Obama's wrong. Mass killings aren't uncommon in other countries

Does anyone else find this hysterically funny?


"Various officials in the Mexican government have urged that American gun laws be made more like Mexico’s, and President Obama at various times in his career has endorsed several proposals which would make American gun laws much more like Mexican ones.

These proposals including banning almost all gun stores, universal gun registration, elimination of the right to bear arms, and the prohibition of many common firearms."

Mexico s gun control laws A model for the United States - The Washington Post

Mexico’s gun control laws: A model for the United States?
The US gets its drugs from Mexico
Mexico gets its guns from the US

The drug trade is driving the gun violence in Mexico

Actually no.....Mexico gets the bulk of it's illegal guns from Europe and China.......
70% of the guns in Mexico come from the US

Smuggling of firearms into Mexico - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here's how they came up with the bogus numbers. They're bullshit.
Completely skewered stats. This whole deal has been debunked.

"According to the GAO report, some 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals by Mexican authorities in 2008.

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States.

This means that the 87 percent figure relates to the number of weapons submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF that could be successfully traced and not from the total number of weapons seized by Mexican authorities or even from the total number of weapons submitted to the ATF for tracing.

In fact, the 3,480 guns positively traced to the United States equals less than 12 percent of the total arms seized in Mexico in 2008 and less than 48 percent of all those submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF for tracing.

This means that almost 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico in 2008 were not traced back to the United States."

Mexico s Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth Stratfor

From your post

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Are you therefore assuming that the remainin 76% that were not checked did not come from the US?
Does anyone else find this hysterically funny?


"Various officials in the Mexican government have urged that American gun laws be made more like Mexico’s, and President Obama at various times in his career has endorsed several proposals which would make American gun laws much more like Mexican ones.

These proposals including banning almost all gun stores, universal gun registration, elimination of the right to bear arms, and the prohibition of many common firearms."

Mexico s gun control laws A model for the United States - The Washington Post

Mexico’s gun control laws: A model for the United States?
The US gets its drugs from Mexico
Mexico gets its guns from the US

The drug trade is driving the gun violence in Mexico

Actually no.....Mexico gets the bulk of it's illegal guns from Europe and China.......
70% of the guns in Mexico come from the US

Smuggling of firearms into Mexico - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here's how they came up with the bogus numbers. They're bullshit.
Completely skewered stats. This whole deal has been debunked.

"According to the GAO report, some 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals by Mexican authorities in 2008.

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States.

This means that the 87 percent figure relates to the number of weapons submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF that could be successfully traced and not from the total number of weapons seized by Mexican authorities or even from the total number of weapons submitted to the ATF for tracing.

In fact, the 3,480 guns positively traced to the United States equals less than 12 percent of the total arms seized in Mexico in 2008 and less than 48 percent of all those submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF for tracing.

This means that almost 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico in 2008 were not traced back to the United States."

Mexico s Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth Stratfor

From your post

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Are you therefore assuming that the remainin 76% that were not checked did not come from the US?

the remaining of the 30,000 guns had their serial numbers filed out....

the ATF had or rather were given the guns that had serial numbers or partial serial numbers still showing....or a sampling of them.

Out of the 7200 sampling of the 30,000 guns used in crimes in Mexico, 4000 of them, they were actually able to identify with these full or partial serial numbers....

And out of all of the identifiable guns that they did decipher serial numbers, 87% came from the USA, and 13% came from other Nations.

There is no study at all on the 22000 guns left behind in Mexico used to commit crimes...these guns were unidentifiable, is my understanding due to what I said, serial numbers filed off the guns.
The US gets its drugs from Mexico
Mexico gets its guns from the US

The drug trade is driving the gun violence in Mexico

Actually no.....Mexico gets the bulk of it's illegal guns from Europe and China.......
70% of the guns in Mexico come from the US

Smuggling of firearms into Mexico - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here's how they came up with the bogus numbers. They're bullshit.
Completely skewered stats. This whole deal has been debunked.

"According to the GAO report, some 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals by Mexican authorities in 2008.

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States.

This means that the 87 percent figure relates to the number of weapons submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF that could be successfully traced and not from the total number of weapons seized by Mexican authorities or even from the total number of weapons submitted to the ATF for tracing.

In fact, the 3,480 guns positively traced to the United States equals less than 12 percent of the total arms seized in Mexico in 2008 and less than 48 percent of all those submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF for tracing.

This means that almost 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico in 2008 were not traced back to the United States."

Mexico s Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth Stratfor

From your post

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Are you therefore assuming that the remainin 76% that were not checked did not come from the US?

the remaining of the 30,000 guns had their serial numbers filed out....

the ATF had or rather were given the guns that had serial numbers or partial serial numbers still showing....or a sampling of them.

Out of the 7200 sampling of the 30,000 guns used in crimes in Mexico, 4000 of them, they were actually able to identify with these full or partial serial numbers....

And out of all of the identifiable guns that they did decipher serial numbers, 87% came from the USA, and 13% came from other Nations.

There is no study at all on the 22000 guns left behind in Mexico used to commit crimes...these guns were unidentifiable, is my understanding due to what I said, serial numbers filed off the guns.

Do you realize you are an idiot......I already posted how you are wrong, please reread my post.......
The US gets its drugs from Mexico
Mexico gets its guns from the US

The drug trade is driving the gun violence in Mexico

Actually no.....Mexico gets the bulk of it's illegal guns from Europe and China.......
70% of the guns in Mexico come from the US

Smuggling of firearms into Mexico - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Here's how they came up with the bogus numbers. They're bullshit.
Completely skewered stats. This whole deal has been debunked.

"According to the GAO report, some 30,000 firearms were seized from criminals by Mexican authorities in 2008.

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Of these 7,200 guns, only about 4,000 could be traced by the ATF, and of these 4,000, some 3,480 (87 percent) were shown to have come from the United States.

This means that the 87 percent figure relates to the number of weapons submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF that could be successfully traced and not from the total number of weapons seized by Mexican authorities or even from the total number of weapons submitted to the ATF for tracing.

In fact, the 3,480 guns positively traced to the United States equals less than 12 percent of the total arms seized in Mexico in 2008 and less than 48 percent of all those submitted by the Mexican government to the ATF for tracing.

This means that almost 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexico in 2008 were not traced back to the United States."

Mexico s Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth Stratfor

From your post

Of these 30,000 firearms, information pertaining to 7,200 of them (24 percent) was submitted to the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

Are you therefore assuming that the remainin 76% that were not checked did not come from the US?

the remaining of the 30,000 guns had their serial numbers filed out....

the ATF had or rather were given the guns that had serial numbers or partial serial numbers still showing....or a sampling of them.

Out of the 7200 sampling of the 30,000 guns used in crimes in Mexico, 4000 of them, they were actually able to identify with these full or partial serial numbers....

And out of all of the identifiable guns that they did decipher serial numbers, 87% came from the USA, and 13% came from other Nations.

There is no study at all on the 22000 guns left behind in Mexico used to commit crimes...these guns were unidentifiable, is my understanding due to what I said, serial numbers filed off the guns.

Again...where the cartels get their guns....


Mexico s Gun Supply and the 90 Percent Myth Stratfor

But according to the figures presented by the GAO, there is no evidence to support the assertion that 90 percent of the guns used by the Mexican cartels come from the United States — especially when not even 50 percent of those that were submitted for tracing were ultimately found to be of U.S. origin.

This point leads us to consider the types of weapons being used by the Mexican cartels and where they come from.

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