Obesity Rating for Every American Must Be Included in Stimulus-Mandated Electronic He

And condolences on your lack of comprehension regarding Berwick. It would behoove you to read up on him.

Thanks, you seem very well informed!

If EHRs are supposed to be functional, whatever you mean by that, then why saddle them with a datum that is both unscientific and non functional? Because it is politically expedient?

The point is merely to ensure EHRs can perform operations on vital signs they chart, if necessary (that's a pretty low bar to reach but this is only Stage 1). As I said, they could require multiplying height, weight, and BP together and then dividing by 42 for all I care.

So, they want to make sure that EHRs can be used to make calculations? Why? What possible use can there be in that? Keep in ming that I write programs that can pull information off of web pages and use it in any way I want, so doing the same with EHRs would be a simple matter of adapting existing freeware or shareware apps to accomplish those purposes.

The only reason for requiring tracking BMI in EHR is so that that specific information can be used by someone. The fact that government wants to track obesity in EHRs indicates to me that they are going to start using that information against people.
Would it be unfair to charge someone more for health risks beyond their control? Is that something you don't feel comfortable penalizing someone for?
Life ain't fair...Get used to it...Wear a helmet.
Translation: GB has been owned and is running away.
I'm still waiting for him to explain how the government providing BMI statistics will make ER doctors who are too stupid to tell if someone is obese suddenly much more competent.
The information will not be used for an sinister purpose, the Government just wants to group people into broad categories: Ubermenschen and Untermenschen

Nothing to fear. It's for your won good.
I can see a FAT TAX in the future.

hope and change baby

Well, they tax smokers and drinkers; why not tax fat people too?

Why limit it to smokers, drinkers, and fatties? How about taxing people whose DNA indicates a risk of EXPENSIVE diseases? How about taxing people whose family history indicates increased LONGEVITY (cuz they are certainly going to consumer more services!). How about taxing teachers because they are exposed to small children with nasty germs and get more colds and will see the doctor more often?...

It's all coming if November doesn't put a stop to the madness...
Indeed it is - and the Berwick recess appointment is a step towards the Final Solution.
Americans are way too fat.

I could stand to lose an extra 20 pounds myself.

We eat too much crap, and the food industry markets to us in a manner to stimulate primal needs. Just look at junk food. Packages are much bigger than they were 20 years ago because food companies can increase their contribution margin by stuffing more calories into single package.
Americans are way too fat.

I could stand to lose an extra 20 pounds myself.

We eat too much crap, and the food industry markets to us in a manner to stimulate primal needs. Just look at junk food. Packages are much bigger than they were 20 years ago because food companies can increase their contribution margin by stuffing more calories into single package.

Started watching this on Friday night

Jamie Oliver - News - jamie oliver kickstarts a revolution in america

The processed food providers must be shitting themselves if it takes off...
All acknowledge it's merely a screening tool. Except you, apparently. Yes, you're right--as a diagnostic tool it's fatally flawed. Which is why it's not used that way.

And why on earth should we use a fatally flawed system as a screening tool? What possibly purpose would it have?
Cons fighting for the right to be fat.
Love the picture of the European vs. the American woman.

You suggesting that people don't have the right to be fat? That the government has the right to tell the people how much they can weigh, what they can eat, and how much exercise we need?

Is it too difficult to just try to explain and teach rather than given tyrannical powers to a dictator?
Slightly off topic - but measuring Body Mass Index (BMI) is a joke. There are numerous online calculators that will help you find out what your BMI is. Here are the categories.
BMI Category
Less than 15 Starvation
15 to 18.49 Underweight
18.5 to 25 Ideal
25.01 to 30 Overweight
30.01 to 40 Obese
Greater than 40 Morbidly Obese
I am in top notch physical condition. I have less than 15% body fat and exercise 6 days per week. Yet, according to the "BMI" I am "overweight" ....:rofl: Here is a list of people that, according to BMI are all overweight or obese...

Name Height Weight BMI
Tom Brady 6’4″ 225 lbs 27
Kobe Bryant 6’6″ 200 lbs 25
George Clooney 5’11″ 211 lbs 29
Matt Damon 5’11″ 187 lbs 26
Johnny Depp 5’7″ 190 lbs 27
Vin Diesel 6’2″ 200 lbs 26
Lebron James 6’8″ 240 lbs 26
Michael Jordan 6’6″ 216 lbs 25
Nick Lachey 5’10″ 180 lbs 26
Yao Ming 7’6″ 310 lbs 27
Brad Pitt 6’0″ 203 lbs 28
Keanu Reeves 6’1″ 223 lbs 29
Andy Roddick 6’2″ 197 lbs 25
Nykesha Sales 6’0″ 184 lbs 25
Will Smith 6’2″ 210 lbs 27
Denzel Washington 6’0″ 199 lbs 27
Tom Cruise 5’7″ 201 lbs 31
Steve McNair 6’2″ 235 lbs 30
The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) 6’5″ 275 lbs 33
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is obese? Tom Cruise too? :rofl:

The BMI doesn't mean squat without waist to hip ratios, body fat calculations, etc...

Nothing is perfect. However for each of those people that you listed, you could probably find 99 people who are actually obese and at a health risk.
The fact that government wants to track obesity in EHRs indicates to me that they are going to start using that information against people.

Once the tinfoil hats come out in a thread, I have to bow out. My patience has limits.

Tinfoil hats? How is it tinfoil hats to recognize human nature and use logical to deduce the only rational solutions?

What's the point of having the information if you aren't going to use it somehow?
The fact that government wants to track obesity in EHRs indicates to me that they are going to start using that information against people.

Once the tinfoil hats come out in a thread, I have to bow out. My patience has limits.

Tinfoil hats? How is it tinfoil hats to recognize human nature and use logical to deduce the only rational solutions?

What's the point of having the information if you aren't going to use it somehow?
Apparently, our pal Pinkbeard doesn't seem to think that ne'er-do-wells could possibly land jobs as high level politicians and bureaucrats, who would subsequently abuse such powers.
Americans are way too fat.

I could stand to lose an extra 20 pounds myself.

We eat too much crap, and the food industry markets to us in a manner to stimulate primal needs. Just look at junk food. Packages are much bigger than they were 20 years ago because food companies can increase their contribution margin by stuffing more calories into single package.

Do you think the government should force you to go on a diet?

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