Here is the quintessential left-wing lunatic. First, she insults a woman calling her “crazy”.
Pusstriot automatically sympathizes with shrieking unhinged crazy people.
There you have it, ladies & gentlemen - the “tolerant” and “compassionate” leftist. Now remember, her position is that she wants socialism because she “cares”. But you can see how much she actually cares with that comment. Mocking people with genuine healthcare issues.
How's the conspiracy going today?
You still trying that bizarre position that AOC’s own mother fleeing from AOC’s own policies is “not” and indictment on her bat-shit crazy policies? How’s that working out for ya? :laugh:

Mammaries strategy: plug ears with fingers while chanting “la-la-la-la I can’t hear you”. She thinks she can pretend her way into an alternate reality.
"Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'
March 21st, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a scathing Twitter thread, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took Fox News hosts to task for not referring to her using her proper title: "Dear Leader."

"Fox News likes to say my name (incorrectly) as 'Ocasio-Cortez,' which I can only imagine is because they refuse to acknowledge me as Dear, Supreme, Glorious Leader of the People's Republic of North America," she said, kicking off a 27-tweet-long rant during office hours. She further explained how the error was racist, rebuking anyone who disagreed by using clapping emojis and a few Parks and Recreation GIFs.

"No, you can't simply refer to me as Alexandria or Ocasio-Cortez," she continued. "My name is Dear Leader. Full stop. That's my name."

A review of Fox News footage over the past several months, however, indicated that hosts only ever correctly referred to her as "bananas."
Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'
There you have it, ladies & gentlemen - the “tolerant” and “compassionate” leftist.

Fuck compassion. You're a fascist traitor, so you get treated like one. If that makes you cry, so much the better.

And it is making you cry. Three weepy posts in a row directed at me. Mmmm, such bitter but sweet tears, so tasty. It didn't break your record of five consecutive weepy rage-posts tossed at me, but it was still nice to see.
Here is the quintessential left-wing lunatic. First, she insults a woman calling her “crazy”.
Pusstriot automatically sympathizes with shrieking unhinged crazy people.
Mocking people with genuine healthcare issues.
Fuck compassion.
There you have it, folks! Mammaries doesn’t support communism because she “cares”. She supports communism because she loves to see people controlled and oppressed.
Fuck compassion. You're a fascist traitor, so you get treated like one.
Uh....what? We were talking about how you mistreated the woman with the mental health issue who had the misfortune of crossing your path. How does mistreating her get me treated like a “fascist”?

It’s no wonder you are so frustrated. Your IQ is somewhere in the low 70’s. :lmao:
"Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'
March 21st, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a scathing Twitter thread, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took Fox News hosts to task for not referring to her using her proper title: "Dear Leader."

"Fox News likes to say my name (incorrectly) as 'Ocasio-Cortez,' which I can only imagine is because they refuse to acknowledge me as Dear, Supreme, Glorious Leader of the People's Republic of North America," she said, kicking off a 27-tweet-long rant during office hours. She further explained how the error was racist, rebuking anyone who disagreed by using clapping emojis and a few Parks and Recreation GIFs.

"No, you can't simply refer to me as Alexandria or Ocasio-Cortez," she continued. "My name is Dear Leader. Full stop. That's my name."

A review of Fox News footage over the past several months, however, indicated that hosts only ever correctly referred to her as "bananas."
Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'

Cortez's mental status goes way beyond mere ignorance. She is a bona fide, board certified, loony tunes wacko. The left whose favorite strategy is to call conservatives stupid has embraced an absolute airhead as the symbol and future of their party. Whodathunkit? Somewhere Sarah Palin is chomping down on a grizzly burger and saying, “And they called ME stupid.”

My favorite name for the lady is Occasional-Cortex. She is by far the most ignorant person ever elected to national office. The ultra-left called Sarah Palin stupid based upon something she never said, yet they embrace and defend one of their own whose insane ramblings are officially recorded. I am convinced she is not only ignorant but at least slightly retarded.

What she said about Amazon proves she knows nothing about economics, and I do mean nothing, zip, zero. She really believes New York saved billions by rejecting Amazon's offer, whereas everyone of at least average intelligence and with a modicum of common sense knows the city lost tens of billions of dollars, actually hundreds of billions of dollars over time.. She also said she would vote to outlaw bumper stocks, totally unaware aware that the Trump administration outlawed bumper stocks stocks last year.

If there were an award for stupidity, she would get first prize. Second place would go to Congressman Hank Johnson who said he was afraid that Guam would “become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." Third place goes to the collective body of uninformed ultra-left lunatics who actually believe any of the following: the MSM is unbiased, no illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election; the U.S. intelligence agencies (DOJ and FBI) were not compromised, Hillary Clinton did not commit multiple felonies, and Mueller is a person of integrity.
"Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'
March 21st, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a scathing Twitter thread, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took Fox News hosts to task for not referring to her using her proper title: "Dear Leader."

"Fox News likes to say my name (incorrectly) as 'Ocasio-Cortez,' which I can only imagine is because they refuse to acknowledge me as Dear, Supreme, Glorious Leader of the People's Republic of North America," she said, kicking off a 27-tweet-long rant during office hours. She further explained how the error was racist, rebuking anyone who disagreed by using clapping emojis and a few Parks and Recreation GIFs.

"No, you can't simply refer to me as Alexandria or Ocasio-Cortez," she continued. "My name is Dear Leader. Full stop. That's my name."

A review of Fox News footage over the past several months, however, indicated that hosts only ever correctly referred to her as "bananas."
Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'

Cortez's mental status goes way beyond mere ignorance. She is a bona fide, board certified, loony tunes wacko. The left whose favorite strategy is to call conservatives stupid has embraced an absolute airhead as the symbol and future of their party. Whodathunkit? Somewhere Sarah Palin is chomping down on a grizzly burger and saying, “And they called ME stupid.”

My favorite name for the lady is Occasional-Cortex. She is by far the most ignorant person ever elected to national office. The ultra-left called Sarah Palin stupid based upon something she never said, yet they embrace and defend one of their own whose insane ramblings are officially recorded. I am convinced she is not only ignorant but at least slightly retarded.

What she said about Amazon proves she knows nothing about economics, and I do mean nothing, zip, zero. She really believes New York saved billions by rejecting Amazon's offer, whereas everyone of at least average intelligence and with a modicum of common sense knows the city lost tens of billions of dollars, actually hundreds of billions of dollars over time.. She also said she would vote to outlaw bumper stocks, totally unaware aware that the Trump administration outlawed bumper stocks stocks last year.

If there were an award for stupidity, she would get first prize. Second place would go to Congressman Hank Johnson who said he was afraid that Guam would “become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." Third place goes to the collective body of uninformed ultra-left lunatics who actually believe any of the following: the MSM is unbiased, no illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election; the U.S. intelligence agencies (DOJ and FBI) were not compromised, Hillary Clinton did not commit multiple felonies, and Mueller is a person of integrity.

"Cortez's mental status goes way beyond mere ignorance. She is a bona fide, board certified, loony tunes wacko."

Couldn't agree more, Prof!
Sadly, we've never even have heard of this nut, outside of the fact that there are not only enough foolish Democrat voters to put her in office, but there are maladjusted Democrat elected officers to have given control of the party to her.

On the bright side, Providence seems to have sprinkled imbeciles throughout history to amuse those of us who recognize same......kind of like the way the NYC transit authority has put a nut on every subway car to entertain the rest of us.
Brook Avenue Press

"...Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), owes back taxes for a failed business venture. According to the New York Post, Ocasio-Cortez owes $1,877.56 in unpaid corporate taxes. Here's the kicker: the bill is from six years ago.

AOC's failed business, Brook Avenue Press, .... is the business that owes state taxes. Rather ironic for a Congresswoman who advocates for taxing the rich, right?

On July 6, 2017, two months after Ocasio-Cortez announced her intent to run for Congress, New York State filed a warrant, The Post reported.

Brook Avenue Press eventually dissolved in October 2016, something that typically happens when a business fails to pay corporate taxes or file a tax return.

When she had her business, AOC advocated for lower taxes.

"You don’t really make a profit in your first year," Ocasio-Cortez said in 2012. "To get taxed on top of that is a real whammy."
Guess How Much AOC Owes In Corporate Back Taxes

How quickly they forget.......
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the gift that keeps on giving...
Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blamed the Keystone XL pipeline for leaking about 5,000 barrels of oil in rural South Dakota about two years ago.

There’s just one problem: The Keystone XL pipeline has not been built yet.
I always knew that the left was profoundly stupid, but I never realized the depths of it until Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came into our lives.

Ocasio-Cortez Blames Pipeline That Hasn’t Been Built Yet for an Oil Spill
"Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'
March 21st, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a scathing Twitter thread, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took Fox News hosts to task for not referring to her using her proper title: "Dear Leader."

"Fox News likes to say my name (incorrectly) as 'Ocasio-Cortez,' which I can only imagine is because they refuse to acknowledge me as Dear, Supreme, Glorious Leader of the People's Republic of North America," she said, kicking off a 27-tweet-long rant during office hours. She further explained how the error was racist, rebuking anyone who disagreed by using clapping emojis and a few Parks and Recreation GIFs.

"No, you can't simply refer to me as Alexandria or Ocasio-Cortez," she continued. "My name is Dear Leader. Full stop. That's my name."

A review of Fox News footage over the past several months, however, indicated that hosts only ever correctly referred to her as "bananas."
Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News Hosts For Not Referring To Her As 'Dear Leader'

Cortez's mental status goes way beyond mere ignorance. She is a bona fide, board certified, loony tunes wacko. The left whose favorite strategy is to call conservatives stupid has embraced an absolute airhead as the symbol and future of their party. Whodathunkit? Somewhere Sarah Palin is chomping down on a grizzly burger and saying, “And they called ME stupid.”

My favorite name for the lady is Occasional-Cortex. She is by far the most ignorant person ever elected to national office. The ultra-left called Sarah Palin stupid based upon something she never said, yet they embrace and defend one of their own whose insane ramblings are officially recorded. I am convinced she is not only ignorant but at least slightly retarded.

What she said about Amazon proves she knows nothing about economics, and I do mean nothing, zip, zero. She really believes New York saved billions by rejecting Amazon's offer, whereas everyone of at least average intelligence and with a modicum of common sense knows the city lost tens of billions of dollars, actually hundreds of billions of dollars over time.. She also said she would vote to outlaw bumper stocks, totally unaware aware that the Trump administration outlawed bumper stocks stocks last year.

If there were an award for stupidity, she would get first prize. Second place would go to Congressman Hank Johnson who said he was afraid that Guam would “become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." Third place goes to the collective body of uninformed ultra-left lunatics who actually believe any of the following: the MSM is unbiased, no illegal aliens voted in the 2016 election; the U.S. intelligence agencies (DOJ and FBI) were not compromised, Hillary Clinton did not commit multiple felonies, and Mueller is a person of integrity.

And, sadly, she is no outlier.

This is what our once vaunted university system produces.
Hey kooks, how's the conspiracy weeping going?

Not so well? Everyone else has moved on to a newer conspiracy?

No, I don't ever get tired of being proven right.
Hey kooks, how's the conspiracy weeping going?

Not so well? Everyone else has moved on to a newer conspiracy?

No, I don't ever get tired of being proven right.

Hey kooks, how's the conspiracy weeping going?

Not so well? Everyone else has moved on to a newer conspiracy?

No, I don't ever get tired of being proven right.

As everyone is far brighter than you are, readers recognize that you are deeply wounded by how your darling has been skewered.

Keep posting how it doesn't bother you, it provides the amusement that the rest of the world looks forward to.
So, the imbecile and here Green New Deal??????

Get this: a vote in the Senate today to begin debate on that moron's one....not one.....not a single Democrat, including Markey who co-sponsored it with Ocasio......voted 'yes'......

"Senate vote to begin Green New Deal debate fails to advance"
Senate vote to begin Green New Deal debate fails to advance

Ev'y body pickin' on her.....

.....including every Democrat in the Senate!!!!
"THE GREEN 'NO' DEAL: The Green New Deal, a sweeping Democratic proposal championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., for dealing with climate change, fell at the first hurdle Tuesday as the Senate failed to reach the 60 votes necessary to begin debate on the non-binding resolution, with 42 Democrats and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., voting "present" ... No senator voted to begin debate on the legislation, while 57 lawmakers voted against breaking the filibuster. The vote had been teed up by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., in a bid to make Democratic senators -- including several 2020 presidential candidates -- go on the record about the measure, which he calls "a radical, top-down, socialist makeover of the entire U.S. economy." Democrats, led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, called McConnell's move a "sham vote."
Smollett may still face new legal trouble; Obama connections suspected in dropping of hoax charges

There's lots of material revealing both her stupidity and her hypocrisy......but I had to share her demand for big tax increases with her mom being forced out of her home due to.......

.....wait for it....

.....high taxes!!!

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"

Enjoy while you can. She won’t be around long.

There's lots of material revealing both her stupidity and her hypocrisy......but I had to share her demand for big tax increases with her mom being forced out of her home due to.......

.....wait for it....

.....high taxes!!!

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"

Enjoy while you can. She won’t be around long.

1. Do you know the makeup of her district?

2. Here's where the Democrats feel she belongs
3. I want her around as the poster child for the Democrat Party.

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