Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Why are the crimes of Citigroup and Goldman Sachs unpunished?

Excellent question.

One that both the OWS movement and the Tea Party movement both ought to have been asking.
Why are the crimes of Citigroup and Goldman Sachs unpunished?

Excellent question.

One that both the OWS movement and the Tea Party movement both ought to have been asking.

Yep. How about demanding answers from their supporters in D.C.?

This Administration is running cover for so many Felonies, I think it's amazing that they can even keep track. ;)

If this weren't so dirty, and its purpose so sinister, this would be epic comedy! I don't know whether to be more amazed at the sheer, unmitigated gall of the "leaders" of this sham, or the near-idiocy of their followers.

As for what to call it, how about "Astro-turfing for the sake of totalitarianism"; a more complete description, I think.
Here's their planned model.

Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go ahead. Read what they did. See the similarities. Collectivist goons are nothing if not predictable. Why people are always surprised by their actions is always amazing to me.

Remember when Obama said he would form an army of civilians just as well equipped as our military? The OWS is a good recruiting tool for new activists or sometimes called para-military.

Currently Obama is not funding much of the military. He has allowed us to lapse into an undermanned under-maintained force. We're still waiting for a budget so we can perform needed maintenance. When the Stooper-Committee drops the ball half of the military will be gone. It will happen before you realize it happened.

Things like this are allowed to happen because of politics and because trying to stop a rogue president is too unseemly a proposition to undertake.

The more they let him get away with the more he will attempt to get away with. And as long as he has a friendly press willing to deflect the nation's focus to silliness like Herman Cain and his invisible bimbo....he's gonna get away with murder.
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My ONLY wish is this:

I WISH the OWS events loomed as large and potentially society altering in the minds of the average American as they so obviously are in the minds of this boards right wingers.

You can smell the fear in their hateful posts.
My ONLY wish is this:

I WISH the OWS events loomed as large and potentially society altering in the minds of the average American as they so obviously are in the minds of this boards right wingers.

You can smell the fear in their hateful posts.

Are you advocating Change through Fear and Intimidation?

There is Nothing Noble in that Editec. I know influence through Reason and valid argument is tough for a group so unfocused, with so many contradictory claims and denials, but it is the High Road. We the People, have a Right to be Concerned about Riot and Insurrection. Why would you even question that?
There is good reason to fear that a weak leader who thinks he can control these radical elements or doesn't give a damned what they can do to this country, if they're left unchecked, is allowed to let us slip into chaos.

Obama is not the mastermind or brain behind this. Somebody or some group who made sure he was placed in power is. Obama is simply the front man. Obama is only as good as his press can make him appear. If whoever has been supporting him and has all of the goods on him were to suddenly appear in his office and threaten him with exposure he would do pretty much anything they wanted. Obama cannot stand up to someone like this. I don't even think it's one person but a group of people btw.

Some will say we're letting our imaginations run away with us. That's what every country that fell under Totalitarian rule thought. They didn't take it seriously enough till it was already too late to stop it.

I think Hollywood is to blame for the apathy most Americans have toward real threats to this country. So much takes place in fantasyland on the movie screen that nobody can recognize a real threat when it rears it's ugly head.
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My ONLY wish is this:

I WISH the OWS events loomed as large and potentially society altering in the minds of the average American as they so obviously are in the minds of this boards right wingers.

You can smell the fear in their hateful posts.

Are you advocating Change through Fear and Intimidation?

Now don't get your panties all in bunch, Intense.

When I advocate something you won't have to ask if I'm advocating it.

I'm just noting the obvous fear that the OWS movment evokes from this boards right wing trolls.

It reminds me of the same kind of fear and loathing that the left wing trolls so obviously felt when the TPM had the spotlight.

Both these movements terrify the MASTERS.

And that is, I think, a good thing.

They need to wake up and realize that their divide and conquor propaganda techniques that work so well on their easily mislead partisans could be leading to problems that could easily get out of hand.

The masters need to ratchet down the rhetoric despite the fact that both parties know that they'll need to ratchet up the hateful rehetoric in order for the candidates to appeal to the conceits and prejudices of the their most loyal know-nothings.

Both parties need to stop throwing gasoline of the smoldering fires that could lead to civil strife.
My ONLY wish is this:

I WISH the OWS events loomed as large and potentially society altering in the minds of the average American as they so obviously are in the minds of this boards right wingers.

You can smell the fear in their hateful posts.

Are you advocating Change through Fear and Intimidation?

Now don't get your panties all in bunch, Intense.

When I advocate something you won't have to ask if I'm advocating it.

I'm just noting the obvous fear that the OWS movment evokes from this boards right wing trolls.

It reminds me of the same kind of fear and loathing that the left wing trolls so obviously felt when the TPM had the spotlight.

Both these movements terrify the MASTERS.

And that is, I think, a good thing.

They need to wake up and realize that their divide and conquor propaganda techniques that work so well on their easily mislead partisans could be leading to problems that could easily get out of hand.

The masters need to ratchet down the rhetoric despite the fact that both parties know that they'll need to ratchet up the hateful rehetoric in order for the candidates to appeal to the conceits and prejudices of the their most loyal know-nothings.

Both parties need to stop throwing gasoline of the smoldering fires that could lead to civil strife.

But who are the masters.......

It sure as shit isn't us.

Wake the fuck up.
My ONLY wish is this:

I WISH the OWS events loomed as large and potentially society altering in the minds of the average American as they so obviously are in the minds of this boards right wingers.

You can smell the fear in their hateful posts.

The ONLY thing I fear, Editec, is the unnecessary bloodshed and the loss of innocent lives that civil strife and/or insurrection will lead to. You've seen war; can you say that any sane man who has would want that here in America?

Aside from anything else, "our masters" as you term them, should they feel sufficiently threatened, will simply hire "private security contractors" (a/k/a "mercenaries')-I expect they can find a plentiful supply. Unleash the dogs of war, and that will be far easier than putting them back in their pen after the shooting stops.
The ONLY thing I fear, Editec, is the unnecessary bloodshed and the loss of innocent lives that civil strife and/or insurrection will lead to. You've seen war; can you say that any sane man who has would want that here in America?

"Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

Aside from anything else, "our masters" as you term them, should they feel sufficiently threatened, will simply hire "private security contractors" (a/k/a "mercenaries')-I expect they can find a plentiful supply. Unleash the dogs of war, and that will be far easier than putting them back in their pen after the shooting stops.

In fact, that is a possibility if Occupy turns to violence. But there is a difference between pursuing violence and unreasonably fearing it. The present state of affairs is untenable, and bowing our heads in servitude to the wealthy elite with no remedy in sight a fate worse than violent death.

We can win this. We will.
The ONLY thing I fear, Editec, is the unnecessary bloodshed and the loss of innocent lives that civil strife and/or insurrection will lead to. You've seen war; can you say that any sane man who has would want that here in America?

"Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

Aside from anything else, "our masters" as you term them, should they feel sufficiently threatened, will simply hire "private security contractors" (a/k/a "mercenaries')-I expect they can find a plentiful supply. Unleash the dogs of war, and that will be far easier than putting them back in their pen after the shooting stops.

In fact, that is a possibility if Occupy turns to violence. But there is a difference between pursuing violence and unreasonably fearing it. The present state of affairs is untenable, and bowing our heads in servitude to the wealthy elite with no remedy in sight a fate worse than violent death.

We can win this. We will.

Who is we???

Are you actually advocating insurrection????

You are one serious dumb-ass.

Many of us on this site already know who you are.

We remember you from that other site.

I think you'd better be careful what you say here.
You're the only person on this site that thinks that.

Prove it.

Actually, I think it's just that I'm the only one who is SAYING it, at this moment.

Prove what???

If you're the only one saying it, it doesn't mean you've got some special ability to not see the obvious. It just means you're a silly tuss-bucket with hardly a clue.

If you're trying to piss me off, it's not working.
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Who is we???

See the title of this thread.

Are you actually advocating insurrection????

Am I?

Many of us on this site already know who you are.

We remember you from that other site.

I think you'd better be careful what you say here.

LOL no one on the other site knows who I am, either. In fact, you have better chance to know who I am from this site, which doesn't alarm me.

Empty threats, pointless rhetoric, no facts, no claims, no cognitive content whatsoever -- typical Muddy, exactly as I've been saying. You use more words to say nothing at all than any other poster here.
Who is we???

See the title of this thread.

Are you actually advocating insurrection????

Am I?

Many of us on this site already know who you are.

We remember you from that other site.

I think you'd better be careful what you say here.

LOL no one on the other site knows who I am, either. In fact, you have better chance to know who I am from this site, which doesn't alarm me.

Empty threats, pointless rhetoric, no facts, no claims, no cognitive content whatsoever -- typical Muddy, exactly as I've been saying. You use more words to say nothing at all than any other poster here.

Everyone from that other site knows......they put out the word.

Oh, I think I'll report you to the proper authorities.

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