Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

The city has stripped Occupy Wall Street protesters of their power.

Dozens of firefighters and police officers entered Zuccotti Park Friday morning to confiscate generators and gas canisters.



Right after I donated a bunch of Hibachi grills and bags of charcoal to use in their tents.

Hey, the snow is coming down pretty hard right now in Queens. Misery Index must be pretty high. Still waiting for the winds to kick in.

Are you saying there's still Hope that they'll light up those Hibachis to keep warm in their tightly closed tents?

Knowing that my donation won't go to waste really makes me feel proud of The Movement.


Right after I donated a bunch of Hibachi grills and bags of charcoal to use in their tents.

Hey, the snow is coming down pretty hard right now in Queens. Misery Index must be pretty high. Still waiting for the winds to kick in.

Are you saying there's still Hope that they'll light up those Hibachis to keep warm in their tightly closed tents?

Knowing that my donation won't go to waste really makes me feel proud of The Movement.

Nah. I'm thinking they should march on the Upper West side and hit the DNC where it hurts for a change. I'd say hit Central Park, but the snow fall is going to bring down allot of tree branches this early in the season. The Park will be dangerous the next few days.
The "Occupy Philly - End the Silence March" has been moved to the subway. Does that still count as a "march"? :lol:

Yes. :) At least they had brains enough to seek shelter. Next question, should Demonstrators get to ride for free? :D
Hey, the snow is coming down pretty hard right now in Queens. Misery Index must be pretty high. Still waiting for the winds to kick in.

Are you saying there's still Hope that they'll light up those Hibachis to keep warm in their tightly closed tents?

Knowing that my donation won't go to waste really makes me feel proud of The Movement.

Nah. I'm thinking they should march on the Upper West side and hit the DNC where it hurts for a change. I'd say hit Central Park, but the snow fall is going to bring down allot of tree branches this early in the season. The Park will be dangerous the next few days.


Oh NO!!

I'd hate for anyone to get hurt.

Are you saying there's still Hope that they'll light up those Hibachis to keep warm in their tightly closed tents?

Knowing that my donation won't go to waste really makes me feel proud of The Movement.

Nah. I'm thinking they should march on the Upper West side and hit the DNC where it hurts for a change. I'd say hit Central Park, but the snow fall is going to bring down allot of tree branches this early in the season. The Park will be dangerous the next few days.


Oh NO!!

I'd hate for anyone to get hurt.


Keep in mind, it is a diverse group. Not all are enemies of the State. Not all are seeking Insurrection. A good many don't even know what they want.
Nah. I'm thinking they should march on the Upper West side and hit the DNC where it hurts for a change. I'd say hit Central Park, but the snow fall is going to bring down allot of tree branches this early in the season. The Park will be dangerous the next few days.


Oh NO!!

I'd hate for anyone to get hurt.


Keep in mind, it is a diverse group. Not all are enemies of the State. Not all are seeking Insurrection. A good many don't even know what they want.

Indeed: they will be missed the most.


Who will flip hamburgers?

Thunder and Winds starting up a bit.

I'm thinking, why not Calamari?

Anyone you knew? :):):)

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THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
December 23, 1776
A reminder of why we sought Independence in the first place. We don't Abandon Property Rights.

In our own native land, in defense of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it -- for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our forefathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.

With a humble confidence in the mercies of the supreme and impartial Judge and Ruler of the universe, we most devoutly implore his divine goodness to protect us happily through this great conflict, to dispose our adversaries to reconciliation on reasonable terms, and thereby to relieve the Empire from the calamities of civil war.

By order of Congress,




PHILADELPHIA, July 6th, 1775

Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775
A reminder of why we sought Independence in the first place. We don't Abandon Property Rights, Rich or Poor.

In our own native land, in defense of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it -- for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our forefathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.

With a humble confidence in the mercies of the supreme and impartial Judge and Ruler of the universe, we most devoutly implore his divine goodness to protect us happily through this great conflict, to dispose our adversaries to reconciliation on reasonable terms, and thereby to relieve the Empire from the calamities of civil war.

By order of Congress,




PHILADELPHIA, July 6th, 1775

Declaration of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775
The Monopolies are maybe finished. We need Corporate to project free Trade George, you never have the need to borrow, take risk, fine, others do. Risk and Profit are a part of the equation. We just want an honest deal with the rules not changing mid hand. No Booby Traps. That's the issue more at hand. Fair Play, not predetermined outcome or redistribution. Incentive.
Do you actually expect an honest deal from Goldman Sachs?

Most civilized humans believe it's morally wrong to physically take money from the pockets of someone half your size. The most successful players on Wall Street would also agree with that specific example of force or fraud.

The Wall Street player, however, thinks it is entirely moral to take money from someone who has less knowledge or education in regard to financial matters.

If government is not your choice to regulate psychotic behavior in all forms of force or fraud, what is?

Government should play a Role, so should, Transparency, Reason, Competition.
Let's be specific.

No one can be sure at this time what happens to Wall Street if European banks are forced to sell "mountains of assets" in order to avoid a Lehman Brothers fate. It is possible Europeans will delay or reneg on some repayments for Wall Street loans.

In recent days Bank of America has moved some of its riskiest derivatives from its Merrill Lynch unit to a retail division where deposits are insured by the taxpayers.

If Wall Street demands more bailouts from US taxpayers, OWS will not be sympathetic.
Will you?
Do you actually expect an honest deal from Goldman Sachs?

Most civilized humans believe it's morally wrong to physically take money from the pockets of someone half your size. The most successful players on Wall Street would also agree with that specific example of force or fraud.

The Wall Street player, however, thinks it is entirely moral to take money from someone who has less knowledge or education in regard to financial matters.

If government is not your choice to regulate psychotic behavior in all forms of force or fraud, what is?

Government should play a Role, so should, Transparency, Reason, Competition.
Let's be specific.

No one can be sure at this time what happens to Wall Street if European banks are forced to sell "mountains of assets" in order to avoid a Lehman Brothers fate. It is possible Europeans will delay or reneg on some repayments for Wall Street loans.

In recent days Bank of America has moved some of its riskiest derivatives from its Merrill Lynch unit to a retail division where deposits are insured by the taxpayers.

If Wall Street demands more bailouts from US taxpayers, OWS will not be sympathetic.
Will you?

I'm no authority in investing or bailouts, George. Hell, I don't like Monopolies, Subsidies, Back Room Government deals with the Devil, so I'm the wrong one to ask for Sympathy for Conglomerates.

What I would like to see is Protected Reward for Individual Savings Accounts up to a certain amount, let's say for amounts untouched for a Year or more, with guaranteed returns after taxes above the rate of Inflation or Devaluation. Anything less than that is Government Theft. :) It also could be the foundation from where Banks should be getting their working Capital, not Government controlled Printing Presses. I know it's fantasy, but, It is a Ground Up Firewall. If we were there now, I don't think we would be so vulnerable.

I do not believe inh Too big to fail. The Measures are arbitrary, and the Life Rafts are Invitation Only. ;)
Okay You are an Idiot, and you need to grow up.

This is what I enjoy about the right, why not just hang out a sign that says you do not know what you are talking about?

You provide

1). No facts to support your arguments.

2). No links to support your statements.

3). No logical background to support your remarks.

4). No no concept of the words in the U. S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, or D of I.

By the fourth word of your post you have jumped into name calling, and it is really not very creative. Why not just cut and paste your posts? After the first couple words, no one reads any more any way? Viewers are looking for original ideas to consider, supported by back up information. You offer cardboard. Not very appealing.


I'm not arguing with you, Dude. You're not worth it. You have not had a legitimate argument on this thread. I'm just calling your spin, spin. You are not interested in truth or justice, or doing the right thing. You want Revolt, and you want to be in a comfortable position of Leadership, should your Fantasy Dictatorship materialize. There are people out there, protesting for Justice, fair enough, you just aren't one of them. You are about Insurrection, you have plainly stated that. There is no place for that in Peaceful Protest. You want a Revolution, you have made that plain. What facts need I provide to you? What could you possibly be interested in other than your own end, by any means? Where you are now, there is little or nothing I can say to convince you of anything. I'm telling you that you are on the wrong track, that's all I can do. You are here to influence people to do harmful things, you do it in a very underhanded way. The evidence of what I claim is in your own Posts.

This is what I love about the freak show on USMB. An anonymous poster tells me I am not worth it, because I ask for backup for his remarks. How does he know that "I am not worth it?" Maybe I am the one who will find a cure for cancer, or was Benjamin Franklin in another life. It does anger me when posters just vomit whatever pops into their mind onto the boards instead of crafting their words.

Bottom line, I simply ask for facts, so you accuse me of spinning.

And when it is all said and done, I restate my previous post, and still don't have a credible answer from....... Intense is it?

You provide

1). No facts to support your arguments.

2). No links to support your statements.

3). No logical background to support your remarks.

4). No no concept of the words in the U. S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, or D of I.

I do feel a little cheated, I did not get the customary righty name-calling to conclude your post.
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Several months ago the corporate press noted how quickly Bill Clinton earned his first $100 million.

If Obama gets a second term he will likely succeed in privatizing Social Security and earn his first $billion in less time than Clinton needed to reach 100 million.

There are multiple established third party candidates already appearing on every California ballot.
In theory, the internet could be used to convince millions of California voters to vote AGAINST every Republican AND Democrat running for reelection in 2012 at all levels of government.

This "anti-vote" argument usually results in millions of eligible voters refusing to participate in elections. Sometimes 30% to 40% of those who could cast their ballot simply don't see anything worth voting for.

Providing an option to vote AGAINST Wall Street and the Pentagon by FLUSHING Republicans and Democrats from DC in 2012 could give Obama more Hope and Change than he can handle.

Believe me, the last thing this Dem wants to hear is more negative about our Democratic president. We in the Democratic base have serious questions about his commitment to the Democratic Party. I need an extremely credible link that President Obama would privatize Social Security.

Obama is a phoney liberal, but if he tried to privatize Social Security the Democrats would impeach him for the Republicans. I am going to follow up with you on your claim. You had best be able to back it up. I think it is BS.

Republicans can not be content with the political chaos in Washington, they tend to oversell their point, and usually lose the entire argument. Somehow I have a feeling that georgephillip will be quietly dancing away from 'privatized Social Security' in this thread.

Tell me who qualifies as a credible source in your opinion?

Dean Baker?
Robert Reich?

Jeffrey Liebman?

"Liebman has supported partial PRIVATIZATION of the government-run retirement system, an idea that is rejected by many Democrats and bears a similarity to a proposal for so-called "personal investment accounts" that Bush promoted in 2005.

"'Liebman has been open to private accounts,' said Michael Tanner, a Social Security expert at the Cato Institute in Washington, a think tank in Washington that advocates 'free markets' and often backs Republicans. The Liebman-MacGuineas-Samwick plan to loot Social Security also promises raising regressive payroll taxes, cutting benefits, or a combination of both."

Obama's Plan To Privatize Social Security

Do you believe Bill Clinton flirted with privatizing SS about the same time as Monica?
That $2.6 trillion trust fund is the last big pot for Wall Street.
Only a Democratic president can deliver it.

I respectfully suggest you ask yourself if you are judging Obama by the content of his character (and policies) or by the color of his skin.

Your pitch is that "Obama has a plan to privatize Social Security." When all you really have to back you up is an obscure blog, "rense.com." Would you say that ranks that up there with the New York Times or CBS news!!! :eek:

Even your own link reports that this is an economics professor that advised president Obama on Social Security and discussed privatization. This is a blatant twisting of facts. You have no evidence that President Obama wants privatization. You are nailed. :lol:

Then you throw Obama's skin color in? WTF. God I hope you are not one of ours from the left. This is the kind of crap that chases away indy voters!

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Would you say the New York Times or CBS News is likely to report honestly on early efforts to privatize Social Security? I don't remember either 1% corporate entity reporting much about Bill Clinton's brief flirtation with the idea.

Obama put SS "on the table" for consideration by his Deficit Commission even though SS has not contributed a penny to the deficit. Yet.

Obama's FICA tax holiday for workers changes that dynamic since decreased FICA contributions are to be offset by funds from general revenues. The President's decision to continue this scheme deepens the relationship between SS and "debt."

"In the worst case, Congress could choose to enact the payroll tax cut without actually appropriating revenue compensation for the Trust Fund. This would mean that the payroll tax cut directly depletes the Trust Fund, creating financial/actuarial problems far sooner than the currently anticipated shortfall date of 2036."

If Americans are gullible enough to give Obama a second term, he will likely repay Goldman Sachs for the $900,000 donation to his 2008 campaign by calling for his "folks" to support "reform" of Social Security.

And the 1% will win again.

The Payroll Tax Holiday: Talk about a Ponzi Scheme! | Common Dreams
So what is the solution from the occupy wall street crew? All i heard was to take from hard working people and give to other people which isnt exactly American. In Pittsburgh an Army recruiter went down and offered those protesting a job in the Army. All of them laughed and said the Army didnt pay enough. Interesting how that works. Maybe, we as Americans just dont get that you dont just come out of college and get a job making $300000 a year. We have seemed to forget about that whole got to school AND work hard and climb the ladder and one day you will make a great life for yourself. Just saying
So what is the solution from the occupy wall street crew? All i heard was to take from hard working people and give to other people which isnt exactly American. In Pittsburgh an Army recruiter went down and offered those protesting a job in the Army. All of them laughed and said the Army didnt pay enough. Interesting how that works. Maybe, we as Americans just dont get that you dont just come out of college and get a job making $300000 a year. We have seemed to forget about that whole got to school AND work hard and climb the ladder and one day you will make a great life for yourself. Just saying
According to a report by the Congressional Budget Office that was issued last week, between 1979 and 2007 the incomes of the richest 1% grew by 275% and then came the looting of 2008 which resulted in millions of foreclosures and job losses.

Three years later many of the 1% who caused the Great Recession have increased their share of national income to nearly 25%.

OWS is saying to prosecute those responsible for crashing the global economy in 2008 and redistribute the money they have stolen.

Thirty Years of Unleashed Greed | Common Dreams

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