush era, the democrats actually reversed a key portion of the Warren Defense Authorization Act but once their monkey is in charge, not a whimper. Traitors who deserve a traitor's death.

posse comitatus is insane BS...

get over yourselves. if you raise arms against the government, they should blow you off the planet.

Spoken like the true little Nazi bitch you are, lying whore.

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