Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

"Like many Americans, I grew up believing that conservative values were about local control and personal responsibility for family, community, and nature. It seemed curious to me that the political alliance that drove a rollback of the Roosevelt-era policies that created the American middle class called itself conservative and dismissed its liberal opponents as un-American.

"Eventually, however, I discovered that the term conservative harkens back to a day when conservatives were monarchists who considered democracy a threat to social order and the seas were ruled by buccaneers and privateers.

"That was a clarifying moment.

"Buccaneer is a colorful name for the pirates of old who pursued personal fortune with rules of their own making. They were, in their time, an iconic expression of 'free market' capitalism.

"Privateers were buccaneers to whom a king granted legal immunity and safe harbor in return for a share of the booty. Their charge was to extract physical wealth from foreign lands and peoples by whatever means—including the execution of rulers and the slaughter and enslavement of native inhabitants..."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

George, you're a loser in life. We get it.
"Like many Americans, I grew up believing that conservative values were about local control and personal responsibility for family, community, and nature. It seemed curious to me that the political alliance that drove a rollback of the Roosevelt-era policies that created the American middle class called itself conservative and dismissed its liberal opponents as un-American.

"Eventually, however, I discovered that the term conservative harkens back to a day when conservatives were monarchists who considered democracy a threat to social order and the seas were ruled by buccaneers and privateers.

"That was a clarifying moment.

"Buccaneer is a colorful name for the pirates of old who pursued personal fortune with rules of their own making. They were, in their time, an iconic expression of 'free market' capitalism.

"Privateers were buccaneers to whom a king granted legal immunity and safe harbor in return for a share of the booty. Their charge was to extract physical wealth from foreign lands and peoples by whatever means—including the execution of rulers and the slaughter and enslavement of native inhabitants..."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

Could not have hit this more on the head.
Is it dead yet?

When is it going to be dead?

I'm bored.

I have to go potty.

When are we going to see it dead?

Can we go home now?

They need to grow relevant and interesting, not smaller, more rabid and stupid.
Is it dead yet?

When is it going to be dead?

I'm bored.

I have to go potty.

When are we going to see it dead?

Can we go home now?

They need to grow relevant and interesting, not smaller, more rabid and stupid.

Funny... I was thinking the same thing about intolerance
Is it dead yet?

When is it going to be dead?

I'm bored.

I have to go potty.

When are we going to see it dead?

Can we go home now?

They need to grow relevant and interesting, not smaller, more rabid and stupid.

Funny... I was thinking the same thing about intolerance
Riiiiiight. It's about intolerance, not stupidity and temper tantrums of overgrown children.
Is it dead yet?

When is it going to be dead?

I'm bored.

I have to go potty.

When are we going to see it dead?

Can we go home now?

They need to grow relevant and interesting, not smaller, more rabid and stupid.

Funny... I was thinking the same thing about intolerance
Riiiiiight. It's about intolerance, not stupidity and temper tantrums of overgrown children.

That's what you would like it to be, and what the likes of you and your mates at Fox News are trying to give off the perception of being. But it wasn't born out of that, no matter how much you try and twist it.

No cee-gar BF!
Is it dead yet?

When is it going to be dead?

I'm bored.

I have to go potty.

When are we going to see it dead?

Can we go home now?

They need to grow relevant and interesting, not smaller, more rabid and stupid.

Funny... I was thinking the same thing about intolerance
Riiiiiight. It's about intolerance, not stupidity and temper tantrums of overgrown children.

you exemplify intolerance and ignorance at its finest, just as I was pointing out. you couldn't have played into this one any worse.
Funny... I was thinking the same thing about intolerance
Riiiiiight. It's about intolerance, not stupidity and temper tantrums of overgrown children.

That's what you would like it to be, and what the likes of you and your mates at Fox News are trying to give off the perception of being. But it wasn't born out of that, no matter how much you try and twist it.

No cee-gar BF!
Sorry, I don't watch cable network news of any stripe except by accident, and where they play it, it's MSLSD.

Second, my job takes me in close proximity... smelling distance... of the collection of morphadidic troglodytes twice a day in . I see their signs, watch what they're doing and know that if a child of mine acted like this, I'd spank their ass and ground them for a month.

This movement was born out of political ass-troturfing by groups like Americans Coming Together, the Tides Foundation and SEIU and other unions getting the same usual suspects to rabble-rouse and pretend to be a movement that formed from grass roots.

It's about as real as MSLSD's impartiality. That is to say, non-existent.
Funny... I was thinking the same thing about intolerance
Riiiiiight. It's about intolerance, not stupidity and temper tantrums of overgrown children.

you exemplify intolerance and ignorance at its finest, just as I was pointing out. you couldn't have played into this one any worse.
Need to quit believing the psychopaths at the Huffypoo and DailyKos. That stuff will rot your brain. I see them live. I see morons like you on here defending their schitzophrenic demands and excusing every stupid or criminal action they take.

I'm not the one who's fucking lost it.
Riiiiiight. It's about intolerance, not stupidity and temper tantrums of overgrown children.

That's what you would like it to be, and what the likes of you and your mates at Fox News are trying to give off the perception of being. But it wasn't born out of that, no matter how much you try and twist it.

No cee-gar BF!
Sorry, I don't watch cable network news of any stripe except by accident, and where they play it, it's MSLSD.

Second, my job takes me in close proximity... smelling distance... of the collection of morphadidic troglodytes twice a day in . I see their signs, watch what they're doing and know that if a child of mine acted like this, I'd spank their ass and ground them for a month.

This movement was born out of political ass-troturfing by groups like Americans Coming Together, the Tides Foundation and SEIU and other unions getting the same usual suspects to rabble-rouse and pretend to be a movement that formed from grass roots.

It's about as real as MSLSD's impartiality. That is to say, non-existent.

Well if you work on, or are part of Wall st, then you would say that...

I think there are a lot of hangers on in that movement that guys like you cling to as the norm and are representative of the movement. It's like when, back in the day, Dems tried to make out that David Duke - as a repub - was the norm. it suited their purposes and made the GoP look bad.

At the end of the day, what most people want is simple - if you run a compnay badly, or its share price gets eroded due to piss poor management and bad decisionmaking, you should not get a multi-million dollar bonus. You should have things in place to make sure you don't run around like a chook with its head cut off making bad decisions and no accountability. if wall st could only regulate itself, this would not be a problem.

Your economy tanking? It's not the fault of your average Joe- it is a crappy govt under Obama, and even worse one under Dumbya, and Wall st running riot. You guys seem happy to blame the govt (especially Obama for some reason, but giving Bush a free pass), but want the Wall st jerks to walk. Fuck that, they need their butts kicked. Greed is not good, and Greed does not solve your economy's problems...
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"Like many Americans, I grew up believing that conservative values were about local control and personal responsibility for family, community, and nature. It seemed curious to me that the political alliance that drove a rollback of the Roosevelt-era policies that created the American middle class called itself conservative and dismissed its liberal opponents as un-American.

"Eventually, however, I discovered that the term conservative harkens back to a day when conservatives were monarchists who considered democracy a threat to social order and the seas were ruled by buccaneers and privateers.

"That was a clarifying moment.

"Buccaneer is a colorful name for the pirates of old who pursued personal fortune with rules of their own making. They were, in their time, an iconic expression of 'free market' capitalism.

"Privateers were buccaneers to whom a king granted legal immunity and safe harbor in return for a share of the booty. Their charge was to extract physical wealth from foreign lands and peoples by whatever means—including the execution of rulers and the slaughter and enslavement of native inhabitants..."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

Could not have hit this more on the head.
Some of what OWS is protesting against began long before the US Founding Fathers crafted a government that provides special protections for property rights at the expense of fundamental human rights.

For example:

"In 1671, Sir Henry Morgan (yes, appreciative British kings granted favored privateers with titles of nobility in recognition of their service) launched an assault on Panama City with thirty-six ships and nearly two thousand brigands, defeating a large Spanish force and looting the city as it burned to the ground.

"As with the buccaneers and privateers of days past, Wall Street’s major players find it more profitable to expropriate the wealth of others than to find honest jobs producing goods and services beneficial to their communities.

"Eventually, the ruling monarchs turned from swashbuckling adventurers and chartered pirates to chartered corporations as their favored instruments of colonial expansion, administration, and pillage.

"The sale of public shares enabled a single firm to amass virtually unlimited financial capital and assured the continuity of the enterprise beyond the death of its founders. Limited liability absolved the owners of personal liability for the firm’s losses or misdeeds."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

I'm beginning to wonder if the first private fortunes could have come into existence thousands of years ago without the institution of chattel slavery. Pharaoh would have certainly had to scale back the Pyramids if the Jews of the time had demanded a living wage.
"Like many Americans, I grew up believing that conservative values were about local control and personal responsibility for family, community, and nature. It seemed curious to me that the political alliance that drove a rollback of the Roosevelt-era policies that created the American middle class called itself conservative and dismissed its liberal opponents as un-American.

"Eventually, however, I discovered that the term conservative harkens back to a day when conservatives were monarchists who considered democracy a threat to social order and the seas were ruled by buccaneers and privateers.

"That was a clarifying moment.

"Buccaneer is a colorful name for the pirates of old who pursued personal fortune with rules of their own making. They were, in their time, an iconic expression of 'free market' capitalism.

"Privateers were buccaneers to whom a king granted legal immunity and safe harbor in return for a share of the booty. Their charge was to extract physical wealth from foreign lands and peoples by whatever means—including the execution of rulers and the slaughter and enslavement of native inhabitants..."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

Could not have hit this more on the head.
Some of what OWS is protesting against began long before the US Founding Fathers crafted a government that provides special protections for property rights at the expense of fundamental human rights.

For example:

"In 1671, Sir Henry Morgan (yes, appreciative British kings granted favored privateers with titles of nobility in recognition of their service) launched an assault on Panama City with thirty-six ships and nearly two thousand brigands, defeating a large Spanish force and looting the city as it burned to the ground.

"As with the buccaneers and privateers of days past, Wall Street’s major players find it more profitable to expropriate the wealth of others than to find honest jobs producing goods and services beneficial to their communities.

"Eventually, the ruling monarchs turned from swashbuckling adventurers and chartered pirates to chartered corporations as their favored instruments of colonial expansion, administration, and pillage.

"The sale of public shares enabled a single firm to amass virtually unlimited financial capital and assured the continuity of the enterprise beyond the death of its founders. Limited liability absolved the owners of personal liability for the firm’s losses or misdeeds."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

I'm beginning to wonder if the first private fortunes could have come into existence thousands of years ago without the institution of chattel slavery. Pharaoh would have certainly had to scale back the Pyramids if the Jews of the time had demanded a living wage.

Don't you think you are stretching it a little bit, comparing Buccaneers to the Wall Street crowd? Buccaneers were legalized Pirates, that you could compare to Soldiers of Fortune maybe. If you want to compare Government Structures, first be honest. Then maybe start closer to the beginning.

Try here.

The Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi ~1700 BCE
I think there are a lot of hangers on in that movement that guys like you cling to as the norm and are representative of the movement.

When the majority of the people ARE hangers on, looking for a social gathering as most of these morons seem to be, they become representative of the movement.

It's sort of like saying since 100% of terrorists are muslims... you can't use that as an identifying description. Yet of course serial killers are always described as white males. The fact that there really hasn't been anything other than a white male serial killer shouldn't factor into it, should it?

It's like when, back in the day, Dems tried to make out that David Duke - as a repub - was the norm. it suited their purposes and made the GoP look bad.

Oh good. David Duke now supports the Occupados struggle. :rolleyes:

At the end of the day, what most people want is simple - if you run a compnay badly, or its share price gets eroded due to piss poor management and bad decisionmaking, you should not get a multi-million dollar bonus. You should have things in place to make sure you don't run around like a chook with its head cut off making bad decisions and no accountability. if wall st could only regulate itself, this would not be a problem.

You are not required to support any company that does unethical or lousy business practices. That's your vote. You do not have the right to tell them they can't do it if they want to. Nor does the government. Your choice is to not support them, or live without their product or service. If you can't, you need to find a new vendor or suck it up.

Your economy tanking? It's not the fault of your average Joe- it is a crappy govt under Obama, and even worse one under Dumbya, and Wall st running riot.

When you won't prosecute the obvious criminals on wall street and tempt the moral hazard through ungodly bad economic and legislative business policies in the Capital that you also won't prosecute... you get what you deserve. Nobody's innocent, but you need to address the real issue: immorality and criminality that is in cahoots with one another. There are dozens of market manipulators out there who have gotten in bed with politicians like Dodd, Fwank, Waters, and government bureaucrats like Franklin Rains. These people should be looked hard at for criminal prosecutions for collusion in corruption and the like.

Greed is not good, and Greed does not solve your economy's problems...

Greed is a desire for gain without merit. Profit is gain with merit. Greed is not profit. Profit is not evil. The greediest people I see nowadays are the poorest. Just because you have wealth does not mean you're greedy. It means you're successful. Success is not a justification for anyone to hate those who are. THAT my friend is greed.
Riiiiiight. It's about intolerance, not stupidity and temper tantrums of overgrown children.

you exemplify intolerance and ignorance at its finest, just as I was pointing out. you couldn't have played into this one any worse.
Need to quit believing the psychopaths at the Huffypoo and DailyKos. That stuff will rot your brain. I see them live. I see morons like you on here defending their schitzophrenic demands and excusing every stupid or criminal action they take.

I'm not the one who's fucking lost it.

you can say this to yourself all you want. you're not changing anybody's mind.
you exemplify intolerance and ignorance at its finest, just as I was pointing out. you couldn't have played into this one any worse.
Need to quit believing the psychopaths at the Huffypoo and DailyKos. That stuff will rot your brain. I see them live. I see morons like you on here defending their schitzophrenic demands and excusing every stupid or criminal action they take.

I'm not the one who's fucking lost it.

you can say this to yourself all you want. you're not changing anybody's mind.
LOL... silly. Vegetables don't have minds. I'm not writing for you, but others who still are in the Animal Kingdom.
Need to quit believing the psychopaths at the Huffypoo and DailyKos. That stuff will rot your brain. I see them live. I see morons like you on here defending their schitzophrenic demands and excusing every stupid or criminal action they take.

I'm not the one who's fucking lost it.

you can say this to yourself all you want. you're not changing anybody's mind.
LOL... silly. Vegetables don't have minds. I'm not writing for you, but others who still are in the Animal Kingdom.

such petty insults and grand delusions... quite a combination
you can say this to yourself all you want. you're not changing anybody's mind.
LOL... silly. Vegetables don't have minds. I'm not writing for you, but others who still are in the Animal Kingdom.

such petty insults and grand delusions... quite a combination

Got anything smart to say? Or just butthurt to whine about?
Could not have hit this more on the head.
Some of what OWS is protesting against began long before the US Founding Fathers crafted a government that provides special protections for property rights at the expense of fundamental human rights.

For example:

"In 1671, Sir Henry Morgan (yes, appreciative British kings granted favored privateers with titles of nobility in recognition of their service) launched an assault on Panama City with thirty-six ships and nearly two thousand brigands, defeating a large Spanish force and looting the city as it burned to the ground.

"As with the buccaneers and privateers of days past, Wall Street’s major players find it more profitable to expropriate the wealth of others than to find honest jobs producing goods and services beneficial to their communities.

"Eventually, the ruling monarchs turned from swashbuckling adventurers and chartered pirates to chartered corporations as their favored instruments of colonial expansion, administration, and pillage.

"The sale of public shares enabled a single firm to amass virtually unlimited financial capital and assured the continuity of the enterprise beyond the death of its founders. Limited liability absolved the owners of personal liability for the firm’s losses or misdeeds."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

I'm beginning to wonder if the first private fortunes could have come into existence thousands of years ago without the institution of chattel slavery. Pharaoh would have certainly had to scale back the Pyramids if the Jews of the time had demanded a living wage.

Don't you think you are stretching it a little bit, comparing Buccaneers to the Wall Street crowd? Buccaneers were legalized Pirates, that you could compare to Soldiers of Fortune maybe. If you want to compare Government Structures, first be honest. Then maybe start closer to the beginning.

Try here.

The Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi ~1700 BCE
"Corporations chartered by the British Crown established several of the earliest colonial settlements in what later became the United States and populated them with bonded laborers—many involuntarily transported from England—to work their properties. The importation of slaves from Africa followed.

"The East India Company (chartered in 1600) was the primary instrument of Britain’s colonization of India, a country the company ruled until 1784 much as if it were a private estate. In the early 1800s, the East India Company established a thriving business exporting tea from China, paying for its purchases with illegal opium.

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

Corporations first came into existence to serve hereditary parasites like George III.

If you want to start at the the beginning, I suggest the Fall of Man.
Do you think that event symbolizes the institutionalization of chattel slavery?
Could the first private fortunes (and parasites) have come into existence without generational slavery?
"The Dutch East India Company (chartered in 1602) established its sovereignty over what is now Indonesia and reduced the local people to poverty by displacing them from their lands to grow spices for sale in Europe.

"It is no exaggeration to characterize these forerunners of contemporary publicly traded limited liability corporations as, in effect, legally sanctioned and protected crime syndicates with private armies and navies backed by a mandate from their home governments to extort tribute, expropriate land and other wealth, monopolize markets, trade slaves, deal drugs, and profit from financial scams.

"Wall Street hedge fund managers, day traders, currency traders, and other unlicensed phantom-wealth speculators are the independent, unlicensed buccaneers of our day.

"Wall Street banks are modern day commissioned privateers who ply a similar trade with state backing and safe harbor.

"The economy is their ocean. Publicly traded corporations serve as their favored vessels of plunder, financial leverage is their favored weapon, and the state is their servant-guardian."

From Buccaneers to Profiteers: On the Origin of Corporations | Common Dreams

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