Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

So the democrat governors of 2 cities decided to end the practice of looking the other way on the legal violations of the protests in their cities.

People aren't happy.
So the democrat governors of 2 cities decided to end the practice of looking the other way on the legal violations of the protests in their cities.

People aren't happy.

The shitters aren't happy. The tax paying citizens who get to have access to their public property back are probably happy.
Where will they sell their products?

At Walmart.

You'll buy them, but tell your Marxist friends that they were grown in a co-op garden... (Like the claims about the Mexican Cartel pot you smoke!)
"Only a humanity to whom death has become as indifferent as its members, that has itself died, can inflict it administratively on innumerable people.
-Theodor Adorno"

Priming yourself for President Rick Perry's fast and furious assault on Mexican drug cartels?

Occupy Wall Street's Battle Against American-Style Authoritarianism | Truthout
It isn't likely Democrats or Republicans will prosecute Wall Street today unless there is a powerful grass roots movement that makes them do it.

Well, it would help if Wall Street was an individual, and that there were laws that were broken.

Who is "Wall Street?"

What Laws did they break?

I'm not saying that there are no improvements to be made, however, as any 401(k) holder that wants to see his government-incentivised retirement fund increase in value (same as their property investment, i.e. "home,") many Americans ARE Wall Street.
It isn't likely Democrats or Republicans will prosecute Wall Street today unless there is a powerful grass roots movement that makes them do it.

Well, it would help if Wall Street was an individual, and that there were laws that were broken.

Who is "Wall Street?"

What Laws did they break?

I'm not saying that there are no improvements to be made, however, as any 401(k) holder that wants to see his government-incentivised retirement fund increase in value (same as their property investment, i.e. "home,") many Americans ARE Wall Street.
The following post from July 2009 offers a pretty good starting point.

"This is F%$#ing criminal. Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why.

"Because they want the banks to make money any way they can.

"Geithner is applauding this news."

Pensions and home values were plundered by some of the richest 1% of individuals in this country along with elected Republicans AND Democrats ranging from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush. Chris Dodd to Phil Gramm. Barney Frank and Tom DeLay.

I would think reparations are in order for many investors and homeowners.

It isn't likely Democrats or Republicans will prosecute Wall Street today unless there is a powerful grass roots movement that makes them do it.

Well, it would help if Wall Street was an individual, and that there were laws that were broken.

Who is "Wall Street?"

What Laws did they break?

I'm not saying that there are no improvements to be made, however, as any 401(k) holder that wants to see his government-incentivised retirement fund increase in value (same as their property investment, i.e. "home,") many Americans ARE Wall Street.
The following post from July 2009 offers a pretty good starting point.

"This is F%$#ing criminal. Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why.

"Because they want the banks to make money any way they can.

"Geithner is applauding this news."

Pensions and home values were plundered by some of the richest 1% of individuals in this country along with elected Republicans AND Democrats ranging from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush. Chris Dodd to Phil Gramm. Barney Frank and Tom DeLay.

I would think reparations are in order for many investors and homeowners.


Got to tell you, I have supported Obama up until he started playing poker with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid during the debt ceiling talks. Basically, his last chance with me is make this American Jobs Act work. If he fails, I will support Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries.

In 2008 Obama came into office, controlled both houses of Congress, and added billions to the TARP - Wall Street Bail Out. Since that time have you seen ANY financial restructuring of America? Did anyone hold hearings on the Wall Street Bail Out? Did anyone go to jail? Main Street is broke, and Wall Street is rolling high again.

What has our treasured Democratic Party done for the average American? One thing, extend unemployment benefits when Americans are screaming for JOBS. Now you see why my avatar says, "feel politically homeless." OWS is a about all we have, and big city mayors are f*ucking that up.


85 arrested in Oakland, CA yesterday as mayor pressures OWS​
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Well, it would help if Wall Street was an individual, and that there were laws that were broken.

Who is "Wall Street?"

What Laws did they break?

I'm not saying that there are no improvements to be made, however, as any 401(k) holder that wants to see his government-incentivised retirement fund increase in value (same as their property investment, i.e. "home,") many Americans ARE Wall Street.
The following post from July 2009 offers a pretty good starting point.

"This is F%$#ing criminal. Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why.

"Because they want the banks to make money any way they can.

"Geithner is applauding this news."

Pensions and home values were plundered by some of the richest 1% of individuals in this country along with elected Republicans AND Democrats ranging from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush. Chris Dodd to Phil Gramm. Barney Frank and Tom DeLay.

I would think reparations are in order for many investors and homeowners.


Got to tell you, I have supported Obama up until he started playing poker with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid during the debt ceiling talks. Basically, his last chance with me is make this American Jobs Act work. If he fails, I will support Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries.

In 2008 Obama came into office, controlled both houses of Congress, and added billions to the TARP - Wall Street Bail Out. Since that time have you seen ANY financial restructuring of America? Did anyone hold hearings on the Wall Street Bail Out? Did anyone go to jail? Main Street is broke, and Wall Street is rolling high again.

What has our treasured Democratic Party done for the average American? One thing, extend unemployment benefits when Americans are screaming for JOBS. Now you see why my avatar says, "feel politically homeless." OWS is a about all we have, and big city mayors are f*ucking that up.


85 arrested in Oakland, CA yesterday as mayor pressures OWS​
Several months ago the corporate press noted how quickly Bill Clinton earned his first $100 million.

If Obama gets a second term he will likely succeed in privatizing Social Security and earn his first $billion in less time than Clinton needed to reach 100 million.

There are multiple established third party candidates already appearing on every California ballot.
In theory, the internet could be used to convince millions of California voters to vote AGAINST every Republican AND Democrat running for reelection in 2012 at all levels of government.

This "anti-vote" argument usually results in millions of eligible voters refusing to participate in elections. Sometimes 30% to 40% of those who could cast their ballot simply don't see anything worth voting for.

Providing an option to vote AGAINST Wall Street and the Pentagon by FLUSHING Republicans and Democrats from DC in 2012 could give Obama more Hope and Change than he can handle.
The greedy one percent that bankrupted the nation, morally and fiscally, is now facing its greatest fear: a public uprising against their accumulation of wealth and power, and with that, the best chance at change in the post-War era.

It started in New York City, as hundreds of activists literally occupied Wall Street, setting up a tent city in a nearby park and organizing daily protests. For two weeks, the movement squeaked by on minimal coverage. The national media ignored the protests, even as the protesters dug in and redoubled their efforts.

LMAO. Oh no, Wall St. is so scared they aren't even going to do anything about it.
Just Remember to adhere to Non Violence, at all costs. Your weapon is Being there, Your Voice, and remember to Document what you can. You will accomplish the most by being, Focused, Civil, and by watching Each Others backs. You make this about Justice for All, you have something that will win people over. You make it about Insurrection, and you have already lost.
There's been a delayed reaction in Europe to Wall Street's latest pump and dump scam that crashed the US economy in 2008:

Robert Reich explains:

"It’s impossible to know, for example, the exposure of the Street to European banks in danger of going under. To stay afloat, Europe’s banks will be forced to sell mountains of assets – among them, derivatives originating on the Street – and may have to reneg on or delay some repayments on loans from Wall Street banks.

"The Street says it’s not worried because these assets are insured. But remember AIG?

"The fact Morgan Stanley and other big U.S. banks are taking a beating in the market suggests investors don’t believe the Street.

"This itself proves financial reform hasn’t gone far enough.

"If you want more evidence, consider the fancy footwork by Bank of America in recent days. Hit by a credit downgrade last month, BofA just moved its riskiest derivatives from its Merrill Lynch unit to a retail subsidiary flush with insured deposits.

"That unit has a higher credit rating because the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (that is, you and me and other taxpayers) are backing the deposits.

"Result: BofA improves its bottom line at the expense of American taxpayers."

Robert Reich (Wall Street is Still Out of Control, and Why Obama Should Call for Glass-Steagall and a Breakup of Big Banks)

The 1% will soon be back for even bigger bailouts than in 2008.

What will you have to say when their pet pigs in congress squeal "martial law" again?
I can always count on you, Georgephillip, to see beyond the headlines.

You're one of the reasons I still bother posting here.

There's been a delayed reaction in Europe to Wall Street's latest pump and dump scam that crashed the US economy in 2008:

Robert Reich explains:

"It’s impossible to know, for example, the exposure of the Street to European banks in danger of going under. To stay afloat, Europe’s banks will be forced to sell mountains of assets – among them, derivatives originating on the Street – and may have to reneg on or delay some repayments on loans from Wall Street banks.

"The Street says it’s not worried because these assets are insured. But remember AIG?

"The fact Morgan Stanley and other big U.S. banks are taking a beating in the market suggests investors don’t believe the Street.

"This itself proves financial reform hasn’t gone far enough.

"If you want more evidence, consider the fancy footwork by Bank of America in recent days. Hit by a credit downgrade last month, BofA just moved its riskiest derivatives from its Merrill Lynch unit to a retail subsidiary flush with insured deposits.

"That unit has a higher credit rating because the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (that is, you and me and other taxpayers) are backing the deposits.

"Result: BofA improves its bottom line at the expense of American taxpayers."

Robert Reich (Wall Street is Still Out of Control, and Why Obama Should Call for Glass-Steagall and a Breakup of Big Banks)

The 1% will soon be back for even bigger bailouts than in 2008.

What will you have to say when their pet pigs in congress squeal "martial law" again?

This is why I dont understand why the OWS people didn't occupy the capital instead....that is where the laws originated that allowed wallstreet/banks to get away with risky behavior in the first place and its also where the laws originated that gave these same corporations and banks TRILLIONS of ALL OF OUR money.
"Only a humanity to whom death has become as indifferent as its members, that has itself died, can inflict it administratively on innumerable people.
-Theodor Adorno"

Priming yourself for President Rick Perry's fast and furious assault on Mexican drug cartels?

Occupy Wall Street's Battle Against American-Style Authoritarianism | Truthout

The way to deal with the drug cartels is to legalize drugs.

But the point was the hypocrisy of the left which condemns that which it depends on.
This is why I dont understand why the OWS people didn't occupy the capital instead....that is where the laws originated that allowed wallstreet/banks to get away with risky behavior in the first place and its also where the laws originated that gave these same corporations and banks TRILLIONS of ALL OF OUR money.

Because all of the things the government did were done due to the string-pulling by big business. The ultimate control rests in Wall Street -- although the ultimate potential control does indeed reside in Washington. Big business' only power over the government is through bribery and corruption, not force. That is not true in the other direction.

Still, the Wall Street end of the corruption stick was being ignored, along with the need for jobs, with everything focusing on the deficit instead. I think the movement picked exactly the right target.
This is why I dont understand why the OWS people didn't occupy the capital instead....that is where the laws originated that allowed wallstreet/banks to get away with risky behavior in the first place and its also where the laws originated that gave these same corporations and banks TRILLIONS of ALL OF OUR money.

Because all of the things the government did were done due to the string-pulling by big business. The ultimate control rests in Wall Street -- although the ultimate potential control does indeed reside in Washington. Big business' only power over the government is through bribery and corruption, not force. That is not true in the other direction.

Still, the Wall Street end of the corruption stick was being ignored, along with the need for jobs, with everything focusing on the deficit instead. I think the movement picked exactly the right target.

This Government is the Innocent Victim Fallacy is just too much. It's killing me.

:lmao: :banana: :lmao: :mm: :lmao: :banana: :lmao: :mm: :lmao: :banana: :lmao:
:lmao: :banana: :lmao: :mm: :lmao: :banana: :lmao: :mm: :lmao: :banana: :lmao:
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