Occupy L.A. Plans "City Paralyzing" May Day Celebration

Amendment 1

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The United States Constitution
(For ill-educated Right-Wing Dummies.)
Anybody surprised that what goes around comes around? OWS leader Van Jones is a communist and he was appointed to Obama's "green jobs board" even though his experience was in arson and looting rather than green jobs. May day is the traditional Communist revolutionary day and OWS is geared up to celebrate. Right now it's just a show of power. Wait until Obama loses the election and see what happens.
Except, of course, for the fact that the nazi's support the occupy movement.

I have heard this before and it turns out it's bullshit.

I got you. Marxists, nazis, socialists all proclaim support for Occupy Wall street and go out to support it and it's bullcrap because it's inconvenient for the lies you've told yourself.

I support OWS and yet I still think Nazis are horrible flaming racist dickheads like just about everyone. They can say they support OWS, but OWS does not support them, see how that works?
I also hope shitters are very active between now and the election. Coast to coast and border to border.
Except, of course, for the fact that the nazi's support the occupy movement.

I have heard this before and it turns out it's bullshit.

I got you. Marxists, nazis, socialists all proclaim support for Occupy Wall street and go out to support it and it's bullcrap because it's inconvenient for the lies you've told yourself.


Stand-down, Jesus-freak.
Your ignorance is showing.​
I'm very concerned. My boys live in Phila, where mass protests are being organized. While I must say that Occupy Philly has remained fairly civil (only a couple rapes) they are no fans of the police. I suspect provoking the cops will be one of their "non violent" tactics. It makes for good headlines from the sympathetic and cheering press.
And cause to declare 'Marshal Law' indefinitely?:eusa_whistle:
I have heard this before and it turns out it's bullshit.

I got you. Marxists, nazis, socialists all proclaim support for Occupy Wall street and go out to support it and it's bullcrap because it's inconvenient for the lies you've told yourself.

I support OWS and yet I still think Nazis are horrible flaming racist dickheads like just about everyone. They can say they support OWS, but OWS does not support them, see how that works?

Yeah I do. You want to pretend as though they don't support the movement and arent on the ground with you because it's convenient for you.

I would hope that most people would stop and ask themselves whether it's wise to support a movement Nazi's are involved in. I hope they say the same thing about Marxists and communists. But hey if you want to pretend as though it doesnt mean anything, that's fine Doesnt change the fact that they are involved in the movement and actively supporting it.
I also hope shitters are very active between now and the election. Coast to coast and border to border.

Obama OWNS OWS...kindred spirits and right up his alley with his 'Community Organizer' background.:eusa_whistle:
Attacking a public gathering with the police is a fascist thing, yes.

Then dont break the law and you wont have to worry about being arrested.

The LAW trumping public democracy is also a fascist thing, a very fascist thing.

Well, when you live in a public democracy you can take it up with the government. But as long as you live in the Republic you have to live with the laws of the Republic.
The shitters think that arson is free speech.

Angellenos put up with a lot. We are a patient people. We are used to violent riots and will wait a decent amount of time for the authorities to restore order. When that patience runs out, business owners take to the rooftops with sniper rifles.

Shitters can only threaten to burn down the banks so many times before the public deems them full of shit.
Anybody surprised that what goes around comes around? OWS leader Van Jones is a communist and he was appointed to Obama's "green jobs board" even though his experience was in arson and looting rather than green jobs. May day is the traditional Communist revolutionary day and OWS is geared up to celebrate. Right now it's just a show of power. Wait until Obama loses the election and see what happens.

You forgot to mention.....

Except, of course, for the fact that the nazi's support the occupy movement.

I have heard this before and it turns out it's bullshit.

I got you. Marxists, nazis, socialists all proclaim support for Occupy Wall street and go out to support it and it's bullcrap because it's inconvenient for the lies you've told yourself.

There is a long, long lists of enemies of America and the freedom it represents who give their undying support to the Occupoopers.
I got you. Marxists, nazis, socialists all proclaim support for Occupy Wall street and go out to support it and it's bullcrap because it's inconvenient for the lies you've told yourself.

I support OWS and yet I still think Nazis are horrible flaming racist dickheads like just about everyone. They can say they support OWS, but OWS does not support them, see how that works?

Yeah I do. You want to pretend as though they don't support the movement and arent on the ground with you because it's convenient for you.

I would hope that most people would stop and ask themselves whether it's wise to support a movement Nazi's are involved in. I hope they say the same thing about Marxists and communists. But hey if you want to pretend as though it doesnt mean anything, that's fine Doesnt change the fact that they are involved in the movement and actively supporting it.

I know there are communists and Marxists involved and it does not bother me a bit. As to the Nazi claim you are going to have to produce some sort of proof that they are involved in the occupy movement in any way that matters.

These 4 caravans, beginning in the late morning, coming from the North, South, East & West, will be an amalgam of cars and bikes, occupiers and unions, community orgs and organic communities — taking over our streets on routes designed to bring to light to societies ills, past and present, and engaging with residents and workers as we connect the disparate voices, races, classes and nationalities that make up Los Angeles. The caravans will stop at flashpoints along the way. Flash occupations, food giveaways, and other direct actions targeting the foreclosure crisis and police brutality will be undertaken at these flashpoints on our slow, city-paralyzing, carnival-esque descent into the center of the city.

After a day of actions and outreach that cripples capitalism in the city, Occupy Los Angeles will be hosting a special General Assembly at 7PM at Pershing Square. We will show those who claim power, where the true power lies — in our dedication to talking with each other and empowering ourselves to solve our own problems, the problems of the 99%.

Spring is Coming. | Occupy May 1st General Strike

Oh brother... :(

I am waiting to see what goes down at the conventions.....if occupy shows at the rep. convention but takes a pass at the democratic convention the veil of hypocrisy will be lifted.....I am not sure yet how this will benefit.
I support OWS and yet I still think Nazis are horrible flaming racist dickheads like just about everyone. They can say they support OWS, but OWS does not support them, see how that works?

Yeah I do. You want to pretend as though they don't support the movement and arent on the ground with you because it's convenient for you.

I would hope that most people would stop and ask themselves whether it's wise to support a movement Nazi's are involved in. I hope they say the same thing about Marxists and communists. But hey if you want to pretend as though it doesnt mean anything, that's fine Doesnt change the fact that they are involved in the movement and actively supporting it.

I know there are communists and Marxists involved and it does not bother me a bit. As to the Nazi claim you are going to have to produce some sort of proof that they are involved in the occupy movement in any way that matters.

Nazi is just another flavor of collectivist totalitarianism. You are trying to make a distinction without a difference.

You should be proud of the company you keep.

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