Obama’s Protections for L.G.B.T. Workers Will Remain Under Trump


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014

Will this infuriate his bible thumping base?

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”


Who cares?

Will this infuriate his bible thumping base?

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”


No it doesn't, because we don't care about queer causes.
I am for LGBT rights because they are (for the most part) tax paying American citizens, so this is pretty good news, although this issue isn't high on my list of importance.

Trump has other problems he wants to tackle. I don't think he's thinking much about LGBT issues or abortion rights, etc. I guess the libs will have to find another reason to freak out. Oh, that's right, they already have. Enforcing immigration laws and doing some vetting before allowing insane Middle Easterners here in our country is really causing them to melt down. :cuckoo: Can you imagine having to live with a liberal? What an absolute nightmare.
Will this infuriate his bible thumping base?

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”

I'm sure the left will try to spin this negatively however.....
Will this infuriate his bible thumping base?

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”

I'm sure the left will try to spin this negatively however.....
The headline will read:
" Trump ignores LGBTQ issues, proving he is an Anti-Gay bigot "
Now the emotional and spiritual wimps of the Alt and Far right act like the decision is no big thing.

I am for LGBT rights because they are (for the most part) tax paying American citizens, so this is pretty good news, although this issue isn't high on my list of importance.

Trump has other problems he wants to tackle. I don't think he's thinking much about LGBT issues or abortion rights, etc. I guess the libs will have to find another reason to freak out. Oh, that's right, they already have. Enforcing immigration laws and doing some vetting before allowing insane Middle Easterners here in our country is really causing them to melt down. :cuckoo: Can you imagine having to live with a liberal? What an absolute nightmare.
I can`t imagine living with some chickenshit who`s afraid of old ladies and orphans. Home of the brave? Perhaps it`s time to stop annoying people with that nonsensical national anthem before every sporting event.
You're an idiot, most of the refugees in Europe have been men of fighting age.
Well many of Trump voters voted for him due to the Supreme Court pick, as they are pro life and anti gay marriage, that is what they tell me. I am also on a Christian site (with mainly evans) and they are waiting for his pick for a justice with panting breaths.

The reason most Pubs were anti gay marriage is due to the federal gov now have to acknowledge survivors rights and all the other money rights of marriages. That just pissed them off. Anti abortion is just a topic they run on, like most of you they could careless unless it would cost them money which they falsely say gov money is used to finance abortions.

As you can see from above most conservatives only use abortion and SSM as an excuse for wanting lower taxes and cutting all social programs.
Will this infuriate his bible thumping base?

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”

Do you support your president in making this move? Is it the right thing to do?
Will this infuriate his bible thumping base?

In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the president was proud to embrace gay rights.

“President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of L.G.B.T.Q. rights, just as he was throughout the election,” the statement said. “The president is proud to have been the first ever G.O.P. nominee to mention the L.G.B.T.Q. community in his nomination acceptance speech, pledging then to protect the community from violence and oppression.”


Not in the slightest me thinks. I have to laugh at all of you progressives, the trumpster has never been known for being a bigot or anti LGBT. Those are fictions, created by the MSM, in an effort to besmirch him during the election. And you fools believed them.
I am for LGBT rights because they are (for the most part) tax paying American citizens, so this is pretty good news, although this issue isn't high on my list of importance.

Trump has other problems he wants to tackle. I don't think he's thinking much about LGBT issues or abortion rights, etc. I guess the libs will have to find another reason to freak out. Oh, that's right, they already have. Enforcing immigration laws and doing some vetting before allowing insane Middle Easterners here in our country is really causing them to melt down. :cuckoo: Can you imagine having to live with a liberal? What an absolute nightmare.

Very Well said.

I am for LGBT rights because they are (for the most part) tax paying American citizens, so this is pretty good news, although this issue isn't high on my list of importance.

Trump has other problems he wants to tackle. I don't think he's thinking much about LGBT issues or abortion rights, etc. I guess the libs will have to find another reason to freak out. Oh, that's right, they already have. Enforcing immigration laws and doing some vetting before allowing insane Middle Easterners here in our country is really causing them to melt down. :cuckoo: Can you imagine having to live with a liberal? What an absolute nightmare.
Democrats have accused Trump of homophobia without any evidence. They dream up these stories and use them to attack him unfairly. It will cost them in the mid-terms.
Well the leftist will have to go against gay rights if they want to continue their Trump hate.

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