Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Got to tell you, I have supported Obama up until he started playing poker with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid during the debt ceiling talks. Basically, his last chance with me is make this American Jobs Act work. If he fails, I will support Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries.

In 2008 Obama came into office, controlled both houses of Congress, and added billions to the TARP - Wall Street Bail Out. Since that time have you seen ANY financial restructuring of America? Did anyone hold hearings on the Wall Street Bail Out? Did anyone go to jail? Main Street is broke, and Wall Street is rolling high again.

What has our treasured Democratic Party done for the average American? One thing, extend unemployment benefits when Americans are screaming for JOBS. Now you see why my avatar says, "feel politically homeless." OWS is a about all we have, and big city mayors are f*ucking that up.


85 arrested in Oakland, CA yesterday as mayor pressures OWS​
Several months ago the corporate press noted how quickly Bill Clinton earned his first $100 million.

If Obama gets a second term he will likely succeed in privatizing Social Security and earn his first $billion in less time than Clinton needed to reach 100 million.

There are multiple established third party candidates already appearing on every California ballot.
In theory, the internet could be used to convince millions of California voters to vote AGAINST every Republican AND Democrat running for reelection in 2012 at all levels of government.

This "anti-vote" argument usually results in millions of eligible voters refusing to participate in elections. Sometimes 30% to 40% of those who could cast their ballot simply don't see anything worth voting for.

Providing an option to vote AGAINST Wall Street and the Pentagon by FLUSHING Republicans and Democrats from DC in 2012 could give Obama more Hope and Change than he can handle.

Believe me, the last thing this Dem wants to hear is more negative about our Democratic president. We in the Democratic base have serious questions about his commitment to the Democratic Party. I need an extremely credible link that President Obama would privatize Social Security.

Obama is a phoney liberal, but if he tried to privatize Social Security the Democrats would impeach him for the Republicans. I am going to follow up with you on your claim. You had best be able to back it up. I think it is BS.

Republicans can not be content with the political chaos in Washington, they tend to oversell their point, and usually lose the entire argument. Somehow I have a feeling that georgephillip will be quietly dancing away from 'privatized Social Security' in this thread.

Tell me who qualifies as a credible source in your opinion?

Dean Baker?
Robert Reich?

Jeffrey Liebman?

"Liebman has supported partial PRIVATIZATION of the government-run retirement system, an idea that is rejected by many Democrats and bears a similarity to a proposal for so-called "personal investment accounts" that Bush promoted in 2005.

"'Liebman has been open to private accounts,' said Michael Tanner, a Social Security expert at the Cato Institute in Washington, a think tank in Washington that advocates 'free markets' and often backs Republicans. The Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick plan to loot Social Security also promises raising regressive payroll taxes, cutting benefits, or a combination of both."

Obama's Plan To Privatize Social Security

Do you believe Bill Clinton flirted with privatizing SS about the same time as Monica?
That $2.6 trillion trust fund is the last big pot for Wall Street.
Only a Democratic president can deliver it.

I respectfully suggest you ask yourself if you are judging Obama by the content of his character (and policies) or by the color of his skin.
Several months ago the corporate press noted how quickly Bill Clinton earned his first $100 million.

If Obama gets a second term he will likely succeed in privatizing Social Security and earn his first $billion in less time than Clinton needed to reach 100 million.

There are multiple established third party candidates already appearing on every California ballot.
In theory, the internet could be used to convince millions of California voters to vote AGAINST every Republican AND Democrat running for reelection in 2012 at all levels of government.

This "anti-vote" argument usually results in millions of eligible voters refusing to participate in elections. Sometimes 30% to 40% of those who could cast their ballot simply don't see anything worth voting for.

Providing an option to vote AGAINST Wall Street and the Pentagon by FLUSHING Republicans and Democrats from DC in 2012 could give Obama more Hope and Change than he can handle.

Believe me, the last thing this Dem wants to hear is more negative about our Democratic president. We in the Democratic base have serious questions about his commitment to the Democratic Party. I need an extremely credible link that President Obama would privatize Social Security.

Obama is a phoney liberal, but if he tried to privatize Social Security the Democrats would impeach him for the Republicans. I am going to follow up with you on your claim. You had best be able to back it up. I think it is BS.

Republicans can not be content with the political chaos in Washington, they tend to oversell their point, and usually lose the entire argument. Somehow I have a feeling that georgephillip will be quietly dancing away from 'privatized Social Security' in this thread.

Tell me who qualifies as a credible source in your opinion?

Dean Baker?
Robert Reich?

Jeffrey Liebman?

"Liebman has supported partial PRIVATIZATION of the government-run retirement system, an idea that is rejected by many Democrats and bears a similarity to a proposal for so-called "personal investment accounts" that Bush promoted in 2005.

"'Liebman has been open to private accounts,' said Michael Tanner, a Social Security expert at the Cato Institute in Washington, a think tank in Washington that advocates 'free markets' and often backs Republicans. The Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick plan to loot Social Security also promises raising regressive payroll taxes, cutting benefits, or a combination of both."

Obama's Plan To Privatize Social Security

Do you believe Bill Clinton flirted with privatizing SS about the same time as Monica?
That $2.6 trillion trust fund is the last big pot for Wall Street.
Only a Democratic president can deliver it.

I respectfully suggest you ask yourself if you are judging Obama by the content of his character (and policies) or by the color of his skin.

You had to play the race card?

Page 2: Obama: No 'Easy Out' for Wall Street - ABC News

OBAMA: Well, some of them are gone because their institutions have effectively collapsed. You know, keep in mind. though, there are a lot of banks that are actually pretty well managed; JP Morgan being a good example. Jamie Dimon, the CEO there; I don't think he should be punished for doing a pretty good job managing an enormous portfolio.
How to Be a Citizen Journalist Without Getting Killed
Good Advice for Protestors too.

Tear gas and rubber bullets are painful. They're described as non-lethal weapons, but that doesn't mean they can't do serious damage. Here are tips to help you survive riot containment procedures.

Bring a Buddy

Find a friend that shares the same passion as you do about reporting on their topics. Someone that's kinda sorta into this will quickly bail when all hell breaks loose. You can watch each other's backs if things get nasty and if you've ever shot video, you know that you can get blinders while trying to get the perfect shot.
Tear Gas

Unless you have a gas mask, tear gas is going to mess you up. Be prepared. The police will usually warn a crowd before it shoots chemical agents at them. You have two options, leave the area and stay safe, or stay and continue to cover the event as it unfolds. If you're like me, you'll stay.

Before you head to any event with the potential for conflict, grab a bandana and soak it in cider vinegar. Store that in a zip lock bag. Grab a pair of tight-fitting swim goggles from the local sports store. Finally, saline solution will be your best friend once everything dies down. As soon as you suspect that tear gas will be unleashed, try to move upwind if possible. If you have contacts, take them out. Put the swim goggles on, these will protect your eyes. Get your vinegar rag ready, you'll breath through this once the gas has been unleashed. Get your photos/video and quickly move away from the scene. If you don't have the vinegar bandana, breath through your shirt. coughing and spitting will help get the agent out of your system. Whatever you do, DO NOT RUB YOUR EYES. This will make it worse. Once you're in the clear, use the saline solution on your eyes. If you don't have saline solution, Egyptian protesters allegedly used Coke/Pepsi to rinse tear gas out of their eyes. If you have any chemical burns from the gas, seek immediate medical attention.
Rubber Bullets/Bean Bag Bullets

Step one, try not to get shot. You're there to document the event, so do not throw rocks, fireworks, or used tear gas canisters at the police. Being a good journalist does not mean you won't get shot, it just lowers the chances. To be prepared anyway in case you're caught in the crossfire I recommend getting protective equipment from people that spend the weekend getting shot. Paintball gear is relatively inexpensive and easy to order from the Internet or pick up a sporting goods store. Pick up a chest protector, slide shorts, and face mask for the best protection. In a pinch, put the thickest sweater you own under your clothes. If you're in a situation that escalates out of control, free weekly newspapers shoved under your clothes can offer some protection from containment bullets. Whatever you end up wearing, remember that if you get struck, it's going to hurt, BAD. Have your buddy help you move to safer area or get medical attention if you're seriously injured.
Know your Surroundings

Don't rely on Google Maps on your smartphone to work. Print out a map of the area and keep it handy. If you can, get that puppy laminated. If you need to find an escape path, this will come in handy.

Don't get caught up in the chanting when the police are making announcements. Listen to what they are saying. Not only is this important for your coverage, it can help you avoid getting stuck in the center of a tear gas attack, or getting shot with rubber bullets. Also stay close to the leaders of the movement. What they say will also be important to your coverage, but could also keep you safe.
Pepper Spray

Buy some, put it on your keychain or in your bag. This is for self-defense only. Use of pepper spray on an individual is a felony in some states, so seriously, don't mess around with the stuff.
Communication and Rendezvous Point

Text messaging works best in loud situations. GroupMe is a great tool for group messaging and will work on any mobile phone once set up. Set a meeting place for your group at a specific time.

How to Be a Citizen Journalist Without Getting Killed
Well the growth of the Occupados in Minneapolis has grown to a measly few dozen obvious reprobates.

At least the hackysack circle of 20 something wanna-be anarchists raised them up about 8 people. They now are at a Protester to Portapotty ratio of 10 to 1 even though they've removed over 80% of the Biffys.

Yep... they sure are growing!
Believe me, the last thing this Dem wants to hear is more negative about our Democratic president. We in the Democratic base have serious questions about his commitment to the Democratic Party. I need an extremely credible link that President Obama would privatize Social Security.

Obama is a phoney liberal, but if he tried to privatize Social Security the Democrats would impeach him for the Republicans. I am going to follow up with you on your claim. You had best be able to back it up. I think it is BS.

Republicans can not be content with the political chaos in Washington, they tend to oversell their point, and usually lose the entire argument. Somehow I have a feeling that georgephillip will be quietly dancing away from 'privatized Social Security' in this thread.

Tell me who qualifies as a credible source in your opinion?

Dean Baker?
Robert Reich?

Jeffrey Liebman?

"Liebman has supported partial PRIVATIZATION of the government-run retirement system, an idea that is rejected by many Democrats and bears a similarity to a proposal for so-called "personal investment accounts" that Bush promoted in 2005.

"'Liebman has been open to private accounts,' said Michael Tanner, a Social Security expert at the Cato Institute in Washington, a think tank in Washington that advocates 'free markets' and often backs Republicans. The Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick plan to loot Social Security also promises raising regressive payroll taxes, cutting benefits, or a combination of both."

Obama's Plan To Privatize Social Security

Do you believe Bill Clinton flirted with privatizing SS about the same time as Monica?
That $2.6 trillion trust fund is the last big pot for Wall Street.
Only a Democratic president can deliver it.

I respectfully suggest you ask yourself if you are judging Obama by the content of his character (and policies) or by the color of his skin.

You had to play the race card?

Page 2: Obama: No 'Easy Out' for Wall Street - ABC News

OBAMA: Well, some of them are gone because their institutions have effectively collapsed. You know, keep in mind. though, there are a lot of banks that are actually pretty well managed; JP Morgan being a good example. Jamie Dimon, the CEO there; I don't think he should be punished for doing a pretty good job managing an enormous portfolio.
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa, too?

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- JPMorgan Chase & Co. has agreed to pay $153.6 million to settle civil fraud charges that it misled buyers of complex mortgage investments just as the housing market was collapsing...

"The bank agreed to settle the charges two weeks after Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., complained to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke that new financial regulations designed to prevent another financial crisis were too burdensome on banks."

JPMorgan to pay $153.6M to settle fraud charges - Yahoo! Finance

You should also learn more about Magnetar, JP Morgan and Rahm Israel Emanuel before taking anything Obama says about Jamie Dimon at face value.

"Update June 21, 2011: JP Morgan Chase has agreed to pay a $154 million penalty to settle SEC charges that the bank misled investors about a complex mortgage-securities deal during the waning days of the housing boom. The SEC charged that JP Morgan neglected to tell investors that the hedge fund Magnetar helped create the deal and was betting against it. This story was the first to detail Magnetar's role.

Update Oct. 29, 2010: This story has been corrected in response to a recent letter from Magnetar. Read their letter, along with our response..."

The Magnetar Trade: How One Hedge Fund Helped Keep the Bubble Going - ProPublica
If some Wall Street company defrauded someone, they should definitely pay THAT PERSON, not fling money at the swine like it was slops.
Tell me who qualifies as a credible source in your opinion?

Dean Baker?
Robert Reich?

Jeffrey Liebman?

"Liebman has supported partial PRIVATIZATION of the government-run retirement system, an idea that is rejected by many Democrats and bears a similarity to a proposal for so-called "personal investment accounts" that Bush promoted in 2005.

"'Liebman has been open to private accounts,' said Michael Tanner, a Social Security expert at the Cato Institute in Washington, a think tank in Washington that advocates 'free markets' and often backs Republicans. The Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick plan to loot Social Security also promises raising regressive payroll taxes, cutting benefits, or a combination of both."

Obama's Plan To Privatize Social Security

Do you believe Bill Clinton flirted with privatizing SS about the same time as Monica?
That $2.6 trillion trust fund is the last big pot for Wall Street.
Only a Democratic president can deliver it.

I respectfully suggest you ask yourself if you are judging Obama by the content of his character (and policies) or by the color of his skin.

You had to play the race card?

Page 2: Obama: No 'Easy Out' for Wall Street - ABC News

OBAMA: Well, some of them are gone because their institutions have effectively collapsed. You know, keep in mind. though, there are a lot of banks that are actually pretty well managed; JP Morgan being a good example. Jamie Dimon, the CEO there; I don't think he should be punished for doing a pretty good job managing an enormous portfolio.
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa, too?

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- JPMorgan Chase & Co. has agreed to pay $153.6 million to settle civil fraud charges that it misled buyers of complex mortgage investments just as the housing market was collapsing...

"The bank agreed to settle the charges two weeks after Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., complained to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke that new financial regulations designed to prevent another financial crisis were too burdensome on banks."

JPMorgan to pay $153.6M to settle fraud charges - Yahoo! Finance

You should also learn more about Magnetar, JP Morgan and Rahm Israel Emanuel before taking anything Obama says about Jamie Dimon at face value.

"Update June 21, 2011: JP Morgan Chase has agreed to pay a $154 million penalty to settle SEC charges that the bank misled investors about a complex mortgage-securities deal during the waning days of the housing boom. The SEC charged that JP Morgan neglected to tell investors that the hedge fund Magnetar helped create the deal and was betting against it. This story was the first to detail Magnetar's role.

Update Oct. 29, 2010: This story has been corrected in response to a recent letter from Magnetar. Read their letter, along with our response..."

The Magnetar Trade: How One Hedge Fund Helped Keep the Bubble Going - ProPublica

You took my quote of Obama as agreement?

JP Morgan Chase has settled charges agaist it.

Why are you continuing to whine?
Big business askes the politicians to do something and the politicians didn't have to say YES....the politicians could have said no but they didn't.....you are blaming the wrong people, the one's who hold the pens that write these laws are the congress not the corporations.

Big business doesn't just ASK. Big business BUYS.

Have you looked into how much it costs to run a Congressional campaign these days? And even more, of course, for the Senate or the White House. And when you include all the ads run by PACs and other non-profits that amount to campaign spending, the amount of money required is just huge.

Someone funding your campaign comes to you through his lobbyists and insists you pass support bill X or oppose bill Y or introduce bill Z, sure, you CAN say no -- and when it comes time to pay for your reelection campaign, so can they.

Saying no under those circumstances is not all that easy.
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa, too?

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- JPMorgan Chase & Co. has agreed to pay $153.6 million to settle civil fraud charges that it misled buyers of complex mortgage investments just as the housing market was collapsing...

"The bank agreed to settle the charges two weeks after Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., complained to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke that new financial regulations designed to prevent another financial crisis were too burdensome on banks."

JPMorgan to pay $153.6M to settle fraud charges - Yahoo! Finance

You should also learn more about Magnetar, JP Morgan and Rahm Israel Emanuel before taking anything Obama says about Jamie Dimon at face value.

"Update June 21, 2011: JP Morgan Chase has agreed to pay a $154 million penalty to settle SEC charges that the bank misled investors about a complex mortgage-securities deal during the waning days of the housing boom. The SEC charged that JP Morgan neglected to tell investors that the hedge fund Magnetar helped create the deal and was betting against it. This story was the first to detail Magnetar's role.

Update Oct. 29, 2010: This story has been corrected in response to a recent letter from Magnetar. Read their letter, along with our response..."

The Magnetar Trade: How One Hedge Fund Helped Keep the Bubble Going - ProPublica

You took my quote of Obama as agreement?

JP Morgan Chase has settled charges agaist it.

Why are you continuing to whine?
JP Morgan has settled ONE of many charges of corrupt business practices against it.

That"s why I'm calling for criminal investigations like those that followed the Savings and Loan lootings or the Great Depression.

Dimon and his ilk may be innocent or guilty; we'll never know without trial by jury.
If some Wall Street company defrauded someone, they should definitely pay THAT PERSON, not fling money at the swine like it was slops.
What if Wall Street is a criminal enterprise?

"This is F%$#ing criminal. Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it.

"How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms?

"You know why.

"Because they want the banks to make money any way they can.

If some Wall Street company defrauded someone, they should definitely pay THAT PERSON, not fling money at the swine like it was slops.
What if Wall Street is a criminal enterprise?

"This is F%$#ing criminal. Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it.

"How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms?

"You know why.

"Because they want the banks to make money any way they can.


George, finding something on the blogosphere and reposting it over and over again does very little for your credability.
If some Wall Street company defrauded someone, they should definitely pay THAT PERSON, not fling money at the swine like it was slops.
oh that's just crazy talk! Demanding people who experienced direct harm be paid, as what used to be the basis of law in this nation before class action insanity.
If some Wall Street company defrauded someone, they should definitely pay THAT PERSON, not fling money at the swine like it was slops.
oh that's just crazy talk! Demanding people who experienced direct harm be paid, as what used to be the basis of law in this nation before class action insanity.
Do you see any evidence of "direct harm" in the following?

"American families lost a total of $19.4 trillion (in 2010 dollars) in household wealth from June 2007 to March 2009, when the stimulus started to take hold. First it was the housing market, and then it was the housing and the stock market together that tanked. American families lost $6.4 trillion in home value during this period."

Would you expect each family to confront the Masters of the Universe individually?
Or would that be crazy?

The Consequences of Conservatism: Loss of Wealth Stunning During Great Recession
"American families lost a total of $19.4 trillion (in 2010 dollars) in household wealth from June 2007 to March 2009, when the stimulus started to take hold.

Hey George, how could the stimulus "take hold" in March of 09 when not one dime of porkulus was spent until August of 09? Is it that Dear Leader is so wonderful that he went back in time with his glorious peoples stimulus?

First it was the housing market, and then it was the housing and the stock market together that tanked. American families lost $6.4 trillion in home value during this period."

Would you expect each family to confront the Masters of the Universe individually?
Or would that be crazy?

The Consequences of Conservatism: Loss of Wealth Stunning During Great Recession

The problem I have with "facts" by leftists is that they generally are complete fabrications, such as the above.

To err is human, to lie through your fucking teeth is progressive....
The Ultimate Control rests with Government, which has the Force of Law behind it, the Cops, the Investigators, the Courts, the Prisons, the Military, and Access to All of Our Property. I'm not misrepresenting anything. The Right Target is Progressive Statism, which seeks Centralized control of Our Lives, 24/7, Cradle to Grave. Government by the Consent of the Governed is Justified, that is not the Issue, the issue is Government Overreach, which set up the pins to fall.

I beg to differ with you. The ultimate control will be the upper 1%. I keep posting on the "Patriotic Millionaires" but posters seem to want to believe that the 1% all see things the same way. Patriotic Millionaires For Fiscal Strength The millionaires I have read about, or have met see 'money as a tool to build things,' not an end in itself.

The only reason the American Revolution took place is because the wealthy wanted it. The global economy is getting it's back up against the wall these days. If we need to refinance the planet we will. You can not possibly believe that the most powerful military force on the planet, the United States, is going to go under because of numbers printed on pieces of paper? The UK, France, Spain, Portugal,Italy, Greece, Russia, China, and Japan will find a 'fix.'

Hey............. I just realized that like the United States all those countries had empires at one time. Hmmm.........bet they know a few secret economic things you and I don't.

Remember, if the big crash is coming, we go down they go down too. Go convert 30% of your portfolio to precious metals and relax!

It's nice to want things, huh. There's all different kinds of Power Preius. Money buys allot of things, it buys allot of People too. It doesn't buy Everything or Everyone though, something to keep in mind. We are a Nation of Laws, not Men, The Best Nations, the best Empires, know that. There are Principles so strong, no amount of money or even Power will Reign over them, not for long anyway, Our very Natures will oppose them.

You come off as one trying to steer, to manipulate, against reason, what you offer, is not what you deliver.

True, the one Percent have allot of influence and effect, their Property, having worth and Power, which they have every right to, within reason, just like you have the Power to effect with the resources under your control or ownership, within the Law.

Our Republic does seek to establish and maintain Law and Order, this is a constant process, that we need to serve Vigilantly. We Improve, We Amend, We Build on what works. We don't abandon it because those like you, may not like the hand they are dealt. Do the best with what you have. Make the most of it, find the formula that works for you, and share it, if it pleases you.

Disrespecting Free Will, or Private Property, is not a battle against Tyranny in any way, it is the application of Tyranny. It is Theft, it is a corruption of Principle. Creating Laws to end abuse, is one thing, in Establishing Justice, Gaining control of the Reins of abuse, so the control is transferred to you, with the abuse continuing, only now protected by Government is another. Are you more interested in Liberation or a more Powerful Government Bureaucracy, where your Sins are covered and hidden.

To establish True Liberty, You need to Establish Justice, for both Rich and Poor. Impartiality is the Focus, not respect for Person or Position, but fair resolution. It is about doing the Right thing, because it is the Right thing to do. I don't think there is a greater blessing.

Why play sides against each other, in the hopes of overthrowing the Government, without regard for the loss of life, or the Tyranny that will result?
Why not instead just learn to live within your means, and working with legitimate tools, which this Republic recognizes, work for a better Republic?

We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of window dressing. This is why we have public relations firms, Fox News, and advertising agencies. The wealthy flex their muscles every day, and most people never pick up on it. The ideas of the founding fathers were good, but they did not anticipated corporations being protected by Wall Street lawyers. Does not do any good to have laws when lobbyists buy their way around them.

Just last night on the news is was pointed out that Michele Bachmann does not have a chance of winning the Republican nomination, yet her supporters keep dumping money into her campaign. Why? Bachmann is nothing but a message delivery system, bought and paid for - a sort of megaphone if you will. The right is using her to push the agenda to the right.

Everyone has a price. The question is are each of us willing to take it when it is offered. Research shows that most people's confidence in themselves directly relates to the current balance of their checking account! Do not necessarily equate the price to be paid in dollars either. I am in advertising, we manipulate your children every Saturday morning to throw a temper tantrum if mom does not buy breakfast cereal with a lot of sugar in it. What makes it scary, is it is so easy. Selling a POTUS is almost as easy as selling Right Guard antiperspirant. It is amazing, but again it is scary. You spend $3 on an antiperspirant that does not work for you, no big deal. But, when you sell a person for political office, who knows what they might do? People act differently when they actually have power.

If I offer anything to USMB, it is that I force people to think outside the box. Over time all of us, myself included, find comfortable answers to the questions of life. We get lazy, we stop rethinking, and out come the platitudes. Based upon market research conservatives are more afraid of change. I too find some change uncomfortable, but embracing change is how one "keeps their edge" in an ever-changing world. So, I have learned to welcome change, even if it is temporarily uncomfortable. This is how we make progress with new ideas. I would rather fail at something new, than be one of those, "this is the way we have always done it" types.

The main purpose of a college education is to learn how to ask questions. If you know how to do that, you can stay on the offense and get the responses you want. My questions scare certain members, but it is really for their own good to open their minds. The kinds of answers that may have worked twenty years ago may not today. We now live in a world dominated by cell phones, and Facebook. "All in the family" and VCR's are history. Life has changed, we must adjust or be left behind.

I think it is reasonable to question the Americanism of OWS protestors, while questioning the actions of government. The OWS riots in Oakland, CA prove the point. America is not as enlightened as we believe we are. Someone is going to pay a price for that, and in my opinion it will be the Democratic and Republican Partys who have become dinosaures. My God Americans are taking to the street because they are losing their homes and jobs, how much more clear does this have to be? Meanwhile network news anchors ask, "What does OWS mean?" Well, duh, the American people are pissed, elected officials should know why, otherwise they should step down.


When you can get your thoughts together on freedom and liberty, please drop them into a concise three sentence paragraph. The end of your post sounds like a Pat Robertson political sermon. Please cut to the chase.
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"American families lost a total of $19.4 trillion (in 2010 dollars) in household wealth from June 2007 to March 2009, when the stimulus started to take hold.

Hey George, how could the stimulus "take hold" in March of 09 when not one dime of porkulus was spent until August of 09? Is it that Dear Leader is so wonderful that he went back in time with his glorious peoples stimulus?

First it was the housing market, and then it was the housing and the stock market together that tanked. American families lost $6.4 trillion in home value during this period."

Would you expect each family to confront the Masters of the Universe individually?
Or would that be crazy?

The Consequences of Conservatism: Loss of Wealth Stunning During Great Recession

The problem I have with "facts" by leftists is that they generally are complete fabrications, such as the above.

To err is human, to lie through your fucking teeth is progressive....
Do you have any problems with this fact:

"American families lost a total of $19.4 trillion (in 2010 dollars) in household wealth from June 2007 to March 2009.."

If you do, cite a source with an amount you don't have problems with.

Are you one of the one percent?
Or just another rich-bitch wannabe?
"American families lost a total of $19.4 trillion (in 2010 dollars) in household wealth from June 2007 to March 2009, when the stimulus started to take hold.

Hey George, how could the stimulus "take hold" in March of 09 when not one dime of porkulus was spent until August of 09? Is it that Dear Leader is so wonderful that he went back in time with his glorious peoples stimulus?

First it was the housing market, and then it was the housing and the stock market together that tanked. American families lost $6.4 trillion in home value during this period."

Would you expect each family to confront the Masters of the Universe individually?
Or would that be crazy?

The Consequences of Conservatism: Loss of Wealth Stunning During Great Recession

The problem I have with "facts" by leftists is that they generally are complete fabrications, such as the above.

To err is human, to lie through your fucking teeth is progressive....
Do you have any problems with this fact:

"American families lost a total of $19.4 trillion (in 2010 dollars) in household wealth from June 2007 to March 2009.."

If you do, cite a source with an amount you don't have problems with.

Are you one of the one percent?
Or just another rich-bitch wannabe?

Oddly, I still live comfortably in a house built in 2005, have the same cars as I did in June 2007, and have added on a deck.

Where the fuck are these "American families that lost 19.4 Trillion?"
Here is the utube of the Oakland, California OWS riots. I want my illusions of American government back.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grs6S5gCKC8&feature=related]Occupy Oakland - A Message to the Police - YouTube[/ame]

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I beg to differ with you. The ultimate control will be the upper 1%. I keep posting on the "Patriotic Millionaires" but posters seem to want to believe that the 1% all see things the same way. Patriotic Millionaires For Fiscal Strength The millionaires I have read about, or have met see 'money as a tool to build things,' not an end in itself.

The only reason the American Revolution took place is because the wealthy wanted it. The global economy is getting it's back up against the wall these days. If we need to refinance the planet we will. You can not possibly believe that the most powerful military force on the planet, the United States, is going to go under because of numbers printed on pieces of paper? The UK, France, Spain, Portugal,Italy, Greece, Russia, China, and Japan will find a 'fix.'

Hey............. I just realized that like the United States all those countries had empires at one time. Hmmm.........bet they know a few secret economic things you and I don't.

Remember, if the big crash is coming, we go down they go down too. Go convert 30% of your portfolio to precious metals and relax!

It's nice to want things, huh. There's all different kinds of Power Preius. Money buys allot of things, it buys allot of People too. It doesn't buy Everything or Everyone though, something to keep in mind. We are a Nation of Laws, not Men, The Best Nations, the best Empires, know that. There are Principles so strong, no amount of money or even Power will Reign over them, not for long anyway, Our very Natures will oppose them.

You come off as one trying to steer, to manipulate, against reason, what you offer, is not what you deliver.

True, the one Percent have allot of influence and effect, their Property, having worth and Power, which they have every right to, within reason, just like you have the Power to effect with the resources under your control or ownership, within the Law.

Our Republic does seek to establish and maintain Law and Order, this is a constant process, that we need to serve Vigilantly. We Improve, We Amend, We Build on what works. We don't abandon it because those like you, may not like the hand they are dealt. Do the best with what you have. Make the most of it, find the formula that works for you, and share it, if it pleases you.

Disrespecting Free Will, or Private Property, is not a battle against Tyranny in any way, it is the application of Tyranny. It is Theft, it is a corruption of Principle. Creating Laws to end abuse, is one thing, in Establishing Justice, Gaining control of the Reins of abuse, so the control is transferred to you, with the abuse continuing, only now protected by Government is another. Are you more interested in Liberation or a more Powerful Government Bureaucracy, where your Sins are covered and hidden.

To establish True Liberty, You need to Establish Justice, for both Rich and Poor. Impartiality is the Focus, not respect for Person or Position, but fair resolution. It is about doing the Right thing, because it is the Right thing to do. I don't think there is a greater blessing.

Why play sides against each other, in the hopes of overthrowing the Government, without regard for the loss of life, or the Tyranny that will result?
Why not instead just learn to live within your means, and working with legitimate tools, which this Republic recognizes, work for a better Republic?

We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of window dressing. This is why we have public relations firms, Fox News, and advertising agencies. The wealthy flex their muscles every day, and most people never pick up on it. The ideas of the founding fathers were good, but they did not anticipated corporations being protected by Wall Street lawyers. Does not do any good to have laws when lobbyists buy their way around them.

Just last night on the news is was pointed out that Michele Bachmann does not have a chance of winning the Republican nomination, yet her supporters keep dumping money into her campaign. Why? Bachmann is nothing but a message delivery system, bought and paid for - a sort of megaphone if you will. The right is using her to push the agenda to the right.

Everyone has a price. The question is are each of us willing to take it when it is offered. Research shows that most people's confidence in themselves directly relates to the current balance of their checking account! Do not necessarily equate the price to be paid in dollars either. I am in advertising, we manipulate your children every Saturday morning to throw a temper tantrum if mom does not buy breakfast cereal with a lot of sugar in it. What makes it scary, is it is so easy. Selling a POTUS is almost as easy as selling Right Guard antiperspirant. It is amazing, but again it is scary. You spend $3 on an antiperspirant that does not work for you, no big deal. But, when you sell a person for political office, who knows what they might do? People act differently when they actually have power.

If I offer anything to USMB, it is that I force people to think outside the box. Over time all of us, myself included, find comfortable answers to the questions of life. We get lazy, we stop rethinking, and out come the platitudes. Based upon market research conservatives are more afraid of change. I too find some change uncomfortable, but embracing change is how one "keeps their edge" in an ever-changing world. So, I have learned to welcome change, even if it is temporarily uncomfortable. This is how we make progress with new ideas. I would rather fail at something new, than be one of those, "this is the way we have always done it" types.

The main purpose of a college education is to learn how to ask questions. If you know how to do that, you can stay on the offense and get the responses you want. My questions scare certain members, but it is really for their own good to open their minds. The kinds of answers that may have worked twenty years ago may not today. We now live in a world dominated by cell phones, and Facebook. "All in the family" and VCR's are history. Life has changed, we must adjust or be left behind.

I think it is reasonable to question the Americanism of OWS protestors, while questioning the actions of government. The OWS riots in Oakland, CA prove the point. America is not as enlightened as we believe we are. Someone is going to pay a price for that, and in my opinion it will be the Democratic and Republican Partys who have become dinosaures. My God Americans are taking to the street because they are losing their homes and jobs, how much more clear does this have to be? Meanwhile network news anchors ask, "What does OWS mean?" Well, duh, the American people are pissed, elected officials should know why, otherwise they should step down.


When you can get your thoughts together on freedom and liberty, please drop them into a concise three sentence paragraph. The end of your post sounds like a Pat Robertson political sermon. Please cut to the chase.

You lost me with your first sentence, your premise is false. You need to grow up.
It's nice to want things, huh. There's all different kinds of Power Preius. Money buys allot of things, it buys allot of People too. It doesn't buy Everything or Everyone though, something to keep in mind. We are a Nation of Laws, not Men, The Best Nations, the best Empires, know that. There are Principles so strong, no amount of money or even Power will Reign over them, not for long anyway, Our very Natures will oppose them.

You come off as one trying to steer, to manipulate, against reason, what you offer, is not what you deliver.

True, the one Percent have allot of influence and effect, their Property, having worth and Power, which they have every right to, within reason, just like you have the Power to effect with the resources under your control or ownership, within the Law.

Our Republic does seek to establish and maintain Law and Order, this is a constant process, that we need to serve Vigilantly. We Improve, We Amend, We Build on what works. We don't abandon it because those like you, may not like the hand they are dealt. Do the best with what you have. Make the most of it, find the formula that works for you, and share it, if it pleases you.

Disrespecting Free Will, or Private Property, is not a battle against Tyranny in any way, it is the application of Tyranny. It is Theft, it is a corruption of Principle. Creating Laws to end abuse, is one thing, in Establishing Justice, Gaining control of the Reins of abuse, so the control is transferred to you, with the abuse continuing, only now protected by Government is another. Are you more interested in Liberation or a more Powerful Government Bureaucracy, where your Sins are covered and hidden.

To establish True Liberty, You need to Establish Justice, for both Rich and Poor. Impartiality is the Focus, not respect for Person or Position, but fair resolution. It is about doing the Right thing, because it is the Right thing to do. I don't think there is a greater blessing.

Why play sides against each other, in the hopes of overthrowing the Government, without regard for the loss of life, or the Tyranny that will result?
Why not instead just learn to live within your means, and working with legitimate tools, which this Republic recognizes, work for a better Republic?

We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of window dressing. This is why we have public relations firms, Fox News, and advertising agencies. The wealthy flex their muscles every day, and most people never pick up on it. The ideas of the founding fathers were good, but they did not anticipated corporations being protected by Wall Street lawyers. Does not do any good to have laws when lobbyists buy their way around them.

Just last night on the news is was pointed out that Michele Bachmann does not have a chance of winning the Republican nomination, yet her supporters keep dumping money into her campaign. Why? Bachmann is nothing but a message delivery system, bought and paid for - a sort of megaphone if you will. The right is using her to push the agenda to the right.

Everyone has a price. The question is are each of us willing to take it when it is offered. Research shows that most people's confidence in themselves directly relates to the current balance of their checking account! Do not necessarily equate the price to be paid in dollars either. I am in advertising, we manipulate your children every Saturday morning to throw a temper tantrum if mom does not buy breakfast cereal with a lot of sugar in it. What makes it scary, is it is so easy. Selling a POTUS is almost as easy as selling Right Guard antiperspirant. It is amazing, but again it is scary. You spend $3 on an antiperspirant that does not work for you, no big deal. But, when you sell a person for political office, who knows what they might do? People act differently when they actually have power.

If I offer anything to USMB, it is that I force people to think outside the box. Over time all of us, myself included, find comfortable answers to the questions of life. We get lazy, we stop rethinking, and out come the platitudes. Based upon market research conservatives are more afraid of change. I too find some change uncomfortable, but embracing change is how one "keeps their edge" in an ever-changing world. So, I have learned to welcome change, even if it is temporarily uncomfortable. This is how we make progress with new ideas. I would rather fail at something new, than be one of those, "this is the way we have always done it" types.

The main purpose of a college education is to learn how to ask questions. If you know how to do that, you can stay on the offense and get the responses you want. My questions scare certain members, but it is really for their own good to open their minds. The kinds of answers that may have worked twenty years ago may not today. We now live in a world dominated by cell phones, and Facebook. "All in the family" and VCR's are history. Life has changed, we must adjust or be left behind.

I think it is reasonable to question the Americanism of OWS protestors, while questioning the actions of government. The OWS riots in Oakland, CA prove the point. America is not as enlightened as we believe we are. Someone is going to pay a price for that, and in my opinion it will be the Democratic and Republican Partys who have become dinosaures. My God Americans are taking to the street because they are losing their homes and jobs, how much more clear does this have to be? Meanwhile network news anchors ask, "What does OWS mean?" Well, duh, the American people are pissed, elected officials should know why, otherwise they should step down.


When you can get your thoughts together on freedom and liberty, please drop them into a concise three sentence paragraph. The end of your post sounds like a Pat Robertson political sermon. Please cut to the chase.

You lost me with your first sentence, your premise is false. You need to grow up.

I could care less if I lost you. You are living proof of brainwashing in America. If you can not understand that lobbyists buy their way around laws, we have nothing to discuss, you are simply ignorant of the facts. There are over eight million links in Google under "Lobbyists buy influence," here is one of them. Coalition urged to act over lobbyists who use party groups 'to buy influence' | Politics | The Guardian I suggest you try Google before you post, no one likes to look stupid.


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