For Those few OWS supporters that Don't KNOW HOW OWS appears to MOST Americans!

All Americans have the right to petition and assemble, to protest and let their voices beknown, whether OWS or daveman. It's the American way.
Or the difference between protestors who are dedicated to their cause and those who do it as a Sunday outing

That's because TEA Party protesters had jobs and were contributing to society.

Where in the constitution does it say you have to have a job to protest?
Are all leftists illiterate?
Tea Baggers went home as soon as the cameras turned off or Fox News told them they weren't needed anymore
Your irrational hatred for Fox News aside, they made their point and went home.

Perhaps the OWS idiots should have figured out what their point was before they gathered.

But they've been at it, what, three months now, and they STILL haven't figured out their point.

And no, "I don't LIKE it!!" is not a point.
All Americans have the right to petition and assemble, to protest and let their voices beknown, whether OWS or daveman. It's the American way.
Where did I say otherwise?

Oh, yeah -- nowhere.

Did you really think you had a point? Because, you didn't.
All Americans have the right to petition and assemble, to protest and let their voices beknown, whether OWS or daveman. It's the American way.
Where did I say otherwise?

Oh, yeah -- nowhere.

Did you really think you had a point? Because, you didn't.

Seems to be a common theme among conservatives. How can we take them seriously? They don't even have jobs
All Americans have the right to petition and assemble, to protest and let their voices beknown, whether OWS or daveman. It's the American way.
Where did I say otherwise?

Oh, yeah -- nowhere.

Did you really think you had a point? Because, you didn't.

Seems to be a common theme among conservatives. How can we take them seriously? They don't even have jobs
Just as seriously as we take you sewerboy.
Much less deficating on the flag.
While abhorrent to me, I support their right to do so...mostly because it identifies America-hating assholes.

Remember them whining about the pepper spray? Odd

U.S. News - Police mull charges in Walmart pepper spray case

OWS protesters can defecate on the Flag as that is their right. Right?
Therefore it is the police's right to use any means to defend any laws
that are being broken. Right?

So the police had the right to use pepper spray on OWS protesters that were breaking the trespassing law. Right?

Seems very symmetrical!
All Americans have the right to petition and assemble, to protest and let their voices beknown, whether OWS or daveman. It's the American way.
Where did I say otherwise?

Oh, yeah -- nowhere.

Did you really think you had a point? Because, you didn't.

Seems to be a common theme among conservatives. How can we take them seriously? They don't even have jobs

Because someone with a job is invested in society. They're contributing.

Someone without a job is not. Someone with no intention of getting a job cannot be taken seriously when they complain.
While abhorrent to me, I support their right to do so...mostly because it identifies America-hating assholes.

Remember them whining about the pepper spray? Odd

U.S. News - Police mull charges in Walmart pepper spray case

OWS protesters can defecate on the Flag as that is their right. Right?
Therefore it is the police's right to use any means to defend any laws
that are being broken. Right?

So the police had the right to use pepper spray on OWS protesters that were breaking the trespassing law. Right?

Seems very symmetrical!

My point!!!! Here the police dont even know if they can charge her with a crime.

But if they use it.. Get the rope hoss there is gonna be a swingin.
And stinking up wherever they occupy...making Taxpayers clean up thier messes.

Spoiled children, the lot of 'em.
And none of them have ever heard the axiom of being careful of what they wish for...akin to lopin off thier faces to spite thier skulls.
That would require a degree of foresight of which they're incapable.

I watched Georgio Moroder's reboot of Metropolis last night (awesome treatment, by the way).

The workers in the film reminded me of the OWS occupiers. They were pissed off, and by Gaea they were going to do something about it. What did they do? They destroyed the power station -- the power station that ran the pumps that kept their subterranean homes from being flooded.

It took someone from the surface to rescue their children from drowning.

The occupiers just want to destroy the system. They have no idea of the consequences of their desires. None. But they'll be damn quick to blame someone else if they get their way.
They have to come up with more than just "We hate Wall Street!" What do they want specifically? I just don't get them at this point. Are they Anti-Capitalism? Are they Anti-American? Are they just Anti-Republican? Who knows? They just haven't been clear enough. They need to just state what they want or go home. Because now they're just pissing most Americans off. Their support is dwindling.
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Much less deficating on the flag.
While abhorrent to me, I support their right to do so...mostly because it identifies America-hating assholes.

Remember them whining about the pepper spray? Odd

U.S. News - Police mull charges in Walmart pepper spray case
Does anyone doubt the occupiers would spray shoppers if they got a chance? Hell, they applauded a man who shot the White House and bailed out a guy who wanted to firebomb a store.

Leftists sure do likes them some violence.
I don't get the feeling there is a consensus of what they want.

One thing is for sure, the protests have moved around the country and they are not going to go away soon.

Do you think the Bush tax cuts will be renewed with protestors in the street?

That's a start

Despite what they want, it is refreshing to see young people out from behind the computer screen and attempting to do something politically. The Conservatives would rather see them behind the computer screen.
No, we'd rather see them working and contributing to society, not useless soaking up resources.

What they are doing IS contributing to society, for a change.
Where did I say otherwise?

Oh, yeah -- nowhere.

Did you really think you had a point? Because, you didn't.

Seems to be a common theme among conservatives. How can we take them seriously? They don't even have jobs

Because someone with a job is invested in society. They're contributing.

Someone without a job is not. Someone with no intention of getting a job cannot be taken seriously when they complain.

They want jobs. As usual, you have missed the point.
1) To date 4,619 arrests.. at OWS events... Tea Party ZERO!

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Total Number of Occupy Wall Street Arrests: 4,619…

2)$13 million in tax dollars...
During the first two months of the nationwide Occupy protests, the movement that is demanding more out of the wealthiest Americans cost local taxpayers at least $13 million in police overtime and other municipal services, according to a survey by The Associated Press.
Occupy protests cost nation's cities at least $13M - Yahoo! News

3) Family Values???
Bostonians Isaac Bell, 34, and Charlene Dumont, 31, were both charged with distribution of a class A drug (heroin) and possession with intent to distribute a class A drug within 1,000 feet of a school zone, police say.

The 6-year-old child who was living with them in a tent is now staying with family members, police said.
#OWS Family Values – Dealing Heroin Among Children | The Lonely Conservative
Sorry folks but this is NOT a group I would want and I think that MOST Americans would NOT want to associate with!

A new national survey from Public Policy Polling (D) finds public opinion souring pretty quickly on the Occupy Wall Street movement.

The poll asked:
“Do you support or oppose the goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement?”

The result was only 33% support,
to 45% opposed.

Another question:
“Do you have a higher opinion of the Occupy Wall Street movement or the Tea Party movement?”

The result: Tea Party 43%, Occupy Wall Street 37%.
Poll: Public Opinion Turning Against Occupy Wall Street | TPMDC
1st Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
An important function of the US Constitution is to protect the rights of the minority to express their views, irrespective of public opinion polls. It doesn't impose arbitrary time restraints or dollar values limiting "the right(s) of the people."

As for Bell and Dumont, if they just happened to be arrested for possession of illegal drugs with the intent to distribute at the Republican National Convention or the Super Bowl, would that reflect negatively on the legitimacy of those events and make them against "family values?"
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Despite what they want, it is refreshing to see young people out from behind the computer screen and attempting to do something politically. The Conservatives would rather see them behind the computer screen.
No, we'd rather see them working and contributing to society, not useless soaking up resources.

What they are doing IS contributing to society, for a change.

No, they're not.

OWS protests have cost taxpayers over $21 million so far | Quite Normal

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