Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

"Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS group has launched the first attack ad against Elizabeth Warren, presumably because she is now running hard for the Senate in Massachusetts...

"...(W)ho destroyed more than 8 million jobs in the United States – and plunged us into the deepest and longest lasting recession since the 1930s...

"...(W)hat do the Occupy Wall Street protesters really want? According to Mike Konczal’s careful assessment of their published grievances, jobs are the number one issue. So again we should ask: Who caused the financial crisis that destroyed so many jobs?

Too-Big-to-Fail Wall Street Banks, Elizabeth Warren, or OWS?

Wall Street v. Elizabeth Warren « The Baseline Scenario
Jobs? Seriously? The Occupy Philly group protested Comcast because they made a 5% profit last quarter. They considered that "greed". Comcast provides 1000s of jobs in a city that is crumbling. They have also refused to move from Dilworth Park, where construction is supposed to begin. This renovation will provide 800 union jobs over the next two years. (and provide handicap access to public transportation). But they don't care about jobs. Or the handicapped. They just wanna bang and get drunk all day.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlMVazw_vUE]Occupy Anthem - I Don't Want To Work! - YouTube[/ame]
I have mixed emotions about this. At one time I have said I support their right to protest, but the right to protest I believe was meant to be able to protest the government, not private citizens. In this case I think it's harassment. So what they are doing is harassing private citizens which is not a protected right.
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I'd rather have this one question answered:

If we do away with capitalism, what is it to be replaced with and how will this be implemented?

I suspect the real answer is damning to the movement.

The answer is:

Economic Equality.

Now did that hurt?

"Economic Equality," you amazing asshole, is NOT any "answer."

It is a buzz phrase.

It has no inherent meaning and certainly it offers nothing which a tool such as you is capable of defining.

Newsflash, shit-for-brain-motherfucker:

MOST Americans do not want (or if they bothered to give it any thought at all, they WOULD not "want) anything remotely akin to "Economic Equality."

If a dick-dribble like you was too stupid and lazy to get the education which was offered to you on a fucking silver platter, and/or you later prove too fucking lazy or stupid to be bothered getting a good job, or if you can't land a good job because your ignorance and laziness shines through to prospective employers, then YOU may end up with a rewarding career cleaning the floors and the bathrooms in McDonalds and taking out the garbage.

Why on EARTH would any hard-working person WANT to have the "right" to earn the same low wages you then receive?

This is a land built on equal opportunity, not on equal outcomes.

I do not want to earn the same low wages as you "earn" as you clean the toilets in the men's room at your local Mickey D's.

So take your asinine, ignorant and non-informed liberal-pablum notion of "Economic Equality" and shove it up your big old butt.
I'd rather have this one question answered:

If we do away with capitalism, what is it to be replaced with and how will this be implemented?

I suspect the real answer is damning to the movement.

The answer is:

Economic Equality.

Now did that hurt?

"Economic Equality," you amazing asshole, is NOT any "answer."

It is a buzz phrase.

It has no inherent meaning and certainly it offers nothing which a tool such as you is capable of defining.

Newsflash, shit-for-brain-motherfucker:

MOST Americans do not want (or if they bothered to give it any thought at all, they WOULD not "want) anything remotely akin to "Economic Equality."

If a dick-dribble like you was too stupid and lazy to get the education which was offered to you on a fucking silver platter, and/or you later prove too fucking lazy or stupid to be bothered getting a good job, or if you can't land a good job because your ignorance and laziness shines through to prospective employers, then YOU may end up with a rewarding career cleaning the floors and the bathrooms in McDonalds and taking out the garbage.

Why on EARTH would any hard-working person WANT to have the "right" to earn the same low wages you then receive?

This is a land built on equal opportunity, not on equal outcomes.

I do not want to earn the same low wages as you "earn" as you clean the toilets in the men's room at your local Mickey D's.

So take your asinine, ignorant and non-informed liberal-pablum notion of "Economic Equality" and shove it up your big old butt.
So take your asinine, ignorant and non-informed liberal-pablum notion of "Economic Equality" and shove it up your big old butt.

...and unlike them pontificating piously about economic "equality", I can give them an action plan full of specifics on how this will be accomplished and can possibly provide a cost effectiveness analysis too..
When OWS couldn't secure police protection from a bunch of soccer moms looking for a bargain , they pretty much lost credibiity as the revolutionary flavor of the month. Those who CALL themselves the 99% ran and hid from the 99%.
Was he breaking any laws?

What does the dollar amount of his camera equipment have to do with his First Amendment rights?

You should worry more about Wall Street coming back for an European Encore:

"If Italy blows, then the eurozone will face a disorderly breakup that will end in a multi-year Depression punctuated by growing social unrest.

"Didn’t anyone see this coming?

"Didn’t anyone anticipate that a monetary union devoid of traditional political and fiscal institutions (eg–An executive, a congress, a judiciary, a treasury dept, a bond market) would encounter problems that would prove to be insurmountable leading to the ultimate dissolution of the union?...

"More than a dozen years ago when the single European currency was born, Reuters polls of economists show they were well aware of many of the flaws that threaten the euro today….

“I was aware of the problem that you have a monetary union without a fiscal union, and I wrote about the issues that low interest rates for the periphery will likely get them into a boom, but what happens when the boom goes bust?”

When the EU "boom goes bust" will you blame OWS or the 1%?

Past the Point of No Return » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
The flea with an erection floating down the river screaming "Raise the Drawbridge".

Can they really have a revolution if the revolutionaries are frightened of confronting Wal Mart shoppers?
"Authentic new social movements do not appear very often, and most of them fail.

"Throughout the nation’s history, rebellions have typically been derailed by their own mistakes and divisions or snuffed out by entrenched power. Even when they endure, it can take years, sometimes generations, to overcome the resistance of the status quo.

"Think of the abolitionists and the civil rights movement, women’s demand for the vote and equal rights, working people collectively asserting their power in unions.

"As with earlier movements, governing elites have grasped the radical nature of this noisy intrusion into their privileged domain, and they have attempted to crush OWS with a series of melodramatic police raids from New York to California.

"But repression has failed to intimidate the rebellious citizens.

"Indeed, each attack only seems to strengthen the movement."

The Democratic Promise of Occupy Wall Street | Common Dreams
"Authentic new social movements do not appear very often, and most of them fail.

There is nothing authentic about the Shitter movement.

It is a poor imitation of the Tea Party, astro-turfed by Unions and the democratic party.

Pamela Anderson's boobs are more authentic than OWS.

"Throughout the nation’s history, rebellions have typically been derailed by their own mistakes and divisions or snuffed out by entrenched power. Even when they endure, it can take years, sometimes generations, to overcome the resistance of the status quo.

"Think of the abolitionists and the civil rights movement, women’s demand for the vote and equal rights, working people collectively asserting their power in unions.

"As with earlier movements, governing elites have grasped the radical nature of this noisy intrusion into their privileged domain, and they have attempted to crush OWS with a series of melodramatic police raids from New York to California.

"But repression has failed to intimidate the rebellious citizens.

"Indeed, each attack only seems to strengthen the movement."

The Democratic Promise of Occupy Wall Street | Common Dreams

I have mixed emotions about this. At one time I have said I support their right to protest, but the right to protest I believe was meant to be able to protest the government, not private citizens. In this case I think it's harassment. So what they are doing is harassing private citizens which is not a protected right.

Yes, indeed.
"Authentic new social movements do not appear very often, and most of them fail.

There is nothing authentic about the Shitter movement.

It is a poor imitation of the Tea Party, astro-turfed by Unions and the democratic party.

Pamela Anderson's boobs are more authentic than OWS.

"Throughout the nation’s history, rebellions have typically been derailed by their own mistakes and divisions or snuffed out by entrenched power. Even when they endure, it can take years, sometimes generations, to overcome the resistance of the status quo.

"Think of the abolitionists and the civil rights movement, women’s demand for the vote and equal rights, working people collectively asserting their power in unions.

"As with earlier movements, governing elites have grasped the radical nature of this noisy intrusion into their privileged domain, and they have attempted to crush OWS with a series of melodramatic police raids from New York to California.

"But repression has failed to intimidate the rebellious citizens.

"Indeed, each attack only seems to strengthen the movement."

The Democratic Promise of Occupy Wall Street | Common Dreams

"The protests in Wall Street, London and Oakland may be its flagships, but the Occupy movement is a global one, stretching across six continents, more than 60 countries, and sparking up to 2,600 demonstrations.

"It is hard to say who started it. Occupy Wall Street, which began in September, was the first to popularize the term. But #OWS was itself predated by camps in Madrid, Athens, Santiago – and even Malaysia. The day most Occupy camps got going – 15 October – was first proposed because it marked the five-month anniversary of the Spanish occupation.

"What unites them? A common rage at economic and social injustice and the feeling that "the 99%" are being shafted..."

You probably enjoy being shafted.
Rich-shit eaters often do.

Occupy: We Are the World | Common Dreams
Do OWS people really REALLY think they have the support of the majority?
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Do OWS people really REALLY think they have the support of the majority?
Keeping in mind this is an election year:

"Three (NY) City Council members introduced a resolution Tuesday that would formalize support for Occupy Wall Street and its message condemning economic inequality.

“The Occupy movement is more than occupying a public square,' said Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez, one of the resolution’s authors, along with Councilman Jumaane D. Williams and Councilwoman Letitia James — all Democrats. 'It is about the frustration of the working class and the middle class who feel we have not received a fair share.'”

Rich Democrats will have to control the Occupy Movement for the same reasons rich Republicans co-opted the Tea Party. Possibly millions of voters will come to the conclusion that "choosing" between Democrat or Republican in the voting booth has no affect on the behavior of Wall Street or the 1%.

Council Resolution Calls for Support of Occupy Wall Street - NYTimes.com

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