Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M


Feb 14, 2011
During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.

The heaviest financial burden has fallen upon law enforcement agencies tasked with monitoring marches and evicting protesters from outdoor camps. And the steepest costs by far piled up in New York City and Oakland, Calif., where police clashed with protesters on several occasions.

The AP gathered figures from government agencies in 18 cities with active protests and focused on costs through Nov. 15, the day protesters were evicted from New York City's Zuccotti Park, where the protests began Sept. 17 before spreading nationwide. The survey did not attempt to tally the price of all protests but provides a glimpse of costs to cities large and small.


Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M - Yahoo! News
things cost money, So what?

Free speech sucks huh?

Yep & those little farts want the rest of us to pay for it!

The other side of the coin is those jackasses are'nt saying anything worth listening to. They are just out there acting like a bunch of drum banging idiots!

Im ready for the police to start cracking skulls! Forget about the pepper spray.... lets introduce them to Obamacare first hand :evil:

Put a few of them in comas and let the state pull the plug.... lets let them see the death panels in action.
Like I said before.. hand out citations for every piece of litter within 3 feet of a protestor... hand out citations for loitering.. arrests for drugs and all other crimes going on... not only is it enforcing the law, but drawing in the revenue to help pay for cleaning up after these filthy animals
Like I said before.. hand out citations for every piece of litter within 3 feet of a protestor... hand out citations for loitering.. arrests for drugs and all other crimes going on... not only is it enforcing the law, but drawing in the revenue to help pay for cleaning up after these filthy animals

All after cracking their skulls :splat:

During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.

The heaviest financial burden has fallen upon law enforcement agencies tasked with monitoring marches and evicting protesters from outdoor camps. And the steepest costs by far piled up in New York City and Oakland, Calif., where police clashed with protesters on several occasions.

The AP gathered figures from government agencies in 18 cities with active protests and focused on costs through Nov. 15, the day protesters were evicted from New York City's Zuccotti Park, where the protests began Sept. 17 before spreading nationwide. The survey did not attempt to tally the price of all protests but provides a glimpse of costs to cities large and small.


Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M - Yahoo! News

Small price to pay to win those independent voters to the "right." :eusa_whistle:
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During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.

The heaviest financial burden has fallen upon law enforcement agencies tasked with monitoring marches and evicting protesters from outdoor camps. And the steepest costs by far piled up in New York City and Oakland, Calif., where police clashed with protesters on several occasions.

The AP gathered figures from government agencies in 18 cities with active protests and focused on costs through Nov. 15, the day protesters were evicted from New York City's Zuccotti Park, where the protests began Sept. 17 before spreading nationwide. The survey did not attempt to tally the price of all protests but provides a glimpse of costs to cities large and small.


Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M - Yahoo! News

Small price to pay to win those independent voters to the "right." :eusa_whistle:

Well, there is that.

The OWS reveals what many on the left actually think about those who protect and serve. That might make some police officers who reflexively vote Democrat think twice the next time they go into the voting booth.
I really don't appreciate some of the antics by some of the Occupy protesters. But people have to admit to the fact that they have raised the awareness of the very real wealth/income inequality in this country.
I hear/see more discussions about the subject than I can ever remember and it's not just the press, people are talking about it too.
The American consumer driven economy can't survive the income/wealth inequality! Without the working a strong working Middle Class, exactly who will or what will drive the US economy? As the Middle Class has weakened, so has America's economic stability.
So I say to the Occupy movement,,,,,keep it up, but how about behaving yourselves!
I really don't appreciate some of the antics by some of the Occupy protesters. But people have to admit to the fact that they have raised the awareness of the very real wealth/income inequality in this country.
I hear/see more discussions about the subject than I can ever remember and it's not just the press, people are talking about it too.
The American consumer driven economy can't survive the income/wealth inequality! Without the working a strong working Middle Class, exactly who will or what will drive the US economy? As the Middle Class has weakened, so has America's economic stability.
So I say to the Occupy movement,,,,,keep it up, but how about behaving yourselves!

So government is supposed to guarantee or supply wealth or guarantee equality in outcome in a free society??

Sorry Charlie.. that shit don't fly

What I say to the occupy movement... Try harder, do what you have to do... live and die by your own ambitions, efforts, decisions, abilities, etc....

As entitlement feelings have grown and been coddled by the government, America's economic stability has weakened

Any cop will tell you that overtime is a rare comodity, but the OWS is heaping millions of overtime dollars into the pockets of those cops!!! JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!

Keep it up OWS, at this rate, those cops will be buying new homes and boost the economy haha!!! OWS and the cops are both out there in the cold standing around looking bored. BUT...the cops are getting paid to and OWS isn't hahaha!! Love it!
Complaints about millions of dollars, but no complaints about the untold amounts of money that wall street has cost the country. Tsk tsk.
Complaints about millions of dollars, but no complaints about the untold amounts of money that wall street has cost the country. Tsk tsk.

Last time I checked Wall Street makes me money...in

My Ira Account
My 401 k plan
My life insurance policy.
My online brokerage account.
My online brokerage savings account.
My Savings account that I have with my bank.

Wow what a bunch of scumbags.... :lol:

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