Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

So you bet on and want America to fail.

So does Obama and his supporters in Congress and the organizers in the OWS.

Thanks for being so open about your destructive intentions.

I don't think it's treason but in some countries just thinking like that would land you in a Gulag. You can thank God you aren't in one of them.

I don't know where you got that. As an Eagle Scout and am a member of the DNC, I want America to succeed, especially The American Jobs Act, and the Affordable Care Act.

You must have me confused with Unpatriotic Rush Limbaugh who wants President Barry Obama to fail.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKCWt7jrrc]"I Want OBAMA to FAIL !" : RUSH LIMBAUGH | CPAC Convention 2009 - YouTube[/ame]​

I don't think it was until this post that I realized how really scared the right is. Well if I thought I might have to walk the stairs to the guillotine, I might be a little nervous myself.


Some say this device is merciful to the victim in terms of pain.
Others say it can take a few minutes for the head to actually die, and the images are uncomfortable.
Can you imagine a dozen hydraulic guillotines set up on the Capitol steps and on Wall Street?
Bet we could do one decapitation a minute. :cool:

Why don't we set up hundreds of Waterboarding stations all over the US.

Oh, no. That's cruel.
So you bet on and want America to fail.

So does Obama and his supporters in Congress and the organizers in the OWS.

Thanks for being so open about your destructive intentions.

I don't think it's treason but in some countries just thinking like that would land you in a Gulag. You can thank God you aren't in one of them.

I don't know where you got that. As an Eagle Scout and am a member of the DNC, I want America to succeed, especially The American Jobs Act, and the Affordable Care Act.

You must have me confused with Unpatriotic Rush Limbaugh who wants President Barry Obama to fail.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKCWt7jrrc]"I Want OBAMA to FAIL !" : RUSH LIMBAUGH | CPAC Convention 2009 - YouTube[/ame]​

I don't think it was until this post that I realized how really scared the right is. Well if I thought I might have to walk the stairs to the guillotine, I might be a little nervous myself.


Some say this device is merciful to the victim in terms of pain.
Others say it can take a few minutes for the head to actually die, and the images are uncomfortable.
Can you imagine a dozen hydraulic guillotines set up on the Capitol steps and on Wall Street?
Bet we could do one decapitation a minute. :cool:

Why don't we set up hundreds of Waterboarding stations all over the US.

Oh, no. That's cruel.

Yes, that would be torture which is unacceptable to President Obama, and runs against a plank in the Democratic Party platform. We must be very precise on the subject of violence.

And look what we have here-another implied threat of violence! Do you people seriously think ANYONE is actually afraid of this rabble? You know, I don't care if any or all of you get yourselves killed or imprisoned; it's the innocent people who will inevitably be caught up in the crossfire of whatever you idiots start that concern me.

Oh, you are so delicate, (I wonder how many times you replayed the Gaddafi killing on your DVR?). I thought Scott Pelley at CBS was going to jump out of his anchor chair in joy when he ran the clip TWICE. I wonder if that was appropriate for younger viewers, it ran our here at 6:30pm?

I hope when the time comes that the police join the demonstrator and turn their guns on the New York Stock Exchange you jump onto USMB and share your feelings. :cool: I of course will be appropriately shocked and dismayed. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0UE4m0b4b0]Muammar Gaddafi's Last Moments - He is dragged to a truck and killed. - YouTube[/ame]

Edited for reduced violence out of respect to USMB viewers.​

And you call Rush unpatriotic......
I don't know where you got that. As an Eagle Scout and am a member of the DNC, I want America to succeed, especially The American Jobs Act, and the Affordable Care Act.

You must have me confused with Unpatriotic Rush Limbaugh who wants President Barry Obama to fail.

I don't think it was until this post that I realized how really scared the right is. Well if I thought I might have to walk the stairs to the guillotine, I might be a little nervous myself.


Some say this device is merciful to the victim in terms of pain.
Others say it can take a few minutes for the head to actually die, and the images are uncomfortable.
Can you imagine a dozen hydraulic guillotines set up on the Capitol steps and on Wall Street?
Bet we could do one decapitation a minute. :cool:

Why don't we set up hundreds of Waterboarding stations all over the US.

Oh, no. That's cruel.

Yes, that would be torture which is unacceptable to President Obama, and runs against a plank in the Democratic Party platform. We must be very precise on the subject of violence.

Blowing them to bits, putting bullets in their heads, or dragging them bleeding through the streets and plugging them while everyone is dancing around their bodies shooting into the air is cool beans. :eusa_angel:

There is something seriously wrong with you. You're not a total asshole, but you have a very warped sense of right and wrong.

And look what we have here-another implied threat of violence! Do you people seriously think ANYONE is actually afraid of this rabble? You know, I don't care if any or all of you get yourselves killed or imprisoned; it's the innocent people who will inevitably be caught up in the crossfire of whatever you idiots start that concern me.

Oh, you are so delicate, (I wonder how many times you replayed the Gaddafi killing on your DVR?). I thought Scott Pelley at CBS was going to jump out of his anchor chair in joy when he ran the clip TWICE. I wonder if that was appropriate for younger viewers, it ran our here at 6:30pm?

I hope when the time comes that the police join the demonstrator and turn their guns on the New York Stock Exchange you jump onto USMB and share your feelings. :cool: I of course will be appropriately shocked and dismayed. :D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0UE4m0b4b0]Muammar Gaddafi's Last Moments - He is dragged to a truck and killed. - YouTube[/ame]

Edited for reduced violence out of respect to USMB viewers.​
You are one sick puppy, Preius. I mean that sincerely. Have you ever seen a country in the midst of civil war? I have (because in part, that's what Vietnam was). I have seen atrocities that made battle-hardened soldiers puke. I have seen innocent people slaughtered, in ways I do not care to describe here. I have seen fellow soldiers and enemies alike killed, and blown to bits; I have shot enemies, bayonetted them, and slit their throats. I know what it is you would be willing to unleash on America's streets, because I have seen it, heard it, smelled it, and been a part of it; but there is one other big difference between me and you-I was a soldier, not some wannbe murdering sadist. I'm about as far from "delicate" as one can be; I have seen the absolute worst of human depravity; and from where I sit, I find your apparent willingness to revel in it, if not actually enjoy it, absolutely repulsive! I may be a hard ass, and a killer, but you are something far worse.
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So you bet on and want America to fail.

So does Obama and his supporters in Congress and the organizers in the OWS.

Thanks for being so open about your destructive intentions.

I don't think it's treason but in some countries just thinking like that would land you in a Gulag. You can thank God you aren't in one of them.

I don't know where you got that. As an Eagle Scout and am a member of the DNC, I want America to succeed, especially The American Jobs Act, and the Affordable Care Act.

You must have me confused with Unpatriotic Rush Limbaugh who wants President Barry Obama to fail.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKCWt7jrrc]"I Want OBAMA to FAIL !" : RUSH LIMBAUGH | CPAC Convention 2009 - YouTube[/ame]​

I don't think it was until this post that I realized how really scared the right is. Well if I thought I might have to walk the stairs to the guillotine, I might be a little nervous myself.


Some say this device is merciful to the victim in terms of pain.
Others say it can take a few minutes for the head to actually die, and the images are uncomfortable.
Can you imagine a dozen hydraulic guillotines set up on the Capitol steps and on Wall Street?
Bet we could do one decapitation a minute. :cool:
Don't forget. To the end of the french Revolution, the leaders of the movement were put to the same punishment they ministered out with glee. Their axeman? Napoleon. TO the cheers of the general populace.
So you bet on and want America to fail.

So does Obama and his supporters in Congress and the organizers in the OWS.

Thanks for being so open about your destructive intentions.

I don't think it's treason but in some countries just thinking like that would land you in a Gulag. You can thank God you aren't in one of them.

I don't know where you got that. As an Eagle Scout and am a member of the DNC, I want America to succeed, especially The American Jobs Act, and the Affordable Care Act.

You must have me confused with Unpatriotic Rush Limbaugh who wants President Barry Obama to fail.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKCWt7jrrc]"I Want OBAMA to FAIL !" : RUSH LIMBAUGH | CPAC Convention 2009 - YouTube[/ame]​

I don't think it was until this post that I realized how really scared the right is. Well if I thought I might have to walk the stairs to the guillotine, I might be a little nervous myself.


Some say this device is merciful to the victim in terms of pain.
Others say it can take a few minutes for the head to actually die, and the images are uncomfortable.
Can you imagine a dozen hydraulic guillotines set up on the Capitol steps and on Wall Street?
Bet we could do one decapitation a minute. :cool:
Don't forget. To the end of the french Revolution, the leaders of the movement were put to the same punishment they ministered out with glee. Their axeman? Napoleon. TO the cheers of the general populace.

When revolutionaries take over the first ones they go after is the folks that put them in power.

They can't have the same thing happening to them after all.
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From the "I think I'm gonna vomit" stack of stuff:

Obama's pen pals: When you write to the president he might write you back

by Piper Weiss, Shine Staff, 4 hours 8 minutes ago


(Photo by AP)
Every night before he goes to sleep, the president of the United States reads 10 letters from the pile of 20,000 sent to him by Americans every day. Sometimes, he writes back. He's even, on occasion, included a check.

"It's not something I should advertise, but it has happened," President Barack Obama told reporter Eli Saslow, author of the new book, "Ten Letters: The Stories Americans Tell Their President."


I think I'm gonna cry it's so touching....*sniff....sniff*:rolleyes:
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Oh, and by the way, Preius, I suggest you look up the applicable state and federal laws defining "acts of armed insurrection" and the prescribed remedies therefor. Any act such as "the police joining the demonstrators and opening fire on the New York Stock Exchange" crosses the legal line that defines "armed insurrection", and would result in the governor of any state affected calling out the National Guard, and/or possibly calling out "the militia" (a number of states still have militia statutes on the books) and/or calling for federal troops. Even if the last are temporarily withheld by a sympathetic administration (which couldn't get away with it for long; even most democrat politicians don't have the stomach for THAT), your "forces", such as they are, will be confronted by armed troops (as in real soldiers, not cops) with orders to put down the insurrection. If that is not enough, veterans who remember the oath they took will join in to "support and defend" the constitution, which your side will then be legally in rebellion against. In short, a lot of armed people will be ready and willing to put a stop to what you started, and then put the survivors on trial and march them off to long terms of imprisonment. That's the result of the very clear legal and constitutional line your side will have crossed when they started shooting. I imagine the search for the guilty will extend not just to the shooters in the street, but to those who advocated and backed the thing (that would include you). As for your "world socialist allies" in Europe and elsewhere, they won't get here in time to do you much good, and I expect if they attempt it, they will get a rather "hot" military reception, as well. After all, your rather transparent desire to bring them in also violates the constitution, and those on the other side (after your violence alienates most Americans) are not going to be too happy with what was attempted. Far from seeing your enemies "marched up the stairs to the guillotine", you are likely to be viewing the proceedings from the inside of a prison cell. You will learn by then that your constitutional rights do not extend to allowing you (or anyone else) to form what would essentially be a lynch mob, no matter how unpopular your intended targets. There are some very strict laws against that, which prescribe some very harsh punishments for doing so, and much to your dismay, I think you will find the courts are still very much functioning. So much for your sick, twisted little revolutionary fantasies of insurrection, lynching, and marching people to the guillotine. Don't fret too much, you would-be Robespierre; if you do get a death sentence, you won't be beheaded; you'll more likely get a firing squad instead. Most of us don't share your peculiar brand of sadistic psychopathology.
Don't worry, that unAmerican little moron is too much of a coward to do anything but shoot his mouth off about things he can't begin to understand.
Filth-ridden Zuccotti Park is a breeding ground for bacterial infection loaded with potential health-code violations that pose a major risk to the public, an expert who inspected the area warned.

“It’s like Walmart for rats,’’ Wayne Yon, an expert on city health regulations, said yesterday.

“There’s a lack of sanitation, a lack of controls for hot and cold water,” Yon said. He saw at least 15 violations of the city’s health code -- the type that would easily shut down a food establishment.

He noted the lack of lavatory facilities, as neighbors repeatedly complain about protesters defecating in the area and the stench of urine.

He said there’s inadequate hand washing, the No. 1 culprit for food-borne illnesses in restaurants.

Read more: Zuccotti Park a health hazard: expert - NYPOST.com
The left is convinced that the shitters in the park are supported by a majority of people. Because they are convinced, that is a fact. Everything to the contrary is just propaganda. Bloomberg is now going to start enforcing the permit laws. Good for him, too late and maybe too little. It is very hard to convince these child-minds that even though they got away with it for a long time, the party is now over.

News from The Associated Press

The dream of the left is the French Revolution. It has to happen here. It has to happen because there is just noplace left for them to go. They have taken the protests as far as they can. They have ramped up the threats of violence as far as they can. The lives of the majority go on around them. There is nothing left but what they envision as the violent overthrow of the aristocrats. The left sees itself dragging those unresisting CEOs out of their homes and murdering them. Taking their property. Eating their livers (as was done during the Reign of Terror). The left is so ignorant of history, so bereft of education that they can't conceive that the French Revolution was an ultimate failure.

If it's the French Revolution they want, by all means lets give it to them.
The left is convinced that the shitters in the park are supported by a majority of people. Because they are convinced, that is a fact. Everything to the contrary is just propaganda. Bloomberg is now going to start enforcing the permit laws. Good for him, too late and maybe too little. It is very hard to convince these child-minds that even though they got away with it for a long time, the party is now over.

News from The Associated Press

The dream of the left is the French Revolution. It has to happen here. It has to happen because there is just noplace left for them to go. They have taken the protests as far as they can. They have ramped up the threats of violence as far as they can. The lives of the majority go on around them. There is nothing left but what they envision as the violent overthrow of the aristocrats. The left sees itself dragging those unresisting CEOs out of their homes and murdering them. Taking their property. Eating their livers (as was done during the Reign of Terror). The left is so ignorant of history, so bereft of education that they can't conceive that the French Revolution was an ultimate failure.

If it's the French Revolution they want, by all means lets give it to them.

Amazing, the murderous fantasies that emanate from the "peace and love" Left. Why am I not surprised? Well, perhaps because I have experienced the "gentle compassion of the Left" before. The evil and violent fantasies that reside in their twisted psyches boggle the minds of sane people, which, one might suppose, is why they project the worst of intentions on their opponents-they simply cannot conceive of anyone being less vicious and ruthless than they are (or wish they were). You are right; after all the whining, shrieking, threatening, defecating and urinating have gotten them exactly nothing, violence is all they have to fall back on....except that they are not so willing to die or go to prison as they would have us believe; they are far too cowardly for that. No, I think they have painted themselves into a corner, where the laughter, ridicule and scorn they have earned will soon cascade down on them like Niagara Falls!
Filth-ridden Zuccotti Park is a breeding ground for bacterial infection loaded with potential health-code violations that pose a major risk to the public, an expert who inspected the area warned.

“It’s like Walmart for rats,’’ Wayne Yon, an expert on city health regulations, said yesterday.

“There’s a lack of sanitation, a lack of controls for hot and cold water,” Yon said. He saw at least 15 violations of the city’s health code -- the type that would easily shut down a food establishment.

He noted the lack of lavatory facilities, as neighbors repeatedly complain about protesters defecating in the area and the stench of urine.

He said there’s inadequate hand washing, the No. 1 culprit for food-borne illnesses in restaurants.

Read more: Zuccotti Park a health hazard: expert - NYPOST.com

Is there any surprise here???

The organizers wanted this event to be a cluster-fuck. It's supposed to be a visual abortion. They wanted something that would offend your typical average Manhattan socialite or office worker. It was intended to be a thumb in the eye. An abomination to the senses. The smell must burn the nostrils and induce an involuntary gag-reflex.

Hard to believe some folks have reported to quitting their jobs to partake in this mess and even one mom left her 4 children to live in filth in the streets. It's Woodstock in the streets.

It makes one wonder what's wrong with these people.

The people that run these things aren't very good at anything other then offending us. All it proves is they're in worse disarray then those they protest.

I wonder if the protesters can see this.

Probably not.

All they know is somebody stole their Iphone.
I hope no one makes the shitters leave the park. They should stay until disease ravages their numbers.

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