Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Protesters should start wearing tea bags on their hats so that the police will leave them alone!!! Why didn't the police use force with the tea baggers? This is something that I don't understand. The tea baggers were occupying public spaces and there were no arrests and no police brutality...why?! The 99% are peacefully protesting using their right to assemble and yet the police come in riot gear and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas???? I want to know why they didn't do that to the tea baggers. Someone please help me to understand that. Do corporations own our police dept.? Are we becoming a military ruled country?
Protesters should start wearing tea bags on their hats so that the police will leave them alone!!! Why didn't the police use force with the tea baggers? This is something that I don't understand. The tea baggers were occupying public spaces and there were no arrests and no police brutality...why?! The 99% are peacefully protesting using their right to assemble and yet the police come in riot gear and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas???? I want to know why they didn't do that to the tea baggers. Someone please help me to understand that. Do corporations own our police dept.? Are we becoming a military ruled country?

Welllll lilylu, to begin with, can you cite an instance where the tea party SLEPT in public spaces?
Here is the perspective of Bill Maher's left about the OWS movemnent. Don't be mislead by right wing efforts to smear the 99%. Get the facts, decide for yourself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHJaR2tKyUE]Real Time with.Bill Maher 2011.09.30 with Van Jones About our "Occuby Wall Street" - YouTube[/ame]
We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of window dressing. This is why we have public relations firms, Fox News, and advertising agencies. The wealthy flex their muscles every day, and most people never pick up on it. The ideas of the founding fathers were good, but they did not anticipated corporations being protected by Wall Street lawyers. Does not do any good to have laws when lobbyists buy their way around them.

Just last night on the news is was pointed out that Michele Bachmann does not have a chance of winning the Republican nomination, yet her supporters keep dumping money into her campaign. Why? Bachmann is nothing but a message delivery system, bought and paid for - a sort of megaphone if you will. The right is using her to push the agenda to the right.

Everyone has a price. The question is are each of us willing to take it when it is offered. Research shows that most people's confidence in themselves directly relates to the current balance of their checking account! Do not necessarily equate the price to be paid in dollars either. I am in advertising, we manipulate your children every Saturday morning to throw a temper tantrum if mom does not buy breakfast cereal with a lot of sugar in it. What makes it scary, is it is so easy. Selling a POTUS is almost as easy as selling Right Guard antiperspirant. It is amazing, but again it is scary. You spend $3 on an antiperspirant that does not work for you, no big deal. But, when you sell a person for political office, who knows what they might do? People act differently when they actually have power.

If I offer anything to USMB, it is that I force people to think outside the box. Over time all of us, myself included, find comfortable answers to the questions of life. We get lazy, we stop rethinking, and out come the platitudes. Based upon market research conservatives are more afraid of change. I too find some change uncomfortable, but embracing change is how one "keeps their edge" in an ever-changing world. So, I have learned to welcome change, even if it is temporarily uncomfortable. This is how we make progress with new ideas. I would rather fail at something new, than be one of those, "this is the way we have always done it" types.

The main purpose of a college education is to learn how to ask questions. If you know how to do that, you can stay on the offense and get the responses you want. My questions scare certain members, but it is really for their own good to open their minds. The kinds of answers that may have worked twenty years ago may not today. We now live in a world dominated by cell phones, and Facebook. "All in the family" and VCR's are history. Life has changed, we must adjust or be left behind.

I think it is reasonable to question the Americanism of OWS protestors, while questioning the actions of government. The OWS riots in Oakland, CA prove the point. America is not as enlightened as we believe we are. Someone is going to pay a price for that, and in my opinion it will be the Democratic and Republican Partys who have become dinosaures. My God Americans are taking to the street because they are losing their homes and jobs, how much more clear does this have to be? Meanwhile network news anchors ask, "What does OWS mean?" Well, duh, the American people are pissed, elected officials should know why, otherwise they should step down.


When you can get your thoughts together on freedom and liberty, please drop them into a concise three sentence paragraph. The end of your post sounds like a Pat Robertson political sermon. Please cut to the chase.

You lost me with your first sentence, your premise is false. You need to grow up.

I could care less if I lost you. You are living proof of brainwashing in America. If you can not understand that lobbyists buy their way around laws, we have nothing to discuss, you are simply ignorant of the facts. There are over eight million links in Google under "Lobbyists buy influence," here is one of them. Coalition urged to act over lobbyists who use party groups 'to buy influence' | Politics | The Guardian I suggest you try Google before you post, no one likes to look stupid.



Okay You are an Idiot, and you need to grow up.
Protesters should start wearing tea bags on their hats so that the police will leave them alone!!! Why didn't the police use force with the tea baggers? This is something that I don't understand. The tea baggers were occupying public spaces and there were no arrests and no police brutality...why?! The 99% are peacefully protesting using their right to assemble and yet the police come in riot gear and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas???? I want to know why they didn't do that to the tea baggers. Someone please help me to understand that. Do corporations own our police dept.? Are we becoming a military ruled country?

Maybe after nap time someone could explain it to you. You do know the difference between a Rally and A Demonstration? Good place to start. Interesting that you are disappointed that The Tea Party People were not shot at or arrested, for being behaved. :eusa_whistle:
You lost me with your first sentence, your premise is false. You need to grow up.

I could care less if I lost you. You are living proof of brainwashing in America. If you can not understand that lobbyists buy their way around laws, we have nothing to discuss, you are simply ignorant of the facts. There are over eight million links in Google under "Lobbyists buy influence," here is one of them. Coalition urged to act over lobbyists who use party groups 'to buy influence' | Politics | The Guardian I suggest you try Google before you post, no one likes to look stupid.



Okay You are an Idiot, and you need to grow up.

This is what I enjoy about the right, why not just hang out a sign that says you do not know what you are talking about?

You provide

1). No facts to support your arguments.

2). No links to support your statements.

3). No logical background to support your remarks.

4). No no concept of the words in the U. S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, or D of I.

By the fourth word of your post you have jumped into name calling, and it is really not very creative. Why not just cut and paste your posts? After the first couple words, no one reads any more any way? Viewers are looking for original ideas to consider, supported by back up information. You offer cardboard. Not very appealing.

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Protesters should start wearing tea bags on their hats so that the police will leave them alone!!! Why didn't the police use force with the tea baggers? This is something that I don't understand. The tea baggers were occupying public spaces and there were no arrests and no police brutality...why?! The 99% are peacefully protesting using their right to assemble and yet the police come in riot gear and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas???? I want to know why they didn't do that to the tea baggers. Someone please help me to understand that. Do corporations own our police dept.? Are we becoming a military ruled country?

Why? Well, maybe because the Tea Party folks weren't blocking public streets, demonstrating without permits, urinating and defecating in the public parks, and threatening to incite riots; in short, because they were actually obeying the law, instead of defying the law. There is a constitutional right to free speech; there is NO constitutional right to incite riot! This little OWS movement, such as it is, has threatened violent insurrection; some of its sympathizers have said so, right here on this board. Violent insurrection has consequences; it is not permitted by law or the constitution, and will be put down, by whatever means are necessary. There is NO "right to revolution" in America either! Do feel free to try, however; should you survive, you will enjoy a nice view from your prison cell!
I could care less if I lost you. You are living proof of brainwashing in America. If you can not understand that lobbyists buy their way around laws, we have nothing to discuss, you are simply ignorant of the facts. There are over eight million links in Google under "Lobbyists buy influence," here is one of them. Coalition urged to act over lobbyists who use party groups 'to buy influence' | Politics | The Guardian I suggest you try Google before you post, no one likes to look stupid.



Okay You are an Idiot, and you need to grow up.

This is what I enjoy about the right, why not just hang out a sign that says you do not know what you are talking about?

You provide

1). No facts to support your arguments.

2). No links to support your statements.

3). No logical background to support your remarks.

4). No no concept of the words in the U. S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, or D of I.

By the fourth word of your post you have jumped into name calling, and it is really not very creative. Why not just cut and paste your posts? After the first couple words, no one reads any more any way? Viewers are looking for original ideas to consider, supported by back up information. You offer cardboard. Not very appealing.


Despite all the crap you've spouted Preius,the only facts that matter are these: (1) This republic is ruled by laws and the constitution; nothing more , nothing less, The Declaration of Independence is neither law, nor the Constitution; however noble the sentiments within it, the Declaration is NOT a governing document of the United States. (2) The law and the Constitution contain no "right to revolution" or any "right" to riot or armed insurrection. Any such insurrection WILL be suppressed and any surviving revolutionaries WILL be tried, convicted, and imprisoned! Those are the only "facts" that matter; none of the rest of the totalitarian garbage you advocate will ever be put in place because of those facts, whether YOU like it or not. You can go ahead with your fantasies of another French Revolution, but it is NOT going to happen here, and that is one FACT you had better accept.
I could care less if I lost you. You are living proof of brainwashing in America. If you can not understand that lobbyists buy their way around laws, we have nothing to discuss, you are simply ignorant of the facts. There are over eight million links in Google under "Lobbyists buy influence," here is one of them. Coalition urged to act over lobbyists who use party groups 'to buy influence' | Politics | The Guardian I suggest you try Google before you post, no one likes to look stupid.



Okay You are an Idiot, and you need to grow up.

This is what I enjoy about the right, why not just hang out a sign that says you do not know what you are talking about?

You provide

1). No facts to support your arguments.

2). No links to support your statements.

3). No logical background to support your remarks.

4). No no concept of the words in the U. S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, or D of I.

By the fourth word of your post you have jumped into name calling, and it is really not very creative. Why not just cut and paste your posts? After the first couple words, no one reads any more any way? Viewers are looking for original ideas to consider, supported by back up information. You offer cardboard. Not very appealing.


I'm not arguing with you, Dude. You're not worth it. You have not had a legitimate argument on this thread. I'm just calling your spin, spin. You are not interested in truth or justice, or doing the right thing. You want Revolt, and you want to be in a comfortable position of Leadership, should your Fantasy Dictatorship materialize. There are people out there, protesting for Justice, fair enough, you just aren't one of them. You are about Insurrection, you have plainly stated that. There is no place for that in Peaceful Protest. You want a Revolution, you have made that plain. What facts need I provide to you? What could you possibly be interested in other than your own end, by any means? Where you are now, there is little or nothing I can say to convince you of anything. I'm telling you that you are on the wrong track, that's all I can do. You are here to influence people to do harmful things, you do it in a very underhanded way. The evidence of what I claim is in your own Posts.
Well, I think they should go after corporations who outsource jobs overseas.

And whether they realize this or not, they need to have ruthless and aggressive campaigns against politicians and congress members by calling for impeachment and change of laws.

Such as illegal immigration issues. They need to just attack that and make it where ILLEGALS GET DEPORTED! Thats why soooo many jobs are gone and we pay for them to walk on us while they get the illegal privileges from to government that is funded by us.

If the immigration problem was fixed, then unemployment would go down by 25%-40% and debts would be much lower. The next thing to work on would be to have stricter FCC rules on imports with bans on counterfeit/cloned goods.

The bad guys are the politicians who manipulate for a profit. (and they take our tax dollars to have outrageous benefits/salaries) We need to impeach and punish them 1 by 1.
The city has stripped Occupy Wall Street protesters of their power.

Dozens of firefighters and police officers entered Zuccotti Park Friday morning to confiscate generators and gas canisters.

Fire trucks and police vans pulled up on the corner of Broadway and Liberty St. at about 8:30 a.m. and asked the encamped demonstrators to bring the items to them, saying they were a health and fire hazard.

"They made an announcement on a bullhorn saying: 'We are here to take the generators, could you please bring them up to us on the corner of Broadway and Liberty St.,'" protester James Bennett said.

When no one from Occupy Wall Street surrendered the generators, more than 30 uniformed FDNY and NYPD officials entered the park to seize them, witnesses and officials said.

"We did send 30 or 40 firefighters through the park, the police department had its community affairs department there to make sure everyone was safe," Mayor Bloomberg said on his weekly radio show Friday.

"Our first two concerns are the First Amendment and safety, and this was about safety."

Read more: Occupy Wall Street protesters stripped of their power, literally, by fire department and NYPD  - NY Daily News
snow Rain this morning...then rain...snow with isolated thunderstorms this afternoon. Rain may be heavy at times this morning. Little or no snow accumulation. Windy with highs in the mid 40s. Temperature falling into the mid 30s this afternoon. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph...increasing to 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph this afternoon. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.

nt_snow Rain...snow with isolated thunderstorms in the evening... then snow likely after midnight. Total snow accumulation of 3 to 5 inches. Windy. Near steady temperature in the mid 30s. North winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.

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Despite all the crap you've spouted Preius,the only facts that matter are these: (1) This republic is ruled by laws and the constitution; nothing more , nothing less, The Declaration of Independence is neither law, nor the Constitution; however noble the sentiments within it, the Declaration is NOT a governing document of the United States. (2) The law and the Constitution contain no "right to revolution" or any "right" to riot or armed insurrection.

And yet I believe that Jefferson expressed a truth that transcends the law. You are right only to the extent that there is no legal right of revolution; there is, nonetheless, a moral right, and it is also a practical inevitability when the government has lost the consent of the governed, as clearly it has at the moment. The question is not whether a revolution can happen, but rather whether the government can recover the consent of the governed before that point is reached.

The people have an understanding about how the Constitution is supposed to operate, and their support for the Constitution is conditional upon its working as advertised. Part of that understanding is that the elected official act upon the will of the voters. If they are instead acting upon the will of monied interests that fund their campaign, then the pact is broken and the system is due for an overhaul, one way or another.

If you think that the U.S. Constitution is immune to being overthrown merely because it is, for the moment, the law of the land, I refer you to the example of the Soviet Union, which also broke its promises to the people and did not stand, or to the various Arab governments overthrown in recent times, or to Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, or to any other government throughout history that has been overthrown by its own people when it lost their support.

A democracy is normally immune to that sort of thing because it channels dissent into voting rather than revolution. But since the United States has ceased to be a democracy and become a plutocracy, that affords us no protection anymore.
In the 2011 version of USA, Inc the bottom two-thirds of African-Americans are worse off economically than the day King marched on Selma in 1965. There are more African-American men in jail or prison or on probation or parole today than were enslaved in 1850.

In his latest post, Chris Hedges makes the connection between OWS and the fall of communism twenty years ago:

"The (US) power elite are frantically searching for the ideological weapon that will discredit the (OWS) movement...

"The power elite, held together by the glue of force and fraud, are seeking ways to communicate in the only language they know they can master—unrestrained force...

"If the movement starts to pull hundreds of thousands of people together, if it leaps across class lines, as I saw during the peaceful revolutions in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, then the corporate state is probably finished.

"Our corporate overlords know this.

"And they are doing everything in their power to make sure this does not come to pass."

Occupiers Have to Convince the Other 99 Percent | Truthout
In the 2011 version of USA, Inc the bottom two-thirds of African-Americans are worse off economically than the day King marched on Selma in 1965. There are more African-American men in jail or prison or on probation or parole today than were enslaved in 1850.

In his latest post, Chris Hedges makes the connection between OWS and the fall of communism twenty years ago:

"The (US) power elite are frantically searching for the ideological weapon that will discredit the (OWS) movement...

"The power elite, held together by the glue of force and fraud, are seeking ways to communicate in the only language they know they can master—unrestrained force...

"If the movement starts to pull hundreds of thousands of people together, if it leaps across class lines, as I saw during the peaceful revolutions in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, then the corporate state is probably finished.

"Our corporate overlords know this.

"And they are doing everything in their power to make sure this does not come to pass."

Occupiers Have to Convince the Other 99 Percent | Truthout

The Monopolies are maybe finished. We need Corporate to project free Trade George, you never have the need to borrow, take risk, fine, others do. Risk and Profit are a part of the equation. We just want an honest deal with the rules not changing mid hand. No Booby Traps. That's the issue more at hand. Fair Play, not predetermined outcome or redistribution. Incentive.
In the 2011 version of USA, Inc the bottom two-thirds of African-Americans are worse off economically than the day King marched on Selma in 1965. There are more African-American men in jail or prison or on probation or parole today than were enslaved in 1850.

In his latest post, Chris Hedges makes the connection between OWS and the fall of communism twenty years ago:

"The (US) power elite are frantically searching for the ideological weapon that will discredit the (OWS) movement...

"The power elite, held together by the glue of force and fraud, are seeking ways to communicate in the only language they know they can master—unrestrained force...

"If the movement starts to pull hundreds of thousands of people together, if it leaps across class lines, as I saw during the peaceful revolutions in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, then the corporate state is probably finished.

"Our corporate overlords know this.

"And they are doing everything in their power to make sure this does not come to pass."

Occupiers Have to Convince the Other 99 Percent | Truthout

The Monopolies are maybe finished. We need Corporate to project free Trade George, you never have the need to borrow, take risk, fine, others do. Risk and Profit are a part of the equation. We just want an honest deal with the rules not changing mid hand. No Booby Traps. That's the issue more at hand. Fair Play, not predetermined outcome or redistribution. Incentive.
Do you actually expect an honest deal from Goldman Sachs?

Most civilized humans believe it's morally wrong to physically take money from the pockets of someone half your size. The most successful players on Wall Street would also agree with that specific example of force or fraud.

The Wall Street player, however, thinks it is entirely moral to take money from someone who has less knowledge or education in regard to financial matters.

If government is not your choice to regulate psychotic behavior in all forms of force or fraud, what is?
In the 2011 version of USA, Inc the bottom two-thirds of African-Americans are worse off economically than the day King marched on Selma in 1965. There are more African-American men in jail or prison or on probation or parole today than were enslaved in 1850.

In his latest post, Chris Hedges makes the connection between OWS and the fall of communism twenty years ago:

"The (US) power elite are frantically searching for the ideological weapon that will discredit the (OWS) movement...

"The power elite, held together by the glue of force and fraud, are seeking ways to communicate in the only language they know they can master—unrestrained force...

"If the movement starts to pull hundreds of thousands of people together, if it leaps across class lines, as I saw during the peaceful revolutions in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, then the corporate state is probably finished.

"Our corporate overlords know this.

"And they are doing everything in their power to make sure this does not come to pass."

Occupiers Have to Convince the Other 99 Percent | Truthout

The Monopolies are maybe finished. We need Corporate to project free Trade George, you never have the need to borrow, take risk, fine, others do. Risk and Profit are a part of the equation. We just want an honest deal with the rules not changing mid hand. No Booby Traps. That's the issue more at hand. Fair Play, not predetermined outcome or redistribution. Incentive.
Do you actually expect an honest deal from Goldman Sachs?

Most civilized humans believe it's morally wrong to physically take money from the pockets of someone half your size. The most successful players on Wall Street would also agree with that specific example of force or fraud.

The Wall Street player, however, thinks it is entirely moral to take money from someone who has less knowledge or education in regard to financial matters.

If government is not your choice to regulate psychotic behavior in all forms of force or fraud, what is?

Government should play a Role, so should, Transparency, Reason, Competition.
The city has stripped Occupy Wall Street protesters of their power.

Dozens of firefighters and police officers entered Zuccotti Park Friday morning to confiscate generators and gas canisters.



Right after I donated a bunch of Hibachi grills and bags of charcoal to use in their tents.
The city has stripped Occupy Wall Street protesters of their power.

Dozens of firefighters and police officers entered Zuccotti Park Friday morning to confiscate generators and gas canisters.



Right after I donated a bunch of Hibachi grills and bags of charcoal to use in their tents.

Hey, the snow is coming down pretty hard right now in Queens. Misery Index must be pretty high. Still waiting for the winds to kick in.

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