Obama's weakness is why this occurs

Is he weak or is he a dictator? Make up your mind please.

On foreign affairs he is weak and you know it. he has consistently failed at every step. Every effort a failure and emboldening our enemies.

At home he is running drills against veterans, military and political opponents, you tell me what that makes him?

North Korea has no reason to fear Obama and his ignorant failed diplomatic policies.

And Gunny, neither does Syria, Iran, Libya, nor Benghazi. Fact is Gunny, Obama is a man of weak words and no action on the world stage. All of our allies now realize beyond any doubt that Obama is nothing more than an empty suit. Gunny you and I are cut from the same cloth and both of us already know the world is a very dangerous place, and dangerous people do dangerous things. Sometimes the only way to get the attention of these idiots is to hit them real hard right between the eyes. Obama somehow lives in a delusional world of make believe and fantasy. He somehow believes everybody will embrace American ideals and values and that if we all play nice we can all stand in a big circle holding hands and chant Kum Ba Ya. But we both know that this is not how it really works, there are many factions out there who want to harm all of us at any cost. I had high hopes for Mr. Obama but he continues to just disappoint me almost every day. Obama needs to wake the "F" up, you do not take a bouquet of roses to a gun fight, you bring an Abrams tank, and kick ass and take names.

As far as North Korea is concerned, we need to quit playing patty cake with these blow hards and take some real tactical action. First off we got a runny snot nose kid trying to be a dictator there and his generals are inept and their egos are writing checks their asses can't cash. I would tell North Korea, you morons fire one more missile and you will be obliterated. I would position a couple of Aegis Missile Cruisers and a fast attack nuke sub off his coast, no boots on the ground, no need for a full strike force, no carriers and no aircraft. I would tell the UN that North Korea is a rouge nation that threatens world stability and world peace and the United Sates will take swift and decisive action if they do not cease and desist. If they fired another missile I would do exactly what I told them I would do and we would have a very large glass parking lot just north of South Korea. I would tell China that they had best have a very serious discussion with their friend and I would tell the world you best not get involved or you too will get an ass whipping like you never had before. China would never get involved as they have far to much to loose economically and North Korea is just not worth that. I would tell the whole world that we are fed up with all the bull shit, far too many Americans have already lost their lives and that this line in the sand is very real, if you cross it, you will loose, big time. Apparently, with a lot of these folks sanctions and diplomacy just does not work really well. This action would send a very strong and clear message to all of our enemies including Iran, Syria, Libya and Benghazi. It would also send a wake up call to Mr. Putin who is a very, very dangerous person and threatens the world now with his designs of domination in Europe. Sometimes if you are carrying a big stick you need to use it when required to save your own ass. Obama of course has no stomach or backbone for such a decisive move, but I am willing to bet that North Korea would stop firing missiles, calm down and shut up. Our enemies would re think their motives and intentions and we would be much safer. It is obvious what these people understand, and they only understand two things, fear and power. It is way past time to show them these two things, in spades. I learned in the Marines that your best option, when everything else has failed, is to close with and destroy the enemy.
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North Korea has no reason to fear Obama and his ignorant failed diplomatic policies.

So South Korea and Japan having a much more modern military isn't something to fear? So the entire world depends on the United states to remain stable?

Say it isn't so???? :eek: All these people whining about how we shouldn't be a empire and global police need to read some history!

Japan has every reason to rearm and I support them in the effort, Germany rearmed and is no threat. Everyone in the west need to wake the fuck up and build bigger militarizes.

And yes the US needs to remain able to respond globally.
Is he weak or is he a dictator? Make up your mind please.

On foreign affairs he is weak and you know it. he has consistently failed at every step. Every effort a failure and emboldening our enemies.

WTF? The right wingers have been bitching that Obama is a communist/marxist/solicalist/muslim warlord with bloodlust because he has kept the nation safe and won Libya without a single boot on the ground.

Which one is it? :eusa_think:

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