Obuma Says "ISIL" to Insult Israel....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

I would add another reason. It keeps his hands clean because it focuses on Iraq instead of Syria. A Syria that because of western leaders and Sunni Gulf states interference created a vacuum to allow ISIS to become the largest and wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This article nails it.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL? An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East. Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria.

Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush. The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story
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RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
Israel is Palestine...

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
Israel is Palestine...

You mean all those 6 million Jews STOLE IT from the 1.4 BILLION islamic scumbag terrorists?

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
Israel is Palestine...

You mean all those 6 million Jews STOLE IT from the 1.4 BILLION islamic scumbag terrorists?
No, I mean the ones who stole it from the peaceful Arabs, who owned that land.

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

Think about this myself, how about instead, IST (Islamic State Terrorists)

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
Israel is Palestine...
Take it up with the UN.

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
Israel is Palestine...
And it belongs to the Jews.

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
Israel is Palestine...
Take it up with the UN.
I have. No matter...

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
I don't know what's worse; the absurd things Pumpkin-head say's, or the people that believe him?

This is a quote from your link...

" I think the American people are so far beyond "Bush did it" and this and that. I mean, Bush is eight years ago now, seven-years. They know Bush had nothing to do with San Bernardino. He had nothing to do with Fort Hood. People know that when Bush was president, this stuff didn't happen."

"...this stuff didn't happen..."?

Jesus Christ, 9/11 happened! This guy is just nuts!

BTW, Bush is responsible for San Bernardino.

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says
I don't know what's worse; the absurd things Pumpkin-head say's, or the people that believe him?

This is a quote from your link...

" I think the American people are so far beyond "Bush did it" and this and that. I mean, Bush is eight years ago now, seven-years. They know Bush had nothing to do with San Bernardino. He had nothing to do with Fort Hood. People know that when Bush was president, this stuff didn't happen."

"...this stuff didn't happen..."?

Jesus Christ, 9/11 happened! This guy is just nuts!

BTW, Bush is responsible for San Bernardino.

How on earth is Bush responsible for San Bernadino? What next? Are we going to accuse GW for the freaking Crusades? Yeah, yeah that's the ticket. If GW hadn't ordered the Crusades none of this shit would be happening now....
How on earth is Bush responsible for San Bernadino?
Bush and Cheney created ISIS, but those who pulled the triggers are responsible for SB...

You need to get your time lines correct. When they were an offshoot of AQ in Iraq they were chump change.

When Bagdhadi took over and moved into Syria and with his Chechen military leader THAT'S when ISIS truly became the most powerful terror army and nation on the planet. After he broke away from AQ in Syria.

Too bad our asshole western leaders hadn't learned their lessons in Egypt/Libya. They were still hell bent for leather to depose Assad. And they turned a blind eye as to the terror groups that were over powering so call rebels. They also played "see no evil, hear no evil" with Erdogan's financing of al Nusra and buying oil from ISIS.

Cripes all to install the MB.
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RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

I would add another reason. It keeps his hands clean because it focuses on Iraq instead of Syria. A Syria that because of western leaders and Sunni Gulf states interference created a vacuum to allow ISIS to become the largest and wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This article nails it.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL? An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East. Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria.

Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush. The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story

Being a fan of Donald Trump - when he tells the truth - (not very often lately) and as you mentioned President Bush I should remind you of what Trump once said about Bush;

Here: Cnn ticker

Trump: I wanted Bush impeached

(CNN) - Business mogul Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have sought to impeach President Bush when she had the chance.
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Trump said the president and his administration deliberately lied about the Iraq war, and congressional Democrats missed an opportunity to impeach him when the party took control of Congress in 2006.
Watch the full interview on The Situation Room at 4 and 6 p.m. ET.
"I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush," Trump said. "It was almost - it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing."Pressed why he feels Bush deserved the punishment faced by only two other commanders-in-chief, Trump said the president misled the country in the run-up to the Iraq war, and that his actions were considerably more objectionable than those which led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.
"He lied. He got us into the war with lies," Trump said. And I mean - look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

I would add another reason. It keeps his hands clean because it focuses on Iraq instead of Syria. A Syria that because of western leaders and Sunni Gulf states interference created a vacuum to allow ISIS to become the largest and wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This article nails it.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL? An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East. Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria.

Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush. The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story

Being a fan of Donald Trump - when he tells the truth - (not very often lately) and as you mentioned President Bush I should remind you of what Trump once said about Bush;

Here: Cnn ticker

Trump: I wanted Bush impeached

(CNN) - Business mogul Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have sought to impeach President Bush when she had the chance.
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Trump said the president and his administration deliberately lied about the Iraq war, and congressional Democrats missed an opportunity to impeach him when the party took control of Congress in 2006.
Watch the full interview on The Situation Room at 4 and 6 p.m. ET.
"I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush," Trump said. "It was almost - it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing."Pressed why he feels Bush deserved the punishment faced by only two other commanders-in-chief, Trump said the president misled the country in the run-up to the Iraq war, and that his actions were considerably more objectionable than those which led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.
"He lied. He got us into the war with lies," Trump said. And I mean - look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

Even Trump can be wrong! Not as wrong as Obuma or the Hildebeast, but wrong!

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

I would add another reason. It keeps his hands clean because it focuses on Iraq instead of Syria. A Syria that because of western leaders and Sunni Gulf states interference created a vacuum to allow ISIS to become the largest and wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This article nails it.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL? An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East. Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria.

Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush. The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story

Being a fan of Donald Trump - when he tells the truth - (not very often lately) and as you mentioned President Bush I should remind you of what Trump once said about Bush;

Here: Cnn ticker

Trump: I wanted Bush impeached

(CNN) - Business mogul Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have sought to impeach President Bush when she had the chance.
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Trump said the president and his administration deliberately lied about the Iraq war, and congressional Democrats missed an opportunity to impeach him when the party took control of Congress in 2006.
Watch the full interview on The Situation Room at 4 and 6 p.m. ET.
"I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush," Trump said. "It was almost - it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing."Pressed why he feels Bush deserved the punishment faced by only two other commanders-in-chief, Trump said the president misled the country in the run-up to the Iraq war, and that his actions were considerably more objectionable than those which led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.
"He lied. He got us into the war with lies," Trump said. And I mean - look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

I'm a fan of the Donald. But he's wrong on a couple of points in this interview. Both sides of the aisle were privy to the same information before voting to go to war in Iraq.

And I'm sorry as I can be, but they had to impeach Clinton. Perjury and obstruction of justice is not "nonsense".

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

I would add another reason. It keeps his hands clean because it focuses on Iraq instead of Syria. A Syria that because of western leaders and Sunni Gulf states interference created a vacuum to allow ISIS to become the largest and wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This article nails it.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL? An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East. Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria.

Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush. The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story

Being a fan of Donald Trump - when he tells the truth - (not very often lately) and as you mentioned President Bush I should remind you of what Trump once said about Bush;

Here: Cnn ticker

Trump: I wanted Bush impeached

(CNN) - Business mogul Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have sought to impeach President Bush when she had the chance.
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Trump said the president and his administration deliberately lied about the Iraq war, and congressional Democrats missed an opportunity to impeach him when the party took control of Congress in 2006.
Watch the full interview on The Situation Room at 4 and 6 p.m. ET.
"I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush," Trump said. "It was almost - it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing."Pressed why he feels Bush deserved the punishment faced by only two other commanders-in-chief, Trump said the president misled the country in the run-up to the Iraq war, and that his actions were considerably more objectionable than those which led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.
"He lied. He got us into the war with lies," Trump said. And I mean - look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

Even Trump can be wrong! Not as wrong as Obuma or the Hildebeast, but wrong!

I understand, when someone you like says something you don't like they're just wrong. If you don't like them they're lying sacks of shit, got it.

RUSH: ISIS versus ISIL. The Levant, includes Israel, includes much of the eastern Mediterranean shoreline. By using the term "ISIL," it is meant to delegitimize Israel. It is meant to include Israel in the Levant, which would make it Palestine. I'm telling you, there's a reason Obama does this, and his audience is not us....

Obama Says

I would add another reason. It keeps his hands clean because it focuses on Iraq instead of Syria. A Syria that because of western leaders and Sunni Gulf states interference created a vacuum to allow ISIS to become the largest and wealthiest terror organization on the planet.

This article nails it.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL? An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East. Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria.

Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush. The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story

Being a fan of Donald Trump - when he tells the truth - (not very often lately) and as you mentioned President Bush I should remind you of what Trump once said about Bush;

Here: Cnn ticker

Trump: I wanted Bush impeached

(CNN) - Business mogul Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should have sought to impeach President Bush when she had the chance.
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Trump said the president and his administration deliberately lied about the Iraq war, and congressional Democrats missed an opportunity to impeach him when the party took control of Congress in 2006.
Watch the full interview on The Situation Room at 4 and 6 p.m. ET.
"I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush," Trump said. "It was almost - it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing."Pressed why he feels Bush deserved the punishment faced by only two other commanders-in-chief, Trump said the president misled the country in the run-up to the Iraq war, and that his actions were considerably more objectionable than those which led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton.
"He lied. He got us into the war with lies," Trump said. And I mean - look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

Even Trump can be wrong! Not as wrong as Obuma or the Hildebeast, but wrong!

I understand, when someone you like says something you don't like they're just wrong. If you don't like them they're lying sacks of shit, got it.

Works for me!

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