OCare Navigator Gives Advice: Don't Run With Scissors


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
So, we spend $Billions and $Billions so that the government can tell us not to run with scissors.

The following transcript in which some hapless sap tries to get help from a HealthCare.gov Navigator is quite revealing (and note the referral to 1-800-FUCKYO!).

Dean is the Navigator; Adrian is the Hapless Sap.

...[09:36:08 am]: Dean: You have two months to apply, enrole in a plan, and make your first premium payment, to get coverage starting Jan,1,2014.

[09:36:18 am]: Adrian: This isn’t a login problem.

[09:36:32 am]: Adrian: What you sent seems like a canned response.

[09:36:55 am]: Dean: It was .

[09:37:03 am]: Adrian: I had the login problems for the first 11 days.

[09:37:28 am]: Adrian: I have until Oct 30 to make a decision about coverage for my family. I don’t have until March

[09:38:13 am]: Dean: Inagine you are stuck in this site’s rush hour traffic . You still exist .You just aren’t going anywhere

[09:38:39 am]: Adrian: Rush hour?

[09:38:50 am]: Adrian: This isn’t rush hour.

[09:39:11 am]: Adrian: Do they pay you to make jokes?

[09:39:15 am]: Dean: Millions of people want to do this yesterday.

[09:39:30 am]: Adrian: Now you sound like a fortune cookie.

[09:39:49 am]: Adrian: Next you are going to tell me about advise from strangers?

[09:39:54 am]: Dean: I’m flattered.

[09:40:10 am]: Adrian: You have no way to assist those that ask for help?

[09:40:24 am]: Dean: Don’t run with sissors

[09:40:41 am]: Adrian: Why is there even a chat option on the page if you can’t lookup an application and assist?

[09:40:43 am]: Dean: You can contact the Health Insurance Marketplace Call Center. Their telephone number is 1-800-318-2596. They may be able to assist you.

[09:40:54 am]: Adrian: Then what is the chat function for?

[09:41:08 am]: Dean: Information...

Navigator to Consumer: 'Don't Lose Your Sanity Over This Website' | National Review Online

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