Obama’s Trade Deal Faces Bipartisan Peril in the House

Are you for giving the president power to negotiate free trade agreements?

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Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Here is both sides of the issue. One problem for Obama. When he took extra-constitutional action he alienated Republicans who now can't trust him. How that changes is anyone's guess. Why in the hell are labor unions for more free trade bills that has decimated the middle class? BTW, Thanks Bill.


Most congressional Democrats are skeptical. They argue that since the North American Free Trade Agreement was approved in 1993, such accords have only hastened the flow of manufacturing jobs overseas and pressured wages downward through international competition. Corporations, their executives and shareholders have prospered, but globalization has helped hollow out the middle class, many Democrats say.

By contrast, most Republicans conceptually side with President Obama, contending that the forces of globalization are inevitable and that trade deals like the T.P.P. will help open foreign markets to American goods and services. They support the White House’s effort to forge deals that protect intellectual property from theft and promote investor rights through strong international rules, which are seen as crucial to expanding opportunities for a wide range of American industries, including aircraft, entertainment, pharmaceuticals and insurance.
Does anyone doubt we live in a plutocracy? The billionaires tell republicans to support Obama and they just do it.
Does anyone doubt we live in a plutocracy? The billionaires tell republicans to support Obama and they just do it.

No "free" trade bill ever passed without democrat support and yet you blame Republicans. When Bill Clinton pushed for Free trade agreements they would not have passed without democrat support. Support Clinton pushed for more then anything else in his terms. Yet he escapes blame by partisan, quite amazing. The results of Clinton's free trade agreements was predicted and has come true.

Now as for buying politicians. Republicans have always supported free trade but what about the democrats? Are you implying that the democrats are the ones really being bought off? Of course you are, unless you are a complete hypocrite.
Does anyone doubt we live in a plutocracy? The billionaires tell republicans to support Obama and they just do it.
Newsflash, Sparky... the billionaires tell the Democrats how to vote as well, often as not. The flip-side of the same, sick coin. Don't kid yourself that it's otherwise.


But, more to the point...

In the main, I continue to support the concept of the Executive Branch negotiating treaties...

So long as Congress gets to pass judgment on them before they are ratified...

And, with respect to this particular President, his 'Iran' and 'Israel' troubles have effectively destroyed his credibility.

Very few people - relatively speaking - trust him any longer in matters of foreign policy, and related trade.


As to loosening restrictions on international trade...

Have we not outsourced enough millions of American jobs offshore, already?

Time to start penalizing our own exploiters of offshore pseudo-slavery...

Time to re-think the old concept of high tarriffs...

Time to bring our manufacturing and 'virtual' service jobs back home...

To the Devil with the supposed consequences that the Uber-Free Marketers would attempt to browbeat us with...

Time to try...

Time to protect and re-grow the American work-force...

Time to find leadership - in the White House and the Congress - who have the balls to try...

'Cause what we have in-place right now... on both levels.. simply isn't up to the task.
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Here is both sides of the issue. One problem for Obama. When he took extra-constitutional action he alienated Republicans who now can't trust him. How that changes is anyone's guess. Why in the hell are labor unions for more free trade bills that has decimated the middle class? BTW, Thanks Bill.


Most congressional Democrats are skeptical. They argue that since the North American Free Trade Agreement was approved in 1993, such accords have only hastened the flow of manufacturing jobs overseas and pressured wages downward through international competition. Corporations, their executives and shareholders have prospered, but globalization has helped hollow out the middle class, many Democrats say.

By contrast, most Republicans conceptually side with President Obama, contending that the forces of globalization are inevitable and that trade deals like the T.P.P. will help open foreign markets to American goods and services. They support the White House’s effort to forge deals that protect intellectual property from theft and promote investor rights through strong international rules, which are seen as crucial to expanding opportunities for a wide range of American industries, including aircraft, entertainment, pharmaceuticals and insurance.
The Results Of Foreign Trade Agreements Since the Late 50's And Early 60's ( Over a half century ) -
We've lost many industries to cheap foreign labor markets. EXAMPLES: Textile, Steel, Electronics, Automotive parts, Furniture, Appliances, Tools, Toys, Housewares, and Farm equipment.
We've been forced to lower our standard of living. We're working for lower wages. Businesses are offering less company paid benefits. We've closed many of our plants and factories. We're no longer handing down skills from one generation to the next. We've lost the jobs that once provided self-supporting living wages for all education and skill levels.
America no longer produces what America uses and consumes. We've become import dependent. We've sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of strengthening and supporting foreign economies. As our work force grows, we have less self-supporting living wage jobs. We've created a poor and dependent society, one that survives off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks. College grads are flipping burgers and living with parents.
The term "Global Economy" basically means "equalization to the lowest level". We can not compete with child labor that works in sweat shops 18 hours a day.

In order for us to benefit from foreign trade agreements and policies, they MUST be fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies. Otherwise, the economic damage mentioned above will continue. As it stands now, many Americans can not afford to buy products with the "Made In U.S.A." label. As of now, all of our foreign trade agreements and policies are unfair, unjust, and one-sided, favoring those that export goods to us. Thus the reason for our markets being flooded with cheap foreign made goods.

We've become consumers and not producers. Almost everything we buy is either entirely or partially made in a foreign country. We produce very little of what we use and consume. And, as a general rule, the products made in the U.S. are too expensive for the majority of citizens to purchase. In summary, foreign trade agreements and policies, as we now know them, do not benefit all Americans, nor this country.
It sure is fucked up, but then much of what the central government does or intends to do, is kept secret.
Of course. If their secret chats were exposed there would be public outrage.

They probably go like this:
X: 'The serfs are moaning again'
Y: 'How much of a cut do you need to silence Congress?'
X: 'About 2 million or so'
X: 'Also send Obama the usual brown envelope'
Y: 'Well gotta go, need to get back to the talks'

Basically a big pool of corruption that leads right to the highest levels of power, with red tape to silence all critics of the deal.
Absolutely not. Americans have not and will not ever benefit from the free trade agreements. How can two walk together unless they be in agreement? How can we as Americans be in agreement with these free trade nations who use child labor and violate human rights laws? If we condone such things by coming into such an agreement we are heaping yet more and more judgment upon our own heads. Since Clinton first began the Free Trade Agreements - we have seen a steady decline in our labor force, our economy and our position in the world. We are destroying our own nation with our own hands by permitting Obama to bring us into agreement with other nations for trade that is financing their corruption and our own demise.
Capitalism was birthed out of the Protestant Reformation which was brought about by Martin Luther who revived the teaching of Justification by faith. (not works) What happened afterwards (Protestant Reformation) brought about liberty to the people and with it the beginning of Capitalism. Before that it was kings, kingdoms and serfs. A dark age of misery.
This is more evidence that what happens in the spiritual realm must manifest itself into the physical realm.

Today as never before the Protestant Christians - otherwise known as fundamentalist Christians - are under vicious attack by the Vatican and with it the concept of Capitalism. The UN is the political arm formed by the Vatican to create a One World Order for them ( the UN was formerly known as the League of Nations which the Jesuits also founded).

As the Vatican planned a One World Order which seeks to destroy true Christianity as preached by fundamentalist Christians and birth a "One World Religion" which will deny Jesus Christ as the only way to Salvation what is happening in the spiritual realm is beginning to manifest itself in the physical realm which is a blending of Communism and Capitalism.

It won't work in the end because it is an attempt to blend slavery with freedom just as the One World Religion is a satanic lie and cannot be blended with the truth of the Gospel. A blending of the false religions with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be anymore than one could mix oil and vinegar. The two are incompatible.
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Capitalism was birthed out of the Protestant Reformation which was brought about by Martin Luther who revived the teaching of Justification by faith. (not works) What happened afterwards (Protestant Reformation) brought about liberty to the people and with it the beginning of Capitalism. Before that it was kings, kingdoms and serfs. A dark age of misery.
This is more evidence that what happens in the spiritual realm must manifest itself into the physical realm.

Today as never before the Protestant Christians - otherwise known as fundamentalist Christians - are under vicious attack by the Vatican and with it the concept of Capitalism. The UN is the political arm formed by the Vatican to create a One World Order for them ( the UN was formerly known as the League of Nations which the Jesuits also founded).

As the Vatican planned a One World Order which seeks to destroy true Christianity as preached by fundamentalist Christians and birth a "One World Religion" which will deny Jesus Christ as the only way to Salvation what is happening in the spiritual realm beginning to manifest itself in the physical realm which is a blending of Communism and Capitalism.

It won't work in the end because it is an attempt to blend a satanic lie with the truth of the Gospel, a blending of the false religions with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be anymore than one could mix oil and vinegar. The two are incompatible.
Wrong thread?

This has nothing to do with this one.
It has everything to do with it because what is behind these Free trade agreements is a melding of Capitalism and Communism. Look no further than China for the example. We simply cannot afford such a compromise with evil (without incurring severe consequences).
Does anyone doubt we live in a plutocracy? The billionaires tell republicans to support Obama and they just do it.
I do not see any difference when Republicans are voted into office - they all vote the same. It's a sad day for America.
This secrecy is not good for America.
What are Obama and the GOP so afraid of that they want keep America in the dark? Is it because it betrays America and the American workforce and sets a path of continued flat wages and the decline of America?
My theory is that the anti-piracy crap built into the agreement is going to send the internet into an apocalyptic rage.
This secrecy is not good for America.
What are Obama and the GOP so afraid of that they want keep America in the dark? Is it because it betrays America and the American workforce and sets a path of continued flat wages and the decline of America?

Not sure the GOP should be lumped in with Obama, it is he who negotiated the agreements. But I am not sure why the GOP would want to give more power to Obama. Does not make sense.
This secrecy is not good for America.
What are Obama and the GOP so afraid of that they want keep America in the dark? Is it because it betrays America and the American workforce and sets a path of continued flat wages and the decline of America?

Not sure the GOP should be lumped in with Obama, it is he who negotiated the agreements. But I am not sure why the GOP would want to give more power to Obama. Does not make sense.

I think you need to do some reading up on this, pick up information from unbiased resources and then go into the objective thinking mode. The GOP is up to it's neck in this and are complicit with Obama.
I really have a rough time understanding why people are so afraid of pointing fingers at the faults of their own ideology. It's not always just the other side.
This secrecy is not good for America.
What are Obama and the GOP so afraid of that they want keep America in the dark? Is it because it betrays America and the American workforce and sets a path of continued flat wages and the decline of America?

Not sure the GOP should be lumped in with Obama, it is he who negotiated the agreements. But I am not sure why the GOP would want to give more power to Obama. Does not make sense.

I think you need to do some reading up on this, pick up information from unbiased resources and then go into the objective thinking mode. The GOP is up to it's neck in this and are complicit with Obama.
I really have a rough time understanding why people are so afraid of pointing fingers at the faults of their own ideology. It's not always just the other side.

Do you have a suggests as to what I should be reading? The article implies that it is Obama who is negotiating the deals. Republicans have always been for free trade, much to my displeasure but are not able to get it done without Democrats, as was the case when Clinton sold us down the river. What is interesting that if the Republicans block Obama they are said to be no good, and it they work with him the same is said by the same people.

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