Occam's razor or how most politicians LIKE Biden don't act!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Occam's razor...
This philosophical razor advocates that when presented with competing hypotheses about the same prediction, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions,

Now a simple illustration of how that works...
The often repeated story of how the simplest solution... and so on.
Seems the below image happened to a busy city road one day and all the experts were scratching their heads...
"How can we unlodge the truck"? What can we do?

“I know how to get the truck out!” a little boy cried out. The men were more concerned for the boy’s safety and shooed him away. The young fellow persisted until he found someone who would listen –
What do you think we should do?” asked the man.
“If you want to get the truck out all you have to do is let the air out of the tires!”
Occam's razor or in the case of what most of you childish, juvenile and sad to say truly ignorant people overlooked.
And that's the difference between Trump and definitely Biden and for sure Presidents since 1957!
Here is one example:

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

Gas prices a year ago--- $2.152 vs today: $3.372 nearly 57% more in one year and Biden begging OPEC to do more!!

Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 2.11.54 PM.png

So what was a simple cause, i.e. using Occam's razor...
Trump deregulatory program has been Executive Order 13,771, dubbed “Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs.

WASHINGTON – In keeping with the Administration’s goals of promoting America’s energy dominance, seven Bureau of Land Management state offices generated $170.7 million in bonus bids during their quarterly oil and gas lease sales. Among these sales, rights to a total of 218 parcels, covering 134,834.71 acres were sold.
"Oil and gas lease sales on federal land directly support domestic energy production and President Trump’s energy dominance goals for America," said U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke. "These sales provide critical revenue and job growth in rural America. We will continue to work to cut the red tape and improve processes to ensure regulations serve their intended purpose."
“These successful lease sales reflect our sound energy policy, which draws from the vast, untapped energy reserves right here in America,” said acting BLM Director Michael D. Nedd.
Occam's razor at work. Cut oil and gas exploration costs on federal land INCREASED exploration, meaning greater supply which what folks...LOWERS price of gas at the pump.
FACTS folks plain simple facts that Trump like the little kid said "wait... what is keeping the USA from energy independence"? In part rules and regulations. R&Rs alone are estimated to cost the American economy as much
as $1.9 trillion a year in direct costs, lost productivity, and higher prices.
The costs to smaller businesses with 50 employees or fewer are nearly 20% higher than the average for all firms.
Occam's razor...
Another example: Obamacare: A small business with 49 employees if they were to higher the 50th... the cost would
be due to Obamacare nearly $170,000 a year... so the small business hires 2 part time. Consequently...
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By Investing.com
Just a reminder folks all of the above have links to PROVE the statements!
FACTS folks!
Liberoidals don't understand trade-offs, push-down-pop-up, or externalities....It's inherent when your only tool and strategy is unapologetic brute force.

Biden Admin Dumps Alaska Oil Drilling Project Started Under Trump That Was Slated To Create Thousands Of Jobs​

After the Keystone XL Pipeline was stopped, thousands of Americans were left jobless at the stroke of a pen, and it’s happening again. Biden officially ended an Alaskan oil and gas drilling project that was based in Northern Alaska. The project would have delivered the United States energy independence and provided thousands of jobs, but that’s too good for Biden. He seems to aim to import energy and stop everything former President Donald Trump started, even if it makes sense to keep it in place.

Liberoidals don't understand trade-offs, push-down-pop-up, or externalities....It's inherent when your only tool and strategy is unapologetic brute force.
I think they are doing exactly what they want to do.

If you have a paradigm shift that this is all very intentional, it actually makes sense.

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