Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

The Rule of play is different now George. Wake up to that. Take it back to Adam and Eve, if you want. We live by Our Laws now. We don't condone Slavery or Servitude unless you are applying that yo Contract Law where you may choose to sign away Constitutional Rights for Access, Service, or a Pay Check. :) I like to think there is usually a way to expose, and Overcome that kind of corruption. That goes back to fighting the concept of Protected Monopoly. :)
The Rule of play is different now George. Wake up to that. Take it back to Adam and Eve, if you want. We live by Our Laws now. We don't condone Slavery or Servitude unless you are applying that yo Contract Law where you may choose to sign away Constitutional Rights for Access, Service, or a Pay Check. :) I like to think there is usually a way to expose, and Overcome that kind of corruption. That goes back to fighting the concept of Protected Monopoly. :)
Would you agree with this?

For the last 500 years (at least) the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is to lose control of the revenue streams created by elite criminals?
The Rule of play is different now George. Wake up to that. Take it back to Adam and Eve, if you want. We live by Our Laws now. We don't condone Slavery or Servitude unless you are applying that yo Contract Law where you may choose to sign away Constitutional Rights for Access, Service, or a Pay Check. :) I like to think there is usually a way to expose, and Overcome that kind of corruption. That goes back to fighting the concept of Protected Monopoly. :)
Would you agree with this?

For the last 500 years (at least) the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is to lose control of the revenue streams created by elite criminals?

No. ;) Only for the worst of the worst. Criminals usually end up in the same place. A Statesman Politician is there for the People. We too, need to stay focused, and support the hard choices when we know they are the correct path. It's not an easy thing to do.

We do persecute and blame, and Demonize Our Representatives for doing good. That's bad, in itself.
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such petty insults and grand delusions... quite a combination

Got anything smart to say? Or just butthurt to whine about?

I'm not the one posting pictures of cats with the belief that it is insulting. Go relax.
Butch the fuck up Sally Frillypants and pull the taffeta out of your sphincter. I don't give a flying fuck about your feelings. The movement is bullshit rehashed socio-fascism's whines of "eat the rich and make us the new kings".

Been there
Done that
Have the tee-shirt
Novelty hat
2 trays of slides
frequent flier miles
and a membership card in the mail for the club.

Got anything smart to say? Or just butthurt to whine about?

I'm not the one posting pictures of cats with the belief that it is insulting. Go relax.
Butch the fuck up Sally Frillypants and pull the taffeta out of your sphincter. I don't give a flying fuck about your feelings. The movement is bullshit rehashed socio-fascism's whines of "eat the rich and make us the new kings".

Been there
Done that
Have the tee-shirt
Novelty hat
2 trays of slides
frequent flier miles
and a membership card in the mail for the club.
Have you been here?

"Of the 143 million U.S. taxpayers (individuals and households), about 4.5 million have AGIs of more than $200,000 a year. Though only 3% of all taxpayers, this group claims 32% of all AGI – or $2.8 trillion. They already pay about $600 billion in federal income tax, or about 22% of their incomes. If this group paid a graduated average of 35% instead, that would add $400 billion to federal revenues every year. This would leave them with about $1.8 trillion after taxes, which is roughly what two-thirds of all taxpayers (with AGIs of less than $50,000) have before they pay taxes."

Taxing Only the Rich CAN Pay for Everything | Working-Class Perspectives

When are you going to toughen up and bitch-slap the rich back into place?
Today Ex-Goldman Sachs Chief / Ex-New Jersey Democrat Governor - Jon Corzine just bankrupted MF Global by investing in socialist countries. Will the OWS's go after him??? Will the FED bail him out???
Protesters should start wearing tea bags on their hats so that the police will leave them alone!!!

Why not wear a turd? They are the Shitters, after all.

Why didn't the police use force with the tea baggers?

Because the Tea Parties didn't break laws. Most Tea Parties lasted 3 hours and disbursed. The Shitters move in and stay when parks and facilities have closed.

This is something that I don't understand. The tea baggers were occupying public spaces and there were no arrests and no police brutality...why?!

Because they didn't break the law, they didn't stay after facilities closed and they didn't used drugs.

The Shitters break laws, when the police tried to disburse them, the Shitters resisted.

The 99% are peacefully protesting using their right to assemble and yet the police come in riot gear and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas???? I want to know why they didn't do that to the tea baggers. Someone please help me to understand that. Do corporations own our police dept.? Are we becoming a military ruled country?

Asked and answered, the Shitters can't seem to play nice.
The "Occupy Philly - End the Silence March" has been moved to the subway. Does that still count as a "march"? :lol:

If they march down the tracks it does!

I can see the headlines: "Feces flies as Shitter march hit be trains..."
Protesters should start wearing tea bags on their hats so that the police will leave them alone!!!

Why not wear a turd? They are the Shitters, after all.

Why didn't the police use force with the tea baggers?

Because the Tea Parties didn't break laws. Most Tea Parties lasted 3 hours and disbursed. The Shitters move in and stay when parks and facilities have closed.

This is something that I don't understand. The tea baggers were occupying public spaces and there were no arrests and no police brutality...why?!

Because they didn't break the law, they didn't stay after facilities closed and they didn't used drugs.

The Shitters break laws, when the police tried to disburse them, the Shitters resisted.

The 99% are peacefully protesting using their right to assemble and yet the police come in riot gear and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas???? I want to know why they didn't do that to the tea baggers. Someone please help me to understand that. Do corporations own our police dept.? Are we becoming a military ruled country?

Asked and answered, the Shitters can't seem to play nice.

The Tea Party rallies usually pay for the space also. That and they leave that space spotless, they are the exact opposites of the losers that are distracting the public from such items as " fast and the furious", the obviously baseless accusations against a successful conservative black man by the asswipes in the Democrat party, that asshole Michelle's ridiculous speech whining about "the rich" to a bunch of ubber rich in Florida...... they were the good rich though, they were democrat rich.
The Tea Party rallies usually pay for the space also.

Rather, the Koch brothers foot the bill for them, or some other worthy co-opter.

That and they leave that space spotless

So does Occupy.

It really says a lot about how powerful this movement is becoming that its opponents seem to think lying about it over and over again is justified.
Rather, the Koch brothers foot the bill for them, or some other worthy co-opter.

Oh bullshit, you mindless, partisan hack.

So does Occupy.


The Shitters are so nasty that the Los Angeles city government, who BACK THEM, had to bring in power washing equipment to get the feces off the ground. The Shitters were sitting in their own shit.

It really says a lot about how powerful this movement is becoming that its opponents seem to think lying about it over and over again is justified.

It really says a lot about how pathetically stupid you are that you post these absurd lies.
Today Ex-Goldman Sachs Chief / Ex-New Jersey Democrat Governor - Jon Corzine just bankrupted MF Global by investing in socialist countries. Will the OWS's go after him??? Will the FED bail him out???
Goddamn better not!
"With all of the media now focused on the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Lower Manhattan, it’s easy to lose sight of the real human tragedy unfolding right across the bridge. I’m referring to Brooklyn, New York’s most populous borough, which has suffered mightily since the economic meltdown of 2008.

"Though the crowds participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement are now more racially diverse than at the outset of the protests, most disadvantaged Brooklyn residents are still shying away from demonstrations.

"This fact is most glaringly evident when one takes the 2 or 3 train from Fulton Street near the protests and heads out into Brooklyn: while most of the protesters are young and white, the subway riders are predominantly African-American and Caribbean."

Occupy Wall Street Will Only Reach Critical Mass When It Attracts the Minorities of Brooklyn, Across the River | BuzzFlash.org
Well, the Occupados grew today to a group of LESS than 3 dozen total people and possibly less than 2 when I went by today. Yes indeed. It's growing by leaps and bounds into vacant 'campsites'... but yet the garbage remains.

At least they left a filthy plaza behind.
And the Word is "Change."

"As importantly, the (OWS) movement has already changed the public debate in America.

"Consider, for example, last week’s Congressional Budget Office report on widening disparities of income in America. It was hardly news – it’s already well known that the top 1 percent now gets 20 percent of the nation’s income, up from 9 percent in the late 1970s.

"But it’s the first time such news made the front page of the nation’s major newspapers.

"Why? Because for the first time in more than half a century, a broad cross-section of the American public is talking about the concentration of income, wealth, and political power at the top.

"Score a big one for the Occupiers.

Vote against the 1% in 2012.
FLUSH Republicans AND Democrats from DC.
Change, for a change.

Robert Reich (The Occupiers' Responsive Chord)
You don't know how sick that's made me. Corzine nearly destroyed the state of NJ and his most avid supporter - the NJEA - has endorsed OWS.

Kiss my - I'm starting to feel the frustration of the protesters myself. They are all corrupt.
You don't know how sick that's made me. Corzine nearly destroyed the state of NJ and his most avid supporter - the NJEA - has endorsed OWS.

Kiss my - I'm starting to feel the frustration of the protesters myself. They are all corrupt.
You don't know how sick that's made me. Corzine nearly destroyed the state of NJ and his most avid supporter - the NJEA - has endorsed OWS.

Kiss my - I'm starting to feel the frustration of the protesters myself. They are all corrupt.
"Choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth guarantees corruption.
Both parties serve the richest 1% of voters because those are the voters funding their campaigns.
If there are third party candidates on your ballot, send corruption a message it can't miss in November of 2012 by voting AGAINST your Republican AND Democratic incumbents.

Fire the second shot heard 'round the world.
Today Occupado Minneapolis had maybe a dozen plus or minus 5 professional protesters, and a few tourists taking pictures of their signs as they mugged for the camera.

Growing like our employment numbers.

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