Oblamacare - List of Dems Who Should Apologize

No apologies needed. After all, none of them read the bill so they didn't know they were voting for in the first place.
No apologies needed. After all, none of them read the bill so they didn't know they were voting for in the first place.

I have to admit, with all their ignorance and evil intentions to change and destroy the face of America, they did pull off a brilliant coup. Dems have it down when it comes to cheating and tactics. The rest of us are still learning and trying to compete, but still, I worry. There are just too many people living off big government brought to them by Santa Claus and his evil elves.
Screw their apologies, I want their RESIGNATIONS with the stipulation they will leave politics for life

and never show their lying deceitful faces to us ever again...

oh dear, was that a little harsh.....lol
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Gee, I wonder if we'll be getting apologies from the board progressives that parroted that same nonsense about everyone being able to keep the policies and doctors they had and liked? Probably shouldn't hold my breath on that though...should I?
People like Moonglow? Want to say you're sorry for buying that line of crap, Moonie?
I can't tell you how many times I was ridiculed for pointing out the flaws of ObamaCare back in 2009. It didn't make sense then...and it still doesn't make sense...but people like Moonie, Deanie, Sallow and the rest of the far left "chorus" were so busy calling anyone who questioned the numbers being put out by Barry, Harry and Nancy, "haters" that they didn't look at what was IN ObamaCare.
How can you possibly compile a list like this without Joe Lie-bermann's name on it?

Oh that's right... he was an "independent" by then.

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10. SEN. MARY LANDRIEU (D-LA): “If you like the insurance that you have, you'll be able to keep it.” (MSNBC’s Hardball, 12/16/09)

Mary Landrieu, like all Senate Democrats, provided the deciding vote on passing ObamaCare. After 3 years, it is hard to remember all the parliamentary tricks the Democrats used to pass a bill that almost none of them had read. Landrieu, who is up for reelection next year, lied on TV. She should apologize.

She is the lowest of the low....
She made a deal to buy her vote for this steaming pile of dog shit.
Now that she thinks she is trouble in getting elected again she is willing to do anything to save her ass.....

What a piece of crap...

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