Why do Dick Cheney and the 911 crowd all support Kamala?

Because every republican official of note who is not in the Trump cult and who does not have to pretend to be in the cult to keep their job supports Kamala Harris.

Was that supposed to be a tough question? 🤣

Do you support reopening the 911 investigation?
You aren't fooling anyone with an IQ over 100. You are here to shout down the Land Near the Poles Theory because that is the correct explanation of Earth climate change, you know it, you cannot refute one word of it, but your fellow JEW SUPREMACIST ZIONIST FASCISTS love the Co2 FRAUD because it BILKS AMERICA....

You HATE America. You cheered 911, Pat Tillman's execution, USS Liberty, and every other time JEW SUPREMACIST ZIONIST FASCISTS have murdered Americans and hate hoaxed it...

You are 100% for KAMALA because Kamala is JEWISH and that is all you have ever cared about...

You aren't fooling anyone with an IQ over 100.

You're in the single digits.

You are here to shout down the Land Near the Poles Theory

I'm not shouting it down; I'm pointing and laughing.

You HATE America.

More pointing and laughing.

You cheered 911

Liar. Twat.

You are 100% for KAMALA

Liar. Twat. Moron.

Kamala is JEWISH and that is all you have ever cared about...

Are your guardians going to donate your brain to science?
Maybe they can find a cure for your mental illness?
You aren't fooling anyone with an IQ over 100.

You're in the single digits.

You are here to shout down the Land Near the Poles Theory

I'm not shouting it down; I'm pointing and laughing.

You HATE America.

More pointing and laughing.

You cheered 911

Liar. Twat.

You are 100% for KAMALA

Liar. Twat. Moron.

Kamala is JEWISH and that is all you have ever cared about...

Are your guardians going to donate your brain to science?
Maybe they can find a cure for your mental illness?

You love the Co2 FRAUD.

Found any land inside 600 miles of a pole not in ice age yet???
Why do you make things up?

This is the video... of the cruise missile the Zionist Fascists shot at the Pentagon on 911.

Did you cheer?

Were you invested in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks like Epstein, Hoffman, bin Salman and the rest of the 911 billionaires?

This is the video... of the cruise missile the Zionist Fascists shot at the Pentagon on 911.

Did you cheer?

Were you invested in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks like Epstein, Hoffman, bin Salman and the rest of the 911 billionaires?

If one sifts through this steaming pile of bullshit, there is a little kernel of truth.

In that, billionaires do hedge. In case the shitshow crashes, so they can stay rich.

But that is always the case.
If one sifts through this steaming pile of bullshit, there is a little kernel of truth.

In that, billionaires do hedge. In case the shitshow crashes, so they can stay rich.

But that is always the case.

They all knew. That's why 5 Mossad were arrested for dancing and celebrating the CIA drone 767 cargo version hitting the South Tower...

All knew their deep out of the money oil calls would be worth a fortune on 912....
No, that's nonsense.

Epstein's net worth was $30 million on 910, $2 billion on 913, and then for twenty years during an up market, his hedge fund value got cut in half, because he sucked at investing unless he got Zionist Fascist insider info on 911....

and who was his best buddy....

Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman.

Putin - 911 was done by Israel, the US, and Saudi

Why Saudi...

Epstein's net worth was $30 million on 910, $2 billion on 913, and then for twenty years during an up market, his hedge fund value got cut in half, because he sucked at investing unless he got Zionist Fascist insider info on 911....

and who was his best buddy....

Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman.

Putin - 911 was done by Israel, the US, and Saudi

Why Saudi...

That's not compelling. That's a leap of faith.

We don't need this theory to explain everything that happened that day.
YOUTUBE censored it.

Dailymotion stands strong...

According to the Mayor of Shanksville, there was NO PLANE CRASH in Shanksville on 911...
This is the video... of the cruise missile the Zionist Fascists shot at the Pentagon on 911.

Did you cheer?

Were you invested in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks like Epstein, Hoffman, bin Salman and the rest of the 911 billionaires?

Still no evidence?

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