Ocasio-Cortez Complains About Not Getting Congressional Paycheck Yet: ‘How Do I Get An Apartment?’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.
Bimbo? Wow you are just as ignorant as Trump. Fuck you.

Bro she's dumb as a box of rocks.

What have rocks ever done to you?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.

Ahh fuck it let's put a go fund me page for her..
How in the hell did she afford to pay rent in NYC? Just as expensive as DC is isn't it?
Rent control in New York....? or she was in a co-op, or she had a roommate or two or three,or lived with family...?

Yes, rents in DC where a congressman would live and is safer, are very expensive...

There is great demand for these safer areas from not only Congress Critters, but also, law firms and Lobbyists, and Political Action groups... high demand and a very limited area of safer Rentals would make it hard for most middle class, to live there.

She'll be getting her $170,000 plus salary in January and will probably need to bunk on someone's couch, until then....
A Congressman is living in DC on behalf of his state
The state should pick up his housing costs
I agree. I never thought about it before, but if we want any honest newcomers to represent us, I think it's certainly fair considering how expensive it is to live in D.C.
I don’t see why states don’t maintain housing in DC. They will always have representatives there
True. Except most of our reps and senators wouldn't live in a state owned flop house with a couple of other young politicians, possibly not even the same party! Think of the anonymous reports leaking to WaPo! Our senators and representatives have been pretty well off for awhile, and I'm sure they enjoy their privacy. So a state could well be paying an exhorbitant rent for an apartment that is vacant a good part of the time.
I haven't read through this thread, but what is hilarious that the party that slams elites, hates the establishment and wants to see the system blown apart is attacking a person who is not an elitist, not part of the establishment and wants to blow the system a part. You people should be supporting her because your aims are not that different from hers.
I haven't read through this thread, but what is hilarious that the party that slams elites, hates the establishment and wants to see the system blown apart is attacking a person who is not an elitist, not part of the establishment and wants to blow the system a part. You people should be supporting her because your aims are not that different from hers.

She is a marxist fool.

She will be part of the problem, not any solution.
FOX laughed and made fun of her, for not having money to make the transition in to D.C.

She probably has to be there before their swearing in to work on a smooth transition from one congress critter to the other and orientation...?
How in the hell did she afford to pay rent in NYC? Just as expensive as DC is isn't it?
She still lives in NYC -- its not as easy to pay DC rent and NYC rent -- especially if you are NOT a rich elitist....

I find it funny that Trump lovers are mocking a woman for not being rich or elite, for not being establishment -- and most importantly, you are mocking a woman who didn't use her campaign funds for her own personal expenses (Duncan Hunter) -- and who didn't have lobbyists rent her homes at dirt cheap prices (Scott Pruitt) -- but you folks want to talk about "drain the swamp"??

Trump supporters are pathetic...

She isn’t being mocked for not being rich.

She is being mocked for making zero plans for an expense she knew would be coming and claiming the government is flawed because she won’t get paid until she starts work.

In other words she is being mocked for being stupid.

Now, I don’t think she should be mocked at all. The woman clearly has some issues and needs help.

And this is the up and coming face of the Democrat party
I don't like her, but for different reasons; I think she is riding a wave and is actually kind of unintelligent. But to attack her for not being wealthy is kinda ridiculous.

She isn’t being attacked for not being wealthy. She is being attacked for being stupid.
A new incoming President gets $7 million for his transition team, to spend.... before he is sworn in...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.
I thought conservatives used to encourage working class people to run for election?

Are you really just the party of billionaires now?

Working class people don’t expect to be paid before they work. They don’t think the system is broken for not paying them without working.

The working class, when they know they have a big expense coming within six months does what they can to budget and save for it or makes alternative arraignments.

She isn’t working class anymore and never acted like it
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.
Bimbo? Wow you are just as ignorant as Trump. Fuck you.

Bro she's dumb as a box of rocks.

uh-huh.... yet she was smart enough to beat her opponant- a republican who is a political professor. :whipg:

You mean the placeholder who raised no money and did zero campaigning instead of capitalizing off her insane statements and putting up a fight?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.
/—-/ One would think that with a Masters in Economics she could find a decent job, nothing wrong with being a waiter. I tended bar in college but I didn’t have a degree yet. Just sayin’
Anybody want to guess how long it takes the youngest member of Congress to become a millionaire? She's dumb as a box of rocks but I guarantee you that she'll have it explained to her how to get rich "representing" the people!
I don't like her, but for different reasons; I think she is riding a wave and is actually kind of unintelligent. But to attack her for not being wealthy is kinda ridiculous.

She isn’t being attacked for not being wealthy. She is being attacked for being stupid.
:rolleyes: right... and that is better, I suppose?

Already said I don’t think she should be attacked. She needs help dealing with reality. Not mocking.

But you guys won’t even acknowledge the real issue here. Instead there is a straw man that somehow her lack of common sense is an attack on working class people. It’s dishonest and pathetic
There’s Finally a Fight Over Members of Congress Sleeping in Their Offices. Maybe We Should Just Build Them a Dorm.
MARCH 7, 2018
For a couple decades now, we’ve been accustomed to the occasional reminder that some members of Congress—mostly Republicans, but a few Democrats, too—try to keep their anti-Washington purity intact by sleeping in their offices while they’re in session, rather than find more, ahem, normal accommodations around Washington. It’s one of those moves that has the dual appeal of sticking it to the DC establishment and proving some level of frugality to the voters back home.
Maybe It's Time to Build Congress a Dorm

I can get behind this deal with the following conditions:

1) congressional pay cut
2) everyone in Congress stays here when in session
3) housing isn’t assigned by party. Make members of both parties live together outside of work and maybe they will treat each other as human beings and learn to communicate

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