Ocean acidification


going to use the spamming approach?.... HAHHAHA! you go boy!
gslack, what sinks in is that you clearly understand almost nothing that you read. And you are not a scientist, so why don't you post some links to real scientists that state things are as you state? Once again, note the links in my posts.
gslack, what sinks in is that you clearly understand almost nothing that you read. And you are not a scientist, so why don't you post some links to real scientists that state things are as you state? Once again, note the links in my posts.

Why don't you post something that you actually thought about? Seriously when was the last time you used your mind for something more than repeating the crap given to you by those you think better?

Why don't you tell me what YOU think, and not what they tell you or want you to think....
Once more, the findings above rely on the theory of CO2 and ocean acidification to be both sound and accurate. They take that assumption and do the research accordingly. If the premise (CO2 ocean acidification theory)is correct, than all is well. However, if the premise is inaccurate, overstated, or just plain wrong, than the research is moot.

I contend there is a problem with that premise due to the fact in times where CO2 was 20X higher than today, coral type life forms evolved and flourished. Given the claim the oceans are nearing dangerous acidity now with a 387 ppm of CO2, we would expect at a time when CO2 was 20x times that amount there would have been a mass extinction or non-development and evolution of lifeforms susceptible and sensitive to ocean acidity. But the historical research shows this to be not the case at all.

So either the premise of CO2 ocean acidification is inaccurate somehow, the historical research is flawed or wrong, or coral adapts on the fly to the environment in such a manner to defy there very chemical basis. The last one seems highly unlikely, so one of the other two must be a problem.

Again if you can't grasp this simple logical conundrum, you are no scientist...
1.No science to back it up, all while conveniently ignoring the scientifically supported facts from actual studies that show why your CO2 nonsense is flawed.

Scientists cite their sources, and look to support their claims, not just spout their opinion over and over again and think that makes it true.

YOu keep saying the same shit over and over again. . 2.Someone already mentioned, the coral and organisms back during that period evolved in those conditions, and are far different than the ones today, that are not acclimated to high CO2. Again, leave science to people that know science, as its clearly if you are going to make the argument that animals flourished in a high CO2 environment (in which they evolved in, so of course they will be able to survive it) and comparing today's organisms who are acclimated to lower CO2 and particular ocean pH. Also, if you can't realize how gradual changes allow animals to adapt to the rising levels, and how rapid changes, like we are seeing today, don't allow them the time to adapt and evolve. You dont' also appear to know about ecology and how sensitive organisms are to drastic changes to their environment. Gradual ones, yes, drastic ones is what leads to mass extinctions

Ok see the bolded parts? Those are the only parts that mean anything in all that. The rest is all your idiotic ramblings..... So in order...

1. LOL, douchebag no science is needed to back it up its a simple logical problem with the theory. They have one group of scientists claiming that ocean acidification due to CO2 acidification caused a mass extinction of sea life 55 million or so years ago. And then we have another group who tell us that during the times in the past where CO2 concentrations were 20x the levels of today sea life flourished and evolved.. So WTF? which is correct?

If we are to believe the claims of CO2 ocean acidification theory, than we have to ignore the one groups findings altogether. So then fossil records (physical evidence) are to be ignored in favor of theoretical (non-physical evidence) hypothesis..... Any scientists that does that is no scientist.

2. Dude coral is based on elements and compounds that are disintegrated in acidic conditions. Remember the cries over ocean acidity bleaching the coral reefs, making the clams and such have thinner shells, and all the other hysteria? Yeah that was your guys crying that remember?

So a life form based on a compound that cannot exist in acidic conditions Like coral, be it billions, millions, or even a couple years ago would be equally susceptible to acidity. But from the fossil records they were alive and thriving in much higher CO2 concentrations.

Moron we aren't talking about a fish or a complex organism evolving and adapting, we are talking about the simplest of life whose structure is based on compounds that break down in acidic conditions..

Now personally DR. Douchebag, I don't care what you think of my education. I know enough to nail your MO right away. YOU are a basement dwelling momma's boy trying to play big and smart, and failing miserably.

You are busted, I work with PHD's and they don't act like you. Also you respond to every bit of pro-AGW psuedo-science like it's all an already established fact. If your behavior, manner and inability to process and think logically were not enough to give your lie away, than that little flaw should. Its a serious flaw that no scientist could have and get anywhere.

You are a fake, one more internet wannabe.....

Yet, still no science to support any of your claims :lol:

what is it children week on USMB?
Acid In The Oceans: A Growing Threat To Sea Life : NPR

August 12, 2009
When we burn fossil fuels, we are not just putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A lot of it goes into the sea. There, carbon dioxide turns into carbonic acid. And that turns ocean water corrosive, particularly to shellfish and corals.

Biologists are now coming to realize that rising acid levels in the ocean can affect many other forms of sea life as well.

Visit Moss Landing, Calif., in the spring and at first blush it seems marine life is flourishing. Sea lions, weighing in at 600 pounds or more, jostle for space and spar with one another as they try to cram themselves onto docks that groan under their weight.

Marine biologist Eric Pane looks on approvingly at what seems to be part of a Pacific success story. Up and down the coast, biologists see healthy populations of marine mammals, fish and other wildlife.

More classic excuse making...Nice!

It was CO2 in the atmosphere making the oceans acidic, and now its not just that but all of this too.....

Sure buddy sure.... Ya know what it really is? Its a snowjob.... THey are caught in this lie and so just like they do every other time the first try and make it vague and all encompassing, and then they will quietly stop making the claims on it.

Kind of like how global warming became Climate change when they found out the planet was actually cooling..... Nice try....:lol::lol:
Still no science:cuckoo:
Acid In The Oceans: A Growing Threat To Sea Life : NPR

August 12, 2009
When we burn fossil fuels, we are not just putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A lot of it goes into the sea. There, carbon dioxide turns into carbonic acid. And that turns ocean water corrosive, particularly to shellfish and corals.

Biologists are now coming to realize that rising acid levels in the ocean can affect many other forms of sea life as well.

Visit Moss Landing, Calif., in the spring and at first blush it seems marine life is flourishing. Sea lions, weighing in at 600 pounds or more, jostle for space and spar with one another as they try to cram themselves onto docks that groan under their weight.

Marine biologist Eric Pane looks on approvingly at what seems to be part of a Pacific success story. Up and down the coast, biologists see healthy populations of marine mammals, fish and other wildlife.

More classic excuse making...Nice!

It was CO2 in the atmosphere making the oceans acidic, and now its not just that but all of this too.....

Sure buddy sure.... Ya know what it really is? Its a snowjob.... THey are caught in this lie and so just like they do every other time the first try and make it vague and all encompassing, and then they will quietly stop making the claims on it.

Kind of like how global warming became Climate change when they found out the planet was actually cooling..... Nice try....:lol::lol:
Still no science:cuckoo:

Whenever I see this kind of behavior I know I hit a nerve....

SO....How long you going to live in mom's basement? I bet you're a thirty-something porn addict who doesn't leave the house until mom makes you mow the lawn or take out the trash... Either that or you're some maladjusted, socially inept, home schooled, teenage pimple popper with too much free time...

So which is it DR. Douchebag?

LOL, takes real special kind of social outcast to get on a web forum and claim to be a doctor.... Seriously, how many people do you really think believe your bullshit? Or even better how many PHD, Masters, or BA degree holders with real research jobs (like you claim you are) actually either have the time to spend on here that you do, or would even feel the need to come here and try to convince people they are a doctor and worry about what some web forum people think about AGW???

HAHHAHAHAHA! Thats the most damming thing about it all really.... Why would DR with a research job care what some internet forum people think? Is there a lack of compelling conversation amongst the so-called intellectual elite? LOL

Dude you are an idiot... Only an idiot would deny logic and reason because of a theory has to be true... Like Sherlock Holmes said; if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how highly improbable, must be the truth. And the claims of ocean acidification cause by atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a prime example of this....

Now DR. Douchebag, why don't you go and think for yourself once, and use your own logic and reason for a change. And stop parroting what some else tells you. You claim to be so educated and smart, why not show it for a change....:lol:
Acid In The Oceans: A Growing Threat To Sea Life : NPR

August 12, 2009
When we burn fossil fuels, we are not just putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A lot of it goes into the sea. There, carbon dioxide turns into carbonic acid. And that turns ocean water corrosive, particularly to shellfish and corals.

Biologists are now coming to realize that rising acid levels in the ocean can affect many other forms of sea life as well.

Visit Moss Landing, Calif., in the spring and at first blush it seems marine life is flourishing. Sea lions, weighing in at 600 pounds or more, jostle for space and spar with one another as they try to cram themselves onto docks that groan under their weight.

Marine biologist Eric Pane looks on approvingly at what seems to be part of a Pacific success story. Up and down the coast, biologists see healthy populations of marine mammals, fish and other wildlife.

More classic excuse making...Nice!

It was CO2 in the atmosphere making the oceans acidic, and now its not just that but all of this too.....

Sure buddy sure.... Ya know what it really is? Its a snowjob.... THey are caught in this lie and so just like they do every other time the first try and make it vague and all encompassing, and then they will quietly stop making the claims on it.

Kind of like how global warming became Climate change when they found out the planet was actually cooling..... Nice try....:lol::lol:
Still no science:cuckoo:

SOOOO.....going to take the cowardly little azzhole style the oldsocks adopted and neg rep me? Nice, very nice.....

Look DR. Dumazz, if you can't think for yourself than you are no scientist. And if you have to resort neg repping me than you are also not an adult. At least not one with any social skills.....

Why don't you stick your tongue out at me too..... Freakin child :lol::lol::lol:
More classic excuse making...Nice!

It was CO2 in the atmosphere making the oceans acidic, and now its not just that but all of this too.....

Sure buddy sure.... Ya know what it really is? Its a snowjob.... THey are caught in this lie and so just like they do every other time the first try and make it vague and all encompassing, and then they will quietly stop making the claims on it.

Kind of like how global warming became Climate change when they found out the planet was actually cooling..... Nice try....:lol::lol:
Still no science:cuckoo:

Whenever I see this kind of behavior I know I hit a nerve....

SO....How long you going to live in mom's basement? I bet you're a thirty-something porn addict who doesn't leave the house until mom makes you mow the lawn or take out the trash... Either that or you're some maladjusted, socially inept, home schooled, teenage pimple popper with too much free time...

So which is it DR. Douchebag?

LOL, takes real special kind of social outcast to get on a web forum and claim to be a doctor.... Seriously, how many people do you really think believe your bullshit? Or even better how many PHD, Masters, or BA degree holders with real research jobs (like you claim you are) actually either have the time to spend on here that you do, or would even feel the need to come here and try to convince people they are a doctor and worry about what some web forum people think about AGW???

HAHHAHAHAHA! Thats the most damming thing about it all really.... Why would DR with a research job care what some internet forum people think? Is there a lack of compelling conversation amongst the so-called intellectual elite? LOL

Dude you are an idiot... Only an idiot would deny logic and reason because of a theory has to be true... Like Sherlock Holmes said; if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how highly improbable, must be the truth. And the claims of ocean acidification cause by atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a prime example of this....

Now DR. Douchebag, why don't you go and think for yourself once, and use your own logic and reason for a change. And stop parroting what some else tells you. You claim to be so educated and smart, why not show it for a change....:lol:

actually no troll, no nerve hit. I'm laughing at your frothing at the mouth, excessive name calling rants, and continual lack of any scientific citations. Looks like we are the one that hit a nerve. The irony of calling me a child is I backed up what I said with actual science, and you have just ranted and raved. You think your comments are adult like? Not even a clever troll, just so blatant.


Still no science from you
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More classic excuse making...Nice!

It was CO2 in the atmosphere making the oceans acidic, and now its not just that but all of this too.....

Sure buddy sure.... Ya know what it really is? Its a snowjob.... THey are caught in this lie and so just like they do every other time the first try and make it vague and all encompassing, and then they will quietly stop making the claims on it.

Kind of like how global warming became Climate change when they found out the planet was actually cooling..... Nice try....:lol::lol:
Still no science:cuckoo:

Whenever I see this kind of behavior I know I hit a nerve....

SO....How long you going to live in mom's basement? I bet you're a thirty-something porn addict who doesn't leave the house until mom makes you mow the lawn or take out the trash... Either that or you're some maladjusted, socially inept, home schooled, teenage pimple popper with too much free time...
So which is it DR. Douchebag?

LOL, takes real special kind of social outcast to get on a web forum and claim to be a doctor.... Seriously, how many people do you really think believe your bullshit? Or even better how many PHD, Masters, or BA degree holders with real research jobs (like you claim you are) actually either have the time to spend on here that you do, or would even feel the need to come here and try to convince people they are a doctor and worry about what some web forum people think about AGW???

HAHHAHAHAHA! Thats the most damming thing about it all really.... Why would DR with a research job care what some internet forum people think? Is there a lack of compelling conversation amongst the so-called intellectual elite? LOL

Dude you are an idiot... Only an idiot would deny logic and reason because of a theory has to be true... Like Sherlock Holmes said; if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how highly improbable, must be the truth. And the claims of ocean acidification cause by atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a prime example of this....

Now DR. Douchebag, why don't you go and think for yourself once, and use your own logic and reason for a change. And stop parroting what some else tells you. You claim to be so educated and smart, why not show it for a change....:lol:

when youre badly losing an argument, accuse others of what youre doing (or are) lmfao, get a life
Still no science:cuckoo:

Whenever I see this kind of behavior I know I hit a nerve....

SO....How long you going to live in mom's basement? I bet you're a thirty-something porn addict who doesn't leave the house until mom makes you mow the lawn or take out the trash... Either that or you're some maladjusted, socially inept, home schooled, teenage pimple popper with too much free time...
So which is it DR. Douchebag?

LOL, takes real special kind of social outcast to get on a web forum and claim to be a doctor.... Seriously, how many people do you really think believe your bullshit? Or even better how many PHD, Masters, or BA degree holders with real research jobs (like you claim you are) actually either have the time to spend on here that you do, or would even feel the need to come here and try to convince people they are a doctor and worry about what some web forum people think about AGW???

HAHHAHAHAHA! Thats the most damming thing about it all really.... Why would DR with a research job care what some internet forum people think? Is there a lack of compelling conversation amongst the so-called intellectual elite? LOL

Dude you are an idiot... Only an idiot would deny logic and reason because of a theory has to be true... Like Sherlock Holmes said; if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how highly improbable, must be the truth. And the claims of ocean acidification cause by atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a prime example of this....

Now DR. Douchebag, why don't you go and think for yourself once, and use your own logic and reason for a change. And stop parroting what some else tells you. You claim to be so educated and smart, why not show it for a change....:lol:

when youre badly losing an argument, accuse others of what youre doing (or are) lmfao, get a life

Think that is his idea of being an adult:lol:
Still no science:cuckoo:

Whenever I see this kind of behavior I know I hit a nerve....

SO....How long you going to live in mom's basement? I bet you're a thirty-something porn addict who doesn't leave the house until mom makes you mow the lawn or take out the trash... Either that or you're some maladjusted, socially inept, home schooled, teenage pimple popper with too much free time...

So which is it DR. Douchebag?

LOL, takes real special kind of social outcast to get on a web forum and claim to be a doctor.... Seriously, how many people do you really think believe your bullshit? Or even better how many PHD, Masters, or BA degree holders with real research jobs (like you claim you are) actually either have the time to spend on here that you do, or would even feel the need to come here and try to convince people they are a doctor and worry about what some web forum people think about AGW???

HAHHAHAHAHA! Thats the most damming thing about it all really.... Why would DR with a research job care what some internet forum people think? Is there a lack of compelling conversation amongst the so-called intellectual elite? LOL

Dude you are an idiot... Only an idiot would deny logic and reason because of a theory has to be true... Like Sherlock Holmes said; if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how highly improbable, must be the truth. And the claims of ocean acidification cause by atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a prime example of this....

Now DR. Douchebag, why don't you go and think for yourself once, and use your own logic and reason for a change. And stop parroting what some else tells you. You claim to be so educated and smart, why not show it for a change....:lol:

actually no troll, no nerve hit. I'm laughing at your frothing at the mouth, excessive name calling rants, and continual lack of any scientific citations. Looks like we are the one that hit a nerve. The irony of calling me a child is I backed up what I said with actual science, and you have just ranted and raved. You think your comments are adult like? Not even a clever troll, just so blatant.


Still no science from you

Science? LOL, dude you went to a place whose sole purpose to prove the link between CO2 and ocean acidification and big shock you got what you wanted to hear... Science HA!

Dude you wouldn't know real science if it bit you.

As far as my comments, you may have noticed I haven't resorted to neg repping, but you have.... Care to enlighten as to how that is the behavior of a scientist?
Dude you are a fake, and a fraud. You are a doctor like I am the pope...:lol:
Still no science:cuckoo:

Whenever I see this kind of behavior I know I hit a nerve....

SO....How long you going to live in mom's basement? I bet you're a thirty-something porn addict who doesn't leave the house until mom makes you mow the lawn or take out the trash... Either that or you're some maladjusted, socially inept, home schooled, teenage pimple popper with too much free time...
So which is it DR. Douchebag?

LOL, takes real special kind of social outcast to get on a web forum and claim to be a doctor.... Seriously, how many people do you really think believe your bullshit? Or even better how many PHD, Masters, or BA degree holders with real research jobs (like you claim you are) actually either have the time to spend on here that you do, or would even feel the need to come here and try to convince people they are a doctor and worry about what some web forum people think about AGW???

HAHHAHAHAHA! Thats the most damming thing about it all really.... Why would DR with a research job care what some internet forum people think? Is there a lack of compelling conversation amongst the so-called intellectual elite? LOL

Dude you are an idiot... Only an idiot would deny logic and reason because of a theory has to be true... Like Sherlock Holmes said; if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how highly improbable, must be the truth. And the claims of ocean acidification cause by atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a prime example of this....

Now DR. Douchebag, why don't you go and think for yourself once, and use your own logic and reason for a change. And stop parroting what some else tells you. You claim to be so educated and smart, why not show it for a change....:lol:

when youre badly losing an argument, accuse others of what youre doing (or are) lmfao, get a life

First post? No we see you have a lot of posts, but no rep power.... How does that happen? So many posts yet no rep....

HA! my azz, so whose little friend or sockpuppet are you? Very very mature...
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Whenever I see this kind of behavior I know I hit a nerve....

SO....How long you going to live in mom's basement? I bet you're a thirty-something porn addict who doesn't leave the house until mom makes you mow the lawn or take out the trash... Either that or you're some maladjusted, socially inept, home schooled, teenage pimple popper with too much free time...

So which is it DR. Douchebag?

LOL, takes real special kind of social outcast to get on a web forum and claim to be a doctor.... Seriously, how many people do you really think believe your bullshit? Or even better how many PHD, Masters, or BA degree holders with real research jobs (like you claim you are) actually either have the time to spend on here that you do, or would even feel the need to come here and try to convince people they are a doctor and worry about what some web forum people think about AGW???

HAHHAHAHAHA! Thats the most damming thing about it all really.... Why would DR with a research job care what some internet forum people think? Is there a lack of compelling conversation amongst the so-called intellectual elite? LOL

Dude you are an idiot... Only an idiot would deny logic and reason because of a theory has to be true... Like Sherlock Holmes said; if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how highly improbable, must be the truth. And the claims of ocean acidification cause by atmospheric CO2 concentrations is a prime example of this....

Now DR. Douchebag, why don't you go and think for yourself once, and use your own logic and reason for a change. And stop parroting what some else tells you. You claim to be so educated and smart, why not show it for a change....:lol:

actually no troll, no nerve hit. I'm laughing at your frothing at the mouth, excessive name calling rants, and continual lack of any scientific citations. Looks like we are the one that hit a nerve. The irony of calling me a child is I backed up what I said with actual science, and you have just ranted and raved. You think your comments are adult like? Not even a clever troll, just so blatant.


Still no science from you

Science? LOL, dude you went to a place whose sole purpose to prove the link between CO2 and ocean acidification and big shock you got what you wanted to hear... Science HA!

Dude you wouldn't know real science if it bit you.

As far as my comments, you may have noticed I haven't resorted to neg repping, but you have.... Care to enlighten as to how that is the behavior of a scientist?
Dude you are a fake, and a fraud. You are a doctor like I am the pope...:lol:

Yet, I support my statements with links to peer reviewed articles, and you just spout bullshit without backing or supporting anything you said. Yes, I'm the one that doesn't know anything about science :lol: how many years of research experience do you have, I have 11 years

Still no science to back up anything you said. Please, where is the peer reviewed journal article supporting your claims, Old Rocks and I have provided plenty.
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actually no troll, no nerve hit. I'm laughing at your frothing at the mouth, excessive name calling rants, and continual lack of any scientific citations. Looks like we are the one that hit a nerve. The irony of calling me a child is I backed up what I said with actual science, and you have just ranted and raved. You think your comments are adult like? Not even a clever troll, just so blatant.


Still no science from you

Science? LOL, dude you went to a place whose sole purpose to prove the link between CO2 and ocean acidification and big shock you got what you wanted to hear... Science HA!

Dude you wouldn't know real science if it bit you.

As far as my comments, you may have noticed I haven't resorted to neg repping, but you have.... Care to enlighten as to how that is the behavior of a scientist?
Dude you are a fake, and a fraud. You are a doctor like I am the pope...:lol:

Yet, I support my statements with links to peer reviewed articles, and you just spout bullshit without backing or supporting anything you said. Yes, I'm the one that doesn't know anything about science :lol:

Get a life troll


I didn't make any claims I refuted your claims moron. You have done nothing but repeat the AGW algorian mantra. So what if it comes from a group dedicated to its study, what do you expect from a pig but a grunt..

I have yet to see anything that addresses the truth of the theory itself. ALL of the crap you and dipshit have posted relies on the same assumption. Hell oldsocks even posted from groups whose very existence relies on the theory already being fact. WTF? Its not fact because it has very large holes in it...

You algorians crack me up. You cite this peer review as absolute truth when any science major could tell you peer review is not a statement of fact. Look at all the theories that are proven wrong after publishing and peer review. Now grow up and actually learn a little bit more than what they tell you moron.

You realize the paper disproving the hockey stick graph was peer reviewed. Yeah dr dipshit peer review is not a statement of fact, and anyone who claims it is, is an idiot or a liar...
Science? LOL, dude you went to a place whose sole purpose to prove the link between CO2 and ocean acidification and big shock you got what you wanted to hear... Science HA!

Dude you wouldn't know real science if it bit you.

As far as my comments, you may have noticed I haven't resorted to neg repping, but you have.... Care to enlighten as to how that is the behavior of a scientist?
Dude you are a fake, and a fraud. You are a doctor like I am the pope...:lol:

Yet, I support my statements with links to peer reviewed articles, and you just spout bullshit without backing or supporting anything you said. Yes, I'm the one that doesn't know anything about science :lol:

Get a life troll


I didn't make any claims I refuted your claims moron. You have done nothing but repeat the AGW algorian mantra. So what if it comes from a group dedicated to its study, what do you expect from a pig but a grunt..

I have yet to see anything that addresses the truth of the theory itself. ALL of the crap you and dipshit have posted relies on the same assumption. Hell oldsocks even posted from groups whose very existence relies on the theory already being fact. WTF? Its not fact because it has very large holes in it...

You algorians crack me up. You cite this peer review as absolute truth when any science major could tell you peer review is not a statement of fact. Look at all the theories that are proven wrong after publishing and peer review. Now grow up and actually learn a little bit more than what they tell you moron.

You realize the paper disproving the hockey stick graph was peer reviewed. Yeah dr dipshit peer review is not a statement of fact, and anyone who claims it is, is an idiot or a liar...

In order to refute, you need stuff to back it up. Simply making bullshit statements is not backing anything up. Maybe you should publish your results if you can refute the scientifically supported position of ocean acidification. Oh, that's right, you think you can refute stuff without showing any supporting evidence and scientifically supported facts :cuckoo:

:lol:Quite funny to see you continually make an ass out of yourself

get off the forum child
Yet, I support my statements with links to peer reviewed articles, and you just spout bullshit without backing or supporting anything you said. Yes, I'm the one that doesn't know anything about science :lol:

Get a life troll


I didn't make any claims I refuted your claims moron. You have done nothing but repeat the AGW algorian mantra. So what if it comes from a group dedicated to its study, what do you expect from a pig but a grunt..

I have yet to see anything that addresses the truth of the theory itself. ALL of the crap you and dipshit have posted relies on the same assumption. Hell oldsocks even posted from groups whose very existence relies on the theory already being fact. WTF? Its not fact because it has very large holes in it...

You algorians crack me up. You cite this peer review as absolute truth when any science major could tell you peer review is not a statement of fact. Look at all the theories that are proven wrong after publishing and peer review. Now grow up and actually learn a little bit more than what they tell you moron.

You realize the paper disproving the hockey stick graph was peer reviewed. Yeah dr dipshit peer review is not a statement of fact, and anyone who claims it is, is an idiot or a liar...

In order to refute, you need stuff to back it up. Simply making bullshit statements is not backing anything up. Maybe you should publish your results if you can refute the scientifically supported position of ocean acidification. Oh, that's right, you think you can refute stuff without showing any supporting evidence and scientifically supported facts :cuckoo:

:lol:Quite funny to see you continually make an ass out of yourself

get off the forum child

They aren't bullshit statements dr douchebag, they are a challenge to the logic. A challenge that you have avoided like a plague, you and your little algorian pal. You keep posting all kinds of crap that does not address the point I raised and then try to contend it refutes something... Dumazz do you understand anything I say to you at all? Or are you too dam ignorant to understand how to think?

Do you understand critical thinking? How about logic? Do you get the fact there is an entire community of scientists all banking on this AGW being sound? Entire research budgets get granted and taken away based on its application to AGW and related studies. SO you will find peer reviewed papers to wipe the azz of every body on the planet and still have paper left. And in the end it won't make any of it any more true or factual than it was in al gores film...

Now grow up basement boy, you been caught trying to play doctor with the wrong man..... You are no scientists punk....
You have done nothing but repeat the AGW algorian mantra.

Prima facie evidence that the poster doesn't understand the topic. Those that do, discuss it. Those that don't, mention Gore.

I didn't make any claims I refuted your claims moron. You have done nothing but repeat the AGW algorian mantra. So what if it comes from a group dedicated to its study, what do you expect from a pig but a grunt..

I have yet to see anything that addresses the truth of the theory itself. ALL of the crap you and dipshit have posted relies on the same assumption. Hell oldsocks even posted from groups whose very existence relies on the theory already being fact. WTF? Its not fact because it has very large holes in it...

You algorians crack me up. You cite this peer review as absolute truth when any science major could tell you peer review is not a statement of fact. Look at all the theories that are proven wrong after publishing and peer review. Now grow up and actually learn a little bit more than what they tell you moron.

You realize the paper disproving the hockey stick graph was peer reviewed. Yeah dr dipshit peer review is not a statement of fact, and anyone who claims it is, is an idiot or a liar...

In order to refute, you need stuff to back it up. Simply making bullshit statements is not backing anything up. Maybe you should publish your results if you can refute the scientifically supported position of ocean acidification. Oh, that's right, you think you can refute stuff without showing any supporting evidence and scientifically supported facts :cuckoo:

:lol:Quite funny to see you continually make an ass out of yourself

get off the forum child

They aren't bullshit statements dr douchebag, they are a challenge to the logic. A challenge that you have avoided like a plague, you and your little algorian pal. You keep posting all kinds of crap that does not address the point I raised and then try to contend it refutes something... Dumazz do you understand anything I say to you at all? Or are you too dam ignorant to understand how to think?

Do you understand critical thinking? How about logic? Do you get the fact there is an entire community of scientists all banking on this AGW being sound? Entire research budgets get granted and taken away based on its application to AGW and related studies. SO you will find peer reviewed papers to wipe the azz of every body on the planet and still have paper left. And in the end it won't make any of it any more true or factual than it was in al gores film...

Now grow up basement boy, you been caught trying to play doctor with the wrong man..... You are no scientists punk....

In science, you have to prove your logic. THis isn't philosophy where you just make wild statements without anything to back it up. That's what separates philosophy from science, in science you seek to support your logic is in fact true, until then, its nothing but unsubstantiated bullshit.
Funny you think you have better logic than the leading scientists in the matter that have been highly educated and are experts on the field.:lol:
In the last year we have:

1. Discovered raw data is almost impossible to retrieve.
2. Discovered sea level is dropping.
3. Found the bulk of ice caps are growing globally.
4. See that the lead science body has made a habit of manipulating data.
5. Know that opposition to the global warming group has been harassed in the science community.
6. Had to correct a great deal of results due to errors.
7. Found gross errors in UN climate documents.

On this board, a number of us have repeatedly shown the faithers to be absolutely certain of the warming and consider it settled science. konradv, please consider distancing yourself from the trolling so often done by Dr Gregg. There is hope for you still.
In the last year we have:

1. Discovered raw data is almost impossible to retrieve.
2. Discovered sea level is dropping.
3. Found the bulk of ice caps are growing globally.
4. See that the lead science body has made a habit of manipulating data.
5. Know that opposition to the global warming group has been harassed in the science community.
6. Had to correct a great deal of results due to errors.
7. Found gross errors in UN climate documents.

On this board, a number of us have repeatedly shown the faithers to be absolutely certain of the warming and consider it settled science. konradv, please consider distancing yourself from the trolling so often done by Dr Gregg. There is hope for you still.

Sure, trolling with facts and logic and making all you ignorant, partisan hack assholes look stupid :lol:

Like someone who claims pissing on someone is free speech really has a foot to stand on :lol:
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