Ocean Acidification Takes Another Hit

I'm curious what you think your Southern Ocean temp graph has to do with ocean acidification.

Your rambling about temperatures is another demonstration of your ignorance. Gas solubility is determined, inversely, by partial pressure and temperature. But when the pp goes up by 40% and the temperature goes up by a fraction of one percent, guess who wins?
let me get this straight...

SSDD puts forth a conundrum which lays waste the CAGW meme. And instead of looking at the science and proving or disproving the findings our usual warmist morons do the adhom and character assassination hits...

So they have no evidence or data to prove their point or disprove SSDD's point. :laugh2::laugh2: Ass clowns abound while the point made by SSDD Stands!

They do the only thing they can do. Mamooth goes on about partial pressures which is what she read somewhere regarding Henry's law, but failed to note at the beginning the part that says "at a steady temperature"....change the temperature and the amount of gas that can be absorbed changes....warm it up and the water outgassed...cool it down and the water absorbs more gas...they want it both ways...warming and ocean acidification, but the laws of nature say that you can't have it both ways....if it is warming, then the water is outgassing, and plenty of studies are out there that find that the oceans are a net source of CO2...if it is warming and the oceans are outgassing, then the claims of ocean acidification are nonsense...if the oceans are cooling, then they are absorbing more CO2 and are becoming more acidic, nothing like during the deeper part of the ice age though...and that being the case, the claims of warming oceans are nonsense.

They can't admit that they were wrong on either count...and at present aren't able to have the laws of nature rewritten, so they attack the bearer of the actual science. You can see it all over the board...anywhere actual science that goes against their belief is posted.

I noticed your post this morning on the other thread where you showed that southern seas are actually cooling which explains the increase in Antarctic ice a hell of a lot better than warming as climate science claims...


And what is the warmer response? Old Rocks says WUWT.LOL as if that were a response and crick, not to be outdone gets down to real character assassination....no attempt to prove the data are wrong...no mention of the data at all...just character assassination....you would think that they could see that what they are doing is the weakest form of argument...but their worldview is so skewed, they can't even see that.

It's not about science, it's about Marxism and these people can't be fought with charts or niceties. They must be completely defeated, unconditional surrender, mocked, scorned, driven to their own wing at the Museum of Scientific Fakes, Frauds and Hoaxes
let me get this straight...

SSDD puts forth a conundrum which lays waste the CAGW meme. And instead of looking at the science and proving or disproving the findings our usual warmist morons do the adhom and character assassination hits...

So they have no evidence or data to prove their point or disprove SSDD's point. :laugh2::laugh2: Ass clowns abound while the point made by SSDD Stands!

They do the only thing they can do. Mamooth goes on about partial pressures which is what she read somewhere regarding Henry's law, but failed to note at the beginning the part that says "at a steady temperature"....change the temperature and the amount of gas that can be absorbed changes....warm it up and the water outgassed...cool it down and the water absorbs more gas...they want it both ways...warming and ocean acidification, but the laws of nature say that you can't have it both ways....if it is warming, then the water is outgassing, and plenty of studies are out there that find that the oceans are a net source of CO2...if it is warming and the oceans are outgassing, then the claims of ocean acidification are nonsense...if the oceans are cooling, then they are absorbing more CO2 and are becoming more acidic, nothing like during the deeper part of the ice age though...and that being the case, the claims of warming oceans are nonsense.

They can't admit that they were wrong on either count...and at present aren't able to have the laws of nature rewritten, so they attack the bearer of the actual science. You can see it all over the board...anywhere actual science that goes against their belief is posted.

I noticed your post this morning on the other thread where you showed that southern seas are actually cooling which explains the increase in Antarctic ice a hell of a lot better than warming as climate science claims...


And what is the warmer response? Old Rocks says WUWT.LOL as if that were a response and crick, not to be outdone gets down to real character assassination....no attempt to prove the data are wrong...no mention of the data at all...just character assassination....you would think that they could see that what they are doing is the weakest form of argument...but their worldview is so skewed, they can't even see that.

Why is your chart a DENIER!!!!!?
I'm curious what you think your Southern Ocean temp graph has to do with ocean acidification.

Your rambling about temperatures is another demonstration of your ignorance. Gas solubility is determined, inversely, by partial pressure and temperature. But when the pp goes up by 40% and the temperature goes up by a fraction of one percent, guess who wins?

Partial pressure of a trace gas is altering the ocean's natural outgassing....I am laughing out loud in your stupid lying face.
SSDD, you're embarrassing yourself badly now, proudly displaying how hard you fail at such basic concepts like Henry's law. You'd literally flunk a freshman chemistry class. No wonder your cult found you to be such easy pickings.

The issue this thread displays is how the deniers on it are simply morons. Not every denier is a moron, but the ones on this thread are. SSDD? Moron. Billy_bob? Moron. Frank? Moron. jc? He'd have to get smarter to be a moron.

That's why the world laughs at you, because you're morons who don't understand that you're morons. It's not because there's a vast socialist conspiracy, it's because you're remarkably stupid people.
SSDD, you're embarrassing yourself badly now, proudly displaying how hard you fail at such basic concepts like Henry's law. You'd literally flunk a freshman chemistry class. No wonder your cult found you to be such easy pickings.

The issue this thread displays is how the deniers on it are simply morons. Not every denier is a moron, but the ones on this thread are. SSDD? Moron. Billy_bob? Moron. Frank? Moron. jc? He'd have to get smarter to be a moron.

That's why the world laughs at you, because you're morons who don't understand that you're morons. It's not because there's a vast socialist conspiracy, it's because you're remarkably stupid people.
And yet here we are having you get your little fanny spanked regularly day after day, thread after thread. It so apparent that your whiney little fanny is getting thrashed that all you have left is to make post such as this. Manmoth, it is a very simple task that is in your lap, show the evidence that supports your claim, that's all that has ever been asked. You call us morons and yet you can't handle one little task. hmmm... not sure exactly what that make you...oh yes I do..LoSiNg :lmao::lmao::lmao:
SSDD, you're embarrassing yourself badly now, proudly displaying how hard you fail at such basic concepts like Henry's law. You'd literally flunk a freshman chemistry class. No wonder your cult found you to be such easy pickings.

The issue this thread displays is how the deniers on it are simply morons. Not every denier is a moron, but the ones on this thread are. SSDD? Moron. Billy_bob? Moron. Frank? Moron. jc? He'd have to get smarter to be a moron.

That's why the world laughs at you, because you're morons who don't understand that you're morons. It's not because there's a vast socialist conspiracy, it's because you're remarkably stupid people.

The only people being laughed at here are you, and anyone stupid enough to agree with you. Read Henry's law...constant temperature is the key hairball...and you missed it entirely. Not surprising...and not surprising that even after it was pointed out to you, you continue to not get it.
SSDD, you're embarrassing yourself badly now, proudly displaying how hard you fail at such basic concepts like Henry's law. You'd literally flunk a freshman chemistry class. No wonder your cult found you to be such easy pickings.

The issue this thread displays is how the deniers on it are simply morons. Not every denier is a moron, but the ones on this thread are. SSDD? Moron. Billy_bob? Moron. Frank? Moron. jc? He'd have to get smarter to be a moron.

That's why the world laughs at you, because you're morons who don't understand that you're morons. It's not because there's a vast socialist conspiracy, it's because you're remarkably stupid people.

The only people being laughed at here are you, and anyone stupid enough to agree with you. Read Henry's law...constant temperature is the key hairball...and you missed it entirely. Not surprising...and not surprising that even after it was pointed out to you, you continue to not get it.
Mamooth snorts the AGWCult Koolaid right from the can

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
As Crick pointed out, a 40% increase in partial pressure (the factor causing more CO2 absorption) vastly overwhelms a <1% rise in temp (the factor causing less absorption).

You kooks fail at something that basic, even after it's explained to you. It's because you're profoundly stupid human beings. Like I said, freshman level chemistry stuff, and you'd flunk out hard.
Henry s law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Henry's law
is one of the gas laws formulated by William Henry in 1803. It states:

"At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas that dissolves in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to thepartial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid."
An equivalent way of stating the law is that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid.

An everyday example of Henry's law is given by carbonated soft drinks. Before the bottle or can of carbonated drink is opened, the gas above the drink is almost pure carbon dioxide at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric pressure. The drink itself contains dissolved carbon dioxide. When the bottle or can is opened, this gas escapes, giving the characteristic hiss. Because the partial pressure of carbon dioxide above the liquid is now much lower, some of the dissolved carbon dioxide comes out of solution as bubbles. If a glass of the drink is left in the open, the concentration of carbon dioxide in solution will come into equilibrium with the carbon dioxide in the air, and the drink will go "flat".

So, if you increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, you are going to increase the amount of CO2 in solution in the ocean below that atmosphere, if the temperature stays constant. So an ocean a degree warmer, with a lot more CO2, say 42% more, can hold a lot more CO2 than if it had warmed without the additional CO2.

Now go back and read SSo DDumbs statements in the OP. Clearly this is another case of one way photons.
Each time we think SSDD can't fail harder at basic physics, he proves us wrong. Here, he displays complete ignorance of the relationship between partial pressure and solubility.

The OCO-2 satellite is coming on line, and it will be able to show sources and sinks in detail on a global scale. Therefore, SSDD would be wise to start constructing a new conspiracy theory now, so he'll be ready to declare how all the data from OCO-2 is obviously being forged.

So your claiming pressure differences? :lol:
Henry s law - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Henry's law
is one of the gas laws formulated by William Henry in 1803. It states:

"At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas that dissolves in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to thepartial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid."
An equivalent way of stating the law is that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid.

An everyday example of Henry's law is given by carbonated soft drinks. Before the bottle or can of carbonated drink is opened, the gas above the drink is almost pure carbon dioxide at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric pressure. The drink itself contains dissolved carbon dioxide. When the bottle or can is opened, this gas escapes, giving the characteristic hiss. Because the partial pressure of carbon dioxide above the liquid is now much lower, some of the dissolved carbon dioxide comes out of solution as bubbles. If a glass of the drink is left in the open, the concentration of carbon dioxide in solution will come into equilibrium with the carbon dioxide in the air, and the drink will go "flat".

So, if you increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, you are going to increase the amount of CO2 in solution in the ocean below that atmosphere, if the temperature stays constant. So an ocean a degree warmer, with a lot more CO2, say 42% more, can hold a lot more CO2 than if it had warmed without the additional CO2.

Now go back and read SSo DDumbs statements in the OP. Clearly this is another case of one way photons.

One minor problem, The ocean eats up CO2 as IT COOLS not when it warms. Water will release CO2 when warmed thus even with CO2's increase (which when placed in context of its LOG diminishing effect) the cooling water absorbs 0.1ppm/M^2. Even under the current increase the potential rise in PH is LESS THAN 0.0001.

SSDD is correct when he shows that warmist propagandists want their alarmist drivel both ways and it is simply not possible by all known laws of physics.

You simply painted yourself into a corner, and there you all sit... dumbfounded!
Each time we think SSDD can't fail harder at basic physics, he proves us wrong. Here, he displays complete ignorance of the relationship between partial pressure and solubility.

The OCO-2 satellite is coming on line, and it will be able to show sources and sinks in detail on a global scale. Therefore, SSDD would be wise to start constructing a new conspiracy theory now, so he'll be ready to declare how all the data from OCO-2 is obviously being forged.

So your claiming pressure differences? :lol:

120 ppm has the net effect of a drop of sugar in the ocean. Given the margin of error in the math and measurements the amount is statistically insignificant and can not be determined (identified/quantified) from natural variation of the trace gas.
What a fucking idiot.

Who here agrees with Billy Bob that 120 ppm is statistically insignificant and is less than the resolution of measurements?

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