Israel has Iran over a barrel and can bitch slap the Persians without fear of retaliation

I think its too late for that now

The example of the oct 7 massacre by Hamas makes it highly unlikely that Israel will ever grant autonomy to the Pals again
Agreed. At this point, why should Israel harm its own position? the Palestinians will just then receive all the protections of a sovreign state, while avoiding all the accountability.
Correct. It was the stated goal of the caliphate.

You post laugh emojis while looking and acting like an ignorant imbecile.

Not a good look.
You keep making the same claim without providing evidence.
"...Muslim's were trying to take over the world in a World War, and we had to destroy their caliphate."

When did "we" ever offer that explanation for supporting western imperialism in 1917.

"In historical contexts, New Imperialism characterizes a period of colonial expansion by European powers, the United States, and Japan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[1]

"The period featured an unprecedented pursuit of overseas territorial acquisitions.

"At the time, states focused on building their empires with new technological advances and developments, expanding their territory through conquest, and exploiting the resources of the subjugated countries.

"During the era of New Imperialism, the European powers (and Japan) individually conquered almost all of Africa and parts of Asia"

New Imperialism - Wikipedia
Most of the time libs say that western governments are puppets of the “evil” Jews

Cant you please make up your mind?
Can you follow the money?

U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts

"Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.

"The United States has also provided large foreign aid packages to other Middle Eastern countries, particularly Egypt and Iraq, but Israel stands apart."
So the Pals rejected a peaceful compromise and now they have nothing

Thats really stupid
There was no peaceful compromise in 1948.

Zionist militias were exterminating/expelling thousands of indigenous Arabs from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts before, during, and after the UN created the Jewish state.

Zionism began as a settler-colonial movement dedicated to creating a Jewish majority state in a territory that had ten times as many non-Jews as Jews living there when Zionism began.

"Zionist settler colonialism, asits historical precedents suggest, is fundamentally based on the operative logic of 'eliminating the native' and failing to utterly marginalize and 'minoritize' him."

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