Ocean acidification

Distilled water's ph is between 5.6 and 7. It is going to move toward 7 or above with the introduction of any acid. I guess my question is this, you finding much distilled water in the oceans, lakes and rivers of the world?
gslack, did not even bother to read more than three sentences into your silly rant. You are just not worth the time to reply.

Oldsocks, you are an al gore faithful, your jumping from this part of AGW theory to the other without affirming the original is evidence to that. in this thread alone you have tried desperately to not prove this or that part of it right, but rather to confound the thread with an endless barrage of crap all saying the same thing. you don't really care if the theory is sound, all you care about is pushing it because they tell you to...

So why don't you just kiss my azz. I know you didn't read it, you never even read the crap you parrot or post here. And that is an established fact...

So dumb, Al Gore has nothing to do with the science, he's just a spokesperson. The actual science and what actual scientists have to say that matters. Once again, shows you know shit about science if you are going to claim Al Gore has anything to do with the science behind global warming

Finally decided to show your sorry face again in here.... WHY DIDN'T YOU ADDRESS MY LAST POST TO YOU?

The fact is MR FAKE internet Doctor, I have shown more scientific process, a greater ability to think logically and critically, and a much greater understanding of all of this than you, your sock/friend, oldsocks, and all the rest of your ignorant green army.

ALL you have done is parrot crap from others, you have not explained, demonstrated, or given any indication that you understand any of it. I just posted the reality behind the theory of CO2 and ocean acidification and you avoided it only to try and sneak back in and try to avert the truth again.

IF you had any scientific part in you, you would have had the ability and the desire to give some logic to the blind posting, and would have taken greater care to address the actual points raised. Instead of this you have parroted synapses from science journals and then proclaiming it some kind of refutation of my points. When in reality they all took the same premise at face value. And that was the entire issue I made.

That issue was not one I got from some blog or science paper telling me exactly what I wanted to hear on a subject I was expressly looking for only one side of. NO it came from simple logic, critical thinking, and a desire for real truth. And all you have managed to do about it is scream about science they give you....

You are a complete and utter fool. You have as musch to do with science as I do used car sales. And you are as much a PHD holder as I am being Brad Pitt.

Now if you aren't going to show some of the traits of a scientist; critical thinking, logic, reason, process of elimination, and the desire for real truth, just admit and drop the fake act already...
Oldsocks, you are an al gore faithful, your jumping from this part of AGW theory to the other without affirming the original is evidence to that. in this thread alone you have tried desperately to not prove this or that part of it right, but rather to confound the thread with an endless barrage of crap all saying the same thing. you don't really care if the theory is sound, all you care about is pushing it because they tell you to...

So why don't you just kiss my azz. I know you didn't read it, you never even read the crap you parrot or post here. And that is an established fact...

So dumb, Al Gore has nothing to do with the science, he's just a spokesperson. The actual science and what actual scientists have to say that matters. Once again, shows you know shit about science if you are going to claim Al Gore has anything to do with the science behind global warming

Finally decided to show your sorry face again in here.... WHY DIDN'T YOU ADDRESS MY LAST POST TO YOU?

The fact is MR FAKE internet Doctor, I have shown more scientific process, a greater ability to think logically and critically, and a much greater understanding of all of this than you, your sock/friend, oldsocks, and all the rest of your ignorant green army.

ALL you have done is parrot crap from others, you have not explained, demonstrated, or given any indication that you understand any of it. I just posted the reality behind the theory of CO2 and ocean acidification and you avoided it only to try and sneak back in and try to avert the truth again.

IF you had any scientific part in you, you would have had the ability and the desire to give some logic to the blind posting, and would have taken greater care to address the actual points raised. Instead of this you have parroted synapses from science journals and then proclaiming it some kind of refutation of my points. When in reality they all took the same premise at face value. And that was the entire issue I made.

That issue was not one I got from some blog or science paper telling me exactly what I wanted to hear on a subject I was expressly looking for only one side of. NO it came from simple logic, critical thinking, and a desire for real truth. And all you have managed to do about it is scream about science they give you....

You are a complete and utter fool. You have as musch to do with science as I do used car sales. And you are as much a PHD holder as I am being Brad Pitt.

Now if you aren't going to show some of the traits of a scientist; critical thinking, logic, reason, process of elimination, and the desire for real truth, just admit and drop the fake act already...

No point, you don't give a shit, and none of your posts are backed up with science.

Keep trolling, we are laughing at you
So dumb, Al Gore has nothing to do with the science, he's just a spokesperson. The actual science and what actual scientists have to say that matters. Once again, shows you know shit about science if you are going to claim Al Gore has anything to do with the science behind global warming

Finally decided to show your sorry face again in here.... WHY DIDN'T YOU ADDRESS MY LAST POST TO YOU?

The fact is MR FAKE internet Doctor, I have shown more scientific process, a greater ability to think logically and critically, and a much greater understanding of all of this than you, your sock/friend, oldsocks, and all the rest of your ignorant green army.

ALL you have done is parrot crap from others, you have not explained, demonstrated, or given any indication that you understand any of it. I just posted the reality behind the theory of CO2 and ocean acidification and you avoided it only to try and sneak back in and try to avert the truth again.

IF you had any scientific part in you, you would have had the ability and the desire to give some logic to the blind posting, and would have taken greater care to address the actual points raised. Instead of this you have parroted synapses from science journals and then proclaiming it some kind of refutation of my points. When in reality they all took the same premise at face value. And that was the entire issue I made.

That issue was not one I got from some blog or science paper telling me exactly what I wanted to hear on a subject I was expressly looking for only one side of. NO it came from simple logic, critical thinking, and a desire for real truth. And all you have managed to do about it is scream about science they give you....

You are a complete and utter fool. You have as musch to do with science as I do used car sales. And you are as much a PHD holder as I am being Brad Pitt.

Now if you aren't going to show some of the traits of a scientist; critical thinking, logic, reason, process of elimination, and the desire for real truth, just admit and drop the fake act already...

No point, you don't give a shit, and none of your posts are backed up with science.

Keep trolling, we are laughing at you

"WE" as in you, your mom, your sock/pal, and your green army of what is it 3?

LOL,DR. Douchebag, You have been outed in a grand and all telling manner already. Please keep on with your BS so the thread is continually viewed over and again. That way everyone can see you for the fake scientist you are...:lol:
Finally decided to show your sorry face again in here.... WHY DIDN'T YOU ADDRESS MY LAST POST TO YOU?

The fact is MR FAKE internet Doctor, I have shown more scientific process, a greater ability to think logically and critically, and a much greater understanding of all of this than you, your sock/friend, oldsocks, and all the rest of your ignorant green army.

ALL you have done is parrot crap from others, you have not explained, demonstrated, or given any indication that you understand any of it. I just posted the reality behind the theory of CO2 and ocean acidification and you avoided it only to try and sneak back in and try to avert the truth again.

IF you had any scientific part in you, you would have had the ability and the desire to give some logic to the blind posting, and would have taken greater care to address the actual points raised. Instead of this you have parroted synapses from science journals and then proclaiming it some kind of refutation of my points. When in reality they all took the same premise at face value. And that was the entire issue I made.

That issue was not one I got from some blog or science paper telling me exactly what I wanted to hear on a subject I was expressly looking for only one side of. NO it came from simple logic, critical thinking, and a desire for real truth. And all you have managed to do about it is scream about science they give you....

You are a complete and utter fool. You have as musch to do with science as I do used car sales. And you are as much a PHD holder as I am being Brad Pitt.

Now if you aren't going to show some of the traits of a scientist; critical thinking, logic, reason, process of elimination, and the desire for real truth, just admit and drop the fake act already...

No point, you don't give a shit, and none of your posts are backed up with science.

Keep trolling, we are laughing at you

"WE" as in you, your mom, your sock/pal, and your green army of what is it 3?

LOL,DR. Douchebag, You have been outed in a grand and all telling manner already. Please keep on with your BS so the thread is continually viewed over and again. That way everyone can see you for the fake scientist you are...:lol:

says the person who bastardizes science and has no clue what scientific evidence is
We, as in multiple personalities. One of which is a genetics scientist. The dominant one is a troll.
No point, you don't give a shit, and none of your posts are backed up with science.

Keep trolling, we are laughing at you

"WE" as in you, your mom, your sock/pal, and your green army of what is it 3?

LOL,DR. Douchebag, You have been outed in a grand and all telling manner already. Please keep on with your BS so the thread is continually viewed over and again. That way everyone can see you for the fake scientist you are...:lol:

says the person who bastardizes science and has no clue what scientific evidence is

YOUR definition of scientific evidence so far has been,to say look what this scientists said out of context and offhand which I got following a link from a green blog...

So you claim to be a Geneticist huh? Sure you are buddy sure you are... All of the geneticists take all claims by scientists they agree with at face value without question, or is that just the idiotic fake ones like you?
Distilled water's ph is between 5.6 and 7. It is going to move toward 7 or above with the introduction of any acid. I guess my question is this, you finding much distilled water in the oceans, lakes and rivers of the world?

LOL!!! Do you understand pH at all? Is that why you had to ask a stupid question? To cover up that fact? Read a chem text and get back to us.
CO2 alone will not effect PH balance in water on its own enough to make any real measurable difference in the ocean.

That's a statement for which there is no proof whatsoever. How can you claim to be discussing the topic scientifically and make such a unscientific statement. Proving a negative is difficult at best and here you claim it with no evidence at all.
Distilled water's ph is between 5.6 and 7. It is going to move toward 7 or above with the introduction of any acid. I guess my question is this, you finding much distilled water in the oceans, lakes and rivers of the world?

LOL!!! Do you understand pH at all? Is that why you had to ask a stupid question? To cover up that fact? Read a chem text and get back to us.

Nope, I asked a stupid question to trap stupid people. Welcome to the trap sucker.
Distilled water's ph is between 5.6 and 7. It is going to move toward 7 or above with the introduction of any acid. I guess my question is this, you finding much distilled water in the oceans, lakes and rivers of the world?

LOL!!! Do you understand pH at all? Is that why you had to ask a stupid question? To cover up that fact? Read a chem text and get back to us.

Moron enough of your idiocy already! You have no knowledge of any of this so shut the fuck up! Seriously, all you have done is pop your head in randomly and spout off how wrong we are. You haven't shown any understanding what so ever. This will be the last lesson I give you moron....

Pool Water Chemistry


pH is the single most important element in swimming pool water chemistry. It affects every other chemical balance in pool water.

pH is a measure of hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in water. It indicates the relative acidity or basicity of pool water. pH is measured on a scale of 0 (strong acid) to 14 (strong base) with 7 being the neutral pH.

In pools a slightly alkaline pH of 7.4 to 7.6 is most desirable because this range is most comfortable to the human eye and provides for optimum use of free chlorine while maintaining water that is not corrosive or scale forming.

If pH is too low (below 7)

Water becomes acidic
Chlorine residuals dissipate rapidly
Eye irritation occurs
Plaster walls are etched
Metal fittings, pump impeller, heater core may corrode
Dissolved metals may leave stains on walls
Rapid Loss of alkalinity

If pH is too high (above 8)

Chlorine activity is slowed and inefficient
Scale formation and discoloration of pool walls
Water becomes cloudy
Filter is overworked
Eye irritation may occur

Read that.... Understand it yet? Well lets hope so.

By that very accurate and unbiased source we learn the basis of PH. Follow me? Moving on....
If you want a very long detailed explanation read the wikki link below.

pH - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For simplicities sake lets use a standard and recognized chart graphic....


Notice the chart mentions distilled water..... yeah its at 7 which is considered neutral its in the middle of the dam chart... YOU mentioned distilled water and how CO2 will lower the PH(raise acidity level) in distilled water... WELL NO SHIT! You add any kind of PH lowering element to a pure (or as close as possible) neutral PH environment and the PH will lower.

On the chart notice where Distilled water is? now notice where Sea water is... Yeah idiot, distilled water is already lower by 1 full unit. Also in ocean waters we have various and innumerable other elements and compounds which counteract the effects of CO2 lowering the PH. Which means; one, it is already higher on the PH scale than distilled water requiring even more CO2 to effect change, and two its full impurities, compounds, alkali and various factors which resist and act against the effects of CO2.

Which brings me back to my point you keep crying about. All the factors mentioned above and even some other factors we are not yet sure on, make it so CO2 alone cannot raise acidity levels to any drastic or dangerous amounts. Its a part of a much bigger process....

Now stop trolling and use the quote feature correctly you annoying little weasel.. Again you aren't unique, clever, or stand out. You are just annoying and show your immaturity.
Funny to see the trolls call other's trolls. FUnny to see such contradictory responses. Saveliberty asshole cries when called names, yet goes around trolling and calling people names. PHony

Gsuck, his posts speak for themselves :lol:
LOL!!! Saveliberty and gslack don't like being told they're wrong, do they? Having spent my entire career in a scientific environment, I think I know a little bit about pH and apparently a lot more than either of our deniers, who will go with ANYTHING as long as it opposes AGW, whether it makes sense or not!!!
I wonder now if they're going to try and say that the volcanic ash is going to speed up the process?

My money's on 'yes'.
Funny to see the trolls call other's trolls. FUnny to see such contradictory responses. Saveliberty asshole cries when called names, yet goes around trolling and calling people names. PHony

Gsuck, his posts speak for themselves :lol:

Whats the matter punk, you're not crying for science anymore...

What happened? Afraid to look even more idiotic? You should be... How long have you been pulling this crap on people here? I bet you been playing scientist all over the web using this same shtick.

Well think of this as a peer review... This is a web forum, and we are all members of that web forum. Therefore we are your peers. And since you like to come in and cry about peer review, we have reviewed your act. Our findings are as follows...

We the community of intelligent USMB members have reviewed your scientist and Doctorate holding claims and found the following discrepancies.

We, the intelligent members of USMB, find the claims of your being a scientist working in the field of genetics to be very dubious and lacking credibility. We came to this conclusion based on your manner, speech, and behavior. Also we have found a lack of any substantive knowledge on your part that one would expect from a scientist. Particularly one with such credentials you claim.

The reasons are:

1. You show no desire nor ability to study scientific claims by others. You only parrot what others tell you and show no concern for their logic so long as you like their claims.

2. You show time again a tendency to try and shout-down, confound, and or ignore all other scientific possibilities, theories or hypothesis that do not conform to your preconceived or desired form or claim.

3. You continually talk on the pretense that peer review or publishing in a science journal makes a theory fact. When a real scientist would know this is nowhere near the truth.

4. When you are confronted on the fact peer review is not a statement of this or that theory becoming fact, you ignore that and keep on talking as if it wasn't brought up at all or you post another peer review synapse and claim it refutes the point.

5. A real scientist would not seek the approval of scientific theory or any such matters from virtually anonymous members of a web forum. What would be the point? They aren't the scientific community, they are not in charge of policy or fact vs theory decisions, and true discussion of science where real scientists are concerned take place in and amongst other scientists. But as you so pathologically show us, this is all you wish to do.

6. You have shown no reason to believe you are anything more than a basement dwelling momma's boy with a massive need to feel superior to everyone else. You show no reason for us to consider you better or more educated, yet you try and tell us you are and we should just accept it.

7. Your complete and total ignorance of what you speak of and post on, is an undeniable testament to the truth you are NOT a scientist. You have shown nothing but an ability to post from what other real scientists have done and claim it fact. There is no logical conclusion or deductive reason employed by you in any of your postings. Just a copying of what some like-minded scientists say.

8. You pretend (or actually believe) that all the reasons stated here are as you so smartly put it are dismissed by saying "no science from you yet" or "still no science"... Again no trademark of a scientific mind trained and educated or otherwise, just the kind of thing one expects from a parroting buffoon.

9. You think yourself better, smarter, more qualified on this subject based on a (fake) education in an unrelated field. No real scientist thinks in those kind of terms.

10. You came in here name-calling and insulting people, and then cry when its handed back. Again, a scientist wouldn't bother...

In conclusion, we the intelligent members of USMB forum, find your claims and pretense of your being a scientist to be blatantly false in every respect.
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LOL!!! Saveliberty and gslack don't like being told they're wrong, do they? Having spent my entire career in a scientific environment, I think I know a little bit about pH and apparently a lot more than either of our deniers, who will go with ANYTHING as long as it opposes AGW, whether it makes sense or not!!!

Oh good another fake scientist.....

Lets handle you too now shall we....

Please respond to my post to you then science boy...
LOL!!! Saveliberty and gslack don't like being told they're wrong, do they? Having spent my entire career in a scientific environment, I think I know a little bit about pH and apparently a lot more than either of our deniers, who will go with ANYTHING as long as it opposes AGW, whether it makes sense or not!!!


What was your position? enviromental technician?

(garbage collector)
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LOL!!! Saveliberty and gslack don't like being told they're wrong, do they? Having spent my entire career in a scientific environment, I think I know a little bit about pH and apparently a lot more than either of our deniers, who will go with ANYTHING as long as it opposes AGW, whether it makes sense or not!!!


What was your position? enviromental technician?

(garbage collector)

The same position he has here, DR. Douchebags parroting bitch....:lol:
LOL!!! Saveliberty and gslack don't like being told they're wrong, do they? Having spent my entire career in a scientific environment, I think I know a little bit about pH and apparently a lot more than either of our deniers, who will go with ANYTHING as long as it opposes AGW, whether it makes sense or not!!!


What was your position? enviromental technician?

(garbage collector)

The same position he has here, DR. Douchebags parroting bitch....:lol:

Obviously nothing higher up in science as his constant name calling and lack of citing peer reviewed articles, as well as thinking spouting rants on an message board can overturn scientific theories supported by evidence, from the experts in the field.
konradv and Dr Gregg, the gifts that keep on failing. Can't wait for the news about April being a huge month for ice cap melting from global warming. Never mind the huge volcaneo eruption.

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