Obama's ratings drop as gas price soar


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Survey: Obama's Ratings Drop As Gas Price Soar | Fox News

A majority of Americans disapprove of the way President Barack Obama is handling the economy -- with a record number who "disapprove strongly" -- amid soaring gas prices and an uncertain fiscal future, a new Washington Post-ABC News survey out Monday found.
The poll found that 50 percent of those surveyed strongly disapprove of Obama's economic performance -- the highest in the poll's history. A total of 59 percent gave the president negative marks on the economy.
65 percent said they found Obama's handling of the issue unsatisfactory. Of that number, 52 percent were said to "disapprove strongly" and only 14 percent "approve strongly" of Obama's performance on gas prices.
Sixty-three percent of Americans gave him negative marks on the country's budget deficit, while just 16 percent strongly approved of his work in that area. Asked about the White House's energy policy, 48 percent disapproved with Obama's performance.
Regarding the president's overall job performance, 50 percent said they were unhappy with Obama and 39 percent strongly disapproved of his performance, while just 28 percent strongly agreed that he was doing a good job.

The poll also has Romney beating Obama 49% to 47%.
survey: Obama's ratings drop as gas price soar | fox news

a majority of americans disapprove of the way president barack obama is handling the economy -- with a record number who "disapprove strongly" -- amid soaring gas prices and an uncertain fiscal future, a new washington post-abc news survey out monday found.
the poll found that 50 percent of those surveyed strongly disapprove of obama's economic performance -- the highest in the poll's history. A total of 59 percent gave the president negative marks on the economy.

sixty-three percent of americans gave him negative marks on the country's budget deficit, while just 16 percent strongly approved of his work in that area. Asked about the white house's energy policy, 48 percent disapproved with obama's performance.
regarding the president's overall job performance, 50 percent said they were unhappy with obama and 39 percent strongly disapproved of his performance, while just 28 percent strongly agreed that he was doing a good job.

the poll also has romney beating obama 49% to 47%.

Why is it when markets - the gawd of the right - work as they do, it is Obama's fault? If you drive pay up, but take my advice, bicycles are cheap over a year, get one or shut up as you are the one causing the price to rise, as you are the one willing to participate in this particular market.
SNIP:...tsk tsk

April 24, 2006

Democrats Eager to Exploit Anger Over Gas Prices

Don Hogan Charles/The New York Times
Gasoline prices moving up Thursday at a service station in Manhattan before Senator Charles E. Schumer held a news conference there.

WASHINGTON, April 20 — Democrats running for Congress are moving quickly to use the most recent surge in oil and gasoline prices to bash Republicans over energy policy, and more broadly, the direction of the country.

With oil prices hitting a high this week and prices at the pump topping $3 a gallon in many places, Amy Klobuchar, a Democratic Senate candidate in Minnesota, is making the issue the centerpiece of her campaign. Ms. Klobuchar says it "is one of the first things people bring up" at her campaign stops.

Democrats Eager to Exploit Anger Over Gas Prices
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OK, why are gas prices so high? We have plenty of refinery capacity, we are drilling and pumping enough oil that our biggest export is now refined petroleum products, as in gasoline and diesel. Have any of you wingnuts ever heard of supply and demand? As in a worldwide demand for a commodity that is in shrinking supply? And isn't this the free market that all of you love so much?

So, what is your solution? Government controls on the price of fuel? Nationalizing the oil companies and not allowing exports? What are you solutions, wingnuts?

A pretty level-headed lady at the office - she's not a dittohead for either party, bless her heart - told me Friday that she blames Obama for the gas prices, and pointed to the Keystone decision. Interesting, I wasn't expecting that one.

survey: Obama's ratings drop as gas price soar | fox news

a majority of americans disapprove of the way president barack obama is handling the economy -- with a record number who "disapprove strongly" -- amid soaring gas prices and an uncertain fiscal future, a new washington post-abc news survey out monday found.

regarding the president's overall job performance, 50 percent said they were unhappy with obama and 39 percent strongly disapproved of his performance, while just 28 percent strongly agreed that he was doing a good job.

the poll also has romney beating obama 49% to 47%.


learn to actually read, moron.

Washington Post-ABC News survey out Monday found.

A pretty level-headed lady at the office - she's not a dittohead for either party, bless her heart - told me Friday that she blames Obama for the gas prices, and pointed to the Keystone decision. Interesting, I wasn't expecting that one.


I would disagree with her on that. I supported Keystone, but because of the jobs it would create, and nothing more. The oil that would flow through that pipeline was not destined for the US, but other nations, so it would have little effect on our fuel prices.
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Well, if you don't drill or build refineries what does this country expect? Drill, baby, drill was the most succinct solution to our energy problem. Grow up and get over the nonsense of wind and solar and all that other hokey BS. It aint gonna power the world. People need to get their heads out of their "environmentally friendly" recyclable bags and wake up.
And, 4 more years of President DoNothing will only put us further and further in the hole.
Well, if you don't drill or build refineries what does this country expect? Drill, baby, drill was the most succinct solution to our energy problem. Grow up and get over the nonsense of wind and solar and all that other hokey BS. It aint gonna power the world. People need to get their heads out of their "environmentally friendly" recyclable bags and wake up.

The "wind" seems to power you pretty well.
Well, if you don't drill or build refineries what does this country expect? Drill, baby, drill was the most succinct solution to our energy problem. Grow up and get over the nonsense of wind and solar and all that other hokey BS. It aint gonna power the world. People need to get their heads out of their "environmentally friendly" recyclable bags and wake up.

The "wind" seems to power you pretty well.


I don't doubt for a New York Minute that rising gas prices hurt Obama's bid for relection.

If this spike in pricing continues at the rate it has been going the economy is going back into the crapper and that would be, I suspect, the kiss of death for the current administration.
He is the biggest whiner i have ever seen. Every President "inherited" whatever the problems are . Grow up. He didn't have to seek the office if he didn't want it and he can certainly step down and return to the golf course at any time.
Why is it when markets - the gawd of the right - work as they do, it is Obama's fault? If you drive pay up, but take my advice, bicycles are cheap over a year, get one or shut up as you are the one causing the price to rise, as you are the one willing to participate in this particular market.

They never have caught on. The price of gasoline is supply, demand, speculation etc.

Last year in China alone there were more than 1,000,000 new vehicles. There has not been an increase in federal gas tax in 15-20 years. In European countries the tax on a gallon of gasoline is ten times what it is here. The lies that Fox News and the Republican candidates are telling right now are one of the proofs of their desperation.

It's always the Republicans who scream "let the market decide."

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