Obedient Slaves go to Heaven


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Obedient Slaves go to Heaven, Disobedient Slaves go to Hell ... Free Men go to Valhalla.

odin.org Wodanesdag Press

Almost all English liberties (such as the jury system) are derived from Odinist societies. The God of the Christians, Muslims and Jews has brought nought but absolute despotism upon us, and has more often than not stripped women of their respect. Praise be to Freyja.

Our forefathers were massacred at the Verdun for refusing to honor the foreign god of the middle east, whose name is Jealous.

But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: 14For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

And indeed the groves and sacred trees of our ancestors were indeed cut down, our altars and temples destroyed and images erased from history.

An Odinist society would never let a gaggle of faggots try to disarm them, it seems a Christian society turns the other cheek. An Odinist soceity, which recognizes the Mother Freyja, would never let a cult of Satanists make the murder of children in the womb an accepted practice.

Let's be honest, the Christ-god instructs you all to roll over when confronted by tyranny ... just turn the other cheek and let yourself be imprisoned and crucified --- what a great idea. Why even have a Second Amendment?

The Jealous and Violent God of Abraham (the god of the Muslims and Jews and some Christians) demands eternal servitude, both on earth in in his realm of Heaven. This God has done us the great service of repelling the atheist Marxists in the 20th century, but that's only because he's a Jealous God who envied the worship of the atheist god (ironic) The State (which is not even a god nor has any god, which is why it will never prevail --- thank god...)

Odin and many other gods of native cultures do not demand any sort of servitude, they walk among us as equals. When they are forgotten or disrespected, they no longer walk among us, just as any friend whom you would betray would no longer frequent your company.

If you're of Germanic descent, seek out knowledge of Odin
odin.org Wodanesdag Press

Many of our Germanic ancestors choose execution instead of shackling themselves to the yoke of the God of Abraham, and for that sacrifice to and loyalty towards Tiw, Oden, Thor and Frejya/Frigga (tiwsday, wodensday, thorsday and friday, oh wait I'm sorry, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Moon-day and Sun-day (saturn-day being the oddball), those gods and goddesses shall always welcome any person of Germanic descent as a friend if that person chooses to realign their faith and loyalties and respects towards them.

If you're Celtic, become knowledgeable of the branch of heathenism that matches your heritage.

If you're Native American, become knowledgeable of the Great Spirit and how your tribe paid respect to Nature. Learn your language too. If you cannot find any resources or members of your tribe who still practice those traditions, look towards Hopi and Chibcha cultures as a new starting place.

Germanic and Celtic peoples should also become familiar with their ancient tongues before it was heavily perverted by Latin influence.

The Christ-god and God of Abraham are not going to get us out of this mess. The Constitution of the United States is doomed (and almost dead) and only a moral society that is not neutered/meek by the tenants of Matthew 5:2-12 Christianity, nor savage as Islam/Judaism/Matthew 5:17-20 Christianity, can restore the Rule of Law in America.
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... Free Men go to Valhalla.

Odin and many other gods of native cultures do not demand any sort of servitude, they walk among us as equals.


So let me get this straight. You got bored of pretending to be a Hasid, and now you're a Viking?

Spiritual revelation is a never ending journey. How's the Book of Job treating you? That's where my journey began (when I found that contradiction that Satan was identified as a physical being going in and through the earth).

It was fun watching you and Rabbi spin and spin and spin trying to say it's a misunderstanding.

Satan in the Book of Job

Satan is not merely representative of the principle of evil; he is a personal, intelligent being.Satan means adversary or enemy.In Job this name functions more as a title than a proper name.The definite article is employed marking him as the Adversary, par excellence.He carries on intelligent conversation with God.He roams to and fro on the earth, showing that he is limited in time and space (1:7; 2:2).[1]He is also limited in knowledge and power since he cannot predict or determine the future.
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