Obama's propaganda gift to Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Obama’s Propaganda Gift to Trump
Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign the corporate media, Democratic Party operatives and the pundit class all proclaimed that Donald Trump is a fascist. The fascistic nature of our political, law enforcement and economic systems were conveniently omitted from these warnings, but assertions of Trump’s untrustworthiness were repeatedly endlessly. If that characterization has any validity at all then Barack Obama’s establishment of a de facto Propaganda Department is a terrible blow to democracy.

Oh the indoctrinated sheep can't even tell how well they follow this brainwashing. Esp. those who have it ass backwards calling him nazi. My gawd are they so stupid they do not even see how it is they who are actually the nazi commies. They are doing exactly what Hitler trained his sheep to do.
Not for long though the commies will have their dreams shattered, the Bill Ayers trainers you will always fail because Liberty and freedom will always Trump slavery.

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