Occupy Wallstreet Protests Black Friday BestBuy Shoppers

You should create a useless thread about it, dotdumbfuck....

stalker boi is here. Hey asswipe. Howzitgoin? Start your 5th thread yet?

Stop derailing the thread (seems to be the only thing you do well on this board incidentally :clap2: )

yeah I hat that. anyways we have a lot of different things planned to disrupt the disgusting consumerism going on that day. I'll post some of the vids we put together. If you have any ideas let me know.
Why do drooling idiot leftists (pardon the redundancy) think they have the right to violate other people's rights?
Why Best buy? Why not Gucci,A&F, Apple? Best buy is cheap stuff for poor people. You want to protest dumb consumerism you should do it where prices for garbage are the highest.
I would make a wish that the OWS people would get everything they wished for, just to teach them a lesson ... except I don't want America to fail.
Just got back from early Black Friday at Walmart, where we got most of what we were after.

Yay consumerism! Suck it, dirty smelly hippies!
Occupy Wallstreet Protests Black Friday BestBuy Shoppers - YouTube

A group of us from Occupy Wallstreet begin to protest the mindless consumerism being displayed on black friday and Bestbuy locations across the country. Join us as we engage and disrupt crony capitalism!

It's a bit of a confusing message. The guy isn't against capitalism. He just wants jobs to stay in this country.

Americans can't compete with people overseas making a hundred dollars a month. You can't cut the minimum wage that much. It's all about jobs. Even the right wing needs jobs, but they have been so brainwashed, they don't know what they support. Their leaders screw them over and over again, and they support that. Even when they can't say why.
Priceless! Mindless morons referring to something as mindless stretches logic to its ultimate! These people don't have principles. They're nothing more than the idle renta-a-mob who change their causes more than they change their underwear. Their real cause is to create the mayhem of anarchy. Scum, the lot of them!
I'm thinking that it may be more than a few people trampled to death this holiday.

It is good news that OWS wants to get one with the people like this. Interrupt people's sale shopping, that will get them a LOT of support. Grassroots and all that.

These OWS people just don't do research.
Do they really wanna take on black people in a shopping frenzy like Black Friday.
Don't they remember they killed a guy frigging dead a few years ago and went on
shopping like nothing happened.

So far, an LA Walmart had a crazed woman macing 20 people to get an X-Box 360. Fayetteville, NC had shots fired in the parking lot.

I betcha that if you tailed some of the dirty hippies from their protests, you'd catch them going to join the black friday deal frenzy.

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