Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

California does have SOME very good schools. Generally, the state is crap when it comes to teaching children.

Thank Arnie for that, he never did get the State budget on track in 8 years - fail.


Word is he's got a movie deal in the works. This Dem likes his stuff.​
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I realize I get people's blood boiling. This is just a map I found on the internet, there is nothing significant to it. With all this OWS, I thought the map might interest others as much as it does me.

As a social liberal and fiscal moderate from California, I would love to see it. We in the west get all our liberal States together. California is the fifth largest economy on the planet. We could go our own progressive direction. San Francisco would make a great capitol!!!

I like the fact that California does not touch Mexico. Illegal Immigration would become a problem for the Bible Belt. Let the KKK handle it if you wish. :happy-1:

You know the United States as we know it could become like the European Union where each country does their own thing, but we could have a common military. Plus down near San Diego the Homeland States gets a port. To me, politically, it makes more sense than what we have now. I am just throwing into this 99% thread for fun, don't make too much out of it. We had a good time with a this at a party last weekend!
Blood boiling? pfft. Cliff, you've an overinflated sense of your influence.

Speaking of 'overinflated sense of influence' who are you speaking for? :eusa_boohoo:

I've seen your contributions to this forum. Do you have an opinion about the f*cking map, or is it over your head?

I realize I get people's blood boiling. This is just a map I found on the internet, there is nothing significant to it. With all this OWS, I thought the map might interest others as much as it does me.

As a social liberal and fiscal moderate from California, I would love to see it. We in the west get all our liberal States together. California is the fifth largest economy on the planet. We could go our own progressive direction. San Francisco would make a great capitol!!!

I like the fact that California does not touch Mexico. Illegal Immigration would become a problem for the Bible Belt. Let the KKK handle it if you wish. :happy-1:

You know the United States as we know it could become like the European Union where each country does their own thing, but we could have a common military. Plus down near San Diego the Homeland States gets a port. To me, politically, it makes more sense than what we have now. I am just throwing into this 99% thread for fun, don't make too much out of it. We had a good time with a this at a party last weekend!
Blood boiling? pfft. Cliff, you've an overinflated sense of your influence.

Speaking of 'overinflated sense of influence' who are you speaking for? :eusa_boohoo:

I've seen your contributions to this forum. Do you have an opinion about the f*cking map, or is it over your head?

what opinion is someone suppose to have ON A MAP of the NEW AMERCIA. oh lookie, it's a Progressive DREAM.
good grief.
Blood boiling? pfft. Cliff, you've an overinflated sense of your influence.

Speaking of 'overinflated sense of influence' who are you speaking for? :eusa_boohoo:

I've seen your contributions to this forum. Do you have an opinion about the f*cking map, or is it over your head?

what opinion is someone suppose to have ON A MAP of the NEW AMERCIA. oh lookie, it's a Progressive DREAM.
good grief.

Good Grief?...... did not mean to go over your head, just thought it might generate provocative posting.

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The greedy one percent that bankrupted the nation, morally and fiscally, is now facing its greatest fear: a public uprising against their accumulation of wealth and power, and with that, the best chance at change in the post-War era.

It started in New York City, as hundreds of activists literally occupied Wall Street, setting up a tent city in a nearby park and organizing daily protests. For two weeks, the movement squeaked by on minimal coverage. The national media ignored the protests, even as the protesters dug in and redoubled their efforts.

Source: Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows | Benzinga

Are they mad at Obama too for giving billions to these banks and wall street?

Just curious.

I wonder if they are mad that these Wall Street firms were heavy into campaign donations to Obama??? Somehow I bet they don't know that.:lol:
Blood boiling? pfft. Cliff, you've an overinflated sense of your influence.

Speaking of 'overinflated sense of influence' who are you speaking for? :eusa_boohoo:

I've seen your contributions to this forum. Do you have an opinion about the f*cking map, or is it over your head?

what opinion is someone suppose to have ON A MAP of the NEW AMERCIA. oh lookie, it's a Progressive DREAM.
good grief.

Yes, and it's a conservative dream as well. I'm in, but I am in the middle of that map.:lol:
I've seen your contributions to this forum. Do you have an opinion about the f*cking map, or is it over your head?

Has it not yet gotten through to you, shitstain, that YOU are the problem and your asinine, pre-school "Looky, looky at the pretty pictures!" is of interest to no one but your idiotic self? STFU
Exactly. College kids with enormous debt and little job prospects need to be protesting the corrupt colleges and the federal government who offered them easy money and false promises. They are clueless about who the culprits are.

My son's school participated in a march at "Occupy Philly" chanting "Education is a right. It's not just for the rich and white". He laughed because nearly all the protesters were "rich and white." And last he heard, even people of color were afforded the same educational opportunities. In fact, it's the law.
The culprits are Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo. The same culprits who orchestrated an economic crash resulting in the loss of nine million jobs and the biggest drop in home ownership since the Great Depression. Remember?

Corrupt politicians and colleges serve Wall Street parasites and the richest 1% of Americans.

"Orchestrated" the recession, and the collapse of the housing bubble? ORCHESTRATED IT? That's ....never mind how ridiculous it is, if you want to make that assertion, back it up! I want you to tell us, in detail, just how you think these entities by themselves planned and "orchestrated" this mess. Please do. I breathlessly await your "explanation"; it should be most enlightening! Keep to demonstrable facts, please; no defending points by saying "Everybody knows that_______!", no suppositions.
Here's a useful starting point in case you're actually interested.
Keep a sharp eye out for communists on unicorns.

"Getting a grip on the economic catastrophe that rocked the country during the fall of 2008 is no easy feat, what with so many players, back-room deals, bills, upswings and meltdowns to consider. To that end, Truthdig, once again in collaboration with Capzles.com, has put together a comprehensive multimedia timeline that explains how we got into this mess and how we might avoid repeating history in the near future..."

Truthdig - Financial Meltdown 101
"California public schools, which during the 1960s had been ranked nationally as among the best, have decreased to 48th in many surveys of student achievement..."

I never bought into Proposition 13 either.

California Proposition 13 (1978) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You need to start reading something besides wiki.

California, NY, and Texas have some of the highest ranked public highschools in the country according to US News & World Reports Annual rankings.

Best High Schools - US News Education
Taken any Chem classes at Cal lately?

"BERKELEY, Calif. — As the University of California struggles to absorb its sharpest drop in state financing since the Great Depression, every professor, administrator and clerical worker has been put on furlough amounting to an average pay cut of 8 percent..."

California Reeling - University of California, Crown Jewel of Education, Struggles With Cuts - Series - NYTimes.com
I thought voters were already convinced.

Don't you have public schools where you live, George?
They appear to be swirling the drain around here, Samson.

I've been attending a community college for the last two months.
Exactly 40 years ago I attended another community college.
In both cases I enrolled in four classes my first semester.

While I was expecting the computer to be the biggest difference between the two experiences, I've discovered it is actually budget cuts that have had the biggest effect. In 1971 all classes met for 15 weeks during Fall and Spring semesters. Today my English class met for 8 weeks and my Algebra class will finish after only four weeks.

In '71 there was no tuition expense for in-state students.
Today tuition amounts to $36 per unit.
As the economic situation in California worsens, I expect classes will become shorter and more expensive.

I suspect that whining about $36 per credit for college level opportunity is NOT gonna get a whole of lot of traction with the 99%..

The LARGER problem is status obsessed parents who push their kids from pre-school years to attend prestige schools that the family cannot afford. Then these parents literally FORCE their kids to go in hock up their eyeballs for the rest of their lives.. Grow up --- and INDICT those criminal parents...

You can buy 2 years at that Community College and come out with an AA or AS degree that then gets you into a State school for cheap. And UNDERgraduate curriculums donn't really vary that much or affect outcomes ABOVE the astronomical diff in cost..

About $3500 for that AA degree George -- stop whining..
Education and health care are human rights for those of us who don't believe societies were created to enable psychotic parasites to amass vast, private fortunes.
So, you have decided to ruin this thread.

No, I decided to expose your reeking hypocrisy, and the hypocrisy of the other morons of the Shitter revolution.

I don't even know who you are. Out of the blue you are attacking me, and do not even offer a quote of mine to refute! :bsflag:

Son, I've refuted dozens of your posts.

Folks, I enjoy the spotlight, but this is not the thread for it. Something very important is happening in global politics and money markets.

The unions are throwing a temper tantrum and demanding "Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee."

Happens all the time.

Yes, I am a social liberal, and a fiscal moderate looking for pragmatism.

A fiscally moderate Marxist, imagine....

I believe it is imperative that we maintain the best of capitalism while escorting in the era of "American Socialism.'

Da Comrade.

Permit me to remind one and all that it was the Republicans who gave socialism the biggest boost ever with the 7000,000,000,000 TARP which bears the signature of George W. Bush! :asshole:

How did your Messiah® vote on that?

This week my stock broker advised me to get out of stocks and into some metals - the metals guy said that was a first for him. I am a conservative investor taking the current approach of hanging onto what I have. My favorite stocks are John Deere and Kroger. I will not purchase gasoline or bank stocks as I have a moral objection.

Why don't you give everything you have to the OWS movement?


The metals guy is watching the protests in Greece, (which is also having occupy Wall Street protests). Apparently, Europeans are buying dollars, and Americans are buying metals, which means, (according to my metals trader) the shit is going to hit the fan bigger than in 2008. This is pretty scary.

You can joke all you want, (where you came up with Comrad, I do not know), but this 99%, Occupy Wall Street movement has a lot of people concerned. My opinion is that it will come out ok. Remember the United States only came into being because the wealthiest colonists wanted it. Last survey I saw showed the Tea Party at 27% favorable rating which never changes much. The Tea Party, (like it or not) has hung itself with the 'bigot ' label which killed any international chances. 53% of the U. S. population views the 99% movement in a positive way. The potential for global political action is good.

Racism was demagoguery from the party media.

Funny, racism and antisemitism are rampant in the Shitter movement, but the party press doesn't manage to report on that.

One might glean that the party press is "pro-shitter."

So, while you guys are playing the same old USMB gotcha game. I bought $17,000 worth of gold coins. To me it is just about time for a financial crisis where we can all kiss our sweet asses goodbye.

Isn't that nice.

So, anyone want to talk about the critical issue of Barry Obama's birth certificate? Or, would you like to hear some opinions from other posters about how the financial unrest of the world is going to effect your way of life? Even television news can not keep up with what is going on.

Let's talk about the Shitter revolution and your dream of Socialist America, Comrade.
Mein Kamph also, "figured prominently in philosophy of law and political philosophy in the twentieth century."

Is your point that neither are relevant to the 21st century?

I hate to support George, but in this he is correct. Most political philosophies agree that the state is the only LEGITIMATE wielder of force. Police and armed forces are adjuncts of the state. This is why it is so important to keep the state small.
You need to start reading something besides wiki.

California, NY, and Texas have some of the highest ranked public highschools in the country according to US News & World Reports Annual rankings.

Best High Schools - US News Education

California had two on the top ten list - but both are private schools.

I think George is pointing out that public education sucks in California.

Now we DO have magnet schools, the International Baccalaureate program is quite good. But over all, California schools are abysmal.

I realize I get people's blood boiling. This is just a map I found on the internet, there is nothing significant to it. With all this OWS, I thought the map might interest others as much as it does me.

As a social liberal and fiscal moderate from California, I would love to see it. We in the west get all our liberal States together. California is the fifth largest economy on the planet. We could go our own progressive direction. San Francisco would make a great capitol!!!

I like the fact that California does not touch Mexico. Illegal Immigration would become a problem for the Bible Belt. Let the KKK handle it if you wish. :happy-1:

You know the United States as we know it could become like the European Union where each country does their own thing, but we could have a common military. Plus down near San Diego the Homeland States gets a port. To me, politically, it makes more sense than what we have now. I am just throwing into this 99% thread for fun, don't make too much out of it. We had a good time with a this at a party last weekend!
Blood boiling? pfft. Cliff, you've an overinflated sense of your influence.

Speaking of 'overinflated sense of influence' who are you speaking for? :eusa_boohoo:

I've seen your contributions to this forum. Do you have an opinion about the f*cking map, or is it over your head?
Why do I need an opinion about some petulant childish crap obviously put up there by a poster because he hasn't gotten enough attention from mommy and daddy?
Education and health care are human rights for those of us.

LOL! That right there says it all about the mind-set of your sort.
What does your mind-set tell you about the role chattel slavery played in the creation of the first private fortunes on this planet?

Sorry Karl, but your stupid ideas have been proven a muderously horrible failure every time they have been imposed on a large scale. There is nothing left to your empty, irrelevant ideology.

I realize I get people's blood boiling. This is just a map I found on the internet, there is nothing significant to it. With all this OWS, I thought the map might interest others as much as it does me.

As a social liberal and fiscal moderate from California, I would love to see it. We in the west get all our liberal States together. California is the fifth largest economy on the planet. We could go our own progressive direction. San Francisco would make a great capitol!!!

I like the fact that California does not touch Mexico. Illegal Immigration would become a problem for the Bible Belt. Let the KKK handle it if you wish. :happy-1:

You know the United States as we know it could become like the European Union where each country does their own thing, but we could have a common military. Plus down near San Diego the Homeland States gets a port. To me, politically, it makes more sense than what we have now. I am just throwing into this 99% thread for fun, don't make too much out of it. We had a good time with a this at a party last weekend!

You oughta make this another thread of its own: I think its facinating that the "United" States are so consistantly (over a mere 200+ years) at odds with one another.

Unfortunately, in many cases, e.g. California, there is not a strong majority within the state. IOW, while the state's coastline remains strongly progressive, the population in the remainder of the state is quite conservative. Texas is another example: along the Mexican Border there are many "progressive elements" compared with the rest of the state.

The fact is that the division of the USA between "Blue States" and "Red States" is something of a myth with few exceptions; Oklahoma (red), Vermont (blue).

If the nation was divided into COUNTIES, the picture would be quite different: Essentially the "Progressive Nation" would include almost every county bordering Mexico (including one in AZ). The "Progressive Map," outside of New England (not including most of NY) appears as a scattering of city states (Miami, NY, Chicago, San Fran, LA, Seattle, and oddly, Jackson, MS).

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