Obama's set new record - $7.4 million in flight expenses in 2013

$2.5 million a trip?

Are you sure it is not $2.5 billion? Maybe TRILLION?

You know how Obama is

Those are the secret trips with prostitutes and communists. The lame stream media will never cover those of course

I can only imagine

Obama must be leaving the meter running on AF1. That is the only way to explain $2.5 million a trip
I wouldn't be surprised if every president broke the record for travel expenses in a given year.

Prices are generally higher four years later.
I wouldn't be surprised if every president broke the record for travel expenses in a given year.

Prices are generally higher four years later.

Add that to inflation and yes, each president would spend more than the one before.

These rw's do love their ignorance.

But, let's not let facts get in the way of a good rw hate fest.


Over the coming days, the real facts will come out but by that time, this will be fox, limbaugh fodder and will have grown to many trillions.
I wouldn't be surprised if every president broke the record for travel expenses in a given year.

Prices are generally higher four years later.

Thanks for NOT boring us with the evidence for that preposterous statement, america-hater.
How much did the guy who crashed the economy spend?

The media won't tell us how much bush spent on trips so it must have been small. Bush's idea of a vacation was going to his ranch in texas. I don't recall laura going on ANY trips let alone every other month like mooch does.
This is just flight expenses fercrisssakes. Doesn't include the $50,000 a night hotels and $10,000 meals these two pigs love to also stick the taxpayer with.

Obamas set new record for vacation travel expenses; stonewalled documents finally released - BizPac Review

March 1, 2014
It took filing a lawsuit, but Judicial Watch discovered Friday that President Obama has set a new record for travel on the taxpayer dime.

The conservative watchdog group obtained travel records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force that show the Obamas racked up $7.4 million during just three trips in 2013 – in flight expenses only.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in August 2013, after repeated stonewalling by the White House.

“The fact is, the Obamas are abusing the public trust and the taxpayers with unnecessary luxurious vacations and travel,” Judicial Watch said in its report. “These staggering costs show why these documents were covered-up and we had to sue in federal court to get them. Another transparency fail for the Obama gang, but thanks to our federal lawsuit it is another accountability win for the American taxpayer.”

So Obama has ties to a the state that is the furthest away from Washington, and fuel prices are higher now than they have been in the past. He isn't vacationing any more than past presidents. You dupes are a joke with the stupid shit you come up with.
He hasn't traveled more than any other President.

"FactCheck.org also asked for flights by President George W. Bush. Bush took 89 missions and 259 sorties in 2002, his second year as president, according to the airlift group. And in his first two years, Bush took 148 missions with 416 sorties, compared with 126 missions with 324 sorties for Obama over two years."


"And the nonpartisan General Accounting Office (its name has since been changed to Government Accountability Office) issued a report in 1999 that evaluated President Bill Clinton's trips to Africa, Chile and China in 1998, FactCheck.org reports.

That GAO report stated that almost 500 people either traveled with the president, provided support or made advance trips to China for that nine-day trip; about 600 were involved in his five-day visit to Chile; and nearly 1,300 were a part of his 11-day trip across Africa. Ronald Reagan's press secretary Larry Speakes was quoted by States News Service in 1992 as saying that for some of the Reagan administration's European trips, "we had like 700 to 800 people involved," FactCheck.org reports."

The partisan hackery that comes out for this topic is hilarious.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
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This is just flight expenses fercrisssakes. Doesn't include the $50,000 a night hotels and $10,000 meals these two pigs love to also stick the taxpayer with.

Obamas set new record for vacation travel expenses; stonewalled documents finally released - BizPac Review

March 1, 2014
It took filing a lawsuit, but Judicial Watch discovered Friday that President Obama has set a new record for travel on the taxpayer dime.

The conservative watchdog group obtained travel records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force that show the Obamas racked up $7.4 million during just three trips in 2013 – in flight expenses only.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in August 2013, after repeated stonewalling by the White House.

“The fact is, the Obamas are abusing the public trust and the taxpayers with unnecessary luxurious vacations and travel,” Judicial Watch said in its report. “These staggering costs show why these documents were covered-up and we had to sue in federal court to get them. Another transparency fail for the Obama gang, but thanks to our federal lawsuit it is another accountability win for the American taxpayer.”

Your animus for our President is well known, as is your continuous captious efforts and inane commentary.
No trees nearby huh?

How's this, you need to find a rope and piss up it

Not as long as liberals are RUINING my country. You don't think color has anything to do with it then FINE. It must've taken years of practice to learn to ignore FACTS

Here's the thing.

It's not your country.

This is a secular liberal country started for liberals, fought for by liberals and maintained by liberals.

You conservatives are always trying to muck things up.

But the good thing is, you guys suck in war. :D
How's this, you need to find a rope and piss up it

Not as long as liberals are RUINING my country. You don't think color has anything to do with it then FINE. It must've taken years of practice to learn to ignore FACTS

Here's the thing.

It's not your country.

This is a secular liberal country started for liberals, fought for by liberals and maintained by liberals.

You conservatives are always trying to muck things up.

But the good thing is, you guys suck in war. :D

'Twas satire :thanks:

I was attempting to be more Republican than any poster on the site for a couple days. I had a confederate flag avi and tried to speak like southern gentry. I was shocked at how surprisingly seriously I was taken by the righties :dunno:
Not as long as liberals are RUINING my country. You don't think color has anything to do with it then FINE. It must've taken years of practice to learn to ignore FACTS

Here's the thing.

It's not your country.

This is a secular liberal country started for liberals, fought for by liberals and maintained by liberals.

You conservatives are always trying to muck things up.

But the good thing is, you guys suck in war. :D

'Twas satire :thanks:

I was attempting to be more Republican than any poster on the site for a couple days. I had a confederate flag avi and tried to speak like southern gentry. I was shocked at how surprisingly seriously I was taken by the righties :dunno:

how badly did you need to shower afterwards?:D
Here's the thing.

It's not your country.

This is a secular liberal country started for liberals, fought for by liberals and maintained by liberals.

You conservatives are always trying to muck things up.

But the good thing is, you guys suck in war. :D

'Twas satire :thanks:

I was attempting to be more Republican than any poster on the site for a couple days. I had a confederate flag avi and tried to speak like southern gentry. I was shocked at how surprisingly seriously I was taken by the righties :dunno:

how badly did you need to shower afterwards?:D

This is Funny - A Battle of Wits between 2 unarmed persons - It's like watching 2 paraplegic retards slug it out:eusa_clap::meow:
How's this, you need to find a rope and piss up it

Not as long as liberals are RUINING my country. You don't think color has anything to do with it then FINE. It must've taken years of practice to learn to ignore FACTS

Here's the thing.

It's not your country.

This is a secular liberal country started for liberals, fought for by liberals and maintained by liberals.

You conservatives are always trying to muck things up.

But the good thing is, you guys suck in war. :D
What was the point of the Progressive Era?
'Twas satire :thanks:

I was attempting to be more Republican than any poster on the site for a couple days. I had a confederate flag avi and tried to speak like southern gentry. I was shocked at how surprisingly seriously I was taken by the righties :dunno:

how badly did you need to shower afterwards?:D

This is Funny - A Battle of Wits between 2 unarmed persons - It's like watching 2 paraplegic retards slug it out:eusa_clap::meow:

You're just perpetually clueless it seems
'Twas satire :thanks:

I was attempting to be more Republican than any poster on the site for a couple days. I had a confederate flag avi and tried to speak like southern gentry. I was shocked at how surprisingly seriously I was taken by the righties :dunno:

how badly did you need to shower afterwards?:D

This is Funny - A Battle of Wits between 2 unarmed persons - It's like watching 2 paraplegic retards slug it out:eusa_clap::meow:

dont you have other profiles to leave childish messages on? hmmm. i clearly didnt leave you a message but you felt compelled to take the time to visit my profile and leave me not only a message but a picture. did i get in your head? perhaps you are the one in need of medication. perhaps you meant to visit an actual cyber buddy's profile and leave them a message. now we will never know. :doubt:

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