Occupy Wall Street protesters can return to park with tents

Justice Lucy Billings said the city needs to let protesters back in the park until a court hearing determines whether or not the occupiers' tents and tarps are against the law. Billings also barred the city from "enforcing 'rules' published after the occupation began. "

The hearing will take place today:

The Court Order can be found here: Order Re Liberty Park
At what point does "the will of the people" take precedence over judicial whim? People in NY are sick of these smelly morons crapping up the site. This isn't a protest in any sense of the word.
At what point does "the will of the people" take precedence over judicial whim? People in NY are sick of these smelly morons crapping up the site. This isn't a protest in any sense of the word.

At what point does the "will of the people" take precedence over the rule of law?
Must be nice to be able to wake up a corrupt judge in the middle of the night who is sympathetic with your position to issue orders without hearings.
Well it is their park too. As long as they don't restrict any other Citizen's use of the park,i don't see why they can't be there. Now if they begin to infringe on other Citizens' rights,there will be a problem. But this is a nice victory for them. I don't support the "Occupiers" on everything but i do support some of what they're standing for. We the average Citizens have been royally screwed by Wall Street and Politicians for a long time.

The People have every right to be angry. Things have gotten so bad for so many. Been to a grocery store lately? The prices are astronomical right now. It's so tough to feed a family these days. The wages are stagnant and the cost of living keeps going up while the Wall Street Fat-Cats keep on receiving their Government Welfare. The People are being humiliated. Full credit checks,full police background checks,and forced Drug Tests all to get a shitty little job at WalMart or MacDonalds? I mean come on,how much more humiliation do they think the People will accept? There will be more unrest coming...

"In the souls of the People the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy,growing heavy for the vintage."
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"How can you frighten a man whose hunger is not only in his own cramped stomach but in the wretched bellies of his children? You can't scare him--he has known a fear beyond every other."

You can't always be afraid. You have to stand up. That's why i do respect the OWS protesters.
Only hours after the NYPD cleared Zuccotti Park of Occupy Wall Street protesters in a controversial 2 a.m. raid, the National Lawyers Guild obtained a court order telling the city to let the protesters return -- tents, tarps and all. :clap2:

More here: Metro - National Lawyers Guild: Occupy Wall Street protesters can return to park with tents

Well good for the Libs.

I hope this order also allows for the sexual assault,robbery,lewd behavior,drug use public urination and everything else this fun bunch does that Princess Pelosi and Obama love and support.

Obviously, Barack Obama's Organizing For America is rearing its head here again. Our Community Organizer In Chief fully intends that this TwentyFirst Century version of the Bolshevik's battering down the doors of the Russian Duma be fully encircled and protected by a phalanx of Liberal Activist Lawyers.
Good job ... America sees these people as the losers they are ... allowing them to continue the embarrassment is only harmful to the democrats that support them and the cause they uphold.
I thought Zuccotti was privately owned? Or am I confused with some other park?
This understandable anger is all on the Politicians and Wall Street. They have created it. They've pushed the people too much. And now the People are pushing back. When you strip humans of their humanity,they will become wild beasts. They've taken and taken and taken from the People. Just look at what they put a person through just to get a low paying slave labor job at Walmart or MacDonalds. You would think these people were applying for work at the CIA or something. They have taken too much of our rights away and now the People are beginning to see that.

I mean come on,why humiliate a person for a crappy $7.00 an hr. job? They're already being humiliated enough just taking that job. Then they force them to take Drug Tests,and be subjected to full credit and Police background checks on them. I mean talk about a humiliating invasion of privacy? And for what? That crappy $7.00 an hr. job that wont even come close to feeding themselves let alone their families? How could they think the People wouldn't eventually rise up in anger? I really do hope the OWS and Tea Party protesters are successful. It's time for the People to be heard.
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Good job ... America sees these people as the losers they are ... allowing them to continue the embarrassment is only harmful to the democrats that support them and the cause they uphold.

and it keeps us from paying their rent.
This understandable anger is all on the Politicians and Wall Street. They have created it. They've pushed the people too much. And now the People are pushing back. When you strip humans of their humanity,they will become wild beasts. They've taken and taken and taken from the People. Just look at what they put a person through just to get a low paying slave labor job at Walmart or MacDonalds. You would think these people were applying for work at the CIA or something. They have taken too much of our rights away and now the People are beginning to see that.

I mean come on,why humiliate a person for a crappy $7.00 an hr. job? They're already being humiliated enough just taking that job. Then they force them to take Drug Tests,and be subjected to full credit and Police background checks on them. I mean talk about a humiliating invasion of privacy? How could they think the People wouldn't eventually rise up in anger? I really do hope the OWS and Tea Party protesters are successful. It's time for the People to be heard.

what the hell is wrong with ewe? according to the left the Tea Party are a violent bunch of old white racists.. don't wish success on old violent white racists you big dummie..

Let 'em back in.... but I think the police should go thru every hour handing out citations for litter, making drug arrests, etc
Let 'em back in.... but I think the police should go thru every hour handing out citations for litter, making drug arrests, etc

waste of good policemen. I think the police should turn their backs and let nature take it's course.
This understandable anger is all on the Politicians and Wall Street. They have created it. They've pushed the people too much. And now the People are pushing back. When you strip humans of their humanity,they will become wild beasts. They've taken and taken and taken from the People. Just look at what they put a person through just to get a low paying slave labor job at Walmart or MacDonalds. You would think these people were applying for work at the CIA or something. They have taken too much of our rights away and now the People are beginning to see that.

I mean come on,why humiliate a person for a crappy $7.00 an hr. job? They're already being humiliated enough just taking that job. Then they force them to take Drug Tests,and be subjected to full credit and Police background checks on them. I mean talk about a humiliating invasion of privacy? How could they think the People wouldn't eventually rise up in anger? I really do hope the OWS and Tea Party protesters are successful. It's time for the People to be heard.

what the hell is wrong with ewe? according to the left the Tea Party are a violent bunch of old white racists.. don't wish success on old violent white racists you big dummie..


Those who labeled the Tea Partiers 'Racists' were just very petty hatemongers. They're just pushing their petty political agenda. In reality,both protest groups have very valid points. The Politicians and Wall Street have pushed the People too hard. Now they're just humiliating the People. I really couldn't believe the story a girl told me about what WalMart put her through just to get a miserable $7.00 an hr. job. The invasion of privacy was astounding.

They had her Social Security Number,they forced a Drug Test on her,they conducted a full credit check on her,and then conducted an investigation into her background. I mean,for what? She was only applying for a low wage entry-level position for God's sake. She wasn't applying for work at the CIA. Anyway,she found something better but Walmart still has all her information on file. And that's the case anywhere people apply for jobs. To me these are awful humiliations. I can totally understand people getting so angry. She had to turn over her life for a terrible slave-labor job. Something is wrong and i'm glad people are standing up. I support both the OWS and Tea Party protesters.
This understandable anger is all on the Politicians and Wall Street. They have created it. They've pushed the people too much. And now the People are pushing back. When you strip humans of their humanity,they will become wild beasts. They've taken and taken and taken from the People. Just look at what they put a person through just to get a low paying slave labor job at Walmart or MacDonalds. You would think these people were applying for work at the CIA or something. They have taken too much of our rights away and now the People are beginning to see that.

I mean come on,why humiliate a person for a crappy $7.00 an hr. job? They're already being humiliated enough just taking that job. Then they force them to take Drug Tests,and be subjected to full credit and Police background checks on them. I mean talk about a humiliating invasion of privacy? How could they think the People wouldn't eventually rise up in anger? I really do hope the OWS and Tea Party protesters are successful. It's time for the People to be heard.

what the hell is wrong with ewe? according to the left the Tea Party are a violent bunch of old white racists.. don't wish success on old violent white racists you big dummie..


Those who labeled the Tea Partiers 'Racists' were just very petty hatemongers. They're just pushing their petty political agenda. In reality,both protest groups have very valid points. The Politicians and Wall Street have pushed the People too hard. Now they're just humiliating the People. I really couldn't believe the story a girl told me about what WalMart put her through just to get a miserable $7.00 an hr. job. The invasion of privacy was astounding.

They had her Social Security Number,they forced a Drug Test on her,they conducted a full credit check on her,and then conducted an investigation into her background. I mean,for what? She was only applying for a low wage entry-level position for God's sake. She wasn't applying for work at the CIA. Anyway,she found something better but Walmart still has all her information on file. And that's the case anywhere people apply for jobs. To me these are awful humiliations. I can totally understand people getting so angry. She had to turn over her life for a terrible slave-labor job. Something is wrong and i'm glad people are standing up. I support both the OWS and Tea Party protesters.

Honey! they didn't force anything on her. If she didn't want to do it all she had to do was walk away.

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