Occupy L.A. Plans "City Paralyzing" May Day Celebration


These 4 caravans, beginning in the late morning, coming from the North, South, East & West, will be an amalgam of cars and bikes, occupiers and unions, community orgs and organic communities — taking over our streets on routes designed to bring to light to societies ills, past and present, and engaging with residents and workers as we connect the disparate voices, races, classes and nationalities that make up Los Angeles. The caravans will stop at flashpoints along the way. Flash occupations, food giveaways, and other direct actions targeting the foreclosure crisis and police brutality will be undertaken at these flashpoints on our slow, city-paralyzing, carnival-esque descent into the center of the city.

After a day of actions and outreach that cripples capitalism in the city, Occupy Los Angeles will be hosting a special General Assembly at 7PM at Pershing Square. We will show those who claim power, where the true power lies — in our dedication to talking with each other and empowering ourselves to solve our own problems, the problems of the 99%.

Spring is Coming. | Occupy May 1st General Strike

Oh brother... :(

I am waiting to see what goes down at the conventions.....if occupy shows at the rep. convention but takes a pass at the democratic convention the veil of hypocrisy will be lifted.....I am not sure yet how this will benefit.

Not a chance, they will probably a bigger presence at the democratic convention since Obama is going to win reelection.

These 4 caravans, beginning in the late morning, coming from the North, South, East & West, will be an amalgam of cars and bikes, occupiers and unions, community orgs and organic communities — taking over our streets on routes designed to bring to light to societies ills, past and present, and engaging with residents and workers as we connect the disparate voices, races, classes and nationalities that make up Los Angeles. The caravans will stop at flashpoints along the way. Flash occupations, food giveaways, and other direct actions targeting the foreclosure crisis and police brutality will be undertaken at these flashpoints on our slow, city-paralyzing, carnival-esque descent into the center of the city.

After a day of actions and outreach that cripples capitalism in the city, Occupy Los Angeles will be hosting a special General Assembly at 7PM at Pershing Square. We will show those who claim power, where the true power lies — in our dedication to talking with each other and empowering ourselves to solve our own problems, the problems of the 99%.

Spring is Coming. | Occupy May 1st General Strike

Oh brother... :(

I am waiting to see what goes down at the conventions.....if occupy shows at the rep. convention but takes a pass at the democratic convention the veil of hypocrisy will be lifted.....I am not sure yet how this will benefit.
Nice point.

I am waiting to see what goes down at the conventions.....if occupy shows at the rep. convention but takes a pass at the democratic convention the veil of hypocrisy will be lifted.....I am not sure yet how this will benefit.

Not a chance, they will probably a bigger presence at the democratic convention since Obama is going to win reelection.

You an expert? Professional 'Organizer' are you?

These 4 caravans, beginning in the late morning, coming from the North, South, East & West, will be an amalgam of cars and bikes, occupiers and unions, community orgs and organic communities — taking over our streets on routes designed to bring to light to societies ills, past and present, and engaging with residents and workers as we connect the disparate voices, races, classes and nationalities that make up Los Angeles. The caravans will stop at flashpoints along the way. Flash occupations, food giveaways, and other direct actions targeting the foreclosure crisis and police brutality will be undertaken at these flashpoints on our slow, city-paralyzing, carnival-esque descent into the center of the city.

After a day of actions and outreach that cripples capitalism in the city, Occupy Los Angeles will be hosting a special General Assembly at 7PM at Pershing Square. We will show those who claim power, where the true power lies — in our dedication to talking with each other and empowering ourselves to solve our own problems, the problems of the 99%.

Spring is Coming. | Occupy May 1st General Strike

Oh brother... :(

LA is a magnate for this type of bullshit. they deserve it.
If there has ever been a movement that is more filled with clueless people it is the Occupy movement. To the point of hilarious.
Larry Summers is Obama's chief financial czar. That should enrage the entire movement in a frenzy. But it did not.
If you asked every occupier who Larry Summers is - I would be surprised if more than 1% could tell you. And that sums up the legitimacy of this movement.
If there has ever been a movement that is more filled with clueless people it is the Occupy movement. To the point of hilarious.
Larry Summers is Obama's chief financial czar. That should enrage the entire movement in a frenzy. But it did not.
If you asked every occupier who Larry Summers is - I would be surprised if more than 1% could tell you. And that sums up the legitimacy of this movement.

And with people as ex-Green Czar Van Jones behind this as well.
Interesting that the A.P. would post a headline today reminding people of the L.A. riots years ago that tore the city apart and killed 54 people. The good old days?
Interesting that the A.P. would post a headline today reminding people of the L.A. riots years ago that tore the city apart and killed 54 people. The good old days?

You mean the 'Rodney King' verdict and the riots that resulted?
It was all over the news this morning. Fanning the flames in the name of Rodney and Trayvon just in time for the mayhem on May 1. Good times. :(
In Los Angeles, it's not only Trayvon Martin but the thief, Kendrec McDade too.

Roits have nothing to do with justice. It all comes down to the looting.
It was all over the news this morning. Fanning the flames in the name of Rodney and Trayvon just in time for the mayhem on May 1. Good times. :(

Al I have to say to this is be prepared...and pay attention.
Interesting that the A.P. would post a headline today reminding people of the L.A. riots years ago that tore the city apart and killed 54 people. The good old days?

You mean the 'Rodney King' verdict and the riots that resulted?

Yeah, for some reason the A.P. (Associated Press) decided to post a photo today of burning L.A. and an assault on a white guy that happened in 1992. Is it a reminder of what can happen if the OWS rabble riots or is it a reminder of what the liberal media likes to remember as the good old days?
It was all over the news this morning. Fanning the flames in the name of Rodney and Trayvon just in time for the mayhem on May 1. Good times. :(

Al I have to say to this is be prepared...and pay attention.

Be prepared to ignore the message and pay attention only to what confirms your fears and prejudices, you mean? To some, OWS and Wall Street power are two entirely different subjects never to be included in the same discussion.
It was all over the news this morning. Fanning the flames in the name of Rodney and Trayvon just in time for the mayhem on May 1. Good times. :(

Al I have to say to this is be prepared...and pay attention.

Be prepared to ignore the message and pay attention only to what confirms your fears and prejudices, you mean? To some, OWS and Wall Street power are two entirely different subjects never to be included in the same discussion.

No you imbecile. Protecting our life, liberty and property from harm from the likes of YOU.

My husband just bought a gun. For 25 years I said "no guns in the house" while our kids were young. They are in college now. It gave me a sick feeling when I saw it, but I'm actually considering taking a course.
Al I have to say to this is be prepared...and pay attention.

Be prepared to ignore the message and pay attention only to what confirms your fears and prejudices, you mean? To some, OWS and Wall Street power are two entirely different subjects never to be included in the same discussion.

No you imbecile. Protecting our life, liberty and property from harm from the likes of YOU.


Namecalling does not make you any less blind to the reasons OWS even exists in the first place or why they have to engage in mass demonstrations to even get the slightest attention to the fact that our government is a wholly owned entity of the financial/energy/weapons sectors.
Anyone want to celebrate "loyalty day" on May first? It's the anti-labor version of the international Mayday celebration. Many authoritarian governments have instituted similar May first holidays in an attempt to supplant the populist message of the day. If you don't like OWS perhaps you can counter-demonstrate by reaffirming your loyalty to the United States government and the financial elite for which it stands.
An examination of the survey data shows clearly that the activists we interviewed have an ambitious and bold agenda of change that they are working to see implemented through their next phase of activity.

They seek nothing less than a fundamental overhaul of American society, going well beyond the policy prescriptions of many European and Scandinavian social democratic societies.

The activists we interviewed made it clear that they oppose American-style capitalism (53 percent), and believe in massive redistribution of wealth (71 percent), dramatically higher taxes (85 percent), and greater government regulation and control over the economy (79 percent).

Seventy-nine percent say that government has a moral responsibility to guarantee health care, a college education, and a secure retirement for all, no matter what the cost—a 14-point increase from 65 percent who gave this answer in our fall survey.

Three-quarters (74 percent) would like to see our health-care system replaced by a government-run single-payer system.

As the current survey results indicate, the movement plans to go beyond its achievement of controlling the national political dialogue and influencing both President Obama and the Democrats to an even more ambitious agenda of tangible social and political change.

Occupy Wall Street Has Seized Control of This Year
I'm very concerned. My boys live in Phila, where mass protests are being organized. While I must say that Occupy Philly has remained fairly civil (only a couple rapes) they are no fans of the police. I suspect provoking the cops will be one of their "non violent" tactics. It makes for good headlines from the sympathetic and cheering press.

The idiots will be there.

And yes plenty of those idiots will also not be in uniform.
Are you a cop hater too editec? You couldn't pay me a million dollars a year to be a cop in Philadelphia. Those guys risk their lives 24/7.

If anything, OWS has become even more radical since our October poll—when respondents said they were ready and willing to use civil disobedience (98 percent) and violence (31 percent) as a means of achieving OWS’ agenda.

The results from our latest survey show that the activists we interviewed in October were not only candid but accurate about their tactics and goals. Indeed, a detailed look at the findings suggests that the OWS protesters are bolder and more aggressive than ever—with close to two-thirds (63 percent) saying they have already engaged in civil disobedience, and more than 10 percent (13 percent) saying they have already engaged in violence in support of their goals.

Occupy Wall Street Has Seized Control of This Year

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