Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic He

Once the tinfoil hats come out in a thread, I have to bow out. My patience has limits.

Tinfoil hats? How is it tinfoil hats to recognize human nature and use logical to deduce the only rational solutions?

What's the point of having the information if you aren't going to use it somehow?
Apparently, our pal Pinkbeard doesn't seem to think that ne'er-do-wells could possibly land jobs as high level politicians and bureaucrats, who would subsequently abuse such powers.

If that's the case, he should read some history.
The fact that government wants to track obesity in EHRs indicates to me that they are going to start using that information against people.

Once the tinfoil hats come out in a thread, I have to bow out. My patience has limits.

What are you going to do, run in circles, scream and shout?

What possible good could come from the government tracking an arbitrary number like BMI? The only possible impact of them tracking it is negative, so I see no reason to get a tin hat because I am smart enough to see the obvious. Do you want a list of all the things that the government has promised its citizens over the years that would not happen under any circumstances that now are normal practice?
Once the tinfoil hats come out in a thread, I have to bow out. My patience has limits.

Tinfoil hats? How is it tinfoil hats to recognize human nature and use logical to deduce the only rational solutions?

What's the point of having the information if you aren't going to use it somehow?
Apparently, our pal Pinkbeard doesn't seem to think that ne'er-do-wells could possibly land jobs as high level politicians and bureaucrats, who would subsequently abuse such powers.

That attitude scares me more then the government wanting to track wanting to track things.
Remember to report to your Local Health Reform Center to participate in your government run exercise programs no less than 3 times a week

Big Brother Loves you and Cares about you more than you care about yourself

Are you referring to the President's Council on Youth Fitness was founded on 16 July 1956 by President Eisenhower?
I can see a FAT TAX in the future.

hope and change baby

Well, they tax smokers and drinkers; why not tax fat people too?

They don't tax smokers. They tax the cigarettes. Buying cigarettes is a choice.

Having THIS health care is not a option. It will now be mandatory to buy into it.

Of course I didn't mean they should tax fat people directly; they should just tax the food that makes people fat. And of course, they should ban sales of any fast food to minors. Make them show an ID that proves they are over 18 before we allow them to buy that Big Mac. :lol:
He'll build a glass asylum
With just a hint of mayhem
He'll build a better whirlpool
We'll be living from sin,
then we can really begin

Please saviour, saviour, show us
Hear me, I'm graphically yours

Someone to claim us, someone to follow

Someone to shame us, some brave Apollo

Someone to fool us, someone like you
We want you Big Brother, Big Brother

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=555jxltr9Zo]YouTube - Big Brother - David Bowie[/ame]
Americans are way too fat.

I could stand to lose an extra 20 pounds myself.

We eat too much crap, and the food industry markets to us in a manner to stimulate primal needs. Just look at junk food. Packages are much bigger than they were 20 years ago because food companies can increase their contribution margin by stuffing more calories into single package.

There are a multitude of reasons for so many people being overweight. Our schools offer less physical activity than they used to. Kids sit in front of the television playing video games way too much rather than being outside playing. Of course, so many parents are afraid their kid will be abducted that they won't even let them go outside to play unless they are supervised, even though the statistics show that these types of crimes are less than they were 30 years ago.

On top of that, food companies do promote bigger is better and try as much as possible to entice people into ordering more than they need. But probably one of the biggest problems is the simple fact that people eat out much more than they did in the past. And when they eat out, they are exposed to these ultra high calorie foods. Yes, they taste good, and eating them once in a while really wouldn't be a bad thing. But when people eat out three, four, or more days per week, then it becomes a problem. And even when they do cook at home, most of the crap they cook is over-processed garbage.

If a lot of these people got back to cooking decent meals that offered balanced diets, a lot would change.
Americans are way too fat.

I could stand to lose an extra 20 pounds myself.

We eat too much crap, and the food industry markets to us in a manner to stimulate primal needs. Just look at junk food. Packages are much bigger than they were 20 years ago because food companies can increase their contribution margin by stuffing more calories into single package.

Started watching this on Friday night

Jamie Oliver - News - jamie oliver kickstarts a revolution in america

The processed food providers must be shitting themselves if it takes off...

Pretty much what I just said. Can we actually change people's attitude toward the food they eat? I have my doubts.

"All You Can Eat Buffet"

The grass grows in the field and the cows eat all the grass
And i eat all the cows so i can have a big white ass
Attention wal-mart shoppers there's a sale on isle five
So get spatstic with your plastic ain't it great to be alive
What a happy day at the all you can eat buffet
Fill the whole damn tray at the all you can eat buffet
Let me here you say "go usa" at the all you can eat buffet
Just throw it all away at the all you can eat buffet
The cows grow in the field and the test tubes grew the eggs
When genetically perfected they won't even need their legs
Get excited wal-mart shoppers there's a new machine to buy
It brings you spiritual salvation only $19.

Wookiefoot - All You Can Eat Buffet Lyrics
Cons fighting for the right to be fat.
Love the picture of the European vs. the American woman.

You suggesting that people don't have the right to be fat? That the government has the right to tell the people how much they can weigh, what they can eat, and how much exercise we need?

Is it too difficult to just try to explain and teach rather than given tyrannical powers to a dictator?
New Zealand, like all civilized nations, has free health care.
Recently I read a blurb about some 300 lb bimbo who tried to immigrate there and was denied due to " obesity".They knew she would be a burden to the system.
Fatass murkins go get gut banding because they are too fucking sorry to simply follow the post banding " diet" plan themselves.
Less food. Less blubber.

Fácil !

It isn't a matter of it being a right. It's a matter of not being stupid.
This is how the obesity police deal with it in the U.K. Unintended consequences of social engineering programs?

Hundreds of children have been sent letters informing them they are overweight or obese since the controversial child-measurement programme started.

Eating disorder charities have described the letters as a ‘scare tactic’ that could have damaging effects on youngsters vulnerable to eating disorders.

‘I don’t want my kids coming home talking about how much they weigh, or thinking it’s some kind of competition. This is just a complete waste of NHS money and should be stopped.’

Read more: How can this boy of four be labelled clinically obese? | Mail Online

Obviously the government needs to be able to control what people eat a lot more than they alrady do.

Bill: No sweets with food stamps | News - Home

A Florida lawmaker is pushing a bill that would ban the use of food stamps to purchase snacks and sweets, such as cookies and cakes.

Republican State Sen. Ronda Storms, of Valrico, says her goal is to stop a small percentage of recipients who misuse food stamps.

Her bill would also require food stamp recipients to take state-run classes on healthy eating and how making your own baked goods is cheaper than store-made sweets.

They can always start a cookie black market. It will be good for the poor to take on this kind of small business entrepreneurship.
Personally I think every individual should be responsible for his own medical records.

I have a copy of mine on an encrypted flash drive. I don't want any of my personal information hanging around some quack's office where anyone can look at it.
Even if obesity is a battle the government wants to take on, using BMI isn't a tool they should be using. To be of normal weight using BMI a person must be both thin, and physically weak. A strong musculoskeleton raises BMI as much as a few rolls of blubber or more.
hope and change baby.


Thursday, July 15, 2010
By Matt Cover, Staff Writer

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaks to reporters at HHS headquarters in Washington on July 1, 2010. (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr)(CNSNews.com) – New federal regulations issued this week stipulate that the electronic health records--that all Americans are supposed to have by 2014 under the terms of the stimulus law that President Barack Obama signed last year--must record not only the traditional measures of height and weight, but also the Body Mass Index: a measure of obesity.

The obesity-rating regulation states that every American's electronic health record must: “Calculate body mass index. Automatically calculate and display body mass index (BMI) based on a patient’s height and weight.”

The law also requires that these electronic health records be available--with appropriate security measures--on a national exchange.

The new regulations are one of the first steps towards the government’s goal of universal adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) by 2014, as outlined in the 2009 economic stimulus law. Specifically, the regulations issued on Tuesday by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Dr. David Blumenthal, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, define the "meaningful use" of electronic records. Under the stimulus law, health care providers--including doctors and hospitals--must establish "meaningful use" of EHRs by 2014 in order to qualify for federal subsidies. After that, they will be subjected to penalties in the form of diminished Medicare and Medicaid payments for not establishing "meaningful use" of EHRs.

read it all here.
CNSNews.com - Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Says HHS

I guess Micheal Moore, Barney Frank, rosie O, and Oprah are fucked
Under the body mass index (very politically driven), everyone is fat except anorexics.

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