Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Great. Perhaps you could answer the question I keep asking of the protest supporters. What would be the economic impact of the 11 demands. If that's too hard.... just answer this one... what would be the economic impact of a $20 ph min wage?
There is no official list of demands.
The corporate media proves once again why they can’t be trusted, this time putting out a bullshit list of supposed “Official Demands” then attacking the fake demands as being Marxist.
Corporate Media Reports Some Bullshit List As The Demands Of #OccupyWallStreet Then Attacks Them

Numerous reporters, commentators and analysts have pointed to the Wall Street protesters “List of Demands” and criticized it for including demands they dislike or failing to demands which they think are essential.

But one of the main organizers for the protests just told me that – at this point – all such lists are just the suggestions of various individuals and not the official demands of the protesters as a whole.

I can announce with 100% confidence that – at this point – there is no official list of demands...

everyone knows what “We’re the 99%” means, and that the failure of the richest 1% to follow the rule of law or the wishes of the American people, and their corruption and manipulation of the economic and political system are some of the core structural problems which must be changed.
No, There Is NOT a List of Official Demands from the Protesters - Washington's Blog

An economic system that is dependent on debt to function is a failed ponzi scheme, and until the fed is killed and the right to coin the nations currency is restored to its rightful place, the economic slavery will continue. The fed reserve must be destroyed.

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

Wall Street protesters produce demands, call for open borders - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com
They only care about the American people who agree with letting the 1% own our entire economy
At this point, the right seems to be in transition from ridiculing the protest to demonizing it. This is a sign that it has grown in power to the point of scaring them.


And of course you have to be in denial about that, but it's true. The fear comes from unpredictability, from this being a popular movement that's out of control, and having no way to know where it will go from here.

A few weeks ago, you would have laughed at the idea that a major left-wing protest movement could even happen in this country. You thought the left was dead, or you used the words "the left" to refer to Democrats, not to a movement like this. You thought that, and you were wrong, and that's a scary feeling in itself.

When it first started, there were only a few hundred participants, and you laughed at it then. The idea that it could grow to thousands of protesters gathering day after day, resulting in hundreds of arrests and major media coverage, spawning similar movements in other cities across the country, and now in foreign countries, too -- no way did you predict that. You were sure it couldn't happen. And again, you were wrong.

Having been wrong twice, you must face the fact that you cannot predict where things will go now, and from irrational overconfidence the mind naturally spins to the other extreme, irrational paranoia. Will the movement grow until (as Willow Tree put it) Wall Street and all of capitalism are totally destroyed, the government overthrown, and a communist or fascist authoritarian state put in place, or anarchic chaos?

I can tell you that won't happen, that the movement has no desire for it to happen, but your understanding of the left in this country is so dismally bad that you can't have any confidence in what I say. And so the fear continues to grow.
At this point, the right seems to be in transition from ridiculing the protest to demonizing it. This is a sign that it has grown in power to the point of scaring them.


Why am I TOTALLY reminded of my own posts about the teaparty right now?

This is what the media does to the teaparties and is now doing to the wallstreet protestors, lie about them then demonized based on the lies.


The media IS owned by rich corporate bosses, and of course they will marginalize the protestors by comparing them to the tea partiers. Meanwhile, one is grass roots, and the first was astro turf. I'm sorry, but I don't see the two as equivalent. The media is trying its damndest to tie them together, as "fringe," but is isn't so. The 99% IS 99%, and we're ALL collectively paying the freight on those who have been and would continue to be free riders at every one else's expense.

Why am I TOTALLY reminded of my own posts about the teaparty right now?

This is what the media does to the teaparties and is now doing to the wallstreet protestors, lie about them then demonized based on the lies.


The media IS owned by rich corporate bosses, and of course they will marginalize the protestors by comparing them to the tea partiers. Meanwhile, one is grass roots, and the first was astro turf. I'm sorry, but I don't see the two as equivalent. The media is trying its damndest to tie them together, as "fringe," but is isn't so. The 99% IS 99%, and we're ALL collectively paying the freight on those who have been and would continue to be free riders at every one else's expense.

The Tea party movement is a populist movement, whether you agree with them or not.

The people out in that park by wall street are mostly the fringe of your side of the political aisle, just like most of the tea party is the fringe of ours.

Taking the position that the only reasons someone opposes your ideas is that they are a "schill" or "sheeple" shows an inability to consider than someone of an opposite opinion has them for genuine reasons. This is typical of the hard left viewpoint, where in thier opinion, THIER viewpoint is the ONLY viewpoint.
Actually the whole thing should be called "Occupy a small park somewhere near wall street".

No actual occupation of any wall street businesses has occured. no disruption of business has occured.

What happened to actual protests? Ones that would get you 30 days in the lockup and at least make you look like you cared about whatever cause you support?

That won't work in NYC.

Cops are very well versed in how to deal with those sorts of protests..and very quickly.

But thats what you want as a protester. You want to try to go to point X, and force the authorites to stop you. Make them arrest you and incarcerate you, and show everyone else why you are doing this, and why the authorities are wrong for trying to stop you.

I think there are two reasons why this isn't happening. One is a lack of direction. When people got hosed and had dogs sic'ed on them in the deep south they were fighting for removal of segregation laws, a direct, feasible goal. When Gandhi forced the british authorities to remove his followers by force during multiple protests they were demanding full independence, again a tangible goal.

These protesters are too disorganzied to do anything but basically squat in some private park, block traffic from time to time, and whine alot about how the cops are preventing them from doing whatever they want to do. There is no real message, and until there is one I refuse to take this seriously, or give the protesters the due consideration they are asking for.

700 of them were arrested, that's what made it national news, and the national news led to subsequent demonstrations ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

They were disorganized (read: little publicized) but its gaining momentum. People want opportunity. The top 1-5%, with the overwhelming support of the upper 60-85%. and some appalling support of the (upper?) 20--59% who have been deluded into thinking (bless their hearts) that they might, someday, have a snowballs chance in America today of REACHING the top 40% even, have sold out their fellows in the hope that they don't have to outrun the beast, merely each other.

Reality has been sinking in, however slowly, and people are beginning to understand that the whole system is rigged to feed the top 1% at the expense (because the bills will come due, and they must be paid) at the expense of the rest.

There has been an epiphany, and what is following is the reckoning.

If I had a tail I would wag it. :lol:
Why am I TOTALLY reminded of my own posts about the teaparty right now?

This is what the media does to the teaparties and is now doing to the wallstreet protestors, lie about them then demonized based on the lies.


The media IS owned by rich corporate bosses, and of course they will marginalize the protestors by comparing them to the tea partiers. Meanwhile, one is grass roots, and the first was astro turf. I'm sorry, but I don't see the two as equivalent. The media is trying its damndest to tie them together, as "fringe," but is isn't so. The 99% IS 99%, and we're ALL collectively paying the freight on those who have been and would continue to be free riders at every one else's expense.

The Tea party movement is a populist movement, whether you agree with them or not.

The people out in that park by wall street are mostly the fringe of your side of the political aisle, just like most of the tea party is the fringe of ours.

Taking the position that the only reasons someone opposes your ideas is that they are a "schill" or "sheeple" shows an inability to consider than someone of an opposite opinion has them for genuine reasons. This is typical of the hard left viewpoint, where in thier opinion, THIER viewpoint is the ONLY viewpoint.

Sweetness, I didn't say that all the tea party people were anything you suggested I said. I stated that the whole movement had its genesis in politically corporate interests, and it did.
The media IS owned by rich corporate bosses, and of course they will marginalize the protestors by comparing them to the tea partiers. Meanwhile, one is grass roots, and the first was astro turf. I'm sorry, but I don't see the two as equivalent. The media is trying its damndest to tie them together, as "fringe," but is isn't so. The 99% IS 99%, and we're ALL collectively paying the freight on those who have been and would continue to be free riders at every one else's expense.

The Tea party movement is a populist movement, whether you agree with them or not.

The people out in that park by wall street are mostly the fringe of your side of the political aisle, just like most of the tea party is the fringe of ours.

Taking the position that the only reasons someone opposes your ideas is that they are a "schill" or "sheeple" shows an inability to consider than someone of an opposite opinion has them for genuine reasons. This is typical of the hard left viewpoint, where in thier opinion, THIER viewpoint is the ONLY viewpoint.

Sweetness, I didn't say that all the tea party people were anything you suggested I said. I stated that the whole movement had its genesis in politically corporate interests, and it did.

No, it didn't. That's just what you've been told by the media. That does not make it true. The TEA Parties started under Bush and had jack shit to do with 'politically corporate interests'. This one, however, has Van Jones and the Tides Foundation pulling its strings. It's left wing astro-turf.
Yes, hate and envy are clearly the way to better yourself.

If you can pull everyone above you down to your level, you might not feel like a fucking loser your whole life, but then again, you probably will because the problem is in your head and not in someone elses bank account
That's because it always was, still is, and always will be a straw man. Nobody is advocating doing away with capitalism. Therefore, asking what to replace it with is a non-question.

What the fuck?

You use a LOT of drugs, don't you?

The communist manifesto you posted as the 'demands' of the Bolshevik morons indeed DOES advocate doing away with capitalism and rationality.

What does your claim that "foreclosures of our homes" mean? It isn't your home if you don't pay for it, sparky.

Tipsy, I assure you that if you try any of that crap you will a) end up in jail, and b) provide the movement with still more support.

The Bolsheviks are a joke. They have support from their fellow drug addicts, no one else.
The communist manifesto you posted as the 'demands' of the Bolshevik morons indeed DOES advocate doing away with capitalism and rationality.

I posted no demands. Neither has OWS. If you're referring to the list of grievances, all of them could be rectified without doing away with capitalism.

As for how much support the movement has, keep watching. This is only the beginning. The Tea Party was a tempest in a (no pun intended) teapot by comparison. THIS is the real storm.
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That they are against the excesses of capitalism,

"Excesses" such as property rights and private ownership.

and want to get corporate influence out of government, and regulate capitalism, yes.

They demand that the state control the means of production.

That they want to destroy it or obliterate it, no.

Bullshit, that is precisely what they and you want.
SEIU and Obama are behind the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Oh, for fuck sake. Obama is a corporate apologist (or we would have had government health care, instead of the GIFT to HMOs we have now), as are many if not most of our democrats at the highest levels of state governance (GHASP! We can't raise taxes on the RICH!). Clinton was too. I seriously thing the whole impeachment thing was a ploy to take progressive pressure AWAY from Clinton for the dumb assed things he agreed to.

We haven't had a TRUE progressive running for president since Bobby Kennedy was shot.

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