Iran is raining missiles down on Israel right now, Iron Dome can't keep up. Thanks Biden.

Um, no, we need peace through international cooperation.

That means not enabling rogue entities like the Zionist Entity to wage war against their neighbors
There can be no peace until the Palestinians are eradicated. Terrorism only understands bombs and blood. Israel will deliver peace in the region.

Wait a minute, comrade Kumilla has said no American GI's are in a combat zone!
Is she lying, or simply stupid as hell?
they are on navy ships, not in a combat zone.

Do try and keep up
There are bases in Syria, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iraq. Let's not forget Quatar and many other locations they do NOT want to make public.
Wait a minute, comrade Kumilla has said no American GI's are in a combat zone!
Is she lying, or simply stupid as hell?

No American GIs are. The US Navy is.

So now you don’t support America defending Israel?

I’ll be sure to file this reply for later use.

There are bases in Syria, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iraq. Let's not forget Quatar and many other locations they do NOT want to make public.

Which were there before the Biden administration.

So why didn’t Trump pull them all out in his four years in office?

Take your time.
There are bases in Syria, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iraq. Let's not forget Quatar and many other locations they do NOT want to make public.

and none of those are active battle zones.

Thanks for playing
You notice how you call everyone that doesnt agree with you antisemitic?

now if you do not support the US getting into another war in the Middle East you are called anti-Semitic.

It seems we have to bow and kiss the feet of Israel or be labeled anti-Semitic.

I have been called worse, I still will not support the US getting into another war in the Middle East
Apparently, Iran wants Trump to win. Attacking Israel will put him over the top. I don't think very many want Kamala in office if we go to war with Iran, or Russia for that matter.
False, He will lock them down again and they won't dare move.

The FBI state one of the assassination teams is Iranian.

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